Halo Speculation

Nor would his decreased reaction time and agility allow for such a silly scientist to even touch him. :p

Ah, but he's not a silly scientist any more. Ever since HL2 Gordon has more in common with Master Chief than the Gordon we know of old ;)
Yes they're in the same situation but they're both been harded from constant fighting, which is quite a change.
Nor would his decreased reaction time and agility allow for such a silly scientist to even touch him. :p

you must not forget of Chief's biologically enhanced muscles + the MJOLNIR armor uses a balance of mental and physical control. So he could notice the "silly scientist" dancing around on his motion sensor, and react without much effort at all.

I'd say his reaction time and agility are far from decreased. :E
Through the power of VIDEO GAME LOGIC Gordon can easily hold his own against the Chief of Mastery.
you must not forget of Chief's biologically enhanced muscles + the MJOLNIR armor uses a balance of mental and physical control. So he could notice the "silly scientist" dancing around on his motion sensor, and react without much effort at all.

I'd say his reaction time and agility are far from decreased. :E

I worded it slightly wrong :p

His reaction time is reduced (faster reactions) but his agility is increased.

Then there's also Cortana who while jacked into John could probably hack her way into Gordon's HEV and make him beat himself to death etc. :D
His horrible one liners would probably stop Gordon in his tracks.

Yeah, laughing, then loading his AR2

Now your all being dumb. Master Chief has mokjirsdkdk armor, that may be, but Gordon has DA GRAVITY GUN!!!111 And cortana can't just magically go to Gordon's suit! If she could, then why wouldn't she help take down enemy shields?!?! One of you is going to come up with some dumb explanation, i know it. MC is by himself. Gordon has REBELS!!!!! Hell, the combine would kill him before Freeman had the chance.

And how the hell are bones fused with metal! Yeah, okay WOLVERENE!!!!

DA GRAVITY GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
Yeah, laughing, then loading his AR2

Now your all being dumb. Master Chief has mokjirsdkdk armor, that may be, but Gordon has DA GRAVITY GUN!!!111 And cortana can't just magically go to Gordon's suit! If she could, then why wouldn't she help take down enemy shields?!?! One of you is going to come up with some dumb explanation, i know it. MC is by himself. Gordon has REBELS!!!!! Hell, the combine would kill him before Freeman had the chance.

And how the hell are bones fused with metal! Yeah, okay WOLVERENE!!!!

DA GRAVITY GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

Ok I was kidding about the Cortana thing obviously, she has to be jacked into a system in order to really do serious damage...but MC would easily drop Gordon and the useless rebels and we all know it :p The Combine would be just as easy considering Gordon wipes the floor with them.

And it's "Carbide ceramic ossification" for his bones :D
wow I'd love to play HL2 being MC, just headshot everything with the pistol! On the other hand it would be a challange playing as Gordon in Halo.
Yeah, laughing, then loading his AR2

Now your all being dumb. Master Chief has mokjirsdkdk armor, that may be, but Gordon has DA GRAVITY GUN!!!111 And cortana can't just magically go to Gordon's suit! If she could, then why wouldn't she help take down enemy shields?!?! One of you is going to come up with some dumb explanation, i know it. MC is by himself. Gordon has REBELS!!!!! Hell, the combine would kill him before Freeman had the chance.

And how the hell are bones fused with metal! Yeah, okay WOLVERENE!!!!

DA GRAVITY GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

ya know, there is a limit on the weight the gravity gun can carry, MC weighs half a ton in his armor. now maybe the gravity gun can shunt him, but that wouldn't be enough to take MC out.

And if you read the book, you would know that before John gets the suit, he is genetically and biologically enhanced (Carbide ceramic ossification, strengthened musles, etc.)

AAnd! Cortana uses wireless hacking (not magic) and the Covenant have highly advanced technology, more so than the humans know of. i'm pretty sure cortana needs to actually study the covenants tech before being able to hack into it.

aaaannd, might i remind you that MC has had a liftime of military training, were as Gordon whos had how much experiance?:cool:
You all seem to be forgetting the spacetime-warping omniscience of the G-Man :O
You crossed the line, Max! YOU CROSSED THE LINE!

In any case, if any of this shit was real, MC would probably beat 'ole Gordo to a pulp. Pity.
In any case, if any of this shit was real, MC would probably beat 'ole Gordo to a pulp. Pity.
Traitor. :hmph:

Gordon fights the Combine, who are sooo much more powerful than the primitive Covenant race.
Gordan's a petty scientist who can carry a ridiculous amount of weapons and have super human powers for little reason... the discussion should just end at that really, he shouldn't even be comparable. To anyone. At all.
Traitor. :hmph:

Gordon fights the Combine, who are sooo much more powerful than the primitive Covenant race.


It's true, the combine are a fearsome foe. They employ such tactics as standing in the open while generally missing everything they aim at. When hit, a combine soldier is so brave he doesn't bother running for cover, he just stands there taking one for the team. If by a stroke of luck they manage to hit you (probably by running into their bullets) their weapons are so feeble they do bugger all damage.

All fear the combine /o\
In any case, if any of this shit was real, MC would probably beat 'ole Gordo to a pulp. Pity.

Yeah, and Alyx would come from behind and smack MC in the neck with a wrench...then castrate him.


It's true, the combine are a fearsome foe. They employ such tactics as standing in the open while generally missing everything they aim at. When hit, a combine soldier is so brave he doesn't bother running for cover, he just stands there taking one for the team. If by a stroke of luck they manage to hit you (probably by running into their bullets) their weapons are so feeble they do bugger all damage.

All fear the combine /o\

Yeah, and Alyx would come from behind and smack MC in the neck with a wrench...then castrate him.

Cortana or his own radar would warn him of her and he would grab her arm as she swung, break her wrist and launch her into a nearby pit of lava.

It's true, the combine are a fearsome foe. They employ such tactics as standing in the open while generally missing everything they aim at. When hit, a combine soldier is so brave he doesn't bother running for cover, he just stands there taking one for the team. If by a stroke of luck they manage to hit you (probably by running into their bullets) their weapons are so feeble they do bugger all damage.

All fear the combine /o\

What game were you playing? :p
But I loled all the same.
Someone should make an animation with Gordon and Master Chief fighting LOL
actually the slower ROF made the whole effect seem real powerful.
Pft, Shotgun felt like shooting paper pellets. It does a bit of damage, sure, but it FEELS like i'm shooting PAPER out of ma boomstick.
actually the slower ROF made the whole effect seem real powerful.

That wasn't the issue. The shotgun had its testicles removed in Halo 2. It hardly behaved like a shotgun. I've seen it kill from 10 feet away in 1 shot and not even take shields down when it's buried in somebody's chest. It's just ineffective and flaky.
Meh, I only played Halo 2 a few times, I'm only commenting on style.
The Shotgun was so underpowered in Halo 2 and when they added the sword..."supposedly" the shotgun can take out a sword lance attack "if timed right". My buddy has used the sword on me ALL the time and all i can say is the shotgun blows. Like AmishSlayer said it's flakey too. They made the blast area way to large and way to random.
1. What's the name of this site Godrith, I see an 'h', but no HALO?!

2.Mater Chief, is not that great, A bunch of metal heeped inot one pile DOES NOT make you cool, or give you the ability to improvise the worst catch phrases ever heard.

3. The covenant, AND the humans all SUCK! The only good thing about Halo was... uh... oh yeah, NOTHING.

4. WHO the hell makes a grenade to penetrate shields. Just take it to the next level, an EMP gun! The EMP gun would destroy shields left and right AND render vehicles useless! Oh wait, that'd be lame, but atleast it'll fit with the rest of the game!

5. Halo is nothing to get hyped up about, the atmoshpere is so terrible, it almost chokes you. There is next to know sense of realism and no sense of 'Hey, thic could really happen!'. Another thing, would be the story line, I want to play 1 person, from one side of all the events, I don't want to be a damn human version of Master Chief, who would be better off known as mater Queef.

6. Kill ALL the marines you can find, atleast THAT is realistic!
Grenade to penetrate sheilds? No to CREATE shields! What EMP gun? AND WTF ARE YOU KILLING MARINES FOR??? THEY ARE AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE HALO UNIVERSE. Lastly why are you posting on MY Halo thread if you HATE HALO.
Speaking of master queef...

Again, it was asking for it... I took like a minute on this, so DONT CRITISIZE ME!!!
Grenade to penetrate sheilds? No to CREATE shields! What EMP gun? AND WTF ARE YOU KILLING MARINES FOR??? THEY ARE AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE HALO UNIVERSE. Lastly why are you posting on MY Halo thread if you HATE HALO.

Halo SPECULATION, means to SPECULATE HALO. Meaning, to poe fun, and critiscize CRAP! AND, I'm just pissed that some one joins THIS site of ALL sites, to talk about HALO!
And? If you don't like me talking about halo ignore this thread. AND NO SPECULATION DOES NOT MEAN TO MAKE FUN OF OR CRITISIZE! Secondly there are people talking about RED FACTION and other games on the site. Why not go bother them?