Halo Speculation


But seriously.

I don't actually remember good vehicles in Red Faction. Can anyone attest to their awesomeness, or non-awesomeness, because I'd rather not go and download Red Faction than... download Red Faction.

But seriously.

I don't actually remember good vehicles in Red Faction. Can anyone attest to their awesomeness, or non-awesomeness, because I'd rather not go and download Red Faction than... download Red Faction.

I don't remember any good vehicles in Red Faction either. All I think of when I think Red Faction is trying to tunnel across DM maps to my friend :p
I have never played Red Faction and i probably never will. But from my perspective I have looked at what has been said about Red Faction and crunched the numbers...the conclusion is!!!THIS IS A ****ING HALO THREAD.

:angry: + :sniper: = every1 dead

More than hopeful. Take a look in the upper-left :D

They could easily take a step backwards with Halo 3, they did a great job stepping back when they made Halo 2 :(

Hmmm, I don't know about you guys, but that looks photoshopped.
Ha Ha so does your face.

What would he have to gain by photoshopping it?
Hmmm, if ANYONE will remember, one person posted 'Half-life 3' screenshots. It was alomst instantly pointed out, that they had been photoshopped, several of the effects of this 'Screenshot' can be mimiced or created in Photoshop, motion blur on the walls, cut and past an assault rifle from a Halo 1 screenshot and add minor details, smear and blur the HUD so it looks like a fish eye lens, create your own 'Shield Grenade' icon and place it perfectly aligned with the rest of the HUD 'icons'. If I bothered, I could have probably done the same thing, but I have better things to do in my time than create "Halo 3 screenshots". Why create and encourage its release when I can simply criticise it!
My name, is Ophiguris!

Ahem, My ANSWER was, or atleast I forgot to write it in. People begin to notice you more, you gain a sense of respect for finding screenshots and people say "Hey, he knows WTF he's doing!!!" I just like to shatter momoents like that!
Hmmm, I don't know about you guys, but that looks photoshopped.

There's 5 more, I just grabbed that one because it is the best one that shows the grenade section of the HUD.



These shots also match up with leaked video of the Alpha.


And then this choppy terrible one

And this


Unless they're all faked :rolleyes:
If it's NOT photoshoppe, why are there black lines all over the place?
Also, do not make the excuse that the "ATV Whart Hog" is genuine, because you CAN just take clips from Whart Hog screenshots, shrink them, meld them together ETC. and get another screenshot of Master Chief riding a ghost and clip him out of it.

IF Indeed these are genuine, then my apologies, BUT one thing STILL sucks about Halo, the graphics will burn your retinas!
I figured the black lines would be user details, like gametags and stuff. I dunno.

Hmm, looking at those pics, I see the sniper no longer has an actual ''in-motion to the battlefield'' scope... or whatever you want to call it. Y'know, it had a perfect picture, scaled down, of what was in front of you, etc...

The website does say alpha pics. They are still working on it. Beta pics might be better. Be optimistic. The new atv kind of thing is a step forward (hopefully). The maps also look like they are all new so it'll at least be a while before people get bored of multiplayer. The sniper rifle is also somewhat cooler.
I figured the black lines would be user details, like gametags and stuff. I dunno.

That's exactly why they're on there. They cover parts of the screen that show player names, kill messages and who is using their mic at the time.

Also, have you guys even watched the videos? If the shots are faked, the HUD and weapons somehow look exactly like they do in the videos :|
That's exactly why they're on there. They cover parts of the screen that show player names, kill messages and who is using their mic at the time.

Also, have you guys even watched the videos? If the shots are faked, the HUD and weapons somehow look exactly like they do in the videos :|

I agree. Someone would have to go through HELL to make all those vids faked. Besides like i said before, what would be the point? To yank fans around :dozey: ? Yeah right.
If those videos are faked, somebody somewhere has their own unlicensed, home-made copy of Halo 3.
BLASPHEMY!!! HALO IS ABSOLUTE!!! Plus master cheif can do matrix. There is no way Gordan could hit him with a crowbar. Plus from behind? Don't think so. Motion Tracker!
I WILL admit, I do want halo 3. Afler I'm finished with HL2 EP.2, of course. And just about every, OTHER 360 GAME.

Oh, it's on! Tatsuto, get the Gmod, cap them foo's, right now!
Test... your might. Test... your might. Test... your might.


*funky music go!*
videos look cool, but how much more can MS squeeze out of this franchise... :burp:
BLASPHEMY!!! HALO IS ABSOLUTE!!! Plus master cheif can do matrix. There is no way Gordan could hit him with a crowbar. Plus from behind? Don't think so. Motion Tracker!
The Blue Gravity Gun doth PWN.
Ok so it does. And? Was Gordon using a gravity gun? No. He was using a crow bar.
Halo 3 mmhmm

I'm really just posting to test my avatar...
videos look cool, but how much more can MS squeeze out of this franchise... :burp:

I personally believe that the reason halo is doing so well was the expected "awsomeness". So the wait got everyone to buy it escpecially the fans of the first game. Like this guy ---> :dork: . Even now when we were talking about Halo Wars and Halo 3 we were expecting huge things.
I'm sorry... it was asking for it.

I'm pretty sure the MJOLNIR Mark VI armor wouldn't just fall apart like that, as everyone should know the suit has a rechagable energy shield. and even if the shield wasn't there, the suit itself would most likely hold up against a crowbar of all things.

Let us not forget that the Chief's bones are infused with steel, so i don't think his head would come off that easily.
I'm pretty sure the MJOLNIR Mark VI armor wouldn't just fall apart like that, as everyone should know the suit has a rechagable energy shield. and even if the shield wasn't there, the suit itself would most likely hold up against a crowbar of all things.

Let us not forget that the Chief's bones are infused with steel, so i don't think his head would come off that easily.

Nor would his decreased reaction time and agility allow for such a silly scientist to even touch him. :p