oh yeah, and also
-The game just SCREAMS "look at my shiny havocness" without actually using it for anything remotrely interesting.
-every time I got into a gunfight I kept thinking I was playing The Specialists, then realizing I wasn't, and it wasn't anywhere near as fluid. or interactive. or functional. hmm free mod coded by two guys with h1 engine beats max payne 2, coded by 20 or so guys with 2 years, millions of dollars and a successful game under their belt.
-The game just SCREAMS "look at my shiny havocness" without actually using it for anything remotrely interesting.
-every time I got into a gunfight I kept thinking I was playing The Specialists, then realizing I wasn't, and it wasn't anywhere near as fluid. or interactive. or functional. hmm free mod coded by two guys with h1 engine beats max payne 2, coded by 20 or so guys with 2 years, millions of dollars and a successful game under their belt.