Hey Guys Opinions Plz.....

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Apr 20, 2004
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What to you think about those sick iraqi bastards who killed that american civilian by beheding him? I think it is very bad and america should just nuke iraq casue cause there all the same, a bunch of sick freaks.

opinians plz.

WARNING: if you have the stomach watch the vid (this mvie is very graphic and disturbing).

I can't count how many times I've seen that type of stupidity...
I want ppl to see what sick mutha****ers these bastards are.
I say nuke them all.
Good thinking, that won't tick anyone off at all...............
I wouldnt mind luanching those guys in the video out of torpedo tube at 2000ft....but nuking innocent people wont do a damn thing.....cept mabey make someone retaliate....and you can guess where that leads.
my freind gave me a link to the vid a while ago, then said like 5 mins later not to watch it coz its ****ing sick and its real. so i didnt. and i hope no-one here does too.

and it is a retaliation of sorts, as those people saw the americans torturing their own.
i have seen it..and i dont recommend to see it if ur not used to that kinda shit..the first 5 minutes is just "allaah ackbaaahr" talk...
also to them and their culture being beheaded is far more desirable fate then being totured and ridiculed like that americans did at the prison camps. its all in the eyes of the beholder. and no offence but your a ****ing moron to think that lauching a nuke would be even close to a suiteable method for the actions of a few people. i know an iraqie, and hes quite a nice fellow.

and also by generalizing all iraqies the same you point our futher stupidity.

how would you like it if your country got bomb and tens of thousands of civilians got killed for an imagineary reason?

you would prolly be jsut more pissed off and even more stereotypical of the people that did it to you than you are right now
My friend gave me a link to a VERY bad quality one. Diddn't see very much. But still it turned my stomache. If you can, avoid it at all costs, this is worse then ******* * 100.
ok maybe i went a bit to far sorry you guys
but when i saw the movie last night i was thourogly disgusted and sickened and felt like bursting into tears - i mean how can such things go on in the world

They could have just shot him in the head - an easy painless death
Scunna said:
ok maybe i went a bit to far sorry you guys
but when i saw the movie last night i was thourogly disgusted and sickened and felt like bursting into tears - i mean how can such things go on in the world

They could have just shot him in the head - an easy painless death

oyu think thats sick. i have a cousin that is obsessed with watching those death videos of people getting killed or killing themselfs. and they are alot mroe gruesome. not being jaded, its sick none the less. and the people who did should be punished not the whole country
I agree that it was sick. And the people that did it deserve the same fate.

But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont blame the iraqi people in general. I mean for gods sake. I dont understand all this
I think all people living in the middle east are terrorists/evil
its just peoples ignorance on beliving the frist thing they hear and not bother to research it afterwords.

its like playing telephone
Aye, that video is gruesome although the russian cut throat video with the chechen bastards cutting through the russian conscripts throat is sicker... You can literally hear him gurgling his own ****ing blood up.

Anyways, talking about nuking iraq or something similar is just plain dumb. Yes, that beheading was terrible to watch, but it's not the iraqis' fault that there's a bunch of fanatic retards running around in the streets. I'd also want to add, that some american soldiers aren't too good either, with all this sexual torture thing in the iraqi prisons. At least the religous fanatics think this will server a greater goal, for example to free iraq. The americans are just messing around. ****ing animals...
Scunna said:
What to you think about those sick iraqi bastards who killed that american civilian by beheding him? I think it is very bad and america should just nuke iraq casue cause there all the same, a bunch of sick freaks.

opinians plz.

WARNING: if you have the stomach watch the vid (this mvie is very graphic and disturbing).

You are clearly just as bad as them. Cant you see? They reacted to the photos and you are acting in a simular way to this. Cant you see the problem people need to just forgive and forget. Make a compremise (sp) and have peace.
Fat Tony! said:
You are clearly just as bad as them. Cant you see? They reacted to the photos and you are acting in a simular way to this. Cant you see the problem people need to just forgive and forget. Make a compremise (sp) and have peace.

Heh, you can't take him seriously can you? it's obvious he's still too young to understand his mistake. He has no idea what he's talking about. If he were a grown man and spewing this nonsense, then it would be freaky.

Kinda like the yahoo boards in here lol.
)[eVo]( Para said:
Heh, you can't take him seriously can you? it's obvious he's still too young to understand his mistake. He has no idea what he's talking about. If he were a grown man and spewing this nonsense, then it would be freaky.

Kinda like the yahoo boards in here lol.

yes, but educate them while there young so they arnt like that then they are grown up
I just saw the vid............ and that is the sickest Vid I have ever seen in my whole Life.

they should ve used a sword which way less more painfull than their Fuking knife.
Scunna, you're lucky. Somebody got banned for posting that the other day.

WARNING: if you have the stomach watch the vid (this mvie is very graphic and disturbing). Does that not tell you anything?! Nothing at all?! DON'T post shit like this!!!
mm... Can I ask why there's a censorship all of the sudden? Isn't it our choice if we want to see a gruesome beheading? I see your point. That video is cruel, inhuman and all, but I don't think the link should be removed when he clearly states it's very graphic...
If you want to see it you can go and find it, but it aint being posted here.

If you want to see *******, go and find it, but it aint being posted here.

If you want to see pornography, go and find it, but it aint being posted here.

See the pattern?
I see the pattern, and I respect the pattern. But I don't understand the pattern...
It's quite simple.

No graphic content on the forums to prevent people accidentally viewing something they don't want to see, and to make this place a nice, clean atmosphere for people of all ages to visit.

Awww, group hug.
That's indeed very simple, but it still goes against my principles... Oh well, I'll just have to deal with it... *begins to cry*
Champ said:
I see the pattern, and I respect the pattern. But I don't understand the pattern...

It's called having standards, a fairly alien concept to a lot of websites.
Champ said:
That's indeed very simple, but it still goes against my principles... Oh well, I'll just have to deal with it... *begins to cry*

A lack of principles is not in itself a principle, it is merely a lack. :dozey:
Gah, didn't you read me message? Oh well... I just think that when we're discussing, about fanatic iraqis' as this one, you have to have some knowledge about the subject to form an opinion right? And this video right here, actually gives you a good basis of forming an opinion. But as I said, I'll just have to deal with it... I have moved on :)
My opinon? I'm thinking more and more that the gene pool could use a little chlorine...

I understand that beheading people is downright nasty at best (And that there are right bastards on both sides of the war...) but the "nuke 'em all" comment garners no respect from me...
And I was referring to the Kadijav Polski or whatever his name might be... Hehe, no worries...
No worries.

(^ Second best phrase in any version of the English language)
What might be the best then?
And Kadayi, please explain why I deserve to be insulted? For believing something else than you? Blah...
It's quite simple.

No graphic content on the forums to prevent people accidentally viewing something they don't want to see, and to make this place a nice, clean atmosphere for people of all ages to visit.

Awww, group hug.
Indeed. It makes lots of sense, If you want to view it, google it. Its not so hard anymore.
Champ said:
What might be the best then?
And Kadayi, please explain why I deserve to be insulted? For believing something else than you? Blah...

Take it as a compliment, I don't even bother to ridicule the garbage that socially unaware imbeciles like scunna post these days so your above him in the food chain of life. :dozey:
Hey guys ime SORRY ABOUT THIS THREAD ok i wish i hadnt of wrote it now, but i have. The vid did have a clear warning on it, i posted it cause i want everyone to see how cruel those ****as are. Bye the way ime only 17 years old

Iraqis cutting off an Aemerican's head with a knife? I think I already know how curel those bastards are. Stop panicking, just don't post links to things like that again.

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