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ummmm 'someone' will post here again? :P (someone meaning a secert person from valve)
Yombi said:
ummmm 'someone' will post here again? :P (someone meaning a secert person from valve)
Yea probably, I wouldnt be suprised if the thread starter was someone from valve.
they just added Hmm.

Half-Life 2: PHP

You guys all rock. :)

Out for dinner. We'll continue this another time.

But how will you know when there's new stuff here? Hmm.

Play again?
they updated truth yet again.... *edit* too slow, but yeah they added hmmm
I remember a month or 2 ago on the steam forums, someone mentioned text-based old style games and waldo posted something similiar in his post. Maybe thats when they made this?
I dont think so or we woulda have known sooner.... and besides even if it was all the addons were definatley today. *edit* this was in regards to the post about old-text based games on steam or whatever
another update.

Half-Life 2: PHP

You guys all rock. :)

Out for dinner. We'll continue this another time.

But how will you know when there's new stuff here? Hmm.

You seem like intelligent people... I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right.

Play again?
oh man, i was just off to bed.... its 1:15am and i've got a lecture at 9!
The update is for move=truth

intelligent, clear and time are italic
lol, damnit i love this. hey, until more comes, what was your fav. one so far?
I'm thinking the italics in move=truth have something to do with more pages. i dunno tho.
Heh once they add more stuff those 3 words will probably be used...

EDIT: chris knows something...
they updated truth again
You seem like intelligent people... I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right.
Wow, and we break the 700 barrier. Come on Chris! Whats the record for number of post.
About 1200, but we're not racing to get to that. The thread is over when it's over. This isn't an excuse for spam!
Chris_D said:
About 1200, but we're not racing to get to that. The thread is over when it's over. This isn't an excuse for spam!




Seriously though, I like...feel special...first time chris has responded to something I've said. :thumbs:
lol, just PM or e-mail me man if you ever need me :p With 770,000 posts on the forum, I can't see every single one :p
um... path to what, valve? PATH TO WHAT? argness all around...
Like it says on the homepage, IRC channel #ThirdTest on quakenet
This thread was at 16 posts last time I checked it :O
Somebody recap!
Valve sure does love the community, thats what I admire about them. If you think about it, they must not have much to do, since vivendi has the RC and they are just sort of sitting back taking a break and taunting us.
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