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Did you try "turning off" the patch via the console? If you haven't, ask, and I'll tell you how.Phirax said:Chiefi, yeah it is a shame, I have to admit though, before that little update, the game ran great (once I had fixed the little quirks), however unfortunately now I am stumped. I'll just wait patiently for Valve to release some updates![]()
Phirax said:On another note, one aspect that really did annoy me, was the fact I had no choice but to install HL2/CS:S/Steam to my c:\. This caused me huge a headache, as my c:\ is only 10GB’s in total. The drive being a 10,000 RPM SCSI is only supposed to be used for storing Windows XP and my Graphics/Multimedia applications. You think Valve/VU would have put just a little more testing into the Disk installers. As you could imagine I already had a bitter taste in my mouth.
Yeah some maxtexture load thing that I changed to 0, no effect.Narcolepsy said:Did you try "turning off" the patch via the console? If you haven't, ask, and I'll tell you how.
[46] pushit [2] said:That's odd, because I was able to install HL2/CS:S/Steam in my F:\ secondary storage drives for games (c:\ is for Windows XP, graphics etc . . .kind of like your setup.) So I don't know what is up with that, maybe I'm lucky.
Sounds like you have had a lot of problems with HL2 but none of them seem to be gameplay related. so i'm kind of interested in what you thought of the actual game, that is if you ever got to play it.
Also, does harddrive RPM speed affect HL2 performance?
StaticFred said:I have to say HL2 is nothing more than a mediocre FPS at best, the only thing that will save this game are the thousands of mods.
Asides from all the eye candy and the grav gun, HL2 does not introduce anything revolutionary to the genre. In all honesty, HL2's lack of good story telling really cripples this game into being nothing more than "kill everything on the screen" FPS mayhem that's been done a thousand times before.
The ending is also so embarrassingly bad that i can't believe Valve would insult their fans that have waited years to play this sequel. The so called "ending" should not even be considered a form of "closure" to this game, it is more like a commercial break to tie HL2 into the expansion packs. Valve purposely left HL2's story as openly as possible for future development purposes...
Even the multiplayer aspect of the game was thrown together by
valve without much thought. Valve implements a complex physics
system into the game and the best they can do is copy CS into
the Havok Engine??? The physics in CS:Source is nothing more than eye candy and does not add anything to gameplay. Just think of what the multiplayer could of been, perhaps Valve could have implemented the "squad leader" aspect into MP, which would of been cool to lead around AI controlled team-mates in
a 8-16 people death match. Or what about the option to use objects in the maps to your benefit? What about the option to drag one of the team-mates back to a respawning area?
HL2 is weak, the only thing that will save this game are the numerous mods that are being created by all the dedicated fans.
NachoMan said:I agree with these points in particular, though the whole post was good.
Some people seem to have the attitude that HL2 has a sophisticated storyline that forces you to think for yourself rather than force feeding it to you. Maybe they're right, or maybe they're just covering the fact that there isn't really much of a storyline. Fine, I can use my imagination, but that's hardly the point is it? that's not a storyline, that's speculation and theory. I can do that by sitting on a chair with my eyes closed.
What would have been really clever is to give you a few snippets of storyline as you go through the game, through optional character interaction and maybe even give you reports to read like in doom3, nolf, unreal etc. In that way you can piece together the story as things go on, rather than reflect on the game at the very end and try and speculate as to what the hell just happened for the past 20 hours
I was definately hoping for more character interaction though, but no-one really had much to say to me except for in the scripted scenes.
NIBully said:Have I missed something...? Do you guys have some insider knowledge that I don't have access to...? But IMHO HL2 fails to even meet the bar let alone raise it! I purchased HL2 via Steam and eagerly awaited, like the rest of you, the release - which came and went like a damp firework.
I loaded it up and was expecting something special - no such luck! Nothing is this game is extraordinardy - kill some grunts, kill some headcrabs, solve really easy puzzles. And the ending is so ridiculous, it beggers belief...! The GMan sends you to sleep - AGAIN! Please Valve don't insult your audience. We deserve better.
Then today I forked out £20 for the book "Raising the Bar" - looks nice, contains some background material - but yet again it poses more questions than answers!
The game seems 'rushed' - not complete - and someone please tell me how RavensHolm fits into the game - what does it add to the story - it has no connection whatsoever to the HL or the Combine theme!
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the game for what it was - but not for what it should have been. I think Valve missed the bar - no doubt you fan boys will think different!
Mr.Wotsit said:Soldcar, that's a completely stupid setup - having played half the game already, they aren't necessarily likely to go and buy it even if they love it because they'll have already played it... Two weeks is a very long time.
Sounds a bit stupid to me really...
And you shouldn't sell your games on - you're buying a license to play that game, second hand sales are bad for the games industry on the whole. And before you say that will mean games companies can take advantage of the consumer, that's not true at all. Once demand starts to fall, they can drop the price and experience an increase in quantity demanded.
So everyone wins...
Soldcar4gasmony said:I've tolerated you and been nice but your a friggin retard thats out of touch. If they play it and the game stands on it's own, they would buy it! why do you think other games have demo's, thats part of the sale you asshat. This game won't stand on it's own, it has no replay value, you just admited that!Heck, i'll give them a week instead.Valve knows this, thats why there is no demo and false video's of the game. Products sold as used is commonplace in most fields (excluding perishables)! By your thinking music CD's, cars ...etc shouldn't be sold 2nd hand because the original seller doesn't profit from the 2nd, 3rd and so on sale.This game should have been $15-20 sale.Think about it, everyone just goes out and gets it,no need for anti-piracy steam crap,people get there "wow" factor from the game and don't feel cheated when they are done, being only $15-20.wouldn't need to buy used if it's already cheap.I bought halo new for $20, didn't even think about getting it used.I wouldn't even complain at that point.No, they high priced it for a quick jump in sales and made it so you can't resell it.If it is in a demand, they will stand the test.I personally see sales hitting high initially and plumetting hard. Like Doom3, word is getting out and people are turning away.Without even playing my copy, i've gotten at least 4 people i know personally to not buy this game. Thats about a $100 they could have made at a lower price. Instead, they made $50. others will follow.
Mechagodzilla said:Spartan, what is it you are trying to accomplish?
If you hate Valve, Steam, Half-life 2, and everything else so much, why are you spending so much time and effort on this website?
If there is a game you think is better, go to its fansite or do something constructive. You have absoulutely nothing to gain from being here, except making a lot of people think you're a jackass.
Clearly you enjoy HL2 enough that it has become a major force in your life. Only, for some reason, your fun comes from hating it.
Deputy J Garcia said:wow, i didn't know it was possible to pull that much shit out of your ass.
Soldcar4gasmony said:I can't speak for spartan but i'm on here to inform my opinion. I know some of you think that opinions of people who played the game don't account for anything, i disagree. it was the opinions of people who gave specifics of DOOM3 that led me not to buy it. Everyone who loves or hates this game, states overall the same reasons fo doing so.Those who don't have this game can now see if it is worth their money to buy it, seeing how there is no demo and only misleading video's to go off of. Maybe us haters feel ripped-off and want others to know what they are getting into.
NIBully said:Have I missed something...? Do you guys have some insider knowledge that I don't have access to...? But IMHO HL2 fails to even meet the bar let alone raise it! I purchased HL2 via Steam and eagerly awaited, like the rest of you, the release - which came and went like a damp firework.
I loaded it up and was expecting something special - no such luck! Nothing is this game is extraordinardy - kill some grunts, kill some headcrabs, solve really easy puzzles. And the ending is so ridiculous, it beggers belief...! The GMan sends you to sleep - AGAIN! Please Valve don't insult your audience. We deserve better.
Then today I forked out £20 for the book "Raising the Bar" - looks nice, contains some background material - but yet again it poses more questions than answers!
The game seems 'rushed' - not complete - and someone please tell me how RavensHolm fits into the game - what does it add to the story - it has no connection whatsoever to the HL or the Combine theme!
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the game for what it was - but not for what it should have been. I think Valve missed the bar - no doubt you fan boys will think different!
NIBully said:Have I missed something...? Do you guys have some insider knowledge that I don't have access to...? But IMHO HL2 fails to even meet the bar let alone raise it! I purchased HL2 via Steam and eagerly awaited, like the rest of you, the release - which came and went like a damp firework.
I loaded it up and was expecting something special - no such luck! Nothing is this game is extraordinardy - kill some grunts, kill some headcrabs, solve really easy puzzles. And the ending is so ridiculous, it beggers belief...! The GMan sends you to sleep - AGAIN! Please Valve don't insult your audience. We deserve better.
Then today I forked out £20 for the book "Raising the Bar" - looks nice, contains some background material - but yet again it poses more questions than answers!
The game seems 'rushed' - not complete - and someone please tell me how RavensHolm fits into the game - what does it add to the story - it has no connection whatsoever to the HL or the Combine theme!
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the game for what it was - but not for what it should have been. I think Valve missed the bar - no doubt you fan boys will think different!
Soldcar4gasmony said:I can't speak for spartan but i'm on here to inform my opinion. I know some of you think that opinions of people who played the game don't account for anything, i disagree. it was the opinions of people who gave specifics of DOOM3 that led me not to buy it. Everyone who loves or hates this game, states overall the same reasons fo doing so.Those who don't have this game can now see if it is worth their money to buy it, seeing how there is no demo and only misleading video's to go off of. Maybe us haters feel ripped-off and want others to know what they are getting into.
Deputy J Garcia said:theres no demo because it would be too expensive and time consuming when everybody already knows that half-life 2 kicks ass.
the videos were proof of concept videos that were made before the game was made, the other videos that were made during the development had to be reworked in the game, which is what happens in every games development process.
next time you have a thought, just let it go. thank you.
everything can always be better. But at this moment, HL2 kicks all other games arses black and blue. Yesterday I saw MOHPA, what a pathetic excuse for a game compared to HL2 that was.vertthrasher said:It truely wasn't a very AWESOME game like hl1 besides the physics. Again, I will say... It COULD have been sooooo much better.
Mechagodzilla said:Sure, you can do all that if you really want. But this is not the place to do it. You're not just preaching to the choir here. You're trying to convert the choir.
I'd estimate 70% of the people posting here have already bought the game, and another 20% on top of that have decided to buy it eventually.
You can preach to the remaining ten percent, but there are far more effective venues to accomplish that aim, especially since the vast majority of people here, as well as public opinion in general, contradict your opinion. You can't convince people not to buy the game if they've already bought it.
Based on what I've seen, there's a 95% chance that if you bought the game, you will enjoy it. If you think you're saving people from being as dissatisfied as you are, I'm afraid that that's just wishful thinking. For every hundred people you "save", you are probably keeping a good eighty or ninety from from playing a game they would have enjoyed if it weren't for you. That's a bit selfish, in my opinion.
Let people think for themselves, and spend your time doing something more productive. Or at least do it somewhere else.
You're certainly not going to convince anyone that the game sucks in a place where several thousand more people are professing the opposite opinion.
And the bink videos weren't misleading. The media from 2003, when it became common knowledge that the game was not yet done, contained things that were cut.
All the more recent media are either identical to or signifigantly worse than the final game.
SoldCar4gasmony said:Not trying to get you guys to convert, i don't think any of us opposing this game are. Were reaching out to the ones that are undecided. You guys get mad when you are called fanboys but don't say anything about what is so great about this game. I've given valid reasons. All you people said is great graphics, great story (if you use your imagination) and great physics. All i'm saying is, for the amount of money i paid, i feel ripped off.
Hell, this thread started with this.The response i get is i needed to look around for clues to learn the story and admire the People do check forums to get a feel for the game. You want to support it, be specific. Saying shit like "This game kicks ass, you suck" is going to weed you out as a fanboy. I even got that asshat Mr Wortin or whatever his name to admit that this game has no replay value, and he's one of your big supporters.Unless this surprise thats suppose to come out is a full MP for the HL2 (no, not rehashed CS either)
than i predict that this game will be forgotten by all, except of course the fanboys.
miked4o7 said:Revolutionary implementation of physics, really good story for an fps, great graphics, very good AI (although nothing new), amazing sound quality and effects, great gameplay variety for a fps, absolutely brilliant level design, perfectly paced, loads of little secrets, good arsenal of weapons (none of them feel redundant and all are useful), revolutionary in-game character animations, overall attention to detail...
Every possible thing that makes a game good is in this game. Sure, not everything is perfect, but this game comes far closer to flawlessness than any other fps I can think of.
NachoMan said:"really good story". I think it was passable, but come on, it's not an intricate plot full of conspiracy and clever twists, it's all about picking up snippets of info here and there and piecing it all together at the end, in other words: you make your own story.
"very good AI". Again, passable AI. Some cool moments, but otherwise just a lot of scripting and path nodes.
"good arsenal of weapons". Compared to HL I think the selection of weapons was very meagre. Grav gun was awesome, otherwise weapons were standard fare.
The vast majority of what was shown made it into the game.Soldcar4gasmony said:Sorry i really don't remember any other games that played videos where half of them didn't make it into the game.
Inertiadriftsc said:hmmm a wonderful thread filled with ad hominem fallacies and ridiculous behavior on both sides. HL2 raised the bars in many ways but failed in others, they also did not reach to the expected level and hype. We all must remember that our imagination will expand things to much bigger than they are (as proved by alfred hitchcock horror films which were scarier than the films of the day becuase he never showed the monster and played on peoples imagination) or will be, Everyone expected half life 2 to be a killer story, when it is instead a connecting peice between 1 and 3. It was revolutionary as far as a workable physics engine, and the source engine. however, gameplay was just good not great, and the story the same. I think they made a successful game that is extremely enjoyable, but i doubt anyone can live of to 6 years of expanded imagination.
Odysseus said:That's the main principle of advertising: if you tell people something long enough soon they will start to believe it... I have a critical mind and I am not accustomed to swallowing everything people tell me I should like. It would be stupid to try to convince myself this is the best game ever just because most people gave it A's.
NIBully said:Have I missed something...? Do you guys have some insider knowledge that I don't have access to...? But IMHO HL2 fails to even meet the bar let alone raise it! I purchased HL2 via Steam and eagerly awaited, like the rest of you, the release - which came and went like a damp firework.
I loaded it up and was expecting something special - no such luck! Nothing is this game is extraordinardy - kill some grunts, kill some headcrabs, solve really easy puzzles. And the ending is so ridiculous, it beggers belief...! The GMan sends you to sleep - AGAIN! Please Valve don't insult your audience. We deserve better.
Then today I forked out £20 for the book "Raising the Bar" - looks nice, contains some background material - but yet again it poses more questions than answers!
The game seems 'rushed' - not complete - and someone please tell me how RavensHolm fits into the game - what does it add to the story - it has no connection whatsoever to the HL or the Combine theme!
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the game for what it was - but not for what it should have been. I think Valve missed the bar - no doubt you fan boys will think different!
Spartan said:Instead of repeating, I'll re-explain:
Gordon is suddenly on a train in City 17, ten years in a future controlled by his old administrator Breen, who represents an alien power called the Combine. Does Gordon wonder what's going on? Is he baffled? Confused? Does he ask questions?
Does he F-CK!
He just blindly charges forward like a stoned homicidal maniac, without knowing what's going on and why. Then again, even if he did ask, it would probably go something like this:
Gordon: What the hell is going on, Barney? Where am I?
* roof crashes, Combine soldiers descend from above *
Barney: But before you go, let's spend some time on a pointless subplot about a funny headcrab instead of informing you of the basics... .... done. NOW GO!
Gordon: Why me? Why am I so important? I'm just another guy.
Resistance guy: You are The One. Take this RPG and kill someone.
(note: if we compare this with the Matrix, Neo has doubt about himself is wondering why people are making a big deal about him - Gordon isn't doubting, wondering or thinking about anything at all. I know someone will counter this with "well, YOU are Gordon," but that's pointless because I, the player, can't ask the NPCs any questions, like Gordon could.)
Gordon: Alyx, I've murdered thousands of people, don't sweat it. I'll just kill everyone again and Eli can continue his research.
Alyx: No! It is imperative that you go to Ravenholm for no reason other than to dick around with physics, expose yourself to unimaginable danger and end up on the coast just in time to rescue my father who will no doubt be kidnapped soon because you weren't here!