well in other forums the mods didn't like my name of ieatmods so blah
edit: 111 posts!
edit2: 15357 on numpad is shaped like a lambda symbol. (i think)
Quick Summary:
Rebels: Kyle (cook) and Sam
Combine: Nathan (smart guy) Langson (retard)
They are aboard Borails, killing the evils inside it, cause G-man told them to, right before Cook beheaded him. Sam want Borails as a moblie rebel base.
3 Vorts teleported annoyed that someone spoiled their meal.
Kyle offers to cook them a meal to save the 4 human's lives.
EDIT: changed from 4 vorts to 3 vorts
V1 V2 and V3 in unison: We highly doubt that you could even begin to comprehend the complexity of our taste in food.
Kyle:hmm......I make a mean spam sandwhich with Mac n' cheese!
Sam (to kyle): Do you WANT to get us killed??
V1 V2 and V3: SOUNDS GREAT!!!
Kyle:Never underestimate the power of cheese...
"Ummm... ok. I'l go downstairs and find a stalker to boil the water for the mac n cheese!" anonced nathan
"wait isn't it.." announced the cook before being cut off by langsdon screaming mad exctacy
"OMG OMG OMG STALERS FOOLS FOOLS FOOLS" he ran around in circles for twenty seconds before he jumped off the boralis and into an ithyasaurs gaping mouth.
"mfff mfff" sounds came from the itchyasaur as it swam away
"think we should help him?" said sam
everyone else just stood in disbelif, including the three vortigaunts.
Then sam pulle out his gravity gun and used it to pull on langsdons belt bukle, he shot out of the water pulling the itchyasaur with him and then toret hrough it's stomach lining whils it was over the boar leaving a dead ithyasaur and a stomach acid covered langsdon on the deck of the borealis.
Suddenly a biology teacher (and games enthusiest) spawned out of the sky!
"OK, chaps." he coughed, pointing at a just spawned chalkboard. "A stalker is what happens when you remove someone, in this case a human's, frontal lobes, and replace anything that makes them human with chopped of parts or stuff. Also, look up vortigaunt slave.". He disintegrated.
The three humans looked at each other.
"Who" one began, "Is playing the **** around with Gary's Mod and Photoshop?"
Nathan *kicks ragdolls off the ship*
Sam: So, you guys do that to people?
NAthan: Well, um....we don't personaly but.....hmmm.....
Kyle: Thats disgusting.
V1 V2 and V3 *start fading like a holagram*:Uh oh we are getting telloported back to X- *zap they dissapear*
Sam: well that solves that....ok lets look for some weapons now!
Nathan: Hey!! i had a USP pistol in my pants
Sam: Oh thank god It was a gun....I was starting to get a little freaked out.
Langson: Hey!!! I have a pulse rifle on those steps over there!!!
Kyle: Don't you mean you FOUND a pulse rifle?
Langson: I found a pulse rifle?? COOL!!
Sam: One of these days im gonna....
Sam: Jeez....the smell of must is in the air...The depths are dark my party has 600gp.........Wait wrong place hehe.
Kyle: Anyone else think this is now a bad idea???
Nathan: I don't know.....
Langson: Hey what does this valve do?
Sam: It smells like.....Propane...
Langson: OMG!!!! It's a ZOMBIE *Fires pistol*
*no really obivious posts that tell you that this is based on a computer game, no F6 + F9, but garysmod stuff is aok*
Langson: "The ship is tilting to the left, run to the right, put your weight on that that side, hurry!"
Sam: "...." *shrugs*
Nathan: "This is strange"
Kyle: "I know, he's smart."
Langson "Just RUN!"
the 4 humans run to the right side
*the huge ship starts rocking and eventually stops but they can hear what sounds like overwatch yelling andsomething crashing into the sides of the ship*
Sam: Is that.....Combine???
Nathan: Let me tune in to the radio....I'll try to see if there are any local brodcasts......
*the radio fades in and you can hear Combine yeling*
Ksssh*Ok we've got it contained*ksssh
ksssh*Did anyone hear that noise before...*ksssh
ksssh*I'll have the assasins go check it out*ksssh
Nathan:We're screwed!!
Sam:But you guys are with them....right?
Nathan:We look like it to a regular person but the assasins see differently.....see we kinda took out our transmitters when we started to befriend you so that they couldn't track us but now.....
Langson: They'll kill us before we can see them!
Sam: We better get moving!
Kyle: Hey, theres a map of this thing on the wall....there seems to be several levels....Ok....let's go down those stairs over there...
*sorry, was trying to add humor, didn't realize it would cause so much complaints*
When they go down the steps, they see what the Combine was talking about, It is an Antlion Guard.
Sam:how did that get on this ship
Nathan: The combine do experiments all the time, this might be one of them
Kyle: Well this looks like it might not be good.
Langston: If we go quietly we can sneak behind it, and we can wait for the Assassins here and we could just fight just the winners.
Sam:good idea, did you put your mask back on
Langston:yes, this thing also has night vision
Sam: heheh they'll never see us here
Kyle: (wispering) shhh stop talking or the Ant Lion Guard will hear us.
Langston then sneezes really loudly, getting snot all over his mask.
Langston: awww grosss . . . did the Guard hear us?
A deep groan uttered from within the beast, it rose, and turned to charge the rebels, when boom echoed throught the ship as a bullet entered into the beast.
It fell to the ground with a loud thud.
"I've always wanted a good reason to defect from this bullshit excuse of an army." A man appeared out of the shadows, a large rifle in his hands.
They all glanced behind him.
"Uh, mister... you might wanna look behind you."
The man glared at them, and pointed the rifle over his shoulder. And pulled the trigger.
An antlion fell to the ground behind him.
"OK, boys, we eat tonight!" Langston cried. "If, that is, sir... if you don't mind..."
(Could we change that to overwatch? Metro cops wouldn't be on that ship.)
Sir???: STOP RIGHT THERE! (to overwatch man)
Overwatch: Don't shoot....I'm with you....
Sam: Seems like everyone hates combine.
Overwatch: Like hell i do, They Did biological tests on me!
Kyle:So are you like some mutant now?
Overwatch: not yet...But if I don't find an antidote to this crap they accidentaly gaveme im gonna be worse than a mutant!
Nathan: whoa heavy stuff.....hey whered langson go?!!??
Assassin: comeon Narrators, stop calling me a guy. You are so insensitive. Just because I carry a big gun and shoot big things, does not make me a man. Geeesh.
Sam: O ya we just assumed you were a guy sorry. Its because of the mask.
Langston: ya it gives us special powers, is your even better?