At this point langsdon stepped on a mine attatched to a nuclear warhead.
As the primary explosicve charges compressed the spherical plutonium form collisions with stray neutrons and plutonium atoms became more and more common to the point where for every atom split, 2 or 3 neutrons from it's death would destroy 2 or 3 other atoms.
This reaction built into a firey furry, giving out an incredible amunt of energy when at the warhead's core the heat became so high that deuterium and tritium started to fuse to form helium 4.
At this point the amount of energy given out was so large that the warhead, and the surounding area exploded violently.
For miles around everything caught fire and colapsed... everyone died.
I am currently editing this thread and adding/deleting content so it should be ready for a machinima soon! any suggestions for adding content (we will be deleting borealis)
sam : oh my god, michael jackson's ghost says he's god
gman:go to hell!
*sam falls into the infinte skybox abyss*
sam:stupid gay mappers,hammer editor,screw you mappers!
ten minutes later-
sam:i think i have antlion food poisoning....OH MY GOD IM ON FIRE!
we mourn it's death, 15357, but we have made something to fill it's place:
Head Crab R S- Machinima...
The threads in the Genral Half Life 2 forum... (plz Join)