Head Crab Rotisserie style - A many people many post fan-fic

Sass'wot: ja, it's a BIONICAL mask. It makes me BIONICLE.


Sam: That dosn't seem right. It looks like a normal mask.
Langston: Yeah, but our masks look like normal masks.
Assassin: what, blood-soaked spider-man ones?

*forgot my ritalin, feel free to ignore*
the cp was spawned in pg 7 but nobody killed him.
but anyway......

sam + langston : whos spider-man?
cook: you know that wierd freak of a guy that thinks hes a spider...
Langston+Nathan: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...
Langston+Nathan: noo nevermind
cook: sigh, well he is before your time. waaaay before.
Assassin: isn't he before your time too.
cook: ya, but I am retro like that.
assasin:ima gonna have to kill....*antlion(regular kind)roars and starts chewing on the dead assasin's head*
sam:well that was lucky
cook:ima coookin antlion a tonight!
nathan:what the?
cook:sams going to kill it and well eat it,stupid
langson: Noooooooooooo,DONT KILL MY BEST FRIEND :flame:
sam: *starts firing pulse rifle*
nathan:he would kill us if we didnt.
langson: oh yeah :smoking:
Assasin: "I've never had antlion, is it anygood?"
Sam: "Tastes like headcrab."
Assasin: "And what does that taste like?"
Kyle: "Chicken."
Assasin "And what does chicken taste like, you know what the water's like."

NOTE: Someone give the assasin a name.
kyle: how is the water like?
assasin(now jane): you know....
:..that i'm dead"

nathan exclaimed "That was odd, dead people dont normaly talk" as ahe poked the dead assasin jane with a fourty five and a half foot long pole.
*she is so not DEAD :(*

A rathe harsh Overrwatch tone started to emmit from the assasin's suit.
jane yerked up and stared at the rebels.
Jane: Bloody hate that thing, i've died 15 times in 4 bloody weeks."
a robotic voice suddenly said:
'BANG' a grenade in the gun rack(that appeared out of nowhere) went off.
jane- " what the hell was that"
sam-"sorry must of left one of the pins out"
kyle-"honestly i wonder sometime"
robotic voice:antlion species 1-A detected,portable oven activating in 3,2,1...
*microwave oven appears out of nowhere*
sam:those things are still around?
kyle:*starts cutting up the antlion and puts in microwave*
robotic voice:INTRUDER IN PORTABLE OVEN*mp5 pops out of nowhere into the assaisain's arms*
assaisain:that helped.....a bit
Kyle: stop shooting the food.
robotic voice: warning, metal detected in Microwave. Will explode in 3 . 2 ...
Sam: oh noes we gotta run.
rv: 1.
a loud explosion occurs
Fire and brimstone swept through the air from the explosion hurtling our five adventurers to a place beyond all time.

Twisting upwards through the pale green skies, spires of living amoebas twisted and turned, arcing like lightning bolts while gelatinous floating blobs slowly spewed out puffs of bviolet gas ina a neverending sympthony.

Like the road to a Transylvanian castle rocks twisted wildly into paths that themselves were alive and glacialy shifting so that in a years time this area would be indistinguishable from how it once was.

Down below in the abyss the source of all light beaconed all things towards it with it's powerfull gravitational feild. Drawing in the unwary and unfortunate like the sirens only to harshly tear them apart with the intense gravitational feilds at the center of the quazar.

Sifting across the ground patches of short lived organioc chemical reactions created a shimmering carped of purple, always dentered around the immense crystals that grew out of the ground as if of magic and spoke bake all they heard in a smooth mechanised tone that lacked all common resemlence to normal sounds of nature.

Xen was definitley a strange place to be.
*holy crap that was awsome, FireCrack you rocked*
and then kyle woke up and it was all a dream
then woke up again and saw that the dream was a dream.

v1(from pg 6): give us cheese!
and woke up again and saw that the dream was a dream was a dream.And woke up in a pit of headcrabs worshipping him,woke up again seeing sam, kyle, assain, langson and nathan staring at him.
*btw its Langston not langson and assassin is spelt like that with 4 s's*
Langston: sorry, I'm really tired. What did I miss?
Gordon's Brother said:
and woke up again and saw that the dream was a dream was a dream.And woke up in a pit of headcrabs worshipping him,woke up again seeing sam, kyle, assain, langson and nathan staring at him.
sry doing like 5 things at once

:sniper: :afro:
and woke up again and saw that the dream was a dream was a dream was a dream.

now lets please stop.
Climbing up from the ruble our favorite Combine remarked:
Langston: "Holy crap, who gave us sleepy-dreamy pills?"
everyone: ahhhhhhhh! the ghost of michael jackson came back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

note: see pg 5 or 6 to understand this (i think)

edit: can't find post.
found it..

gman was decapitated by a frying pan....
Jane: Firstly: WHO THE F**K ARE YOU? And secondly why sleeping pills?

Jane = resurcted (spelling?) Assasin
GMAN : I am the eschatological manifestation of the ground of your being, the ontological foundation of the context of your very selfhood revealed.
Landston: *Brainwashed type talk* What do you want me to do, oh blue suited man?
gman: run around in circles 5 times.
(does it)
gman: now do the mission I told you to do on this ship already. Stop procrastinating.
oh god...too many characters...as part of the machinima team can i say...character death??
suddenly, a metrocop pops out whom langson spawned in pg 7 or somthing..........

metrocop: 11-22 illegal weapon found: briefcase. *hits gman with big sharp stunstick cutting him in 6 pieces*
then gabe newell appears, yells at metrocop for killing gman and kills him and leaves mumbling: darn now we need to find ANOTHER those are so hard to find
and then this thread went crashing into the ground and was eventually closed, edited, and turned into a Machinima :laugh:
MarcoPollo said:
and then this thread went crashing into the ground and was eventually closed, edited, and turned into a Machinima :laugh:

Very....propablee...Mr. MarcoPollo, and I hope....that this doesnt seemed likee...an...arbritary ..disposition..