Halo Speculation

1. What's the name of this site Godrith, I see an 'h', but no HALO?!

2.Mater Chief, is not that great, A bunch of metal heeped inot one pile DOES NOT make you cool, or give you the ability to improvise the worst catch phrases ever heard.

3. The covenant, AND the humans all SUCK! The only good thing about Halo was... uh... oh yeah, NOTHING.

4. WHO the hell makes a grenade to penetrate shields. Just take it to the next level, an EMP gun! The EMP gun would destroy shields left and right AND render vehicles useless! Oh wait, that'd be lame, but atleast it'll fit with the rest of the game!

5. Halo is nothing to get hyped up about, the atmoshpere is so terrible, it almost chokes you. There is next to know sense of realism and no sense of 'Hey, thic could really happen!'. Another thing, would be the story line, I want to play 1 person, from one side of all the events, I don't want to be a damn human version of Master Chief, who would be better off known as mater Queef.

6. Kill ALL the marines you can find, atleast THAT is realistic!

I'm... not totally sure where this has suddenly come from, but believe me, we've seen it all here before, so just drop it. Don't like Halo? Good for you, have a star, but please don't bring your mindless, angst hate into a thread, because it seriously has been done SO many times now.

However, I really do want to have a go at picking at your points... a sense of ''this could really happen?'' I'm going to presume your defending Half-Life 2 here, but a sci-fi game involving aliens and absurd civilian characters with superhuman powers actually made you think it could happen? Lay off the drugs, man. I wasn't sure Master Chief (you seem to have some strange way of calling him Mater, which both makes no sense and just looks plain silly) was considered cool, but you complain the game isn't realistic? Well, if we're going to go from THAT front, then I'm preeeeety sure a trained soldier is a little more in the right place than a civilian with a PHD. :LOL:

Moving along now. A few of my mates have the Crackdown Halo 3 invite, so I'll see if I can test it out sometime over at theirs. I don't feel like dishing out 40 quid for a game just yet.
I never said that Halo could happen, I just said you could never get that sense FROM halo. You have a BETTER chance (not quite 100%) of ending up in an f'd up political environment which does relate to some 3rd world countries, than finding a floating ring whihc 'is a planet' orbiting a larger planet. You also have a slimmer chance of comiing across messed up and mutated 'flood' than trying to be killed by your own government, your own 'savior' who bravely protects you from a power greedy race. No, I don't refer to him as 'master', Bungie, and the other guys who made such a crappy game, fail to give me a better name to call some improvisory heavy armoured 1 pound thug who thinks he's cool because he can hold aliean weapons and lunge at people with a laser sword.
It's called originality. They did something different with the first Halo by making it set on the superweapon known as Halo. You may not like it, alot of people might not, but it's different. I'm not sure they had a sense of everyday life in mind when they made it. Halo and Half-Life 2 are completly different games, I'm really not sure why people still compare and bicker over them so much, so it's obviously not going to have the realism you (and anyone else, who knows?) may get from Half-Life 2.

Your ideas on Master Chief and 'being cool' because of a part of gameplay in the game are quite off. You should read the books, they explain a great deal more about him and his life.
I never said that Halo could happen, I just said you could never get that sense FROM halo. You have a BETTER chance (not quite 100%) of ending up in an f'd up political environment which does relate to some 3rd world countries, than finding a floating ring whihc 'is a planet' orbiting a larger planet. You also have a slimmer chance of comiing across messed up and mutated 'flood' than trying to be killed by your own government, your own 'savior' who bravely protects you from a power greedy race. No, I don't refer to him as 'master', Bungie, and the other guys who made such a crappy game, fail to give me a better name to call some improvisory heavy armoured 1 pound thug who thinks he's cool because he can hold aliean weapons and lunge at people with a laser sword.
Master Chief is a military rank, FYI.

Also, your rationalization of the story behind Half-Life 2 involves a bastardization of the actual story behind the game.

Anywho, I think we're really getting off track.

So seriously. How 'bout that pistol? I wonder if it still has the scope on it.
bastardization is a great word.
Pistol is probably underpowered.
I hope the pistol is a return to it's old state, but perhaps no-scope would make things a little more even, and if it's not a starting weapon, perhaps.
I'm sorry... it was asking for it.

Finally! my creation is complete!!!
And before any of you ask, no, i do not hate Gordon in any way, this is Master Chief's well deserved revenge:devil:
Thanks Chak. But i wouldn't dwell on revenge unless the...people...come back and start insulting at random.

So the original pistols back huh? The Hand Cannon of Death...what if it's dual wield capable? Also the fact that The Antipop brought up about maybe no scope would be interesting. I very much liked the Halo 2 pistols (especially when sheriffing).

I also heard somewhere that Halo 3 has some kind of switch system. Like you press a button when holding the Battle rifle and MC builds it up to the Assault rifle (and vice versa). It could also mean that the pistol could possibly be built up from Halo 2 to the halo 1 pistol and make it one handed (because of its power). My main hope is they don't take away the Halo 2 pistol just cause it was my favorite weapon.
Well, good news, i came across a realization. I signed up on this site to talk about HALF-LIFE 2, not that crappy game that mocks me at every one of my friend's houses. Ergo, I'm leaving THIS thread, and spending my valuable time ELSEwhere.
There are several forums at the top of the forum dedicated to Half-Life 2 and the episodes. Click the back arrow a few times and you might find them. This, is a General Games Chat forum, as part of a seperate area called The Lounge. In this General area, you are allowed to talk about any game/gaming/console/whatever. See? Now, hurry on, little one. I want to talk about Halo and not have a bastard comparison to Half-Life 2 pop-up in every thread.
There are several forums at the top of the forum dedicated to Half-Life 2 and the episodes. Click the back arrow a few times and you might find them. This, is a General Games Chat forum, as part of a seperate area called The Lounge. In this General area, you are allowed to talk about any game/gaming/console/whatever. See? Now, hurry on, little one. I want to talk about Halo and not have a bastard comparison to Half-Life 2 pop-up in every thread.

Yep. You're in exactly the wrong place if you're looking to talk about HL2. This is the section where we talk about anything that ISN'T HL2 :|
Thank you guys. Anyways i was going to create a poll on the best halo weapons. I obviously have to leave some out so im asking all of you which ones i should put in. :)
Oh OH!!! gotta put in the Carbine Rifle, that gun rocks!
how did it mess things up??? :O

I'm not gonna go into my big Halo 2 balance vs. Halo 1 balance rant here...but I'll say this:

The sword took every level it spawns in and made the game about sword control (well the entire MP game is about weapon control - which is horrible). It takes ZERO skill to use and is all but unavoidable.
it kind of overbalanced it by it's one hit kills. Also the fact of the rocket laucher sword trick which killed people from across the map pack(unless you got the map pack of course)
I'm not gonna go into my big Halo 2 balance vs. Halo 1 balance rant here...but I'll say this:

The sword took every level it spawns in and made the game about sword control (well the entire MP game is about weapon control - which is horrible). It takes ZERO skill to use and is all but unavoidable.

actually, the enemy of the sword is the shotgun. if somone with the sword lunges at you, fire a round into there belly and they die, no questions asked. and if you jump you are more likly to survive and kill them in the process, so it is avoidable.
Or rather, it would be if the shotgun was any good :p

The shotgun was very powerful, i'd always blow ppl away with it. it's an awsome gun, a little cheap, but awsome none the less.
well then, u should try and find out stratagies for using the shotgun. I've been hearing "oh, the shotgun sucks" or "useless weapon!" alot lately.It's seams to me now that it takes skill to make the shotgun effective.
I'm pretty good with the weapon and i can't see why it's so useless to others:eek:
It's not that it sucks. It's that it feels that it sucks. I'm fairly good with it to, but the Console-tastic nature of Halo 2 prevents me from using it super effectively (twitch aim, i like to call it). It also doesn't feel as meaty as HL2's shotgun, for example.
It also spreads differently than the shotgun in Halo. In Halo, the pellets would spread evenly within the crosshair. In Halo 2, they spread in a "ring" around where the crosshair is - no pellets ever, EVER fire straight forwards.

Try it out for yourself, go shoot a wall from 10 feet away.
I really liked the weapons in Halo 1, and was surprised that they decided to butcher the entire arsenal for its sequel. The Shotgun in Halo 2 was a joke.
It also spreads differently than the shotgun in Halo. In Halo, the pellets would spread evenly within the crosshair. In Halo 2, they spread in a "ring" around where the crosshair is - no pellets ever, EVER fire straight forwards.

Try it out for yourself, go shoot a wall from 10 feet away.

You have to keep in mind that some people use that to their advantage. They put the edge of the recticle on the person they are shooting at for example. It also sounds like everyone has had different excperiences and the only thing we gan get with these excperiences is that the shotgun is in fact different. Whether you had good or bad.
You have to keep in mind that some people use that to their advantage. They put the edge of the recticle on the person they are shooting at for example. It also sounds like everyone has had different excperiences and the only thing we gan get with these excperiences is that the shotgun is in fact different. Whether you had good or bad.
I realize that, but the fact remains that the shotgun's spread in Halo 2 makes the weapon decidedly worse than it was in Halo 1.

Aside from that, I hate how Bungie took out the freezing effect that plasma weapons had. Anyone else remember this? Whenever you got hit by a plasma bolt, your turn speed would, for one frame, be kicked down to near-zero. It was so much fun getting the jump on someone with the plasma rifle :(
I can't remember the shotgun in Halo 1 at all, but I know for a fact it was better than Halo 2's.

Thinking back on Halo 1 MP now... man, some good times on some of those levels. Who would of thought you could have SO much fun 2 v 2 on that map in the snow with the two bases/towers? Of course, the excitement was doubled when you got a system link going.

****, good times.
mmm, Sidewinder was a bitchin' map. I absolutely loved 2v2 in Chiron TL-34 and Boarding Action, though. Especially an all-rockets match on BA. Watching the rockets fire from one ship to the other, expertly dodging your friends' fire... :D
I always used to love shotguning an elite in the chest in Halo 1 and watch his shield break and him staggering. A second blast would then finish him off. I tried this in Halo 2, he didn't even flinch, he just hit me over the head and I died.
My friends and I pretty much played our own version of CTF exclusively on Blood Gultch. 1 flag, it would switch sides ever 5 mins (no round crap like in Halo 2) It would return when touched, no radar, all human weapons, hide the tanks in the cave so nobody could use them and put on instant respawn.

Having instant spawn probably made the biggest difference. It made getting the flag and capping it pretty damn hard because it would only take 5 seconds for a person to spawn after you killed them. This made good strategy and elaborate plans that much more important :D

I miss the slowing effect of the plasma weapons too, it's what made them actually fun to use in Halo 1. I remember people whining about the Ghost being to powerful but people didn't realize all you had to do was duck under at the proper spot as they tried to run you over and blast them with your USEFUL shotgun or nade them as they approach :)
That gametype sounds pretty sweet :D

I have a better one though :)P), called Warthog Run.

Basically you play on Blood Gulch, and turn on as many Warthogs as possible. Turn on infinite grenades, no shields, FFA, 50 kill limit, and only rockets.

You basically get into Warthogs and run over people on the ground, who can ONLY use grenades to kill you, unless you are a VERY reasonable distance away in which case rockets are allowed (for long-range "how the **** did you let that hit you" kills). People on the ground are only allowed to attack people in Warthogs, and vice-versa (i.e. no trying to flip the other Warthog to run over the driver).

When you get into a Warthog, you are allowed a five-second getaway, where other players aren't allowed to throw grenades at you or fire rockets at you, while you're still allowed to try and run them over at this point. If you kill someone in a Warthog, you HAVE to get in, no questions asked, no weapons fired, even at other Warthogs. If you see an empty Warthog, you HAVE to get in.

I've logged a good hundred hours or so playing this with my friends a couple years back :D
Ya...Blood Gulch and the Warthog seemed to go together so well...until Halo 2 that is. I remember how easy CTF was for me in Halo 1. The warthog fit PERFECTLY inside the front door and then i'd get some teammate to drive around back and we'd drive off to safety while i waved their flag in the side seat. Ha ha it pissed people off. Any of you played it for PC with the rocket warthog?
I always used to love shotguning an elite in the chest in Halo 1 and watch his shield break and him staggering. A second blast would then finish him off. I tried this in Halo 2, he didn't even flinch, he just hit me over the head and I died.

what!?!?:eek: How close were you? for me, if you get up close and fire the shotgun into and elite in halo 2, they die instantly. works for me every time :D
what!?!?:eek: How close were you? for me, if you get up close and fire the shotgun into and elite in halo 2, they die instantly. works for me every time :D
I was at point blank, on normal difficultly.