Hi-Res Gold Package Screenies.


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
no offense to unmarked, that was a good thread. these are taken from this thread.

So I received my Gold package goodies. Excellent. Had to pay FedEx at the door because of canadian customs, then I opened the FedEx cardboard box to find a VERY DAMAGED HL2 box. Here's the content:


You can see the entire content of the package.


Damaged box. So much for "collector's box" eh. The trash can will collect it. Wow I really need to trim my nails, that's horrible. Moving on...


Again, the box. Cheap paper. Fold and collect!


High quality HL2 cap. Nice stuff and I was surprised how it widens quite a lot to fit my oversized head.


Inside of the cap.


Cover of Prima book. Great quality.


Backside of Prima book. I didn't take a pic inside so to not spoil anything.


Thickness. It's thick, 300 pages.


City 17 postcard, HL2 sticker (remove paper in the back and stick), HL2 soundtrack which I haven't listened to (yet).


Posters. Disappointed that they were folded, a small tube would have been better. Nice print, somewhat blurry but good stuff.

That's it, pretty nice package overall :)
Did you Read the First Chapter yet?
So unresistable....
If i had the strategy guide in my hand, i'd read it all. That's how impatient i am. :(
Bah, time to leave the discussion forums until the 16th. ;(
who the hell is going to wear that cap in public?
watch someones gonna be sporting it at like an awards ceremony one night...then itll go like elfs when i have a gun :)
OMG.. I want that soundtrack...

Sadly.. Yet good... It will appear on the intarweb for download.. Must.. Get...

Man that must be hard to resist reading...
I wish I had the box, the hat, and the soundtrack, but the rest looks pretty useless :p
rrm said:
who the hell is going to wear that cap in public?

I would, i wear hats all the time, and since my old hat literally fell apart, i would wear that one. I wouldn't care what others think because, why the hell should i care.
poo poo head said:
I would, i wear hats all the time, and since my old hat literally fell apart, i would wear that one. I wouldn't care what others think because, why the hell should i care.
Right on! Same here.
I'd wear it for sure. And if i had a HL2 shirt i'd wear that as well, in fact i'd wear them both together :D
speaking of the soundtrack...does anyone know if the soundtrack will be available for purchase individually? i got silver, but i'd like to have the option of getting the soundtrack if it's as good as the first one (and if the coast vid is any indication, it's better!).
anti-elf said:
what an ugly bed sheet....damn!

I bet you are a female ;)

females always care about their bed sheet colour

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
speaking of the soundtrack...does anyone know if the soundtrack will be available for purchase individually? i got silver, but i'd like to have the option of getting the soundtrack if it's as good as the first one (and if the coast vid is any indication, it's better!).

Torrents, mouahahaha :LOL: so evily :E
anyone know where you can download the hl2 soundtrack? not that i plan on getting it, i'm just... y'know, wondering :p
diluted said:
anyone know where you can download the hl2 soundtrack? not that i plan on getting it, i'm just... y'know, wondering :p
I really shouldn't say it.. But the site that has it is mentioned somewhere on this board...

Is that the gold orrrr the ce?
wtf mate
if my box is liek that ill slap the people at eb
All i want in that entire thing is the soundtrack. The rest of that seems ........ crappy. The posters are folded, no good. The hat is not a one-size-fits all kind where the back of it is closed. The sticker is really cheap, just black and white!! Some color and nicer design woulda been worth it. The box doesn't seem very cool, a metal one (think UT2K4 SE) woulda been cooler.
vegeta897 said:
I really shouldn't say it.. But the site that has it is mentioned somewhere on this board...


Why do people pay 90 bucks for a big package from Valve and then rip the CD and put it on a torrent site for a bunch of losers they don't know to get it for free. I don't understand this. If I pay for something and someone asks me to give it them for free I give them some choice words. (and yes 'no' is one of the words)
That gold package looks mighty cheap.
Hat? Shame. Sticker? Gimme a break. Postcard? Gotta be kidding.
I wouldn't want it even in bronze package.
$90? Mwahaha... My sincere condolences to all golden kids ;)
Cujo said:
That gold package looks mighty cheap.
Hat? Shame. Sticker? Gimme a break. Postcard? Gotta be kidding.
I wouldn't want it even in bronze package.
$90? Mwahaha... My sincere condolences to all golden kids ;)

I only payed $40 for it, so i win....
if the colors of the hat were reversed

or maybe if it had some kind of headcrab or something silly on it...

then I wouldn't wear it,but as it is I will definitely wear that
Thanks for the pics, I would definitely dig the cd soundtrack and the prima guide (it looks thicker than I thought) but I would probably spoil the game reading that.
people who dont care what people think have no reputation to uphold, haha.
sure am glad i didnt get a crumpled "collectors box" or any other generic crap.
ps. you have women hands.
meh. i'm not impressed. doesnt seem worth the extra cash.

box= crap
hat= velcro? thats ***. rather have it with just the symbol, doesnt need to say "half life 2"
sticker=meh, better if it was just the symbol, and orange please
posters=folded??? wtf. useless
strat guide= awesome, but i can get that anywhere
soundtrack=great, but i'm sure i can just get it from the game files anyway.
extra game content=only really good thing

overall 4/10
cant wait to get mine, but i wish the sticker was clear w/ HL2 logo. that way i could put it on the clear panel of my case and the neon lights could shine through and look cool. oh well im happy with what ill get.