hl1 vs hl2

Which game do you like better?

  • Half-life 1

    Votes: 86 34.8%
  • Half-life 2

    Votes: 161 65.2%

  • Total voters
You can pick up Halflife Generation for ~£15, it's got HL1, Opposing Force, Blue Shift (inc High Def Pack for HL, OF and BS) and COunter Strike.

I'd say it's worth it :)
Half-Life, maybe it's coz I felt better back in those days, I don't know. Half-Life 2 was great, but not the same.
I think Valve went in a whole other direction with HL2-- eatern-european urban environments vs. underground lab. They are incredibly different settings and I'm sure Valve intentionally created that difference. The problem with that is that people have preferences with their environments, both in ambience and in gameplay. I'm surprised there wasn't much of a backlash against the sudden change away from HL1.
Styloid said:
I think Valve went in a whole other direction with HL2-- eatern-european urban environments vs. underground lab. They are incredibly different settings and I'm sure Valve intentionally created that difference. The problem with that is that people have preferences with their environments, both in ambience and in gameplay. I'm surprised there wasn't much of a backlash against the sudden change away from HL1.

I agree it was a very brave and risky move, but I'm ecstatic they made it. I totally love the HL2 setting....it's like 1984 with attitude. I love the ruined-lab setting of HL1 as well, but I fully acknowledge they appeal to very different tastes, which is why I'm not surprised many people love one and feel disappointed with the other.
HL2 felt nothing like HL. This doesn't make it any worse a game, but virtually none of the elements I enjoyed in HL so much are present in HL2.
I think HL2 is better, but HL1 was more gripping story-wise, because there was no important NPC's and it was all about you - Freeman.
I want it to be HL2, but really, HL is still the best for me. It has much better atmosphere (although the end chapter in HL2 almost surpassed this IMO). Nothing compares to running down a dark corridor and having a vortigaunt teleport in front of you for sheer "cacking of pants" factor. Plus it had that sense of being on your own in a situation you don't fully understand which HL2 doesn't seem to have.

I'm *really* looking forward to Black Mesa:Source
HL1, at the time of the release it was so much more mindblowing than HL2 was imo. I enjoyed 1 so much. 2 was alot of fun but storyline and characters weren't as touching.
i still play half life 1 to this day - every 2 months or so i get an overwhelming urge to go muck around in black mesa. It was just so much fun, and even though at the time a lot of things had not been explained, you could still enjoy it and at the end it gave a little bit of closure, it could have a sequel, or it could finish there. Black mesa was also the most original setting ever! the guns were excellent and set the standard for FPS weaponry.

The weapons in HL2 were ok, and in some cases a good improvement on the original (RPG, Shotgun) but clearly in HL2 there just wasnt enough variety in the weapons, im sure im not the only one who thought, 'hey, i was expecting more guns'
i did miss the satchel charge and the gauss gun. they would have been great improvements.

Also, was it just me or did the crossbow seem a bit whack? it looked like it was firing bolts of energy or sumthing.

HL2 was good but had no playability factor, i played it once then left it.
I just keep coming back to Black mesa!
bboymatty said:
i still play half life 1 to this day - every 2 months or so i get an overwhelming urge to go muck around in black mesa.

Me too! :)
I voted for Half-Life 1, simply because I know that if it had all the updates and graphics that Half-Life 2 has, that I'd play it more. I don't know if it's really a supperior game, but it has certain nostalgia factor in it. I still remember the first time I played it and no other game gave me quite the same feeling. I really didn't know what the hell was going on, and I don't think I cared, I just wanted to get to the surface.

I love Half-Life 2 though, and Half-Life 2: Substance, has made me play it over again a few times. I still love playing the last couple of chapters.
lol, noobs, hl1 was so much better, took longer and way more challenging, also the scripted scenes for that time we're just awesome to look at. .
yeah hl1 came out when i was six and he got cuz meh and him used to play quake every nite and i could get past more than half the game online.it didnt scare me when i was little cuz i couldnt understand then concept of a scientist getting crushed
Have to be honest and say hl1. It was new and exciting and original. Hl2, although good, didn't really add much other than technology. If the only thing HL2 (to me) has over HL1 is graphics and tech...doesn't really make it better imo.

There isn't a heck of a lot in HL2 which is original...most is taken right from Hl1 on one level or another. It's a basic formula.
I like Half-Life a little better, but they're totally different feels.

Half-Life game me the most awesome feel with its atmosphere of unknown horrors, claustrophobia, and survival, all in an office environment with great NPC interaction, and Half-Life 2 had a blood-stirring atmosphere of revolution. Some of the moments in HL2 where my team was pulling a fighting retreat, running backwards hugging cover while firing at the advancing combine... those were absolutely amazing.
i prefer half-life 1 more becouse of its story line, but when i look at ahlf-life 2 itr doesnt make much sense to me, i only like the graphics and models in hl2.

also hl1 had good expansions like oposing forces

this is probly random but it also had good mods at the begining( not saying any of the new hl2 mods are bad)
Hl1. It was much harder, especially the last level. I mean, in hl2's last level, you get the uber-gravgun that eats Overwatch Elites for breakfast(fun, admittedly), and the final battle was far too easy compared to The Nihilanth.
so true - hl2 was short and easy, hl was long and hard. <beavis and butthead>looooong. haaaaaaaard. huhuhuhuhuh.</idiocy>
Definately HL2. since HL2 is much more challenging, longer, cool graphics and nice level design. I just played HL1 and its still good... though its easy(even on hard mode) and will take you only about 10 hours to finish it without using any cheats.
are you kidding? took me waaay longer than hl2. 30-40 hours, maybe, instead of 15 or so. Course, I was ten when I first played hl.
Well, it depends on your skill... first time I played HL1 took me almost a week... that was wen I was only 11. Now, took me less than 10 hours to finish it and Nihilanth was quite easy to beat... except wen you get caught by that portal he use to make it hard for you to kill him. HL2, took me a week to finish it... on normal mode.
on wat mode? hard? well, hard took me 30+ hours to finish it(2nd run).
normal. haven't played all the way through on hard yet, about 2/3s done.
since wen did you started playing it on hard? me? started last night and I just finished it today.
a while ago, i kind of stopped after a little while though.

due to a rising day of defeat addiction.
What on earth is wrong with you people? HL 1 is a classic. It's like the bible of gaming. You can't REALLY call yourself a gamer if you havent played half-life 1. It was just so perfect. It set the bar for first person shooting games. If your going to compare hl1 and hl2, dont compare the graphics or the special effects or all that, compare the gameplay, compare the warm feeling it gave you in your bosom. hl2 is obviously going to be more technologically apt then hl1, thats not what is in question here. It's the experience of the games that should be compared. Half life 1 was an unforgettable experience. half life 2, although also a brilliant game has it's problems. It did seem a little rushed. It felt like it wasn't enought.
To be frank, I'm actually more satisfied then I am impressed with valve, because they stayed true to the original half life, which was more important to me then them producing something spectacular. Half life one was so good that if valve were to come around and shit all over it with some typical fancy mainstream fps sequel, I would have felt betrayed. Luckily valve catered for the lovers of the original game such as myself but at the same time compromised the game to make it a little more mainstream. That's why HL 1 is better then HL 2. halflife was unique, seperate and not constrained to the conventions of mainstream fps games that came before it (namely quake 2 and unreal). Halflife 2, although very unique, had some elements that were constrained to mainstream fps gaming, and that was a little bit disapointing.
I refuse to answer. Actually, I think they are both excellent considering the time periods they were made in. HL1 was great for when it was made, HL2 was great for when it was made. Both revolutionary, though.
I enjoyed HL1 much more =)
HL2 was too short and easy compared to HL1
Half-Life 2 is an overall better game but HL1 revolutionized the genre more so it left a bigger impact on me.
you guys are echoing PC Gamer's recent decision to have continue having Half-Life as best game of all time :P
Must we be having this conversation???
First HL is an amazing game but the second is just second to none

Case closed................ :dozey:
I dunno... to me they're pretty much the same. I hated blast pit and the Xen levels in HL1, but HL1's atmosphere was definately much much more gripping and scary then HL2's overall atmosphere (except for Ravenholm, I got th schiz scared outa me in that level). HL2 is good because of the plot and storyline pull you into the game. HL2 was a lot easier and shorter however... blegh I can't decide
D4RK3 54B3R said:
(except for Ravenholm, I got th schiz scared outa me in that level)

I agree. Ravenholm is good enough to be a Resident Evil game.
I vote hl1, quake engine owns first of all! Story was unique and new! (to me atleast). Came many goods mods (-cs, its shit) HLDM is really skillbased mod, so is TFC :) I just Love hl1. 2 Isnt bad tho, quakengine bunny would own in it !
Half-Life 1 was very tense. Ravenholm was the only part of HL2 like that.
- Superior gameplay
- Superior AI
- Superior Facial animations
- Superior Graphics
- Better Atmosphere
- Physics :)
- Eventually superior mods
- Gravity gun
- Superior character animations
- Characters actually show fear giddyness anger ect..
- Dog
- HDR (hopefuly soon)
and im sure there is alot more stuff im forgetting