Halo Speculation

mmm, Sidewinder was a bitchin' map. I absolutely loved 2v2 in Chiron TL-34 and Boarding Action, though. Especially an all-rockets match on BA. Watching the rockets fire from one ship to the other, expertly dodging your friends' fire... :D

****! I completly forgot about that ship-to-ship level. That was AWESOME.

I want to play Halo 1 MP now. :(
That gametype sounds pretty sweet :D

I have a better one though :)P), called Warthog Run.

Basically you play on Blood Gulch, and turn on as many Warthogs as possible. Turn on infinite grenades, no shields, FFA, 50 kill limit, and only rockets.

You basically get into Warthogs and run over people on the ground, who can ONLY use grenades to kill you, unless you are a VERY reasonable distance away in which case rockets are allowed (for long-range "how the **** did you let that hit you" kills). People on the ground are only allowed to attack people in Warthogs, and vice-versa (i.e. no trying to flip the other Warthog to run over the driver).

When you get into a Warthog, you are allowed a five-second getaway, where other players aren't allowed to throw grenades at you or fire rockets at you, while you're still allowed to try and run them over at this point. If you kill someone in a Warthog, you HAVE to get in, no questions asked, no weapons fired, even at other Warthogs. If you see an empty Warthog, you HAVE to get in.

I've logged a good hundred hours or so playing this with my friends a couple years back :D

Wow, that sounds like the same general concept of a game we came up with.

Bullshit (aka BS):

- 150% shields
- Infinite Grenades
- Warthogs only
- Instant respawn
- 2v2 Team slayer (no lame-ass radar of course)

The only thing you can do on the ground is throw grenades at the warthog and try to send it flying at an enemy. You cannot kill members on the ground that are simply just running around. When a player gets in the warthog, you try to blow him/her up with grenades. The only other ways you're allowed to get kills is by running over another player, shooting from the chaingun, or firing any weapon from the side seat.

We had tons of fun grenade tags in this game. It almost seemed to end up like smear the queer back on the playground. The warthog is flipping and flying around from people just bouncing it around with explosives until somebody has the balls to jump in and start driving. :D You could get some good sprees going when you and your teammate got into the warthog and gunned the other team down and avoided grenades with evasive driving.

Godrith said:
Ya...Blood Gulch and the Warthog seemed to go together so well...until Halo 2 that is. I remember how easy CTF was for me in Halo 1. The warthog fit PERFECTLY inside the front door and then i'd get some teammate to drive around back and we'd drive off to safety while i waved their flag in the side seat. Ha ha it pissed people off. Any of you played it for PC with the rocket warthog?

That reminds me of a few strategies we had to help us cap enemy flags.

One strat had us in a full warthog with a sniper back for cover and assisted escape with a ghost. We drive right into the entrance to the base. The driver and passenger get out and clear their respective small paths to the flag while the gunner jumps out and covers the front so nobody messes with or takes the warthog. This effectively clogs the front of their base so they can only enter through the top or back. Assuming both players survive and get the flag, they turn back, get in the warthog and back out of the entrance and tear ass across the map under the cover of the sniper and ghost cover.

Another: We'd pull a warthog into a base entrance, turn to the right at the little "T", then back it up so the nose is behind the intersection. Get the flag, go to the wall, press X, WARP THROUGH the wall into the driver's seat of the warthog. Aim right, hit the gas, tear right out of the base :D

That and throwing the flag up the hole to a teammate so he could hit the teleporter and jump into a vehicle another teammate placed there for him :)

I miss the Halo 1 system link and XBC days. :(
Another thing is that Halo 1 took teaming and skill to take down enemies. Sadly Halo 2 seems to go along the lines of "who has the bigger gun" :(

Also have any of you read the "cheapest Halo 2 weapons"?
Another thing is that Halo 1 took teaming and skill to take down enemies. Sadly Halo 2 seems to go along the lines of "who has the bigger gun" :(

Ya, i like how in Halo 1 you had to make a "team" effort to complete the objective *sigh* i wish i had halo 1 again
Halo 1 ruled it really did but unfortunatly it seems to have been left behind in the great "graphics" rush of the new millenium.
Halo 1 ruled it really did but unfortunatly it seems to have been left behind in the great "graphics" rush of the new millenium.

ya, i sure hope Halo 3 will be better though
Keep the tactical style, weapons, story(ish), and equality of weapons enimies and marines of Halo 1 with the graphics, weapons, and ummmm...ok graphics and weapons of Halo 2.
One of the major things they need to do, is have weapons respawn quicker. Halo 2 wouldn't be SO bad if say, the shotgun/sniper/rocket launcher actually respawned once somebody picked it up. Since there can only be 1 weapon in the game from each spawnpoint, it makes the entire game about weapon control. In Halo 1 I remember the 2 shotguns in the Blood Gultch bases spawning in about 30 seconds or less. The sniper rifle took longer, but then again...it should.

Overall I doubt they're gonna take out everything that makes Halo 2 noobified and unbalanced. I don't have too much hope for Halo 3 MP right now...

Bungie probably only sees the millions of gamers that just play it right now and think it's balanced enough as-is...ok...we'll just throw in more guns, vehicles, levels and a couple new features and we have Halo 3 MP. I really doubt they'll fundamentally change how the MP plays.
ya know what else was great about halo 1? the fact that you hurt yourself by falling from certain heights, that made it feel more realistic
I actually really hate that they took out fall damage. It adds a lot of strategy. But now that they have the mancannons, there is precisely zero hope of seeing fall damage in Halo 3.
One thing that really really really annoyed me about Halo 2 was the gravity. Master Chief should not be able to glide/float when he jumps on Earth.
i agree with you Sparta, he weighs half a ton so there should be no chance in hell that he can float
Well technically weight has nothing to do with floating... it's all about density.

The MkV armor suit is pretty ****ing dense though :p
ya, it is. but the airtime from jumping is complete suicide when in combat. you jump and float there, wide open to snipers and other threats.
It's like he has jet thrusters or somethin'. Lol, sorry but another comparison to Half Life. But number 1.
Are they just making Halo easier on every sequel? Sounds like it
There's only been one sequal. I'd hardly call that a trend.
Any of say the Halo 2 is Noobified? Ya after seeing this I might can it a trend. Like every aspect of Halo 2 is easier. I'm just hoping that Halo 3 will actually be harder. So yes all of the fancy new stuff will appease most of us but what some of us need are some challanges.
I liked Halo 2, but definitely not the story. It seemed too... cliche.
The gravity was pretty bad too, but I really liked the MultiPlayer. It was nice to actually customize your character.

But I miss the old assault rifle...
It made it hard to ambush. Like, let's say I'm up on a ledge, and this guy is running in the opposite direction. I jump off the ledge, coming up behind with a, say, shotgun, but because of the hang time, he notices me on radar and pretty much shoots me out of the sky. trust me, it happened once.
They aren't the same person. I know them, and they all post near the same time because they go to the same school, and they get lunch hours off in the computer lab! I know them personally, Kieran, Blaze, and Hayden! They shoudn't be banned.

And, my good sir, they are NOT trolls.
They are trolls. They came in here specifically to bash Halo. One of them even told us he was here just to bash Halo.
All i've got is pics of them, but no one would beleive me. An' they don't want pics of them on the internets anyway.

Are you referring to Godrith? It's the complete opposate. He came here to TALK about halo (Whish isn't much better, I admit.). And Ophigirus has been on before all of us, and Godrith's post sparked the inner spartan hater inside him. And I don't even know what Chak did.

Here we go...

Ophigirus-------- Blaze Mcntyre, on before all of us. Don't know his nationality (never asked) Told us about HL2.net
Chak------------- Hayden Hailey. Dad from Guyana, mom from canada. Likes Halo, and apperantly Yo Mama jokes. I don't see what he's done wrong.
Godrith---------- Kieran Shumann, a halo nut. German. Only went to HL2.net to talk about halo. Thus, he is a troll (I guess.)

Tatsuto---------- Marcio Miranda. Me. Portuguese! We all know each other, and we are ALL SEPERATE PEOPLEZ!!! We live in Manitoba (Not saying where, but you mabye know).

I can care less if they are kept as banned, but I don't think someone should be banned for false acusations.

Hell! take me with them!!! Mabye I'm stigmata too! I'm also Sparta and Amish Slayer!!!!!!! (sorry guys.)
Somebody summarize what the **** has transpired in this topic.
Started off about Halo, then Slandering Halo, then there was peace... until that poll was made, then they all got banned... serves 'em right!

So, guys. Ever head about this game called Halo? It sucks, right?
I hate the story line, but the multi player's okay. It's good in ways, but It's not a game I'd buy.
The first one was pretty awesome. The sequel kind of took all the good stuff, changed it a bit, and added a whole lot of mediocre filler to make the game bigger.
It did have that insane bit where you had to lead the two banshees through the long-ass tunnel WITHOUT HIJACKING THEM otherwise it would slingshot you straight sideways. And you got them through the tunnel, hijacked them, and got the 1337 gun or whatever it was called.

That was a challenge. A bitchy, hard-eyed challenge.
All i've got is pics of them, but no one would beleive me. An' they don't want pics of them on the internets anyway.

Are you referring to Godrith? It's the complete opposate. He came here to TALK about halo (Whish isn't much better, I admit.). And Ophigirus has been on before all of us, and Godrith's post sparked the inner spartan hater inside him. And I don't even know what Chak did.

Here we go...

Ophigirus-------- Blaze Mcntyre, on before all of us. Don't know his nationality (never asked) Told us about HL2.net
Chak------------- Hayden Hailey. Dad from Guyana, mom from canada. Likes Halo, and apperantly Yo Mama jokes. I don't see what he's done wrong.
Godrith---------- Kieran Shumann, a halo nut. German. Only went to HL2.net to talk about halo. Thus, he is a troll (I guess.)

Tatsuto---------- Marcio Miranda. Me. Portuguese! We all know each other, and we are ALL SEPERATE PEOPLEZ!!! We live in Manitoba (Not saying where, but you mabye know).

I can care less if they are kept as banned, but I don't think someone should be banned for false acusations.

Hell! take me with them!!! Mabye I'm stigmata too! I'm also Sparta and Amish Slayer!!!!!!! (sorry guys.)

You're lucky I didn't ban you as well, given you had the exact same IP.
Arrr, so if I logged in from school using the DET IP, and someone else on the network logged in using the DET IP, you would autobant me?



And on a final note, I think Halo 3 actually looks good. I think the story may take a turnaround. Multiplayer's going to be the focal point, though.