HL : Source (Full Overhaul Modification)

That picture looks good as an example. It's not really Black Mesa style as other's pointed out, but I like where this is heading.
Dowie said:
lol, I guess we have different opinions, but I would like them to add new stuff like that

Like in the "on a rail" chapter, you could get chased by marines on other "trains" :eek:

Its already been achieved in The Temple of Doom :thumbs:
Guess you didn't read the previous page, huh?
Personally, I think "Dr Breen's Private Reserve" fits quite nicely. :)

That's a nice pic guys, it just makes me wish Valve hade done it.
Yeh like i said previously, it's an early WIP screenshot using the HL2 textures, because we haven't completed the HL1 textures in full quality yet, is just so we can get the layout playing well rather than waiting ages for the textures to be finished.

Will be some more pictures coming soon, of weapon models and maps etc :)
The Grunt, Satchel, Glock models are coming on nicely.

Maps are well underway in design and a few guys are already compiling stuff.

Some real nice concept art being submitted by the team and community, will post that with our first real news post :)
Rest assured when the website is released and open to the public, you'll have media coming out your ears, mouth, eyes, and all other openings on your body :P
Not really. You can just put in a url to the site that you intend to have.
malik22 said:
grow up you racist punk

Excuse me?

Anyway the site is almost finished, would rather wait a few days till its finished and then request an account than have one which gets rejected :)
jheaddon said:
Excuse me?
He's not talking to you. :P
There was some 'tard spamming in the thread, but the posts were thankfully deleted.

Good to hear about the website too.
jheaddon said:
Anyway the site is almost finished, would rather wait a few days till its finished
Oh, I didn't know that.
Awesome! :smoking:
Hey, my first post here :)

Well, i couldnt read everything, sorry, but as far as i can see the game will now be called "Black Mesa: Source" right?
Well its a nice name... So... i have some ideas and so, and some things that just thought reading some posts...

I think, the game should be totally rebuild, like ur saying ur goinna do, rebuilding the whole maps and models and so from scratch... But i think the maps could be kinda a bit more futuristic, but still remains close to original...
i read something about the "decay" game, but the "gordon freeman's adventure trhough black mesa" its how it was in the pc game, couse, it got to be fitted to one player and so, and tehres another modder team already going to do a HL decay source mod...
I think u should keep as close to the original as possible...

i read something about population the facility, yeah, it could be more populated, but not crowded...

There should be female scientists too... in the history, there were female scientists, u can also see in that frame dr kliners use to open the eyescanner in hl2...

the bullsquids in HL2 would swin, but dunno why they didnt even showed up in HL2... this could be great to add to BM: S' bullsquids...

About removing the tram, comeon, the tram is something caracteristic of hl, if u take it off, it would be like taking the crowbar off, it wouldnt be hl... and if u palyed HL2 already, u see u can select a further episode to start from, so people who dun like the tram could skip it...

before doing anything, u should also take some time to analyze the HL saga history, includin what happend even before HL, to do not do something that wouldnt fit to the history...

I use hammer(world craft) since the year 2k, i dun know everything, but i can do somethings, i wish i could use the source hammer, but i still didnt buy my hl2, and for now, im using a slow pc, and its not the best pc to handle source engine, i can play hl2, but its not the way it should be...

I would like to help with anything possible, i would like to play hl1 all over again with a new look... who played the game so many times in the goldengine wouldnt be desapointed to play the same game eyecandy remade to the source engine ;)

and, sorry about my english, if i whrote something wrong...
Mecha - thanks :)

Maximus - Thanks for the input, we're all trying to learn new skills here so is feel free to come ask for help or input to work :)
Great to hear :) Will be a news post in the next few days, our first, with lots of renders and such.
jheaddon said:
Great to hear :) Will be a news post in the next few days, our first, with lots of renders and such.

I am truly excited about this Mod/Game. I only hope it does not stray away from the original game. I've seen people discussing how certain aspect could have been done better, yet there is the imminent danger that "improving" things too much may actually ruin the game as we know, so...

...hopefully it will turn out to be the greatest SP HL Mod in recent times.

Keep up the good work.

I'll stay tuned.
We're trying very hard to keep it as close and true to the original as we can, we're not Valve and do not have Marc Laidlaw to guide us so we will do our best! Hence why we are working so closely with the community!
jheaddon said:
We're trying very hard to keep it as close and true to the original as we can, we're not Valve and do not have Marc Laidlaw to guide us so we will do our best! Hence why we are working so closely with the community!

Of course some things will be added and changed. But you can trust the team will debate long about changing some stuff. Even if it is a small detail, the discussion will not be any shorter. We do respect the original feel, and we will try to keep it as real as possible.

Of course, feel free to express your opinions on our forums and mix in the discussions ;)
The hard part about updating a game is the desire to add a little bit of yourself to the project. What if you added some fun easter egg stuff? Maybe more side-alleys and stuff. Sort of side adventures for people to do if they want to.

Heck in some areas you can use already placed doors. Only in the updated version they aren't locked... a lot of possibility here.
rdytorave said:
The hard part about updating a game is the desire to add a little bit of yourself to the project. What if you added some fun easter egg stuff? Maybe more side-alleys and stuff. Sort of side adventures for people to do if they want to.

Heck in some areas you can use already placed doors. Only in the updated version they aren't locked... a lot of possibility here.

That is actually a great suggestion. That would be: additional content without compromising the origimal game(structure).

I am very eager to play this...
Yeh that was already planned by the mappers, we have a nice overhead images of the whole of the black mesa facility so we can see which areas lie next to which and what may be behind those certain locked doors.

Quite exciting, but yeh we'll try not to add anything that can hurt the game in anyway
jheaddon said:
Yeh that was already planned by the mappers, we have a nice overhead images of the whole of the black mesa facility so we can see which areas lie next to which and what may be behind those certain locked doors.

Quite exciting, but yeh we'll try not to add anything that can hurt the game in anyway


Are you guys going to use HL2 models (NPC, weapons, enemies, etc) when appliccable? For instance, use HL2's head (and modified body) for the BM Barney model? Or HL2 headcrabs and zombies?
We've had a good look at the HL2 models available to us, we may or may not use things like the headcrabs. But player models would need a change of clothes and have their facial features reduced 10 years :)
jheaddon said:
We've had a good look at the HL2 models available to us, we may or may not use things like the headcrabs. But player models would need a change of clothes and have their facial features reduced 10 years :)

Alyx would be specially troublesome to do :P

That would be a cool easter egg. You are running through the lab, enter the wrong room and voila: There is little Alyx sitting (during a visit to her dad), perhaps even interacting with Dr. Kleiner or her dad.
Yeah, a great scripted sequence where as you enter the facility, you see a little Alyx (before you get the HEV suit and stuff) talking to a black scientist that looks like a young Eli, and then having her run off with Eli chasing her. Plz dont make every scientist with glasses look like Kleiner and every black scientist look like Eli though. Just seeing them once and having the rest look different (but similar to the originals) would be great.

Perhaps hearing the name Adrien Shepherd on the radio, or only seeing the Barney of HL2 once, as having his head on every Barney model would mean he can't die, ever.

And are you going to use the Alien Slave model from HL2? Not the freed Alien, but the one you see being shot with a laser beam, with the green wrist gauntlets and stuff. And are you going to add details to previous models? Like the Barnacles look totally different, even besides the updated polys. Like with the garg, are you perhaps going to change the hands up a little or something?
We've had a look at the Vortiguant with the shackles, might use that yeh.

Media - Yes, will be released the same day as the website. (See below)
Website - Webmaster gives estimate of end of the week (hopefully), sorry it's been so long and i know i said it'd be earlier, apologies
jheaddon said:
We've had a look at the Vortiguant with the shackles, might use that yeh.

Media - Yes, will be released the same day as the website. (See below)
Website - Webmaster gives estimate of end of the week (hopefully), sorry it's been so long and i know i said it'd be earlier, apologies
So we may get screenies by the end of the week?
Hopefully yeh :)

They will come out the same time as our website. I've written our news post so if i'm not about to post it all up then will ask one of the other developers to do it for you guys :)
I had a litle idea

to not spend much time,why not you use some models of HL2 directly in this mod?
for example the models of the vortigaunts
IMO is a good idea
MysticalMrBob said:
Yeah, a great scripted sequence where as you enter the facility, you see a little Alyx (before you get the HEV suit and stuff) talking to a black scientist that looks like a young Eli, and then having her run off with Eli chasing her. Plz dont make every scientist with glasses look like Kleiner and every black scientist look like Eli though. Just seeing them once and having the rest look different (but similar to the originals) would be great.

Perhaps hearing the name Adrien Shepherd on the radio, or only seeing the Barney of HL2 once, as having his head on every Barney model would mean he can't die, ever.

And are you going to use the Alien Slave model from HL2? Not the freed Alien, but the one you see being shot with a laser beam, with the green wrist gauntlets and stuff. And are you going to add details to previous models? Like the Barnacles look totally different, even besides the updated polys. Like with the garg, are you perhaps going to change the hands up a little or something?
I read something in a scan of the book raising the bar that is about Alyx and Eli vance

but is a spoiler IMO

it say that Eli is not the real Alyx father,the real Alyx father was a comander,Eli vance show him some prototypes of the manipulator,and it say that the comander told to Eli to take care of Alyx if he die(cuz they should be in that 7 hours wars against the combine,so he died and Eli take careof Alyx now,it say that one of the models of the hostage of CS:S had the face of the real Alyx father

but still I am not sure about that