HL2 is violent! (Joe Liberman)


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
Did any1 see the NBC Nightly news tonight? They were saying (with Joe Liberman) the most violent games this season. The ones who got the award was Halo2, Doom3, GTA:San Andreas, and yours truly HL2!!! :thumbs: Score another point for HL2! WOOT! NBC didn't put up a video of the show but they showed the Alyx HL2 box with CD. They also showed various stupid parents saying that their son is being exposed to too much violence. GO OUT MOM OR DAD AND PURCHASE EITHER OF THOSE GAMES FOR YOUR CHILD THIS SEASON! WOOT! :E
That's gay. So many parents worrying about their damn 'child' about seeing to much violence. I don't see what's so bad about it..? My parents don't give a shit what I play.
Parents need something to blame on their child being a dumb ass
I could'nt get a video but I did get a pic and article about it. The show was shown only 5 min ago. The link is here.
It doesn't affect me, as I'm 21 now, but I don't think kids should play a game like Half-Life 2. But that's just my opinion. Ultimately, it's up to the parents, and parents need to actually look at what they're buying their kids...
My dad's like "Oh, HL2, yeah! Like, buy it. I'm gonna get my a copy for X-mas, but I know you want the HL1 sequel as soon as it comes out!".

Oh, and yeah, he plays CS, and he played HL1 when it came out. Awesome dad ey? :) I'm quite proud of him.
Try show those parrents Postal 2 and they'd had a heart attack!
Heh look at the bottom. You will see a banner ad to buy GTA! lmao! :LOL:
****ing hell there are far worse things in games than straightforward "violence"...does anyone ever stop to thing about the different justifications for violence in the different games and the magnitude of violence? The violence in GTA is grounded in a manner very different to that in HL2 and Halo 2. Simply saying violence = bad is stupid, there are more fundamental things going on in games.
i watched some of it on CSPAN, didnt see the HL2 part though.

Kind of dumb, i think.
yeah in 1 of our daily papers here in dublin they had a 'what your kids should not be playing this xmas'article,silent hill 4,gta:sa,the suffering,leisure suit larry(lol),the getaway:black monday were in the top 10,no pc games though as they presumed most kiddies have consoles,although the censors board(games over are censored by the film and tv censor i believe)had a 'most violent game this xmas thing,doom was no1,then gta,then hl2
The problem lies within the idiot parents who buy the game for their kids or let them play it, then say "YOU ARE MAKING VIOLENT GAMES FOR MY KID!"

It's like buying a knife, stabbing yourself, and saying "WTF KNIFE MAKER, WHY IS IT SO SHARP? AGH"
My parents positively encourage violence or any blood-letting activites ie cutting oneself on the wrists with a blade (not too deep though!), or chopping up stray cats. Not at the same time though, haha!
I love HL 2. It is violence without consequence.
PS make sure you chop up stray cats. My neighbour wasn't too happy when she found me dicing her Fluffy. oops :eek:

PPS sorry, I am talking bollocks. Violence is bad..... but it is good in videogames...?
AHAHAHAAAAAA i love stuff like this.

OUCH i just friggin burnt my self.... why dont kettles stop boiling water from scolding me!!!!
Try Soldat...You can rip off limbs, blow heads off and then play soccer with their head. Shotgun blast, MG rip up. Chainsaw carnage, i love it.
Oh thank you NBC! Take the attention off the invasion of Iraq and remind us how horribly violent video games are.

Next week on NBC they'll remind everyone the killer bees are coming, killer bees carrying anthrax, did I mention the bees are strapped to pitbulls?
Ownzed said:
That's gay. So many parents worrying about their damn 'child' about seeing to much violence. I don't see what's so bad about it..? My parents don't give a shit what I play.

If they would just stick to the damned ratings system we wouldn't have a problem. Idiot parents are the problem. Don't get me wront. I love HL2, but I wouldn't let my daughter play it.

of course, she's only 1.5 years old ;)
and postal 2 fails to appear on one list of that link and is near the bottom of the other.

WTF have these people actually played the games??
its like an article i read the otherday... people complaining about games they had NEVER played. what a friggin joke. its just an excuse for when kids go out and shoot their school "friends". Don't blame society or gun culture, oh NO, blame films and videogames.
HL2 is violent! (Joe Liberman)

Thank god we have CptObvious to save us here, where would we be without him and that giant M or 18+ on the goddamn box that should be a f*cking hint for parents not to buy it.
You'd think they would listen.... but noooooo, 8 year old little Billy wants San Andreas, Doom 3 or HL2 for Christmas, and we can't say no to little Billy can we?
People are blaming games for violence...The govertment makes Automatic weapons and scopes legal to almost anyone who wants one. Then they bitch about video games, come on seriously, you have a ****ing TMP in your drawrer.Maybe you should pay attention to your kids mentality before they snap at someone making fun of them.
diluted said:
It doesn't affect me, as I'm 21 now, but I don't think kids should play a game like Half-Life 2. But that's just my opinion. Ultimately, it's up to the parents, and parents need to actually look at what they're buying their kids...
Exactly, if we want games to be respected as an entertainment form they need to be held within appropriate age limits. All games have ESRB ratings, and parents should be watchful of what ratings their kids play. Being exposed to violence at young ages IS bad, whether it's from RL or movies or games.

Bottom line is that games should not be held responsible for this stuff because it is the parent's job to watch what their kids play (just as they should limit what movies their kids see). I'm 18 btw.
PvtRyan said:
Thank god we have CptObvious to save us here, where would we be without him and that giant M or 18+ on the goddamn box that should be a f*cking hint for parents not to buy it.
You'd think they would listen.... but noooooo, 8 year old little Billy wants San Andreas, Doom 3 or HL2 for Christmas, and we can't say no to little Billy can we?
Hey it's the land of the free, they can buy whatever they want and they can bitch about whatever they want.

So naturally they try to find ways to exploit both freedoms as much as possible, and at the same time preferably.
Please no 12 year olds buying hl2 they come screaming on here when it won't give them a blowjob.
I was exposed to violent video games before I could even read. Am I some f***ed up individual? No, I'm not even close. All of my friends have been playing violent games since before they can remember and they're all doing fine, as well. What one major factor in our childhood links us? Great families.

The one friend of mine that did get screwed up had a father that cheated on his wife and eventually left her... then, his grandfather committed suicide (and I went to the funeral) when he was in 6th or 7th grade. He actually didn't play nearly as many violent video games as I did. He was more into sports games.
My parent's can't say what games I can and cannot get, I hold my debit card, not them ;)
Wow i hate people make this games kill people to blooding bs. Hate it.
I'll be buying my kid unreal 4 and Half Life 5 Doom7 :D
my parents are ok with me playing this stuff
as long as i dont go out killing people, its ok
When these types of ppl can provide my child a world to grow up in without war, famine or hate, then and only then will the content of entertainment be worthy subject matter.
When will people learn the problem isnt the games. The problem is parents who cant take 5 ****ing minutes to sit down with their kids and clearly state what is right and wrong, and the difference between reality and fantasy. I've been playing Doom since the second grade and I havnt looked back, I seriously hope they come out with more realistic violence in video games soon just to piss off these whiny Washington sellout bastards.

Btw looking for a coder for U.S. Presidential/Congress Assasination mod for HL2, PST.
Violent games don't make me violent - people bitching about violent games make me violent.

People need to stop pawning off the blame on games and accept the fact that they made some mistakes in their parenting. If you don't like GTA:SA or Half-Life 2, don't complain about it - DON'T BUY IT! Other people don't really care what the hell you think.

Seriously. It's enough to make me want to go over there and jump on their heads, causing golden coins to pop out of their intestines.
That is why they have ESRB ratings. I think this whole violence crap is being stretched too far...In my opinion, I think people should keep their mouth shut, and just not buy the video game if they don't want it...

A game is only as violent as you make it...

I know the difference between reality, and fiction. I know how to be civil. However, it pisses me off when people complain about such great games...Violent games have not made me a violent guy. People say that video games will make kids think about joining the army. So what? They want to defend their homecountry! I haven't had the thought of joining the army, but I do support it, and I'm glad that they have the skills, and know how to defend our country.

Its all this liberal shit thats being brought into video games now. Liberals are against game companies, because they make more money than they do. Liberals are socialist, and want the government to run everything. They are just jealous because they suck, and the game companies are making 10x as much money as these liberal morons do..

Thats my 2 cents worth...
My box sais "15". Thats old anougth to handle some blood in my book...
even bible games are violent~~~ i saw a show on NBC about bible games, its a guy holding a cross shooting zombies and monsters~~~ is that not just the same??!! and they say other games should promote team spirit or something, well, what are antlions and resistence force in HL2 for??~~~` :fighting as a team!

actually... more like "operation human shield" but you get the point