HL : Source (Full Overhaul Modification)

AJ Rimmer said:
Yeah. The only thing they must not do is remove any dialouge, that's a step too far.
yep, change everything but keep the dialogue there, just add to that.
We are actually going along with like TDE suggested with all unique security guards, but you will know barney when you see him :)

It won't take a short amount of time like someone previously suggested, i'm not going to lie, it will cause we do plan to have a proper crack at this, not rush everything half assed.
The Dark Elf said:
Just seems like a waste of time making texture replacements for a version of HL1 thats already had texture replacements done on it.. Especially considering none of the new textures teams are doing contain anything more than basic textures.

I'd concentrate on doing the full version only, otherwise you'll all get bored way before then and it'll never happen. :(
Larger textures pretty much require new levels, otherwise the larger textures won't map to the existing polygons correctly. If you just do a straight swap of a 128x128 texture to a 512x512, it's going to look pretty freaky. Besides, the levels themselves will require extensive modification if they're not going to look blocky. I would recommend redesigning the levels first, then making textures to fit.
Fang said:
Larger textures pretty much require new levels, otherwise the larger textures won't map to the existing polygons correctly. If you just do a straight swap of a 128x128 texture to a 512x512, it's going to look pretty freaky. Besides, the levels themselves will require extensive modification if they're not going to look blocky. I would recommend redesigning the levels first, then making textures to fit.
Thats what I keep saying :(
That's what we're doing, didn't i just say that we'd be redesigning levels before the textures were made??
jheaddon said:
That's what we're doing, didn't i just say that we'd be redesigning levels before the textures were made??
Yes you did, I was just assuaging Dark Elf's worries. The only danger with doing the design in orange first is that everyone might decide it looks just too good to retexture. :E
do you have a website? Because I really can't figure out whether you have accomplished anything, have any team members or anything.. And I don't want to read 25 pages of text and suggestions to figure out one page's worth of info. I can't wait!

Get a website, if you don't have one already.
Yeh it's being developed as we speak, taking longer than would have liked unfortunately.. will let you know on it's progress
jheaddon said:
Yeh it's being developed as we speak, taking longer than would have liked unfortunately.. will let you know on it's progress
Wait, I thought your site was Leakfree.org, wasn't it? Damn I want this mod so badly, as much as I wanted HL2, actually, I want this a little more.
Leakfree isn't the modification main site, it's the home of the modification team from before we started out.
this is a great idea, i was planning on doing something like this .... good too see others want the same :D

ive already started remaking some of the levels, im halfway through the first level (where barney is at his computer).

im waiting for the full sdk first, then ill get cracking, even if you dont need mappers, its alot of fun :D
xfodder said:
this is a great idea, i was planning on doing something like this .... good too see others want the same :D

ive already started remaking some of the levels, im halfway through the first level (where barney is at his computer).

im waiting for the full sdk first, then ill get cracking, even if you dont need mappers, its alot of fun :D
Cool. Have you done the tram ride as well?
I am willing to make digital art voluntary (Banners, logos, etc).

Some of my OLD work:





My Gallery (DA)


So if your still going to take a jab at it, id be glad to help in any way I can.

wow this sounds cool, but please just redo the graphical stuff, leave everything else classic plz :)
jheaddon said:
We are actually going along with like TDE suggested with all unique security guards, but you will know barney when you see him :)

It won't take a short amount of time like someone previously suggested, i'm not going to lie, it will cause we do plan to have a proper crack at this, not rush everything half assed.

Will Barney be with Dr Kliener at the lamda complex (teleporter).

I definately know that was Dr Kliener because he was the only scientist who held up a shotgun, which he also does in HL2 in his labs just after visiting Nova
Will Barney be with Dr Kliener at the lamda complex (teleporter).

I definately know that was Dr Kliener because he was the only scientist who held up a shotgun, which he also does in HL2 in his labs just after visiting Nova

Doubt it. In "A Red Letter Day" he says a lot of things similar to the scientists speaking to you while you were in the test chamber in the original Half-Life, including "Conditions could hardly be more ideal." To which Barney replied, "That's what you said last time." Which would suggest that he's one of the scientists in that room. Of course, it would seem that all of those scientists die.

Similarly for Barney, he says, "Now, about that beer I owed you." The only Barnys to say that were the ones before the cascade, and most of them died. Those that don't you can kill.

It's really kind of hard to say that a specific Barney or a specific Kleiner was "the real one." I would say the most ideal thing is to have the player see Kleiner in the room above the test chamber and Barney be the one who lets you off the tram at the very beginning. Right after you push the sample into the beam and just before the green beam strikes the room with the scientists you should hear "I've got to get out of here!" or some other scientist clip and hear the door up there open and close, suggesting that Kleiner makes a break for it while everyone else gets fried.

Then, if you go to back to the tram ride itself where you see the scientist standing on the unstable pathway you will see no dead Barney next to the button panel. Instead you will see Barney and Kleiner on the tram leaving (obviously the track would need to be intact.) The other scientist is running towards the tram just as the door to let you in to that part is opening but stops when he hears it creak, allowing the player to freely walk onto the platform insuring the scientist's untimely demise. So in that way you can see both Kleiner and Barney make it out early on. Requires changing a fair bit, but it's the best solution I can think of.
The only way to tell the HL1 barneys apart is by their last names. If no last name is given, you're stuck.

Luckilly, we know HL2 Barney's last name. He's Barney Calhoun, the star of Blue Shift. You can only see him in the first couple seconds of HL1, knocking on a door.
He must have offered Gordon a beer some time earlier.

Also, the "conditions could hardly be more ideal" line and the rest of the test chamber dialogue was announced over a loudspeaker.
Kleiner could have been monitoring the experiment from anywhere in the base, not necessarilly the control room.
Mechagodzilla said:
The only way to tell the HL1 barneys apart is by their last names. If no last name is given, you're stuck.

Luckilly, we know HL2 Barney's last name. He's Barney Calhoun, the star of Blue Shift. You can only see him in the first couple seconds of HL1, knocking on a door.
He must have offered Gordon a beer some time earlier.

Also, the "conditions could hardly be more ideal" line and the rest of the test chamber dialogue was announced over a loudspeaker.
Kleiner could have been monitoring the experiment from anywhere in the base, not necessarilly the control room.

I don't believe Barney in HL2 is Calhoun. I don't think you even hear his last name anywhere in HL2. If you can point out any official document or part in the game that says it's Calhoun I would appreciate and believe it, but until then I've only heard people say it's him on forums, so I have to doubt it.

In fact, I'm almost inclined to believe Valve pretends that Opposing Force and Blue Shift more or less didn't happen. The G-Man's little speech to Shephard at the end of Opposing Force seems to imply that the nuke's purpose was to tie up all loose ends, stop there from being any witnesses or anything. HL2's story made it obvious that the portals spread past Black Mesa. It wouldn't be inconceivable to think that Valve wants you to imagine Opposing Force and Blue Shift never happened. The two were made by Gearbox, possibly without direct influence from the author of HL's story.

As for Kleiner being at a remote location, that's possible, but I doubt it. The green beam fried everyone in the room, you could hear them all scream and there was silence afterwords. I don't think Valve themselves could tell you which Barney or which scientist is specifically HL2's Barney or Kleiner. They just knew that players liked the scientists and Barnys, so they decided to make Barney and Kleiner specific characters in the sequel.

Edit: Oh yes, almost forgot. In Opposing Force there's a recorded holographic message by a scientist before you get the Barnacle weapon. For some reason I like to think he's Kleiner. Dunno, though. Would be a nice tie-in for an Opposing Force: Source mod.
The HL2 strategy guide has his name listed as "Officer Barney Calhoun" in the 'Characters' section.
actually, i think they were all barney calhoun... they just never expected his character to be so popular. and yes, i know it doesnt make sense because he is in more than one place at once... but its a game and they just had 1 model for a security guard... and if you "used" him to try to make him follow you, and he knew he couldnt (ie: staying at his post, before anything happened), he would say stuff like "Sorry Gordon, I've gotta stay here at my post" and "Hey! Catch me later, I'll buy ya a beer.", and other things like that.
I recon they were all the same Barney, which is why theres this dilemma. You only really remember Barney as one person, but for a modification on a new engine with numerous security guard models, will be hard to work in your past experiences with barney, if you want to adhere with the blueshift storyline
Another dilemna: where oh where is our sweet little Barney Calhoun? An idea was brought up over at our forums (http://forum.leakfree.org/viewforum.php?f=33 if you are interested) that if you went through the hazard course there would be a kind of 'waiting area' where you would meet the real Calhoun (as seen in Half-Life 2). Of course, one could note that in the Blue Shift manual it says that calhoun and gordon went to the hazard course on different days BUT, at the end they say you can come back whenever you like. So perhaps Barney could say something about having some extra time and how he wanted to give the hazard course another go through, so he can be real prepared and such. He would talk for a bit and then a scientist would come over and call out Gordon Freeman's name, he would get up and go to the HC entrance and as you got up and left he would say "Catch me later i'll buy you a beer". This wouldn't disrupt the original Half-Life storyline as much as Kliener and Calhoun escaping on the tram and it would allow for the rest of the security guards to look different from the Calhoun who survived (giving youthe chance to kill anyone, anytime, anyway, etc). Again, this isn't in stone and far from final, but it would allow the storylines to come together a bit more.
I do think maybe Kleiner is the scientist with the shotgun in the lambda chamber, he obviously have a lot of experience in teleport technology.
As for Barney Calhoun; As there is certainly a continuity problem here, due to the reference Barney does to buying Gordon a beer at the start of Half-life 2, as they never met in Half-life (or maybe I should say Blue Shift?) maybe the best thing is to simply have various security guards with new faces and voices and have one with Barney's face with the original Barney lines (and voices) and no mention of his last name, just leave at that.
One of the security guards on the way to the test chamber says something along the lines of:

"I'm busy now, maybe I can buy you a beer later"
Yeh i think two of them say that Pi Mu Rho. Blueshift really messed with the continuity of the storyline to be honest.

I prefer the route of disregarding it to an extent, and have you actually meet the proper barney atleast once, so that new players know about the relationship you have with him
jheaddon said:
Yeh i think two of them say that Pi Mu Rho. Blueshift really messed with the continuity of the storyline to be honest.

I prefer the route of disregarding it to an extent, and have you actually meet the proper barney atleast once, so that new players know about the relationship you have with him

Any Barney before the cascade will say that if you press your use key on him enough.

It would probably be easiest to just have every Barney look the same as HL2's Barney, and every Walter scientist the same as Kleiner. Just have the player do what they're supposed to do anyway and pretend there's no continuity conflict.

But that would be too easy, I guess, heh.
It would be easy to do it that way, but very unrealistic and we'd get a whole load of complaints from players for this. Theres not easy way around that we can see, we have to either upset the storyline slightly or do a poor job, the second i wish to do least, but i don't want to have to alter the storyline too much, if atall
Considering Gordon was saving people's lives and the concept of owing someone a drink for helping you isn't too uncommon, I don't think this topic needs this much deliberation. Have a load of separate Barneys, perhaps texture them as the people who are making this mod so we have someone to be grateful to! :D
I know I'm not part of the mod yet (like, 3rd or fourth unofficial concept artist :p ), but if you guys create guards with the teams faces, I want to be the first one to die! :E
Sorry. Edit button disappeared.

I mean first GUARD to die. Not like just dying. :p But, yeah. My face on the first guard to die.
jheaddon said:
Yeh i think two of them say that Pi Mu Rho. Blueshift really messed with the continuity of the storyline to be honest.

I prefer the route of disregarding it to an extent, and have you actually meet the proper barney atleast once, so that new players know about the relationship you have with him

I dunno if that's a great idea.
We know two things about this:
1: In HL1, Calhoun and Gordon see each other briefly, but do not talk.
2: In HL2, Calhoun mentions a conversation they had earlier.

So, what's more of a stretch, based on that one brief comment: Assuming that Barney met and spoke with Gordon sometime before the events in HL1? Or assuming that all the events of Blue Shift never happened? :P

You never actually meet Kliener in HL1 either, but the backstory letter in the manual tells us that Gordon knew him before HL1 as well.

Remember, trying to create a temporal paradox by meeting Gordon when he shouldn't have was deadly for Shephard. We don't want Barney to make the same mistake. :O

The only way to please both sides of this argument that I can think of is to have all the security dudes look sort-of like Calhoun, but only the Blue-Shift guy from the tram ride looks identical.
OMG im an idiot ! i had trouble with the new SDK so i deleted the sdk folder, but i forgot my map was in there :( i had to start again :( ill post some screenshots abit later.

and no i havent even started the tram ride.
ok i quicklly did the very first bit, dont be too harsh, ii did it in about an hour, everything is in exact scale too the original, i havent made the eye candy yet, its just for scale purposes.

tell me what you think of it.

the lighting needs work i know.