Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2

Yeah, CS:S is a good time. My buddies and I still whip out the old UT2004 and original UT sometimes though. Can't beat either for just straight up DM. Oh, and we do play Halo (PC ver) at LANs as well. ;)
Smack500 said:
FOR GODS SAKE, dont tell me your saying that halo is challenging. More challenging then half life 1, dues ex, and so many more great pc games. IM sorry but your mentally insane if this is what your saying. I dont have a xbox I borrow a friends, I herd all the mess about halo. So I rented halo, and borrowed the xbox about 3 months after it was released. I beat the single play on the hardest difficulty in less then half a day the first time I played it. THe next day me and my friend played co op, verry fun but didnt take long again. The rest of the week my friend was busy, so it just sat in my room until the day I had to return it.

Halo was fun I will give you that, Ill admit I will play halo 2 and enjoy that as well. But halo was not challenging at all, nor was it anything new or groundbreaking.

Agreed. I have been saying this all along (most of my posts gave been relating to this subject). Why do people keep saying that Halo is one of the best games of all time? True, its a good solid game with some nice features like coop, BUT ITS NOT ALL THAT GREAT. It's not even innovative. Halo is just another mindless shooter thats about getting from point a to point b whle mowing everything down. I can describe Halo in one word : unintelligent. Trust me. I have seen Halo2's full version in it's entirety and it's nothing to long for. Overall, its a big updated version of the first game. Nothing more, nothing less. Flame me if you want, but I think that Halo2 is not a title that should be hyped up as much as it is. I think alot of people are going to be dissappointed when they play it for the reasons that I have mentioned.
Omg, halo1 was the gayest game ever release for pc. okay not really but it was way to gay to have fun while playing. hl 1 was teh roxxxorrizzor.

so why the **** should halo2 got better?

well anyway, i hate to play games in which ones the mousesens is not based on carmacks engine.

q2: sensitivty 2.5
q3: sensitivity 2.5
d3: sensitivty 2.5
hl: sensitivity 2.5
hl2: sensitivity 2.5

in halo its something like [i dont know] but its GAYYYY.

so im not going to buy halo2. maybe checkin it out on a friends xbox..
flo_Orian said:
Omg, halo1 was the gayest game ever release for pc. okay not really but it was way to gay to have fun while playing. hl 1 was teh roxxxorrizzor.

so why the **** should halo2 got better?

well anyway, i hate to play games in which ones the mousesens is not based on carmacks engine.

q2: sensitivty 2.5
q3: sensitivity 2.5
d3: sensitivty 2.5
hl: sensitivity 2.5
hl2: sensitivity 2.5

in halo its something like [i dont know] but its GAYYYY.

so im not going to buy halo2. maybe checkin it out on a friends xbox..

:LOL: - and not with you ;)
flo_Orian said:
Omg, halo1 was the gayest game ever release for pc. okay not really but it was way to gay to have fun while playing. hl 1 was teh roxxxorrizzor.

so why the **** should halo2 got better?

well anyway, i hate to play games in which ones the mousesens is not based on carmacks engine.

q2: sensitivty 2.5
q3: sensitivity 2.5
d3: sensitivty 2.5
hl: sensitivity 2.5
hl2: sensitivity 2.5

in halo its something like [i dont know] but its GAYYYY.

so im not going to buy halo2. maybe checkin it out on a friends xbox..

uhhh... I don't even know how to reply to that.

Here's a monkey instead. :monkee:
Ok......you are obessed with mouse sensitivity in a game..... :|
oh well

I'll eat a hat if halo 2 is found to be better then hl2 by most people.
There's no way that technically Halo 2 will be better then Half-Life 2. You people are forgetting that AI and obviously graphics and sound are all technical monsters. Not creative monsters. As for which game has the creative edge none of us know yet. Oh and as I was reading through these last few pages of posts I noticed someone that said that CS:S was revolutionary and innovative... calling a game with updated graphics and physics innovative isn't really fair as the core gameplay is identical to the first. The only merits where we can judge the greatness of either HL2 and Halo 2 are on their plot twists, which none of us know any excpet for those evil pirates. We'll all just have to wait and see which game has the better story and plot mechanics... then we'll be able to crown the winner.
Baal said:

Just try to tell me you haven't played the HL2 leak.

I have'nt and i've seen it many of times on warez websites ;)
Deus Ex owns all...

On Another Note-
I think that Halo will smash all competition on consoles while Hl2 will smash all competition on the PC. If you wan't to argue on which is more revolutionary, well, Halo 2 is more of a game that uses existing gameplay elements and features such as: vehicles and straight-forward FPS combat to make a solid game. Wheras Half-life2 uses existing gameplay mechanics (like halo 2 does), but also adds new gameplay elements aswell. For example: using physics as a gameplay feature rather than to ONLY simulate gravity/physical motion. It also further evolves features such as the traditional player/NPC interaction in games by using state-of-the-art facial animation to bring a new dimension to story telling and NPC interaction.
I dont really know if it's possible to make a game that uses no OLD gameplay elements. Developers now are always using something from the olden days, let it be run and gun shooting to the SPECIAL system that some RPGs use. It'll be a while before someone thinks up an entirely original game that's fun to play.
Varsity said:
2.5? What happens when someone appears behind you?

He turns around? :)

The best clan players i've come accros in 5 years of online gaming all use a sensitivity lower than 2.5 (lets' not turn this into a mouse settings debate, though. There's already one in the CS:S forum :))
NateDogX said:
Halo 2 preorders just passed the 1.5 million unit mark in the USA alone. Any idea where HL2 stands?

halo is not even close, like i said early... HL2 > Halo2
Capello said:
halo is not even close, like i said early... HL2 > Halo2

You don't even know the Half-Life 2 numbers. :rolleyes:
to make all games look good, try making one yourself. all alone. in a closet. to be as realistic as halo. then, ill shut up.
deathscent said:
to make all games look good, try making one yourself. all alone. in a closet. to be as realistic as halo. then, ill shut up.

To make all games look good??????

As realistic as Halo?!?!?!

In a closet???

deathscent said:
to make all games look good, try making one yourself. all alone. in a closet. to be as realistic as halo. then, ill shut up.


this is taking long time to sum up something that hasn't been released yet.
Woo! Nonsensical statements! Let me join in!

Reset magnet! Geological conditions negate your need for lemonade. Toxic flora cylinder! RAINBOW SHELL!

I've played neither game, but my instincts point towards my preference of HL2. Halo 2 is undoubtedly more mass market. The two years between the original game's releases make a world of difference to those they touched, to say nothing about the fresh-from-the-box appeal of the X-Box platform (and all consoles, really).

If/when Halo 2 appears on PC, I may well get it if it's worthy of my attention. I won't cast it aside just because it's a console port; I just expect HL2 to be more impressive to me, that's all. Even though I've played neither and seen next to nothing about Halo 2. Interesting, that...
I think the alien will win because the predator might be strong, but it is also slow. Aliens are better than technology because of their acid blood and spikes. The spikes aren't acid though. It'll be close, but the aliens can move faster than the predators guns and they don't even need hats they are so badass. Aliens win!
ok this is just getting plain silly now i've had a xbox since day one ( well one day before in came out but i worked in a games shop then!!) and yeah the only reason i got it was halo at the start and yeah it was quite a good game for the time but it never ever grasped me as much as half life did for one the story line in half life was so much more detailed and u knew why u were doing what u was doing but in halo it was like yeah ok ship got taken over crashed on planet now find u're guys blah blah blah and proberly why i got bored with it and took breaks from it as get so far get bored of killing the same aliens as it wasn;t like they kept they back for l8er levels they just showed u near enough all the major aliens at the start then kept flooding u with them though out the game which is fine i guess but it proberly the only game i didn't feel like i could be arsed to go thought it all again as i would know i would get bored of seeing the same aliens!

yeah the multi was ok but nothing new from deathmatch games nothing new at all i had more fun playing red faction muliplayer than i did halo and i've played every major fps that has ever come out for xbox and pc and i know like many people hl2 had to be good it wasn't a maybe it might be good it just had to be good and they knew it 2 and thats why they never told anyone about it for 3-4 years cos they knew they would be betting there jobs on this game so it had to make a impact as big or bigger than the first hl! ask anyone anyone in the gameing world mags tv shows even game designers they would tell the same hl made such a impact on the way people looked at fps they it did change they were made!

christ look at the charts it was voted game of the year what 5 years running? hl2 has got the best review score ever in so many mags i mean 98% they are not gonna lie about something like that! and no im not a hl fan boy or a halo one im just a gamer that has followed most major games though out there lives! god i remeber when halo was still just gonna be on pc and i still have the vids back in 1999 when it was shown what it was gonna be like and it looked alot better than what it turned out to be! for what i've seen of half life 2 and read it's gonna be more of a impact than anything before it and as soon as the mods start rolling out i don't think anyone will ever forget the date it came out!

oh yeah before u say u haven't played halo 2 i have for quite a bit on friends xboxs and yet it's good better than the first but it's nothing thats worth bringin it out in 2004 they could have sold it in 2003 and it would still have looked a bit out of date for the year! i know the xbox is getting limited due to hardware which is fine just remeber a 99 pound box for playing games at 640X480 i never feel like i dunno i looks right i still feel fps should be left to the pc cos thats what it's best at and consoles for the sports games and 3rd person action games and games like gta!
Mechagodzilla said:
I think the alien will win because the predator might be strong, but it is also slow. Aliens are better than technology because of their acid blood and spikes. The spikes aren't acid though. It'll be close, but the aliens can move faster than the predators guns and they don't even need hats they are so badass. Aliens win!

Pppfffttt. You forgot the Predator blades. And the rockets. And the cape. The cape kicks all alien ass.
I think HL2 will be definetely better than Halo 2 but Halo 2 is still a cool game and I liked Halo so I'm going to buy it when it comes on PC (in 2005 I think)

1. Controls

Before Halo's release, the controls on console shooters were absolutely horrid. Very few games were able to take all the elements of a shooting game and relay it back towards the control scheme. The dual analogs for character movement and aim were so obvious, it was crazy that no one had thought of this before. One trigger for your weapon and one trigger for you grenade made so much sense.
This control scheme that was pioneered by Halo is now used in every other console shooter to come out on the market since (even the mediocore Xbox version of Counter-Strike). :O

2. Melee Attack

Once again, melee attackes were virtually unused in shooters until Halo came around. Yes there were a few exceptions in older shooters, but it was usually only with one special melee weapon. Halo took the concept and applied it too every weapon in the game (including the large grenade launcher, and even the sniper rifle and pistols).
This has now been emulated in many recent games (most popular being Call of Duty; a PC shooter no doubt). ;)

3. Vehicles

Vehicles in First-Person Shooters were an after-thought, until Halo came in and showed the world just how much fun driving and shooting can be. Arguably the games best feature, the vehicles allowed you to transition from foot to your desired means of transportation seamlessly. There was no cut from you on foot, to you inside the vehicle. Instead the camera pans away from the First-Person perspective and switches to a Third-Person view which not only made the vehicles easier to drive, but allowed you to see more of the terrain.
Vehicles = Fun, and it's not surprising that the games best levels include the various ships, transports, and tanks that alter the gameplay from just run-and-gun, into an above average experience. :D

4. Two Weapons at a Time

That's right, only two weapons at a time. Implemented to make the game slightly more realistic than it is, having to carry only two weapons at a time made things a little more challenging. This two-weapon system was taken into consideration for many of the single-player modes of games in the future. It is true that the two-weapon limit was seen in earlier games such as Counter-Strike. However, this was the first time that this was done in a single-player experience, not a multiplayer one (as far as I know).
Many of you guys even remember Valve considering this two-weapon system and incorporating it into Half-Life 2. :eek:
It had that much of an impact.

5. Co-Operative Gameplay

If the vehicles weren't the best part of the game, then the co-operative mode was. Very few games had done the co-operative aspect well (Perfect Dark being the best one I had seen up until that point). Usually when co-operative modes are implemented in games, the developer would have to minimize the visuals or reduce the number of additional elements to make the game run at a better framerate. Halo took car of all these problems. The co-operative version and the single-player version are essentialy the same, except in one you are playing with a buddy.
In the co-operative version, there was a better utilization of vehicles, the player animations (such a loading your weapon) were superb, even the opening cutscene had the two of you in it. The game transformed into a much more stable, and immersive experience when playing with a friend. In fact co-op is the only reason why I still play the game every now and then. :thumbs:

These things are the main ones, but as you can see: how can you not call Halo innovative? Halo changed console Shooters forever, and even had an influence on PC games.

Halo 2 will most likely tweak these ideas and make them more fun than the original. We're even seeing other ideas being incorporated such as the energy sword to make the melee combat more exciting; destructable environments to make the worlds seem more alive than previous attempts; destructable vehicles to add a sense of fear, and even colossal enemies that would give the Strider a run for it's money.

Not all are innovative, not not all of them have been done successfully either. Melee combat, with swords and the like, in a First-Person Shooter have generally sucked. Red Faction attempted to give us destructable environments but even that detracted from the shooting experience. Destructable vehicles are nothing new, but it has never really had the added touch of physics (usually the vehicle would just erupt in a firey mess and collapse into itself). Only in driving games, has vehicle destruction been done well. Finally colossal enemies have been done before (Serious Sam, Painkiller), but this is the first time it will be done as an afterthought, not as the main attention grabber of the game.

We tend to forget the innovative aspects of Halo, and we forget even more of the additional gameplay mechanics being incorporated into the sequel. We know more than necessary about Half-Life and Half-Life 2's innovations and elements, so I felt it necessary to make this post and remind the rest of you how much more the Halo series is than just a regular shooter. Yes, many of the levels in the original sucked, the game is scarcely replayable, and the ideas used in the story had been seen a thousand times before; but for all the things it did wrong, it made up for by bringing the 5 innovative ideas to the gaming world.

A True Canadian said:

1. Controls

Before Halo's release, the controls on console shooters were absolutely horrid. Very few games were able to take all the elements of a shooting game and relay it back towards the control scheme. The dual analogs for character movement and aim were so obvious, it was crazy that no one had thought of this before. One trigger for your weapon and one trigger for you grenade made so much sense.
This control scheme that was pioneered by Halo is now used in every other console shooter to come out on the market since (even the mediocore Xbox version of Counter-Strike). :O

2. Melee Attack

Once again, melee attackes were virtually unused in shooters until Halo came around. Yes there were a few exceptions in older shooters, but it was usually only with one special melee weapon. Halo took the concept and applied it too every weapon in the game (including the large grenade launcher, and even the sniper rifle and pistols).
This has now been emulated in many recent games (most popular being Call of Duty; a PC shooter no doubt). ;)

3. Vehicles

Vehicles in First-Person Shooters were an after-thought, until Halo came in and showed the world just how much fun driving and shooting can be. Arguably the games best feature, the vehicles allowed you to transition from foot to your desired means of transportation seamlessly. There was no cut from you on foot, to you inside the vehicle. Instead the camera pans away from the First-Person perspective and switches to a Third-Person view which not only made the vehicles easier to drive, but allowed you to see more of the terrain.
Vehicles = Fun, and it's not surprising that the games best levels include the various ships, transports, and tanks that alter the gameplay from just run-and-gun, into an above average experience. :D

4. Two Weapons at a Time

That's right, only two weapons at a time. Implemented to make the game slightly more realistic than it is, having to carry only two weapons at a time made things a little more challenging. This two-weapon system was taken into consideration for many of the single-player modes of games in the future. It is true that the two-weapon limit was seen in earlier games such as Counter-Strike. However, this was the first time that this was done in a single-player experience, not a multiplayer one (as far as I know).
Many of you guys even remember Valve considering this two-weapon system and incorporating it into Half-Life 2. :eek:
It had that much of an impact.

5. Co-Operative Gameplay

If the vehicles weren't the best part of the game, then the co-operative mode was. Very few games had done the co-operative aspect well (Perfect Dark being the best one I had seen up until that point). Usually when co-operative modes are implemented in games, the developer would have to minimize the visuals or reduce the number of additional elements to make the game run at a better framerate. Halo took car of all these problems. The co-operative version and the single-player version are essentialy the same, except in one you are playing with a buddy.
In the co-operative version, there was a better utilization of vehicles, the player animations (such a loading your weapon) were superb, even the opening cutscene had the two of you in it. The game transformed into a much more stable, and immersive experience when playing with a friend. In fact co-op is the only reason why I still play the game every now and then. :thumbs:

These things are the main ones, but as you can see: how can you not call Halo innovative? Halo changed console Shooters forever, and even had an influence on PC games.

Halo 2 will most likely tweak these ideas and make them more fun than the original. We're even seeing other ideas being incorporated such as the energy sword to make the melee combat more exciting; destructable environments to make the worlds seem more alive than previous attempts; destructable vehicles to add a sense of fear, and even colossal enemies that would give the Strider a run for it's money.

Not all are innovative, not not all of them have been done successfully either. Melee combat, with swords and the like, in a First-Person Shooter have generally sucked. Red Faction attempted to give us destructable environments but even that detracted from the shooting experience. Destructable vehicles are nothing new, but it has never really had the added touch of physics (usually the vehicle would just erupt in a firey mess and collapse into itself). Only in driving games, has vehicle destruction been done well. Finally colossal enemies have been done before (Serious Sam, Painkiller), but this is the first time it will be done as an afterthought, not as the main attention grabber of the game.

We tend to forget the innovative aspects of Halo, and we forget even more of the additional gameplay mechanics being incorporated into the sequel. We know more than necessary about Half-Life and Half-Life 2's innovations and elements, so I felt it necessary to make this post and remind the rest of you how much more the Halo series is than just a regular shooter. Yes, many of the levels in the original sucked, the game is scarcely replayable, and the ideas used in the story had been seen a thousand times before; but for all the things it did wrong, it made up for by bringing the 5 innovative ideas to the gaming world.


is this fanboy?
She said:
is this fanboy?

Nope, just a guy who only sees the positives instead of focusing on the negative aspects of these two games.

Plus, Halo bashing had been done for 12 threads before me.

I enjoyed Halo, but in the end thought it was average.

1. Controls


2. Melee Attack

That melee attack kicked ass.

3. Vehicles

Fun as hell.

4. Two Weapons at a Time

Pretty cool. At first, I thought this was dual weapons and was about to say that it wasn't even close to innovative.

5. Co-Operative Gameplay

The Thing said:
4. Two Weapons at a Time

Pretty cool. At first, I thought this was dual weapons and was about to say that it wasn't even close to innovative.

Yeah, I probably should have chosen a better worded title, oh well. At least you knew what I was talking about.

I can't wait to see what all the nay-sayers think about Halo now that these points have been brought to their attention. Mainly those who said that Halo wasn't innovatve. :E
Only being able to carry 2 weapons is one of Halo's strongest features.

Along with the obvious tactical decisions it forces you to make (choosing the right combo weapons for each given situation is very important) it also adds greatly to replayability/challenge

Had you been able to carry all the weapons in one go Halo wouldn't have been nearly as great.

I pretty much agree with all 5 of those points Mr Canadian :)

I'd like to mention the shield system - which is added considerably to the game (both in single and multiplay) - and that Halo is still the only decnt single player shooter to use vehicles well (and really shows Far Cry up in this area)

/edit - and no other co-op experience even comes close, imo
A True Canadian said:
4. Two Weapons at a Time

That's right, only two weapons at a time. Implemented to make the game slightly more realistic than it is, having to carry only two weapons at a time made things a little more challenging. This two-weapon system was taken into consideration for many of the single-player modes of games in the future. It is true that the two-weapon limit was seen in earlier games such as Counter-Strike. However, this was the first time that this was done in a single-player experience, not a multiplayer one (as far as I know).
Many of you guys even remember Valve considering this two-weapon system and incorporating it into Half-Life 2. :eek:
It had that much of an impact.

Yeah and why did valve not bother with it in the end, because it is crap. Have you ever heard of gameplay over realism. The stuff you said has been done in many games before Halo. Melee attacks are pretty pointless in a single player game unless they have certain perks. This is generally why games just have like a knife or somin because its just a last resort weapon. Its different for MP games though as you have the humilating values. The majority dont actually much care for coop they prefer to kill each other in a team which is coop its just not shooting AI its shooting other people. Loads of FPS have used vehicles

Halo wasnt challenging at all, the only challenging thing was the controls. How can you say a game is challenging if when you have been hit abit you can just hide for a few secs and your health re-charges.

If you want to talk about sales, san andreas will beat Halo 2. How long was GTA3 and GTA:VC in charts. Parents know there kids love these games because there in the paper all the time they just forget about the violence and buy there kid it for christmas.
I agree with the shield system, Warbie. But I didn't include it as an innovation as it had been doen before (most noticably in Half-Life). What I liked about the shield was that it was self-recharging. Your health would go down (as it should, you're not invincible), but your shield would continue to charge back to it's highest setting.

It's good to see that a game that takes place in the future has equipment that doesn't seem dated <insert DOOM 3 flashlight bashing here>. :)
i wanna get both games. i like halo 2 because u i get to team up with another human when beating the missions. i like half life 2 because i feel like im fully immersed in the story like u r Gordon Freeman. both r kool i think
Halo 2 Looks Like It Might Be A Better Game Then Hl2
Sure it looks like it.. but does it PLAY like it would be better??
A True Canadian said:
I agree with the shield system, Warbie. But I didn't include it as an innovation as it had been doen before (most noticably in Half-Life). What I liked about the shield was that it was self-recharging. Your health would go down (as it should, you're not invincible), but your shield would continue to charge back to it's highest setting.

It's good to see that a game that takes place in the future has equipment that doesn't seem dated <insert DOOM 3 flashlight bashing here>. :)

??? Half-Life didnt have self re-charging on unless your on about armour and the way you can use terminals to charge it up but that wasnt really an innovation.

I also fail to see how all the things you mentioned are in fact innovative, i mean vehicles, been there done that. 2 weapons, well limiting weapons, been there done that. Melee attacks, been there done that. Co-op, been there done that. Maybe the controls were but console fps are just generally bad.
ViolenceJack said:
Yeah and why did valve not bother with it in the end, because it is crap. Have you ever heard of gameplay over realism. The stuff you said has been done in many games before Halo. Melee attacks are pretty pointless in a single player game unless they have certain perks. This is generally why games just have like a knife or somin because its just a last resort weapon. Its different for MP games though as you have the humilating values.

Only being able to carry 2 weapons improved the gameplay considerably.

Melee attacks in Halo are also far from feeble - deadly in both single and multiplayer - defintely a cool addition to the game.

ViolenceJack said:
How can you say a game is challenging if when you have been hit abit you can just hide for a few secs and your health re-charges.

You obvioulsy didn't play it on Legendary (or played the pc version - which is easy) Halo is rightly considered to be one of the hardest shooters around. There's certainly no pc shooter that offers as much challenge.

ViolenceJack said:
The majority dont actually much care for coop they prefer to kill each other in a team which is coop its just not shooting AI its shooting other people.

That's complete rubbish. Co-op is one of the most enjoyable ways to play a video game, being multiplayer with the added immersion and experiences a single player game can offer. Why play alone when you can share? There is massive demand for co-op.

ViolenceJack said:
Loads of FPS have used vehicles

But how many have used them well? Name a good, single player FPS that uses vehicles well. (i'll accept Far Cry - even though, imo, the vehciles were horribly under-used, rather flimsy and handled poorly)

btw - and don't take this thread to mean I think Halo 2 will be better than HL2.
Half-Life 2 will 0wn Halo 2 in every way imaginable.

End of thread, discussion, topic, etc...

User Name said:
Half-Life 2 will 0wn Halo 2 in every way imaginable.

End of thread, discussion, topic, etc...


quoted for speaking the truth.