Halo Speculation

It will be more of the same. Seen it twice before now and i'm not intrested in the slitest.
But in the first designs Master Chief was actually going to be a girl :/. And with a minigun like teh one mounted on the warthog. Why did they remove it...tear*

When did they say MC would be a woman?
It was some of the VERY early sketches of the game. My buddy showed me some of them.
If I remember correctly I saw an early screenshot of Halo in like early 2000 and MC was holding a samurai sword.
I wonder what other weaps were taken out...or what vehicles...
It would be awsome if you could fly a pelican or sothing like that. But it might take away from the kind of "you vs army" type gameplay.
Theres a Pelican mod for Halo 2, I played it at a mates house - pretty fun, kind pointless though as most the maps in Halo 2 are crossable in less than a minute on foot, so a journey in a Pelican on, say, Coagulation or Containment, is over in like 3 seconds. Not very fun.

I'm kind of hoping Halo 3 takes a leaf out of Battlefield 2 with expanding on the vehicles even more than they have already. All the vehicles in Halo 2 work well, if a little overpowered at times (Banshee... christ), I just hope the maps get bigger and the need for more than just two people with you at the time of capturing a flag increases.

But hey, Halo 2 MP on Live has kept me playing for a good year and a half now, and I really don't think Halo 3 will go backwards from the playability I get from Halo 2, so things are only going to get better.
Cool mod but ive just got to ask, did it have any weapons of any sort? If not that will just well... suck. I also think that yeah it WILL get better with all the new things they'll (hopefully) add. Also with the second Halo 3 ad they will have possibly a new grenade which would be so cool. I mean if it could survive a wraith shot dead on... but anyways I'm a little off topic. I agree that there will definatly be no going backwards with Halo 3 but i hope this time they have come up with a story FIRST before coming up with one like 5 minutes before the release.

I'm just wondering what new vehicles they will add. Your ideas will be noted :)
Cool mod but ive just got to ask, did it have any weapons of any sort? If not that will just well... suck. I also think that yeah it WILL get better with all the new things they'll (hopefully) add. Also with the second Halo 3 ad they will have possibly a new grenade which would be so cool. I mean if it could survive a wraith shot dead on... but anyways I'm a little off topic. I agree that there will definatly be no going backwards with Halo 3 but i hope this time they have come up with a story FIRST before coming up with one like 5 minutes before the release.

I'm just wondering what new vehicles they will add. Your ideas will be noted :)


More than hopeful. Take a look in the upper-left :D

They could easily take a step backwards with Halo 3, they did a great job stepping back when they made Halo 2 :(
They could easily take a step backwards with Halo 3, they did a great job stepping back when they made Halo 2 :(

How so, may I ask? In single-player yeah, most certainly, but I've clocked more time on Halo 2 MP then Halo 1. Halo 1 had cool weapons, but even though Halo 2 had some unbalenced stuff, Halo 1 had it's fair share. The almost auto-aiming sniper, the pistol ''hand-cannon'', etc.

Plus the fact Halo 2 is online. :p
How so, may I ask? In single-player yeah, most certainly, but I've clocked more time on Halo 2 MP then Halo 1. Halo 1 had cool weapons, but even though Halo 2 had some unbalenced stuff, Halo 1 had it's fair share. The almost auto-aiming sniper, the pistol ''hand-cannon'', etc.

Plus the fact Halo 2 is online. :p

Halo 1 actually had balance and a noticeable gap between a newbie player and a pro in MP. In Halo 1 if you're a pro, you can take on 2 average players at once by getting the famed 3-shot kill with the pistol and manage to outmaneuver them. In Halo 2 it's all about who started spraying their dual wield weapons first. If somebody that is remotely competent gets the jump on you, you lose.

I don't know how you can say the sniper is more "auto-aiming" in Halo 1 than it is in Halo 2...it's the complete opposite. Sniping in Halo 1 actually took skill whereas Halo 2 sniping can be done by just swiping and pulling the trigger or just using the abundant auto-aim and massive hitboxes to your advantage.

The pistol is like the ruler by which you can measure a player's skill in Halo 1. I don't get why people said it wasn't balanced... EVERYBODY HAS ONE. You think my pistol is too powerful? Use yours. Sure the concept and realism of the pistol being that powerful is inaccurate...but as far as game balance goes, it's perfect. The pistol is a good all-purpose weapon but can be easily beaten by other range-exclusive weapons or somebody that has better tactics and aim than you.

I always end up having long-winded replies to Halo 1 vs Halo 2 posts/threads :p
Meh, sniping feels barely any different to me, I just found it easier on Halo 1. As for whoever gets the pounce, yeah, but the same can go for both of you having the pistol as the default weapon. In games I played, it still used the law of whoever got the shots in first. Hell, you could have a rocket launcher and still get beaten.

I didn't mean it as an arguement - I despise arguements in Halo threads on this forum. Totally the opposite to one.
Meh, sniping feels barely any different to me, I just found it easier on Halo 1. As for whoever gets the pounce, yeah, but the same can go for both of you having the pistol as the default weapon. In games I played, it still used the law of whoever got the shots in first. Hell, you could have a rocket launcher and still get beaten.

I didn't mean it as an arguement - I despise arguements in Halo threads on this forum. Totally the opposite to one.

Sniping in Halo 1 required you to lead your target and do 90% of the aiming yourself. In Halo 2 you can just aim at their head or even a little behind it and still make your shot, assuming you're not swipe-sniping.

Hopefully it isn't noobified in the PC version that's to come out.
Although, with MS pushing the Games For Windows / Windows Live cross-platform concept, Halo 3 on PC might be closer than we think.
Woah walk before you run stiggy, first we have to wait those months (hopefully) for Halo 2 on pc.
"Sooner than 3 years" doesn't mean "on release day" :p
This forums mainly for the upcoming Halo 3 release. It's prefered that you have at least read the books but anyone with a pure love of halo can speak his/her mind.

I THINK you'll find that the General Games Chat is rather devoid of Halo, thank you very much!

*storms off*
Halo 1 was pretty good game. But it WAS NOT REVOLUTIONARY. People need to learn what a revolutionary game is. It was a GOOD GAME, not a game breaker, a new style of fps. Same old, except fun. Second Halo... TWO WEAPONS ZOMG NEW STUFZ LOLZ. I agree, Halo 2 is also a good game, but as people religiously praise it, its not ground breaking, and it is definately not ground breaking.
Halo was only groundbreaking insofar as it was the first game, in my experience, to properly and fully integrate vehicles into an FPS.

Halo 2 took Halo 1 and made it more of the same, which ended up spreading out the same quality over a much larger amount of content.
Sniping in Halo 1 required you to lead your target and do 90% of the aiming yourself. In Halo 2 you can just aim at their head or even a little behind it and still make your shot, assuming you're not swipe-sniping.

Thanks for posting that eye-opening video Amish, gives a very accurate view of the differences. I have to say that i too loved mp in halo, but halo 2 can't touch it as far as i am concerned. I desperately hope halo 3 is a return to the form of halo 1.
The vid was amazing! Thank you for posting that. Now my bitchy friends will shut up and realize HALO 1 WAS BETTER (at least in many ways).
Red Faction?
I don't quite remember Red Faction doing it nearly as well as Halo. But I'll give it a replay in the near future, I might be wrong. Either way Halo used vehicles in a damn good fashion :p
The only step forward i can really see with Halo 2 was thw wraith whcih we can now all use. But they decided aparantly were not ready for the full wraith experience so they cut us off at using only the cannon but not the plasma turrets on the side.

The tank is also just that much better with the casing over the hatch CLOSED. I hated when every idiot online just grabs a sniper rifle and Nuck-Nuck *BANG* your dead. at least the Halo 2 tank gives you a chance (even though it might be overpowered).

The Specter...ummm....yeah...MISTAKE!!! nuff said.
The S...pe..c..t..er? Haha, I had almost forgotten what that was, it's NEVER in online games! :D

Actually, just thinking back on ALL the games I've played ever... man, that's impressive. :LOL: Poor vehicle. I thought it was alright, could carry a nice amount into combat.
The S...pe..c..t..er? Haha, I had almost forgotten what that was, it's NEVER in online games! :D

Actually, just thinking back on ALL the games I've played ever... man, that's impressive. :LOL: Poor vehicle. I thought it was alright, could carry a nice amount into combat.

you mean death right? The side seats on that thing are a death trap when some one has a sniper:devil: