hl2-docks.exe movie in gcache.gcf (Pic!)

Load up any good ol' hex editor and copy the block from byte 4767A90 to 7756FFF.

And, you should have it. Btw, don't forget to save it as an exe.


  • water.jpg
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Yeah very nice pics very nice quality.cant be fake thought.
the G-man movie is definately in there somewhere. Delete your g-man movie, then restart steam. Boom: it's back. I doubt it redownloaded the entire movie on my 56K in a few seconds. :)

I'd say: wait just a little bit instead of hacking their files. It'll be here soon enough, and then you'll all feel a little silly for spending so much time obsessing about seeing one video a day early.
chris: i have to say i think your telling the truth and im sorry if this is real
Kotik i doubt they set up a test and see how smart we are. lol
Steam is really updating alot at the moment... something might be up :)
Guys, please tell us, how do ou opened it?
It's much easier, than downloading.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Aint none of ya cracked it yet? ;)

He's right. I watched it about an hour or so ago.. That's why I posted what I did above.

However he's done it a longer way round.

Do a search in the HexEditor for "Video" and you'll find this bit:

" "Media" {"1" {"Name" "G-Man" "Type" "Video" "File" "media/movies/HL2-G-Man.exe" } }

Change G-man to "Docks"
and change HL2-G-Man.exe to "HL2-Docks.exe"

Save it and launch Steam and run.

I used AXE3 that can be found on download.com.com
Very good job Chris, imagine what Gabe will say when he reads this! LOL, we're hexing a cache file to get every bit of info we can from it... hopefully they will release the video for real now so we can just download it. Someone e-mail and tell them we've seen the video already so they should just release it!
Originally posted by Nathaniel
Steam is really updating alot at the moment... something might be up :)

I bet Valve got an inside man here in those forums.. And he let them know about the Discovery... And valve as always shoot to win this race (who releases the movie first - Valve Vs Chris lol).
I've already e-mailed Gabe and Erik with the proof of what I've done. No reply yet though.
i downloaded HEX, can anyone tell me what to do, so i get the movie ? thanks (more detailed please)
Do u think we will get another cache file the next time the movie is out?? it would be lovely if it contain another movie No?
I've never used a hex editor, but my name is Chris too, so I should have this video soon, no?

I'm trying to open it now... taking a while... I think it may have crashed....
Do u think we will get another cache file the next time the movie is out?? it would be lovely if it contain another movie No?

I think by then they probably know about this, and change their approach on the entire thing

There is a search feature in ur hex program.
First of all open "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamCache\your-email-here\half-life 2 movies\gcache.gcf"
Then use the search feature to find "Video"
You should see: " "Media" {"1" {"Name" "G-Man" "Type" "Video" "File" "media/movies/HL2-G-Man.exe" } }

Change "G-Man" to Docks
Change "HL2-G-Man.exe" to "HL2-Docks.exe"
Run Steam
Open the movie
GoLiatH: Kotik i doubt they set up a test and see how smart we are. lol

remember that they asked in the steam forums if anyone had figured out the text at the end of the Large HL2 E3 vid, because it was a clue to HL2 ;)
Originally posted by Chris_D

There is a search feature in ur hex program.
First of all open "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamCache\your-email-here\half-life 2 movies\gcache.gcf"
Then use the search feature to find "Video"
You should see: " "Media" {"1" {"Name" "G-Man" "Type" "Video" "File" "media/movies/HL2-G-Man.exe" } }

Change "G-Man" to Docks
Change "HL2-G-Man.exe" to "HL2-Docks.exe"
Run Steam
Open the movie

chris you didnt mention how good \ bad the movie was .. what is your impression? Its an in-game movie after all..
Well my "hexprogram" encrypts the gcf file and i don't have any text :( and dl.com is down
BTW, so is the movie just the short clip of the Dock scene?

If so, that sucks, as it is what, like 8 seconds long?

Oh well, nice work regardless.
It's about 3/4 the length of G-Man

and it's good, but nothing to scream about. I wanna see the tech demo.
The new movie was dissapointing... Rrrreally dissappointing. Like it's captured at 10 fps or something.

Btw, good job both Cris
I turn my back for one second (well...alittle longer) and you guys cracked the whole thing....good job :)

I really want to see valves faces right now :)
I watched it.... it's okay. A little short though. And what's with the little green splatter when you hit the zombie with the crowbar? That looks so dumb...
how do i copy the adresses because it takes long to highlight all the text...PLEASE HELP
So guys for information.
Open this file with axe3.
Then selcet --> open special --> huge file


Then get the search function...then tipe "man...ok, below the place you tipped you can choose "ANCS String" click it...and then search...then you will find the movie...
The new movie was dissapointing... Rrrreally dissappointing. Like it's captured at 10 fps or something.

Great, so you hack into their files, rip out something they didn't plan on releasing, and then criticize them for the quality of it? I don't know how Valve possibly has any respect for their fans.
THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING i never used hex editor before, someone please tell me how to highlight all the text between the coordonates so I can copy them
Just do what Chris_D said:
use the search feature to find "Video"
You should see: " "Media" {"1" {"Name" "G-Man" "Type" "Video" "File" "media/movies/HL2-G-Man.exe" } }

Change "G-Man" to Docks
Change "HL2-G-Man.exe" to "HL2-Docks.exe"
Run Steam
Open the movie
It really pisses me off that this was on our hard drives the entire time...
Originally posted by Apos
Great, so you hack into their files, rip out something they didn't plan on releasing, and then criticize them for the quality of it? I don't know how Valve possibly has any respect for their fans.

Everyone has right to their own opinion..
after STEAM update, i open "half life 2 movies"
my XP windows says:
vgui2.dll = invalid ?
anyone can help me out ?
