halflife2.net: Art contest #1 - DISCUSSION

A missed opportunity, Toffee. :( When will my warnings be gone, dammit! :(
20 days remember, and now Toffee's gone too, I have another 150% chance leaving my at something like 0.4% (can't remember what I was at exactly :P)
Toffee said:
lol.How can you say that when you havent even seen what I started with?! :rolleyes:

saw the sketches.
Nosferatu = WIN
CR0M said:
saw the sketches.
Nosferatu = WIN
Oh that! lol. Should have finished it then, and not started a new one. Too late :E
will still be good, going on your past work

unless you're a 10 year old American girl with a talented father and a jesus fetish
Think I'll stop trying to win, I stand no chance
Druckles said:
Think I'll stop trying to win, I stand no chance
Well, arent you feeling a bit low-spirited today?
I´d definitely like to see more of your stuff. Winning isnt everything you know, and that attitude wont take you anywhere, young man. :)
Druckles said:
Think I'll stop trying to win, I stand no chance
Thinking like that will just make your work suffer. Your only as good as you think you are, if you convince yourself your no good, pretty soon you wont be. Think and believe you'll do better and you will.
I'm working on a new project involving combine assassiness :P
Expect something more 'deviant' :cheese:
cremator666, i only have one word for your art, GENIOUS

edit: who was the 10 year old girl who had her dad do the paintings?
who was the 10 year old girl who had her dad do the paintings?

I think that thread is around here somewhere....dig it up, if you want it includes the link to the girl's website. :P
The Dark Elf said:
Thinking like that will just make your work suffer. Your only as good as you think you are, if you convince yourself your no good, pretty soon you wont be. Think and believe you'll do better and you will.

Suffer? My work couldn't suffer anymore than it is. Just looking at the thing I produced, it was pathetic! Just look at the blood on the eyes, and compare the whole thing with anyone elses... I hardly stand a chance. It's not about winning, it's about trying to look good, and that's something I failed. I should get a prize for embarrasing myself.
Why is it Druckles you always have to put yourself down? What you produced was not pathetic in the slightest - it was actually very good. You've got to remember your competeing against very very very talented people - just because you think you're not as good as them - doesn't make you shit. Can I ask, how old are you? People you're comparing your work with maybe older than you, hence alot more experienced. I can't say how much I've improved over the last 3 years alone. And lastly - Take focking pride in your work!
I don't take pride in the way I walk never mind the work I do. I'm 15 and really having a stressfull time, so I can't be bothered liking me or anything I do. Its not the comparison really, it's just the work in general. I don't like it
Compare you work to other 15 year old kids. I bet the nearly all of them couldn't produce work as good as that. Fair enough if you don't like it personally - I understand what your saying, but it just seems every single post of yours that I've read your putting yourself down one way or another :p
Druckles said:
Suffer? My work couldn't suffer anymore than it is. Just looking at the thing I produced, it was pathetic! Just look at the blood on the eyes, and compare the whole thing with anyone elses... I hardly stand a chance. It's not about winning, it's about trying to look good, and that's something I failed. I should get a prize for embarrasing myself.
art isn't about trying to look good, what dumbass told you that? If any of the people I know saw you say that they'd slap you across the face :p

As for thinking your work sucks against other peoples, hell we ALL go through that. Everyday I see work from my peers and mumble under my breath about how much better it is than mine. I would put money on it that if you spoke to them, they'd tell you the very same story, giving names of other artists that wipe the floor with them, and those too would have the same story and so on and so on. The only people out there who wouldn't do that are likely so far up themselves, their work sucks anyway. So far anyone I've met who thought they really were better than everyone else produced the worst work.

Art is art, unless its in the tate modern. And you can sig that lol :p
You should hear me in RL. I just don't like my image in between those other two, it just doesn't fit. And the background is quite pathetic, the generator thingy things are crap and the electricity is so cheesy!
what was her account name? and can someone link it?

edit: druckles, your 15, thats really good, so dont put yourself down
ktimekiller said:
what was her account name? and can someone link it?

edit: druckles, your 15, thats really good, so dont put yourself down

She didn't have an account here, she was some random girl in the states we were discussing
The link's here:

Cheer up, Druckles, you're not that bad. :D
btw, are you on one of your 'low self-esteem' day again? :O
Why do people keep trying to convince me Im good at things?
People say I'm "amazing" at guitar and Im like... no im not! And then when I play basketball they're like - wow! He's good, and Im the crappest person on the crappest team on the league. Hell, this week we lost against a bunch of rookies, in their second or third match! It was a 41-15 defeat, and they still try and say I'm good.

Anyway, it's quite clear we have an obvious winner. But maybe several people will vote in the next 8 hours or something, who knows?
Druckles said:
Why do people keep trying to convince me Im good at things?
People say I'm "amazing" at guitar and Im like... no im not! And then when I play basketball they're like - wow! He's good, and Im the crappest person on the crappest team on the league. Hell, this week we lost against a bunch of rookies, in their second or third match! It was a 41-15 defeat, and they still try and say I'm good.

Anyway, it's quite clear we have an obvious winner. But maybe several people will vote in the next 8 hours or something, who knows?

I dont think they´re trying to convince you, more like to spur, lift the spirit in you, to make you do better. And you should accept a compliment when someone tells you one and not reject it like that. :/

hmm, yeah I knew he would win with that piece. It is HL2 related and this is a HL2 site you know :)

..so, whats the next competitions going to be then? :)
Matte Painting ??
I thought... perhaps blood? Much better theme
I also had an idea in English when i was dozing off (poetry is boring!) but I can't remember it now. Ever want amnaesia? Listen to some woman drone on about some poem about potatoes for and hour as you attempt to write it all down, it drains your memory.
If I remember it, Ill tell you
omg, there is no ****ing way that rich ass spoiled looking girl can draw that good, is there proof that her dad draw them? i believe she didnt do it, but is there proof?
LOL are you sure your in the right thread timekiller? :laugh:
when is art contest two happening?

I want to work longer on my work this time.
yea, school sucks, cant wait till im done with middle school and then high and then college, but thats like 10 years T_T
IF no-one minds i'll make another contest here :D

if it wasn't official would you guys still enter it? I'm enthusiastic to make a contest. It wouldn't be as strict as the one before, and would instead welcome more "sketchy" drawings as well as masterpeices. So what d'ya say? ready for round two?

DarkElf said:
Contest subforum

You can't post in here unless its according to the rules and related to the contest in question. When the contest has ended, all WIP entrance threads will be moved back into the main art section.

Now that there's no-one who is actually going to moderate the contests forum (i'm presuming none of the other mods can be bothered? lol) Is it OK if we can make our own contests here? Maybe as well as an "unofficial" art contest, people could make their own "mini" contests that have no closing date and instead just involve people posting sketches relating to the topic :)