hl1 vs hl2

Which game do you like better?

  • Half-life 1

    Votes: 86 34.8%
  • Half-life 2

    Votes: 161 65.2%

  • Total voters
yadalogo said:
- Superior gameplay
- Superior AI
- Superior Facial animations
- Superior Graphics
- Better Atmosphere
- Physics :)
- Eventually superior mods
- Gravity gun
- Superior character animations
- Characters actually show fear giddyness anger ect..
- Dog
- HDR (hopefuly soon)
and im sure there is alot more stuff im forgetting

Don't think better and superior shit, think overall. Of course game what came like 6 years after first is better my graphics and AI etc. Well only 2 things I miss in hl2 is BUNNY and GAUSS GUN in hand. HL gaussgun owns all, of course its fun to shoot enemies thru walls in the car but really boring when its only in car since I would like to have it in my hand ;) But in deathmatch once again people would cry since it isn't HITSCAN
yadalogo said:
- Superior gameplay

I don't quite see how HL2's gameplay is superior to HL1. Both have the same control system, the same action, the same puzzles (forget the physics in HL2 for a while). Both have you reaching a specific destination and then changing course midway because of some unseen predicament (Soldiers in 1, Combine attack on Eli Vance's lab in 2). Both have the same fun factor. Both have the same gameplay, according to me.
The only reason why I prefer HL2 to HL is that HL2 got the gravity gun. ;)
Qwert93 said:
The only reason why I prefer HL2 to HL is that HL2 got the gravity gun. ;)

HL1 has gaussgun ;) hldm > hl2dm = gaussgun > gravitygun
both are nice tho, good ideas and nicely done :-P
yes I agree HL1DM pwns HL2DM anyday. HL1DM Has More guns and weaponry and when you start out you don't get a SMG you only get the glock 17. Gausgun was always fun to play with; charge it up, shoot at ground, sends you flying into the air. I've seen people do that to get onto the top of the cannon tower in StalkYards. O.O
Combine soldiers ain't gonna match the marines. This should be a poll. What do you think?
Combine soldiers surpass the marines in every way. The marines are dumb, human yet quite tough and have some personality.

Combine soldiers have genetic implants, mechanical upgrades, high tech - alien weaponry and so no.

Blink - really?
Samon said:
Combine soldiers surpass the marines in every way. The marines are dumb, human yet quite tough and have some personality.

Combine soldiers have genetic implants, mechanical upgrades, high tech - alien weaponry and so no.

You're definitely right there. The human marines were annoying sacks of meat that could take half a clip of mp5 ammo in the face, making you feel like the game was cheating you out of the damage you should be doing.

Combine own them simply by having gasmasks :smoking: and I feel that there's something honest about Combine troops, since if you let them have it with both barrels then they'll give you fair dues and empty their own guts over the wall. They were also very intimidating when I first saw them.

bliink said:
I hope hl3 takes us back to black mesa

I've thought about that possibility myself. I think it would definitely be a cool twist. The only problem is would there be new areas, or would you be playing old areas redone? Even if you take BM to be only as big as what you see in HL1 and the expansions, it's almost unrealistically gigantic. Add yet more areas and it becomes practically the size of a small country.
Half-Life 1 was definitely more special and unforgettable in my opinion.
Pc Gamer Named 50 of the greatest games of all time in their march issue, half-life 2 came in at #4 and half-life 1 came in at #1, i definatly do not agree, i mean half life 1 kicks anus, but half-life 2 has kick ass graphics, sound, and acting, if they re-did half-life 1 with new age technology, half-life 1 would be the best game of all time.

For now tho, its half-life 2
It's difficult to say, but I love graphics, so I voted for HL2. They are both great games and each have very good things.
I'll give this one to 2, simply because it was just better executed in my opinion.
Though I massively prefer the setting of Black Mesa, to revisit it so many years hence would be in poor taste, and Valve deserves praise for not taking the easy way out.
Though both games are masterful at this, 2 sets the mood just slightly better, mostly in Ravenholm, and again in that wrecked up tunnel in the buggy area.
When the game acutally convinces me to hole up in the side room, refusing to come out and face the zombie shambling outside and pawing at the window, that's magic there.
Half life 1 was half life 1 - half life 2 was half life 2.

I loved them both. I wasnt looking for what made hl1 so special in hl2, I was looking for what made hl2 so special, and i found it ;)
All that hl2 has is awsome graphics etc, but not as enjoying as hl1 was :P
HL1.... Only because of snarks, sure, the bugbait was great, but I really missed those crazy snarks...
HL1 IMO has some parts that are boring to play through. When replaying HL1, there are a few parts I want to be done with as soon as possible (or even skip with the console). The whole residue processing chapter (ahhh! I just noclip through it), some of the annoying Interloper jumping puzzles, and On A Rail gets boring, too. In HL2, so far, I enjoy replaying each single part.
Although I'll agree that Half-Life 1 is one of the All Time Greats, Half-Life 2 easily wins my vote. Besides the technology used in it's creation resulting in superior immersion, it just bettered on everything that Half-Life 1 did right. And when my mate Sponge said he was dissappointed with the lack of variety, I couldn't, and can't to this day, figure out what the hell he was talking about. I've never known a game (Half-Life 1 included) that moves you from one circumstance to another so frequently yet so elegantly; It simply doesn't allow you to get bored of it.

As for which setting is better seems, rightly, to be a matter of opinion here, but I was much more stirred by the epic, wide ranging setting of Half-Life 2, with it's 'fugitive on the run' feel at the start, later giving way to your messianic return to lead mankind in it's darkest hour. The fact that Half-Life 2's story is mostly a complete mystery is another plus for me; I felt compelled to play it more just to find another piece of the jigsaw and understand what my purpose actually was.

Finally, I don't think anyone can deny that Half-Life 1's end section on Xen remains one of gamings finest examples of a great game suddenly plummeting from it's pedestal and leaving a bitter taste that no amount of Aquafresh can cleanse. After the rip-roaring ride that was the rest of the game, there was'nt a single moment of the final chapter that I actually enjoyed. Everything about the islands and the bio-mechanical grunt factory was far too surreal and, somehow, despite the wild colouration, bland. And the less said about the final encounter with Nihilanth, the better.

Compare it with HL2's final chapter, with you transformed into a veritable demi-god, rampaging upwards through the vast, intimidating structure of the citidel, cutting through Overwatch squads like an international rugby player through a gaggle of schoolkids, on your single minded mission to reach it's peak, and the office of the now quite worried Administrator of Earth (sorry if i should've put a spoiler warning there, but I thought that when you see the citidel for the first time, it's pretty obvious where the game's going to end). Best. Finale. Ever.

That is all.
after i was done with hl2, i thought that i liked the first one better. however i went back and played hl:source and quickly changed my mind. for it's time nothing matches it and nothing surpassed it until hl2 but today it just can't compete.
It all depends on how good your specs are because the loading time in hl2 effects gameplay for some players..
Half-Life 1 < Half-Life 2 < Half-Life 1 with HL2 graphics and physics < Halflife 2 + Aftermath.

HL1 had the best cohesion, I think. But guess I'm spoiled because, as much as I loved HL1, the imaginary HL1 that has HL2 in my mind gameplay is way better.

The only big problem I had with HL2 was that it wasn't long enough.
HL1 took a simple idea and polished it to perfection, but HL2 has more, better and more complex ideas and characters than HL1. Just not as much time to express them in.
I trust the experiences added by Aftermath will buff HL2's plot to HL1 levels.
And new enemies like the stalkers certainly can't hurt.

It's like this: HL1 was a short story, and quite a good one.
Hl2, on the other hand, has a full novel's worth of good ideas, trimmed to fit into a document of the same size.
Once we get more chapters, I suspect we will see that full novel, and it will be just as good or better than HL1.

In the end though, I really consider all the HL games to be one big game that continues over time.
Like how Alien 1 and 2 are great, but totally different. And when they are combined, it's pure goodness.
Like how Alien 1 and 2 are great, but totally different. And when they are combined, it's pure goodness

Yeah thats a good way of putting it.
When it comes down to it, I think HL1 is the better of the two, but one of the things that impresses me with HL2 is the setting of City 17. Never expected anything as breathteakingly different as that, and the 1984 elements added an extra dimension to the game.

I mean Valve could have just thrown Gordon onto a spaceship and taken the lazy option, but they didnt.
I like Half-Life 2 more, it's has a better atmosphere and I really got into the game. I love the opressed feeling and the gameplay is better too. I got so into Half-Life 2 that I even tried to use gravity gun in real life by pressing ''G'' in the air where the keyboard would have been and pointed my arm at a object that I wanted to reach:p
Half-life 1 by far. Better AI, better story, better level design.

Get rid of the CS + DoD team Valve, then your level design will probably get better.
Graphically HL2 wins hands down.., Storywise.. They both win :P Gameplay.. Ooo hard decision.. I prefered HL1 inside a Crummy Facility.. than the outside city of HL2, plus HL1 had good Gameplay moments especially with the Gibs :) HL2 Buggy and SandCar moments were good.. i have to pick HL1.... Music, HL2 is the indentical music to HL1 but with some extra tracks but some tracks from HL1 aint there.. so i pick HL1

WINNER: HALF LIFE 1 :) :burp:
HL2. :) More outside battles. Being able to drive a Airboat and a Buggy around, and the first time in a First Person Shooter; the end boss not being some BIG, freaky thing.

Did I mention I LOVE the part where you get to play Construction Worker with that big magnet in "Highway 17"? :cool:
I did love Half-Life 2, and it was a clear improvement over the first, but....

I played HL pretty much solid for 4 or 5 years, all the mods, playing the single player countless times, with different mods enabled. Played it to death.

I have played through HL2 2 or 3 times, but I don't feel like playing it again yet.

So that is why I voted HL1.

What can I say...I love top secret research facilities :thumbs:
I choose to vote as per how I felt during playing the game when I first got it between my hands.

HL² was great and immersive I absolutly loved it, however the feeling and the innovation was at a much grander level in HL¹ IMO.

Soo my vote goes for HL¹. :)
i find that i like hl2 better in certain ways and hl1 better in certain ways. As far as nostalgia goes, hl1 wins hands down. There are parts of that game that are forever etched into my brain, also i did not quite mind Xen, i actually rather liked it. This game holds a place in many a gamer's heart and it will likely stay that way for a while.

HL2 does not have the nostalgia factor yet, its too damn soon and has too much competition that took notes from hl1. However the gameplay, character interactions, and its own particular nuances, make me favor hl2.

Also i find that when you go and muck around with the values of creatures, weapons and other things, the game can get MUCH more interesting. HL2 if anything was too easy on players, even on hard mode.

So I went and beefed up damage on most weapons, but also beefed up the enemy weapons too. I made the firing cone of the hunterchopper 2 instead of 22 (much nastier concentrated shots). I made rockets do 150 damage to gordon. Snipers and combine balls now instakill you. Combine have more hp and take less damage to their chest and stomach and more to their heads. Gordon takes way more damage over his chest stomach and head. I reduced the number of rockets you can carry to 1 but made it do 900 damage, you still need 3 or 5 to take down synths. Combine soldiers will now kill you in a few seconds instead of a few minutes. I also made gunships do 25 damage per shot instead of 3 and had their bursts last many times longer. In the anti citizen levels combine actually perform BETTER than the rebels. Rebels now die in quick bursts instead of taking a pounding like walking tanks. You actually have to watch out for apc missles. I basically leveled the playing field and made everything deadlier. the game was MUCH funner this way and way more satisfying since the combine were strong enough where their ai tactics actually worked.

all i did was take that hdr bloom mod and play with the cfg file adding all the changes i wanted while referencing a console command list

i wish there were a few more "puzzles" in two, also, i'd like to see this conversation after blackmesa source, if it turns out as planned.
For those talking about Black Mesa. Remember, your in more than BMRF. Your also in the accompanying military and airforce base, which does change things.

Anyways, i liked the whole glorious revolution feel of HL2.
AndroidXP said:
I think HL was trend-setting back in the days it was released, and it's still pretty fun to play nowadays, but it's simply outclassed by HL² now, which has much more variety and immersion.

What he said. :thumbs:

i have to go with half-life 1. i was much younger when it came out so it pretty much shaped me into the gamer i am today. the singleplayer was in my opinion the best ever for a first person shooter. i remember i loved journeying through the black mesa eager to see where i would end up next. then when you got out of the facility and onto the desert areas then into mountains. Ending up on an alien planet! it wasn't just a game, it was an adventure. :thumbs:

i remember the old days before any mods came out and there was only HLDM. servers running nothing but maps like snark_pit, undertow, crossfire, etc... when there was no players that were too good. everyone was pretty much equal in skill. using the gauss rifle for the first time and discovering it shoots through walls. then i remember how everyone started picking the game up and realized the gauss rifle could be used to shoot yourself around a map.

and then when counter-strike first came out in the beta stages. gun running the weapons back to the base on cs_siege. telling my team where the enemy was hiding while spectating lol. " he's on top of the elevator !!! ". and those awesome maps that i never understood why they were taken out of rotation like cs_docks, cs_desert, and that map with the terrorist base in some barren wasteland and the ct's spawn inside of a cave.

Then there was Science & Industry. Very unique, very fast, very cool. A mod i thought was totally underrated and did not get the attention it deserved.
had tons of fun with that for a while until it unfortunately died out. The map "highrise" was absolutely ****ing awesome.

TFC won my heart though. i hopped across several clans until a friend and myself finally made our own. Back when dialup was the majority and broadband users were dubbed "LPB's". Dismantling a teammates sentry gun and he comes back after getting metal wondering where the hell it went :laugh: .Having to learn how to prime a grenade correctly while mentally calculating how long it would take to throw and explode with a ping of 310 (This was before the later netcode came out) . people that have grown apart and just faded away as we got older. ranked #1 on some ladder i can't remember the name of. playing on a server that rotated between rock2, well, and 2fort every 45 minutes until 5am. Waking up to go to school (11th grade) at 6am, finally getting to class late at 7:15 and not even paying attention to what people were saying to me because i was a total zombie. and then in the summer time playing from 8pm until 3pm the next day. sleeping all day and repeating the process over and over. as you can see i was a total nut about team fortress when i was 16-17'ish.

I just don't feel this same kind of love from half-life 2. I do feel it is a great game. The graphics are beautiful, the physics are sexy, my skill has carried from game to game nicely and it's all good fun. But i guess this game just came at a different time in my life. Maybe there's some 11th grader out there just getting into the scene and will choose half-life 2 as his favorite game. :)

Remember the old days!
Fist HL2 is intendee as a show-off for the BRILLIANT (three-times cheers) Source Engine. The game olay is the best around- the whole backround around changes drastiglly, all the time, you never know what will come up next, playing it. It was the same with part one, but the current is far more versetail. And it has it's unique vision - appart from being the most realistic game I've ever seen It has iuniquiness- every thing look old used-up and torn.
apache said:
I have played hl2 and loved it, but I played HL years ago and I don't remember a bit, (I was young hehe ) In your guys' opinion is it worth playing (and buying ;( ) again? Poor gfx doesn't really bug me (although I'm sure I will miss the physics :) )

No. There is a mod that is remaking HL1 with better graphics and physics for free. Just wait a year or two for that.