HL2 on Hard completed with 0 total damage

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LittleB said:
Why didn't you just shoot the buggy off the dock with the gravgun?

Sorry, I missed the question before. Have you tried it? That sucker is anchored to the spot, ready for its scripted sequence. Its too bad though! Would have made the coast *so* much easier.

Top Secret said:
Post a vid of you getting the Pistol, no damage. And parking the buggy in the garage without actually having it, and I'll believe you.

You don't actually park the buggy, just at some point in there the sequence triggers. The save games are 122 MB uncompressed, and about 23MB compressed. I'm uploading them now to my server, and I'll post the link in a bit.

Jesus Lincoln said:
Ill answer it, you cant

You can't actually park the buggy, true, but you can trigger the sequences to play the scene and move on :)

MangaelB said:
So you did use cheats?

As I said in the first post, no, I did not use cheats in any of the saves. So the only garuntee I can give you is my word, and you see how seriously that is taken in these forums :p
I believe you.. I'm trying to do the same with HL1 right now. I've beaten it when I've taken only a little damage and used medkits/batteries to get up to 100/100, but not without taking no damage at all yet..
kelerain said:
Good lord yes. The challange is in playing the scenes just so. Even if you always played at your absolute best, there are several parts that are basically down to random chance (bullet spreads mostly) so you would have to play through the game hundreds of times AT YOUR PERFECT BEST to even have a chance at completeing it without damage.

Sorry if I came across as completeing it in one single run, I mean that I kept a single 'session' going, instead of something like completing it map by map.

Okay, it's believable now... Good job, though!
SHIPPI said:
I believe you.. I'm trying to do the same with HL1 right now. I've beaten it when I've taken only a little damage and used medkits/batteries to get up to 100/100, but not without taking no damage at all yet..

I have some very sad news my friend. I've tried this as well. Remeber, about mid way, a bit before the first assasin scene, where there is that freezer? Yeah. MANDATORY DAMAGE, as far as I can tell. Basically I allow myself to lose 5 health in there, and no more. Other than that, no damage. If you do manage to get past that section, lemmie know! :)

Jesus Lincoln said:
Will you be posting one tonight?

Well my saves are still uploading, but I already recorded a quick one, of me dispatching the first pistol metro cop, and a the 3 cops after that. Its really not as hard as it sounds most of the time, it just takes patitience. I'll upload that after the saves, and then post them.
I 100% believe you. My dad plays games like Doom that way. He would redo a section from his last save point over and over again until he felt he had enough health and ammo to continue on. It is a personaly play style and I can see someone replaying parts if they get hurt. Would be a challenge, but not impossible I would imagine... just time intensive.

Congrats on the success!!
Ok, I have two sample demos up at:


The first, "pistolnodamage.dem" I started a "Route Kanal", begining just as you turn the corner to find the two cops beating the poor man. I beat them back, first the one with the pistol, then the one with the stun baton, after that, I take down the next metrocop on the stairs with the crowbar, and prodece to down the the cop at the top of the stairwell with the pistol.

The second, "lighthouse.dem" is a demo from a save game I have, of my showing up at the lighthouse area on foot. I have a rollermine from before that I have kept with me, for reasons that will soon become obvious. The animations and such don't work particularly cleanly, because I don't have the buggy, but they get the job done, and after the end of the sequence, the first drop ship arrives. I then demonstrate why I keep the mines around, and the dropship flies off. I might have taken a smidgen of damage after that ;) but its a sample, and you can get the gist of the way I do things.

My save games are still uploading at a *glacial* pace for reasons unknown, so in 15 minutes or so I'll edit in the link.

Edit: and here we are, Halflife 2 - Hard Mode - No Damage - Selected Saves (23.3 MB .zip)
I believe ya... Why would you say it if you didnt do it.

It can't be impossible, hard though...
^impressed =)
I watched the first 2, very impressive

Downloading the other zip now

good job

If you can compile all of this into one .avi you will be a god
Spiffe said:
I believe ya... Why would you say it if you didnt do it.

It can't be impossible, hard though...
^impressed =)

I apreciate that! And it was quite challanging in places. A suprising amount wasn't too bad at all, mostly lather, rinse, repeat type of stuff. For example, ravenholm was quite easy, and I don't think I fired a shot thanks to Dog's ball. And I don't blame anyone for being sceptical of this at all, its a pretty wild claim, until you disect it, and realize that I have no life. Especially considering some of the stuff that goes on on these forums. Pick a challange for yourself, and try it! Maybe you won't let the suit get below 50 points, or something (once you have it to 50 obviously). When you have to be more careful you tend to take things a lot slower, and I find it quite enjoyable. That and I may be slightly nuts! :naughty:
Jesus Lincoln said:
I watched the first 2, very impressive

Downloading the other zip now

good job

If you can compile all of this into one .avi you will be a god

Thats a bit tougher. Both of these I managed to do in single shots after about 10-20 tries each. But the longer a section gets, of course, the more chances I have to screw up. Each of those three encounters in the pistol one would have been separate saves. The lighthouse would be a save per dropship at minimum. I'm not sure about the workings of the demo system, but I'm pretty sure it would be *very* difficult to stitch them all together into something like a movie. The other problem is the long boring sections. Herding items around (like turrets) waiting for the AI to show up, lots of things like that. It would be a massive movie that wouldn't have much interest. What I think may be more doable is to choose memorable interesting sceenes, and go through those. But thats a thought for another day, I rather need my sleep now :)
R@mmstien said:
someone needs to lock this thread...
For what reason? There was a bit of the usual forum stuff, but I feel there is a lot of interesting discussion here.

Jesus Lincoln said:
how do i play that second zip, i extracted it and now what do i do?
Those are just save games from a selection of places along the process. backup your save games, and unzip those in their place (they may need extracted from a folder). Not as exciting as the demos, but perhaps more useful to people.
kelerain said:
That will take a while, water hazard is long, and annoying in places. Maybe a particular sceene or two? It will be faster. If there really is demand for a running demo of the entire thing I might be willing to work on it, but portions of it are *excessively* boring.

Luckily its not a requirement. I just ran into the garage, and poked at a few guys, the drop ships seem to be on a timer of some sort, perhaps triggered by your presence in the garage. The speed run guys seem to have a method for dropping down to the path directly, without dying as well.

you get hurt 20 hp of the first jump and around 20 of the other, but you dont have to have the buggy
I am curious how you completed the coast without the buggy -- particularly, the crane magnet area. Directly after that the road is blown to hell and I would think you would need the buggy's turbo boost to get across. Also, that's a long stretch of road to have the manatee gunship shooting at you. The only solution I can think of is carrying something huge with you and having it deflect the bullets.

Also, before that, how did you get through the window? I'm pretty sure you need the buggy to smash that. Of course, you could probably do a crate stack or a gravity gun boost somewhere nearby, but I'm not sure.

I can understand wanting to go through the game without getting hurt. I've done that a lot. But man...you gotta let some things slide. =]
eediot said:
Does it really bloody matter? Who cares. I'm sick of all this trollbaiting on the forums. We're supposed to be a decent community, but I'm seeing all these jackasses pop up and start flaming everyone who makes an innocent thread.

[And if anybody starts crapping anything about 'Irony' and hypocrisy, then I'm going to kick your ass too.]

Edit: Yeah, I did read the buggy part. I was wondering how he got down from the platform, I recall that there was quite a drop when I played it.

Kick thier ass? With the internet? I would like to see you try, 'o esteemed one...
marshmallow said:
I am curious how you completed the coast without the buggy -- particularly, the crane magnet area. Directly after that the road is blown to hell and I would think you would need the buggy's turbo boost to get across. Also, that's a long stretch of road to have the manatee gunship shooting at you. The only solution I can think of is carrying something huge with you and having it deflect the bullets.

Also, before that, how did you get through the window? I'm pretty sure you need the buggy to smash that. Of course, you could probably do a crate stack or a gravity gun boost somewhere nearby, but I'm not sure.

Oh yeah, that. That was actually one of the first things I checked. Playing through the game the first time, I took it easy, and didn't worry too much about ammo and such. I wanted the experience, and the story. At the back of my mind, however, I was thinking of the 'no damage' run because I had enjoyed it with the origional (except for the stupid freezer UGH). So when the lady dropped the buggy I went "thats not good" and made a mental note to go back and check that later. After completing the game I went back and did extensive testing. I tried shooting it with the gravity gun, I tried putting a bunch of stuff down below to keep it from hitting as hard. It just didn't seem to be possible to get in the buggy without taking damage.
Then I started thinking about the flexibility of the game, and the alternatives I had. So I set out on foot, and checked the roads out. The first jump you can skip, because there is a nice little embankment nearby. The second jump, by the magnetic crane sceene is a different matter. First, let me point out that you can break the window with the crowbar, and crawl through, or much easier, simply walk around the side of the building. Second the gunship trigger didn't go off when I was there, probably because I didn't have the buggy. I tried stacking physics items up, and getting across that gap, with very little luck. I was about to get angry at valve for forcing mandatory damage on my again, but I thought about scaling the cliff. After a LOT of fruitless trying to get up by the rock outcropings with boxes, I found that there is, barely, a route you can get up on foot, with a couple of hops. So I did clear out the area, clear up to the far side of the bridge, and then I went back and climbed the hill. In the process I found a nice little item cache hidding on the far side of the roof/building that was closest to the bridge. Nifty little cache of weapons, and your second energy ball for the pulse rifle, if I remeber right.

Crate stacking works, but I can't get the gravity gun boost to work for me without damaging me. Not that I've often needed to get arond places. I have stacked a few boxes for the purposes of backtracking however. Good question!
fabianoag said:
omg, wats wrong with you people today? is it so incredibly hard to just believe someone for once and congratulate him for his effort instead of doubting him because it makes you feel important? personally, i believe him and i completely agree with you eediot. good job kelerain!

First of all fab, it does not make a person on the internet feel important to flame (Well, most people but the normal people post here) Also, how do you know if he did finish the game on hard without damage? How do you know if Jesus exsists? How do you know if we are all not made up and that you are not in a coma after having your kidneys taken out in a seedy hotel? I do not know these things...

I don't believe kelerain. He needs some form of proof, it is like someone murdering people and saying 'I didn't do it' in court and the judge would reply 'Good Job on not killing those people'.

I need a hug.
Danimal said:
First of all fab, it does not make a person on the internet feel important to flame (Well, most people but the normal people post here) Also, how do you know if he did finish the game on hard without damage? How do you know if Jesus exsists? How do you know if we are all not made up and that you are not in a coma after having your kidneys taken out in a seedy hotel? I do not know these things...

I don't believe kelerain. He needs some form of proof, it is like someone murdering people and saying 'I didn't do it' in court and the judge would reply 'Good Job on not killing those people'.

I need a hug.

A hug I can manage. I don't have a lot of proof, but again, I'm not here to parade a banner around, I'm here to discuss the game on hard mode, not taking damage, perhaps share a few insights. I think it should be clear to most forum goers that there is rarely incontrovertable proof of anything on the internet. As a small amout of evidence however, I offer my save games above, and a couple of demos of places that people doubted could be done without damage. Also, try the logic aproach. Take a save in the game, and take out one enemy without damage. Not too bad. Now if you can do it once, you can do it again right? Its just a matter of loading enough save games, and trying enough times. Now find the areas that you don't believe could be passed without taking damage, and ask me how I did it. I'll let you know. Some of them would be hard to get demos of, but I can make demos of small sections. If there is interest, I'll probably kick up a thread over at the HL2 done quick forums, and see if they might be willing to do a 'hl2 done careful' or some such.
Javert said:
I wanna see a demo of even one map where you don't take dmg.
Clarification, not a point of disbelief, but rather "holy cow let's see it" ala the speed runs.
1. It's pretty acceptable to have taken the damage from the buggy dropping as it's unavoidable and really not worth doing the walk...

2. Anyone could do this. This isn't impressive because of any skill involved but because of persistence. If you can click the quicksave and quickload keys, an army of monkeys would achieve this after a while.

3. There's no reason not to believe him because, like I said, it's nothing truly exceptional, just something that most people can't be arsed to do because it doesn't sound very fun. But good for him if that's how he gets his kicks!
It's not really impressive at all concidering that you saved like every 2 seconds...
good job man, I don't understand why everyone is so mad/accusing.
I'm going to guess 200 hours of playtime to do this? Good job! :)
kelerain said:
The next interesting bit was the buggy. Aha! you say, you HAD to have taken damage, the buggy hurts you when it drops! You are right, it does. Which means, of course, that I had to ditch the buggy, and do the entire beach run without it, and without taking damage. Well THAT was tough, lemmie tell you. Luckily the water was nearby, and the antlions drown in it.

***cough cough Leaches cough cough***
Didnt have time to read through the whole thread, so I dont know what you are talking right now, but however I believe this guy. In HL1 I often played trying not to take any damage, it is quite fun try to think of the most effective tactic. Of course, it takes alot and alot of reloading, so I wouldnt want to try it on HL2 with those loading times.
Nice job kelerain.
YOU want to hear IMPRESSIVE?!?!?

Remember that guy who beat Super Mario 3, in 12 minutes without losing any life....

... yeah.

Then again... games have evolved since mario 3 havn't they?... yeah. :p

Well... that's my 2 cents anyway.
kelerain said:
I don't have a lot of proof, but again, I'm not here to parade a banner around.

Oh, my mistake. I thought this thread was made for you boasting about it. Can I still have a hug?
Well... you know. There are some things in life that you just gotta FLAUNT around. For example... I gotta new minifridge.

(bad Hulk Hogan impression)
That's pretty cool. Now try playing on hard with nothing but the USP and crowbar. I've started such a game but haven't had much time recently so I'm not very far.
Cool stuff. Im going to make my own little mission soon. :p
I'm gonna play through half life 2, with GOD MODE ON HARD WITH NOTHING BUT THE BLUE MANIPULATOR! watch this space people, its gonna be hard
I did this once, but for the first Half-Life. If I can recall, the only part that requires you to take damage is getting through the energy-sapping freezer area (and if you want to include the Hazard Course, the "drop onto the target" and radioactive waste segments). It's not quite the same thing as HL2, but I will say that it doesn't require as much skill as some people may think. I should know, because I generally suck at twitch-based first person shooters. It just means you have to quicksave every five goddamn seconds. Got hit with a bullet? Reload, and sidestep right instead of left. Save. Repeat for what will feel like an eternity.
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