Headcrab Plush Toy Kit

YAY! I haven't visited this thread in a looong time (I've been busy sewing... stupid head-crab plush toy and it's addictiveness). I've got about 20 plasters on my fingers, and I want to start the elite super deformed combine! (Sounds like something off Naruto ^_^), Get it ready or I'll chop off my barbie dolls heads!
I finalized the model. When i have some free time i'll start tracing it. I hope that i can get it to a decent size on 8.5"x14" paper. And heres a new thing i'm going to include. I added 3 internal peices, 1 repeats, to help hold the internal structure together. One streatching form the eye to the back of the head, and another from the center of the torso to the back. And off the torso another peice going form the center torso to the neck area. More may be needed in the end, but it will at least make the plush toy keep it's shape, and not bulge out.
I've released a preview kit for the combine elite. It actually has peices from the pattern in it. The peices will make the combine elites head, but at a larger size then the final version. So if you really want to make the combine elite sd and can't wait then check out the preview, at least you can get a head. He He.
Ok coolies then - people making their own plush toy crabs is no biggie.

And did Valve really say no, or whoever the sh___tkicker was who reads the forum said no on Valves behalf?. You'd need to go up to board level - to get it done. Not rely on whatever squaddie simpleton they have trawling the forums. But, as they say, its a matter for you......
Awww a teeny-weeny-ickle-mini-baby-elite! That is so amazingly adorable! :D
SHIPPI said:
Awww a teeny-weeny-ickle-mini-baby-elite! That is so amazingly adorable! :D

I'm still working on it, this weekend it should be done. It's going to be around 37 peices per half (note : the antlion has 30 peices per half). I may have to screw around with the pattern some more though, i want the pecies to be a decent size, which means me splitting thing that should not be split The poster edition will be a better version in my mind. The peices will actually be large enough and the final "Poster" edition should be about 1.5'-2' feet tall.

3-4 peices in it will be internal supports, a first for one of my patterns.

Also I've started to make a poison headcrab. It's freaking huge. The arms extends over a foot a peice. Now if i make 2 more after this one i'll be a poison zombie for halloween.
You'd have to make yourself really fat.
I think you'd have to make 3 more, also, though.
FireCrack said:
How on earth do poison zombies get so fat anyways?

The poison headcrab proubally uses their bodies as a mobile poison container. Or they really like junk food.

My poison crab is 1/2 done.
I Finished my poison crab. It's huge. And i should have the combine elite SD pattern out by tommorow. Right now it's just the base body, but i may release some mods to give it more detail.
im making a headcrab at school (my friend is too)

A+ is on its way!!
I like my new sewing machine. With it today I completed 1/2 of my ant lion. Note: You will need to cheat on the front foot. THe hole is just to small. Heres a pic of my 1/2 done ant lion.
slashandburn said:
Here's everything you need to make a plush/(any fabric) headcrab toy. Sewing skills are required. For education use only.

awwww... its so cute! agooche gooche goo!!!!!! :dozey:
can we buy these off you? Like, completed designs?

I wanna get my friend a headcrab, but i'm not too good at sowing...
Why is it so huge?It doesn't look like an antlion for me.
that's coz it's not all hard and stuff. just try and imagine it standing up with stiff legs =) it looks like an antlion to me
Could put some kind of wire in the legs, if you haven't already, I've been kinda skimming the pages.

If there were wire, then you could position it a lil better.

But, it wouldn't be as fun cuddle with when it's bedtime.

WormsME said:
Why is it so huge?It doesn't look like an antlion for me.
Stop complaining.

It's hooj!

Ist sehr groß!

Huge is an understatement. O_O
It's really creapy having the ant lion around. When I work at my dorms front desk i put it in the other chair next to mine. I just tell people it's a giant ant and it took a lot of raid to bring it down. Eventually I'll start work on a sd combine elite. But before that i need to make some expensive software purchases, adobe photoshop & ilustrator. I hate having to use the public computers to do image work.
Can you make some fuzzy-felt Pheropods to go with the Antlion? :E
Noobulon said:
Can you make some fuzzy-felt Pheropods to go with the Antlion? :E

I'll look into it.

And I accepted pcgamers UK request for a plush headcrab.
he tried the crowbar, apparently doesn't work too well if I remember correctly. correct me if i'm wrong slashandburn
Misha said:
he tried the crowbar, apparently doesn't work too well if I remember correctly. correct me if i'm wrong slashandburn

The crowbar is just to small. Now if i enlarged the pattern a lot it might work.
slashandburn said:
The crowbar is just to small. Now if i enlarged the pattern a lot it might work.

i seem to remeber that is wasn't that it was too small, it was but we could enlarge it. there wasn't enough curve in the top.
Source forts is consuming to much of my time right now, so plush patterns are kinda on hold. Check out the mod, I'm making a few maps for it.
I made one of the Headcrabs, but mine looks cooler than the pics on 3d2toys site.....

wonder why?
BlackDahlia said:
Man, that had to have taken forever to sew :eek:

Very nice! ^_^

If you only knew half the story on making it.

I had all the required peices to make it sitting on my floor for over a month, but I didn't have a sewing machine. In the time it took me to make it with a sewing machine I was able to make headcrab by hand.
38 pages... Is there someplace you can collect all the images?

I cant find them all. The ones I've seen are teh amazing :D - Valve needs to sell merchandise.