halflife2.net: Art contest #1 - DISCUSSION

If nothing happens soon, I'll make an un-official one that you can all participate in. There's usually a supermod on msn (well, badger at least ;) ) so it wouldn't be hard to close it on deadline, and a poll is easy enough to make. Not only that but the members on this particular forum have the decency to stick to the rules, and those who don't would simply be left out of the voting poll.

So what'dya say? would you all participate if I made one one in a couple of days? I wouldn't be able to make it today or tomorrow, as i'm sitting in the top floor of the Oxford virgin megastore, and my £1 intrenet voucher is running out fast ;)

See you on thursday, when I get back :)
Suicide42 said:
If nothing happens soon, I'll make an un-official one that you can all participate in. There's usually a supermod on msn (well, badger at least ;) ) so it wouldn't be hard to close it on deadline, and a poll is easy enough to make. Not only that but the members on this particular forum have the decency to stick to the rules, and those who don't would simply be left out of the voting poll.

So what'dya say? would you all participate if I made one one in a couple of days? I wouldn't be able to make it today or tomorrow, as i'm sitting in the top floor of the Oxford virgin megastore, and my £1 intrenet voucher is running out fast ;)

See you on thursday, when I get back :)
hehe "there's usually a supermod on msn" which is why I hated people adding me on MSN cause it always ended up about getting me to do stuff for them, hence the blockage for the random nuts who'd add me having never even spoken to me before lol. Really annoyed me how some people assumed just cause they had a couple of mods on their contact list they could consider them their personal moderators.. IRC was just as bad, you'd constantly have people PMing you wanting you to do this and do that, then when you try hide your name some prat tells them when they ask so they still track you down.

Ok rant over with.

Anyhoo if this part of the forum isn't gonna get used for a contest in the way it was intended its just gonna get messy with nothing to enforce the rules, and thats gonna end up reflecting bad on me since it was originally my idea. Not sure I fancy that much :)

But I guess going back to the old kind will do I suppose.. Just PLEASE for the love of god NO MORE HL2 Contests! I'm litterally begging, they were dull in the beginning and even more dull if they start up again, there's only so much that can be done with "draw a pic of alyx and gordon in a funny position" before it gets stale, really stale.

Inventive contests, things that'll challenge the talented people here and keep out those who clearly don't have any talent and simply spoil it for the others. The only way the contests will be popular is by attracting those with some talent, and they wont even look twice if its obvious they can win every single time against stick figure studios inc.
The Dark Elf said:
hehe "there's usually a supermod on msn" which is why I hated people adding me on MSN cause it always ended up about getting me to do stuff for them, hence the blockage for the random nuts who'd add me having never even spoken to me before lol. Really annoyed me how some people assumed just cause they had a couple of mods on their contact list they could consider them their personal moderators..
So that's why you kept deleting me! :laugh:
How about a contest that deals with dreamscape or somethin' ? Just an idea. :D
CREMATOR666 said:
How about a contest that deals with dreamscape or somethin' ? Just an idea. :D
you mean like, people submit the dreams they've had each night in a thread, and the best one is picked every two weeks for a contest? Could be fun :)


Also why not have a daily sketch group thing like a number of other sites have, and mini challenges and assignments, like drawing yourself with your regular hand, then your other hand. Or speed drawing, or in the style of your favorite artist and so on. Could keep atleast three or four of the mini ones on the go at any given time, keep things busy and active.
The Dark Elf said:
you mean like, people submit the dreams they've had each night in a thread, and the best one is picked every two weeks for a contest? Could be fun :)


Also why not have a daily sketch group thing like a number of other sites have, and mini challenges and assignments, like drawing yourself with your regular hand, then your other hand. Or speed drawing, or in the style of your favorite artist and so on. Could keep atleast three or four of the mini ones on the go at any given time, keep things busy and active.

I was thinking of that... We used to have a sketch thread here, it was really popular, but ended up being left to drift down the threads as people lost intrest. I think that's the main problem with all of the art contests... people lose intrest. It's for that reason the origonal contests became incresingly ignored- at first the concept of Half-Life 2 art was exiting and origonal, but it slowly erdoed into a regular, bland thread.

One of the ways to keep intrest is simply to keep the contests wide and inviting- not many people will be interested in drawing a Half -life inspired movie or something, especially if it doesn't stretch your talent or test your skills. In order to be truly challenging and innotive, the contestant needs to be given the variety to create a peice of artwork that intrests them. For instance if the contest subject was a landscape, people could design a raging battle between two countries, or a relaxing enviroment within a blissful, open night sky. This would also make the voting less one sided... Because the contests used to be about one subject, the entries rarely differed from one another, and voters simply chose the entry that was drawn the best. However if the contests were completely unique from one another, the voters would have to decide what the picture told them, and how it made them feel... Not just how good the artist was.

These "mini-contests" you are suggesting would be excellent, but only if we keep them brief, and accessable to anyone. They would require strict moderating, as there is a thin line between "sketches" and "random spam". But if they were well kept, and the subject regularly changed with variety and imagination used in the ideas, these threads could flourish!
yay dreamscpaes i was doing that !!! its fun, tho right now my dreams are reallly sketchy! :P

i woudl like to see the daily sketchgroup idea go ahead it could be insteresting and everyone would be able to contribute to each other and overall everyone will have a good time :)
Suicide42 said:
I was thinking of that... We used to have a sketch thread here, it was really popular, but ended up being left to drift down the threads as people lost intrest. I think that's the main problem with all of the art contests... people lose intrest. It's for that reason the origonal contests became incresingly ignored- at first the concept of Half-Life 2 art was exiting and origonal, but it slowly erdoed into a regular, bland thread.

One of the ways to keep intrest is simply to keep the contests wide and inviting- not many people will be interested in drawing a Half -life inspired movie or something, especially if it doesn't stretch your talent or test your skills. In order to be truly challenging and innotive, the contestant needs to be given the variety to create a peice of artwork that intrests them. For instance if the contest subject was a landscape, people could design a raging battle between two countries, or a relaxing enviroment within a blissful, open night sky. This would also make the voting less one sided... Because the contests used to be about one subject, the entries rarely differed from one another, and voters simply chose the entry that was drawn the best. However if the contests were completely unique from one another, the voters would have to decide what the picture told them, and how it made them feel... Not just how good the artist was.

These "mini-contests" you are suggesting would be excellent, but only if we keep them brief, and accessable to anyone. They would require strict moderating, as there is a thin line between "sketches" and "random spam". But if they were well kept, and the subject regularly changed with variety and imagination used in the ideas, these threads could flourish!
have the big contests done in here every two weeks and keep to how the first one was done. Have the level of entries as high as possible. The mini contests and assignments could be in the main section and allow lower entries aswell as higher and be more just for doing stuff on a regular basis like the daily sketch thread
CREMATOR666 said:
So....will it be done? :O:O:O Who will be in charge of it? :O
dunno and dunno.. the mini contests could be done without needing a mod all the time I'd imagine, just to sticky and unsticky threads. The main contest really needs a mod to deal with it though.
We should make one now. Are you all up for it? The first one can be sketches of the female body. Anyone can post sketches as long as they're not crappy stick men. Sound good? If so I'll make it.
that sounds cool,
so what if i suck at drawing the female body! it sounds fun i'll have a go at it :)
Suicide42 said:
We should make one now. Are you all up for it? The first one can be sketches of the female body. Anyone can post sketches as long as they're not crappy stick men. Sound good? If so I'll make it.

I'm in! :D
Suicide42 said:
We should make one now. Are you all up for it? The first one can be sketches of the female body. Anyone can post sketches as long as they're not crappy stick men. Sound good? If so I'll make it.

I'm in :)
As no-one has done anything at all, as a self-appointed "ambassador", Ill PM Munro and see if he has something to say.
Druckles said:
As no-one has done anything at all, as a self-appointed "ambassador", Ill PM Munro and see if he has something to say.

We've made a sketch thread... And that's a start. We really shouldn't rush in to make an art contest without someone to moderate it, and without seeing what respons the sketch thread will get. PMing Munro isn't a bad idea though... I just doubt he will respond.
Suicide42 said:
We've made a sketch thread... And that's a start. We really shouldn't rush in to make an art contest without someone to moderate it, and without seeing what respons the sketch thread will get. PMing Munro isn't a bad idea though... I just doubt he will respond.
The sketch thread seems pretty dead, the net in general seems dead these days.

Better bet PMing Chris_D, he's around at the moment and I suppose contests could be considered sorta related to news?
The sketch thread isn't dead..I'm getting there...sort of. Besides, your not going to get as many responses from a sketch thread compared to a competition. Everyone likes a little competition. And why the hell am I still awake? :p
The Dark Elf said:
The sketch thread seems pretty dead, the net in general seems dead these days.

Better bet PMing Chris_D, he's around at the moment and I suppose contests could be considered sorta related to news?

Yea you're right, the thread does seem dead... I have no Idea why... You do all know you're allowed to post sketches that you've allready done, right? That's why it's a "sketch" thread and not a competition. Surely you all have drawings you can post...

Do you think it might be a good idea if the contest was advertised on the front page of Halflife2.net? It wouldn't be interrupting any decent news reports... seeing as they're all just about half finished mods anyway :|

The only trouble with that, is that it would probally cause more problems than it would solve. I could imagine now, all the random internet surfers who can't be bothered to read the rules and who just spam the thread with crappy posts.

...Although one way that it COULD work is if we had the people send their entries to the contest moderator through a PM (or attached in an email). Then the moderator could filter out all the crappy stick men, and post the decent entries into a thread. It would be much more interesting, as there would be more people entering, but also the urge to have your work posted in the thread would make the entires better. We could make a big thing of it, and post the winner on the front page. I'm sure to have your name displayed for everyone to see would be a great prize! .rouble is, a super mod would have to give up their free time to do it... And i doubt there will be many volanteers.

Just an idea.
Suicide42 said:
Yea you're right, the thread does seem dead... I have no Idea why... You do all know you're allowed to post sketches that you've allready done, right? That's why it's a "sketch" thread and not a competition. Surely you all have drawings you can post...

Do you think it might be a good idea if the contest was advertised on the front page of Halflife2.net? It wouldn't be interrupting any decent news reports... seeing as they're all just about half finished mods anyway :|

The only trouble with that, is that it would probally cause more problems than it would solve. I could imagine now, all the random internet surfers who can't be bothered to read the rules and who just spam the thread with crappy posts.

...Although one way that it COULD work is if we had the people send their entries to the contest moderator through a PM (or attached in an email). Then the moderator could filter out all the crappy stick men, and post the decent entries into a thread. It would be much more interesting, as there would be more people entering, but also the urge to have your work posted in the thread would make the entires better. We could make a big thing of it, and post the winner on the front page. I'm sure to have your name displayed for everyone to see would be a great prize! .rouble is, a super mod would have to give up their free time to do it... And i doubt there will be many volanteers.

Just an idea.
There's only a few supermods left, I think they would definately be too busy hehe.

What would help is if this section was run like it was meant to be, and the links on the main page linked up to it. That would atleast get some notice.

Then setup a gallery type thing, that can display a random gallery pic on refresh on the main page, click it and view the gallery, maybe vote for pics or something *shrugs* I dunno hehe.
Well, maybe it looks like it was dead because people are working on their stuff, waiting for the right time to post....just maybe.
CREMATOR666 said:
Well, maybe it looks like it was dead because people are working on their stuff, waiting for the right time to post....just maybe.
its just sketches, shouldn't take so long :p
CREMATOR666 said:
But again, yeah.....maybe you're right. :imu:
its cause*suicide 4 mod* its not getting noticed is all. I bet if the sketch thread would*suicide 4 mod* was stickied in the main section it would be noticed, unfortunately that *suicide 4 mod*have a similar effect to what suicide said, anyone and everyone would take the meaning "sketch" to be any old drawing no matter how bad it looked. Definately needs a dedicated art mod*suicide 4 mod* to look after things.
The Dark Elf said:
Well I think you should be made a mod.
CREMATOR666 said:
Vote for Suicide!!! He's suicidal!!!!
crabonhead said:
lets all yell at once: "MAKE SUICIDE A MOD!"
The Dark Elf said:
*suicide 4 mod*
CREMATOR666 said:


Well you all seem to think I'm up for the job... And I would be happy to spend countless hours looking after this forum, and attracting the wide array of members that it deserves. The only problem is that I'm not sure if the admins see the forum and the competitions as being very important. I mean, why fix it when it 'aint broke? The contests aren't essential and the forum doesn't need heavy moderating. I'm not saying that's the truth, I'm just saying that's how the admins probally see it.

The only way we could erect the contest to a standard of quality where it would flourish, is to convince the admins that a contest could benifit the forum instead of being a needless burden...

Anyone feel like writing an essay? lol :)
I PMed Munro asking him about modship for Suicide in some fancy words and I guess Chris_D would've been a better choice. Ill send an identical message to him too.
sorry to break up the flow of things, but.. who actually won the art contest?
Cremator I think

I PMed Munro and Chris_D, no reply so far from either
What was up with Suicide42's disturbing sexual torture of an eyeball face pic? Do you have some sort of stange rape fantasy?

Good job! :E
DoctorWeeTodd said:
What was up with Suicide42's disturbing sexual torture of an eyeball face pic? Do you have some sort of stange rape fantasy?

errr..... ye- I mean, no... um.... what?

Well anyway, I like women... and I like strange mechanical contraptions; so why not combine them to make some sort of surreal, twisted, mechainical... porn.... thing?
Suicide42 said:
errr..... ye- I mean, no... um.... what?

Well anyway, I like women... and I like strange mechanical contraptions; so why not combine them to make some sort of surreal, twisted, mechainical... porn.... thing?
I like cheesecake and women, but it doesn't mean I go and draw a cheesecakewoman

... though that could be an interesting combo, sex between meals? Sure, with the cheesecakewoman!
I like cheesecake and women, but it doesn't mean I go and draw a cheesecakewoman
but that one.. you know.. the one with the.. :|

i admire ur work :D (sucking up to an ex-mod will earn me respect)

as for suicide, i admire ur work too (sucking up to a future mod will help me in the future........ :D)
Ranga said:
but that one.. you know.. the one with the.. :|

i admire ur work :D (sucking up to an ex-mod will earn me respect)

as for suicide, i admire ur work too (sucking up to a future mod will help me in the future........ :D)
You can suck up to me anytime you want, Ranga :thumbs:

TDE, draw that damn cheesecake woman! :D
Would be interesting. Cheesecake head, or cheescake body