HL2 grand master status

I think it is referring to the CD(s) that are sent off to be manufactured, as in master copy? If so then THAT IS NEWS! :D
varsity, thats what its called when its going gold.
if hl2 went gold, gaming sites allover and everybody would know about it.

but this is good news, sounds like hl2 is wrapping up soon.
no clue, im just guessing hl2 will be going gold soon.
Rupertvdb said:
i can't see it am i being dumb :(

Its not got a title of its own, its just in a 'round up' of news, here is the quote

Still waiting on DOOM III to go gold, and someone told me that Half-Life 2 has reached "grand master status" (something like that, not sure what that translates in VU lingo) so maybe Half-Life 2 isn't as far off as we might think.
It's probably a release candidate, i.e. Valve are satsified that it's good, so they submit a build to VU for testing and QA. It'll get sent back with a list of things to fix :)

This will occur a couple of times before it actually goes "gold"
Duracell said:
Its not got a title of its own, its just in a 'round up' of news, here is the quote

Still waiting on DOOM III to go gold, and someone told me that Half-Life 2 has reached "grand master status" (something like that, not sure what that translates in VU lingo) so maybe Half-Life 2 isn't as far off as we might think.

cheers, and on the PMA dudes post thanks for the info that is a pretty good explanation. Going gold soon, if they release this thing i'm going to be so happy, if they do it mid my european tour i'm coming home. :imu:
Talking to a dev at Massive (who work with VUG):

<b34tgirl[MSV]> Don't they mean gold master?
<Varsity> I hope so! ;-)
<b34tgirl[MSV]> I think it is just a type-o
PiMuRho said:
It's probably a release candidate, i.e. Valve are satsified that it's good, so they submit a build to VU for testing and QA. It'll get sent back with a list of things to fix :)

This will occur a couple of times before it actually goes "gold"

thats exactly what im thinking it means, that they are in the 0.9x versions and submit it to testing to various sources for beta testing. this could also mean we might soon see previews of HL2 pop up sometime next month. since they use earlier build to preview the game.
Hey, any HL2 news is good HL2 news, right? (except delays).

I just wish they could put it in plain english intead of inventing a new term.
gahhh *fingers crossed*

on the other hand, I'm currently busy with Prince of Persia SoT, Beyond Good & Evil, UT2004, Forgotten Hope and Splinter Cell 2.

still... *fingers crossed*
Grand Master? Sounds like a comparison of the Half Life franchise/universe/storyline to others :E.
I've never heard of this grand master term in my life.

"...Still waiting on DOOM III to go gold, and someone told me that Half-Life 2 has reached "grand master status" (something like that, not sure what that translates in VU lingo.."

Who's that someone?
Karri said:
on the other hand, I'm currently busy with Prince of Persia SoT, Beyond Good & Evil, UT2004, Forgotten Hope and Splinter Cell 2.

Someone gets too much pocket money
don't get your hopes up :/ i don't think its goin to be out for ages yet. damn i'm so pesimistic :(
maybe sum 1 should e-mail gabe, ask him if its true and wot does it mean lol
Wow, sounds awsome. So I guess we'll have it intime for summer perhaps?
If you don't mind, I'm being VERY sceptic, when one site reports HL2 going gold (or atleast in the phase that release candidates are being sent to the publisher) with his source 'someone'....
i will be very amazed if this turns out to be true...but if hl2 really is in Gold Master stage then we can probably expect to see HL2 go gold about 1 - 3 or 4 months after E3.

FYI: yes i believe Gold Master stage does mean the game is in its finaly stages of development and mainly being bug tested ect. ect.(i think i remember Blizzard stating WC3 were in "Gold Master" stage about a month or so before it went gold)

but DONT get your hopes up people...you dont want to be let down again by getting your hopes up ;)
Dunno about this but i thought going gold was when they have printed 10 000 (or 100 000) discs of the game...

...Grand Master Status is probably some of the last stages... :burp:
"with his source 'someone'...."

thats a real good point, someone could be his 5 year old son :/
I believe he meant to call it simply a "master" copy, ie a disk from which the others will be copied. I do agree that he was likely talking about one of the copies thats sent back and forth between the publisher and valve.
The choice is whether we believe any of this, or if its just a bunch of malarky.
Emailed, no response yet though, they must be busy with all that pizza
I wouldn't get yourself too worked up, guys. This may just mean that a new delivery of donuts just came in or something... just be prepared to accept it might not be something truly important.
A Delivery Of Donuts!!!?!!?

That's Going To Be Awesome! I Can't Wait!
We have to have Spitcodfry check I they are throwing a party with a Headcrab pinata, like HL1 when it went gold.
I take they will be stashing hl2 demos in magazines etc.....but tbh im not sure wether i want to spoil the quality of the final product or not. I might just wait a bit longer after the demos come out, for the full game. Maybe this is already been talked about but demos will be comming out right ?
lemmingzappa said:
I take they will be stashing hl2 demos in magazines etc.....but tbh im not sure wether i want to spoil the quality of the final product or not. I might just wait a bit longer after the demos come out, for the full game. Maybe this is already been talked about but demos will be comming out right ?

Not before the game does, no.