hl1 vs hl2

Which game do you like better?

  • Half-life 1

    Votes: 86 34.8%
  • Half-life 2

    Votes: 161 65.2%

  • Total voters

HL1 Was quite more scarier than HL2

And HL1 Was very hard (even though i set it to easy) And HL1 has lots of funny/secret things and its more fun!!
Thank god for Black Mesa:Source. HL1 would rule so much if they had the graphics, physics, ect. that they do in HL2.
I prefer HL1, 2 was too short and easy for my tastes, and hey, graphics aren't everything :P
I like HL2 more than HL1 becuase of many reasons, but the main reason is because of Alyx
Jack Thomas said:
Half-Life 1 was better than 2, cause it wasn't so short and easy. The enemys were smarter than at Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 1 was a bit longer and interesting. In Half-life 1 you camped at a corner next to the door, the marines/enemys wont come one at a time to be slaughtered like in Half-Life 2. If they found out yur camping next to a corner they whould throw grenades or hold their positions until you whould pop your head out and BANG! It seems like in Half-Life 2 the soldiers dont really care of their own lives...

That's becuase the marines in HL1 are humans! human beings!
And humans are much smarter than aliens, you never fight any humans in HL2, the cops and the combine soldiers are aliens! duhhh! that's why you call them Alien Combine, plz don't tell me you didn't know that..
Salad22 said:
That's becuase the marines in HL1 are humans! human beings!
And humans are much smarter than aliens, you never fight any humans in HL2, the cops and the combine soldiers are aliens! duhhh! that's why you call them Alien Combine, plz don't tell me you didn't know that..

No, no no NO.

The combine soldiers are not ALIENS. They are modified humans, and the cops are actual humans as well. Please don't tell me you didn't know that...

There are no combine aliens in hl2. Bar the Advisor.
half life was an innovator...

half life 2 brought new stuff to the table but since Half Life was the original groundbreaker. Half Life 2 is a better game now, but when video game history is written Half Life would be on the front page...
Half-Life 1!

It had the most amazing story line, build on a foundation of characters with such amazing stories behind them too.

The aliens, the weapons the marines all had a story.

You get so close to the surface but realise something is in the way and it spirals off into doing more and more. Puzzles, problems and gun fights.

I have to say the part I loved was when a scientist tells you Marines are coming to rescue you, then you soon realise, they are cleaners, to destroy everything.

So many amazing moments. Seeing Marines fight aliens not just you and Barney too. Just fantastic.

Half-Life 2 - hmm, yeh, just a corridor to Half-Life 3, nothing amazing, ooh physics and graphics but thats about it. AI sucked.
Why I like HL2 over HL1;
More outside battles.
Charactors are more lifelike, so are the sounds.
Better graphics/lighting.
Driveable Vehicals.

Why I like HL1 over HL2;
Didn't have to run it threw Steam.
Going against the U.S Military. :smoking:
Seeing Xen.
Mutley said:
Half-Life 2 - hmm, yeh, just a corridor to Half-Life 3, nothing amazing, ooh physics and graphics but thats about it. AI sucked.

That was a little harsh, although everyone is entitled to their opinion. You forgot to mention HL2's story, subtle and optional. Maybe Valve needs to make the story more forceful in HL3, that way people won't complain there isn't one, although the former's was light in some ways, I thought it was well written. In some ways, HL2 was a dissappointment for me, the story (not enough in some areas), and the length. Focused on to much action in the beginning instead of the plot.

Monster repetition, the same Combine soldier over and over again. Could have used some variety. More links to Gordon's past, and of course, Black Mesa Flashbacks *me runs while Samon throws a grenade at my head*

Other than that though, it was an amazing game.
bah most of u r all nutz ! :p Half Life 2 is deffinetly the best game !
The gameplay is longer (i think:p) and the cheats... MUTCH MORE single Player Cheats (they r cool :p) and i saw the different screenshots of the old professor, the new prof, the old freeman, da new one, it's all become better ! so i vote HALF LIFE 2 ! Do the same way !
HL2 is an improvement in every single way - bar the element that made HL great.

The original gets my vote.
Hl1 was "better" because things got worse and worse. You thought the suraface would save you. You only found marines. You go further and it gets worse and worse. Until finally you hit the end all boss fights on Xen.
I'll have to say HL1, mainly because of the mods for it (i.e. TFC). Plus, it's way easier to speedrun.
I'd say HL1 because:
1. great weapons
2. the marines voices were great fun ("is that all you got?", "squad, we got Freeman", etc)
3. I still remember the first time i played uplink. It totally blew me away
4. at the time the AI and the story line were so new and cool. It was like "OMFG They can acctually use grenades and know how to deal with campers!"
5. It was all about me! none of this "save the world from these evil guys" crap thats been in so many other games. Just having to survive and not worry about anyone else and being able to shoot barney for ammo with no feeling of guilt.
6. It was way more revolutionary than HL2 which is kind of standard game by today's standards because it is a kind of "save the girl, save the world" game that we've seen so many times before with "look! Great graphics and phsyics!"
7. "holy crap!" momnets when scientists get pulled through vents, marines smash through a wear house door in an APC then gun you and a bunch of alines down, votigaunts teleport in frount of you, etc
not that HL2 was a bad game it just felt a bit "formula" which HL did not.
I've never played the originals, I was 7 when they were released, and Half Life 2 was the only one I played all the way through. Plus I was just happy that the people actually looked like people insted of some kid playing with playdough. The originals were brilliant though.
Half Life 1 raised the bar in terms of gameplay and AI back in 1998, whereas Half Life 2 raised the bar more in terms of technology and features (physics engine, gravity gun, and facial animations).
HL1 actually kind of creeped me out on the first level. It was more of a lone warrior game when you had no one to follow you and nobody to rely on. But HL2 was so much different, it wasnt freaky in the beginning, rather than it stunned you with the physics and graphics.
remember the scene in hl 1 when you get out to the back cliffs and then the valve music starts playing? then you catwalk all the way to the rocket launcher and then blow the hell out of that helicoptor. that was so cool :-D
xzeox said:
HL1 actually kind of creeped me out on the first level. It was more of a lone warrior game when you had no one to follow you and nobody to rely on. But HL2 was so much different, it wasnt freaky in the beginning, rather than it stunned you with the physics and graphics.
The first level was "Anomalous Materials", and you don't start fighting yet. And I didn't find it creepy, too, nor the first or second chapter. Plus, you get scientists to heal you, Barney help you shoot down zombies 'n' stuff. Furthermore, Half-Life 2 is a lone warrior game as well. Even more, as teamplay is only implemented into 2 chapters, when in Half-Life 1 you get to have Barney fight alongside you nearly throughout the whole game.

P.S. I voted for Half-Life 2. I don't know why.
The most intriguing Half Life level for me was Blast Pit. It was one supreme example of terrific level design.
half Life 2 is obviously better, but it's years ahead of HL1. What I enjoy nore about HL2 is that its storyline and ideologies, especially City 17 have a huge meaning, especially for those who want to know. I posted a threat on City 17, why I so much like it. I must say that the thing that thrilled me the most of Hl2 is City 17 and all the other levels.
Samon said:
No, no no NO.

The combine soldiers are not ALIENS. They are modified humans, and the cops are actual humans as well. Please don't tell me you didn't know that...

There are no combine aliens in hl2. Bar the Advisor.

Well samon my point is, The combine= An other race from another planet,
the metrocops and the combine soldiers= Combine in human bodies, humans who is modified, but if they are modified, I wouldn't call them humans anymore

would you?
Half life what?
...there was a first..half life?
...what...is this nonsense?

LMAO, I never really played HL1 but HL2 was like a real experience. VERY well done and cinematic. The memories..I swear..they're real... It happened.
HL2 was the best...but WAY TO SHORT. did not have the length of hl1.
beat it in 2 straight days of loooong playing
Salad22 said:
Well samon my point is, The combine= An other race from another planet,
the metrocops and the combine soldiers= Combine in human bodies, humans who is modified, but if they are modified, I wouldn't call them humans anymore

would you?

But they still aren't aliens, are they. They are humans, simply embedded with alien technology.
Probably Half-Life 1, although HL2 was good also.

Both had anticlimatic endings.
john3571000 said:
HL2 and Hl1 are both excellent games but HL2 in terms of storyline, enemies, environment, sound, beauty, physics, playability,replayability, atmosphere, plausibility and fun wipes HL1.
HL1 was and still is excellent but with the best shooter ever made -HL2 -around it really isn't much of a contest
HL2 is so multifaceted and enjoyable
Its a real tribute to HL1 that it is easily in the top 10 choice in shooters after 7 years - unbelieveable!!
Even though HL2 is much better it will never match that feat

my feelings exactly
Yeah, HL1 was definately epic and was great for its time. The ending was not an anti-climax, instead it left u on a massive cliff hanger.

One of the things in particular I liked about HL2 were the vehicles.
I have to admit, i was abit sceptical about vehicles at first becasue i wanted the game to be like hl1.
But getting in that car and going turbo, driving along the deserted highways and seeing the devastated planet, with combine after u, and the real sense of being on your own but also a man on a mission, is the coolest thing:).
well. i haven't played HL2, so..., i voted for HL, but i'm pretty sure the graphics for HL2 kicks a$$. the story for both is awsome, i've never seen any game having so much discussion about the actual storyline...
They are pretty much even, but hl1 gets my vote. hl1 was longer, harder and more epic and interesting. Well, hl2 has physics (but no gibs, damn) and cool graphics but is too short and easy, and it lacks that epic feeling of hl1. I was also hoping it would be less linear. So it wasy in some ways better than I had expected, and in others less so.