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Pauly said:
Valve sure does love the community, thats what I admire about them. If you think about it, they must not have much to do, since vivendi has the RC and they are just sort of sitting back taking a break and taunting us.
This is the first forum where the thing it's about actually contacts the community.

Except this one forum, but tha was because Marvel Comics sued the admin
It ignores the gordon after the ampersand (&) so its the same thing as ?move=alyx.
considering the gordon is spelt wrong, yeah, it definitely does ignore the gorden
the & sign won't have any effect in php code for that kind of thing.
The word "clear" is in italics.

Trying synonyms of the word clear.

bare, empty, free, open, smooth, stark, unhampered, unimpeded, unlimited, unobstructed, vacant, vacuous, void
bright, clarion, crystal, fair, fine, halcyon, light, luminous, pleasant, rainless, shining, shiny, sunny, sunshiny, unclouded, undarkened
goto the screenshots part of the hl2 site and click on the 6th image and youll get a login use user:nova
pass:prospekt to get in and then view the source
Maybe we will have to wait and see what else comes up as truth got updated after a while maybe if we leave it for a bit and come back shortly, we could try obvious things like barney and crowbar.

Just a thought
move=truth is now giving:

You seem like intelligent people... I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right.

intelligent, clear, and time are in italics .... huummmm
I tried all the obvious ones but to no avail.
The answer to truth (Out for dinner. We'll continue this another time)
would mean they are leaving us a for a bit and then they weill prob get back to us.

Just another thought
Maybe midnight...maybe when it's gold....maybe this has nothing to do with anything? Haha.
my gosh you people are insane, you spend all afternoon playing with some webpages? .... no offense but hl2 is just a game ...

"Out for dinner. We'll continue this another time" - another time is also in italics.
Based on the output of move=truth:

You seem like intelligent people... I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right. (intelligent, clear, and time are in italics)

Maybe if we go with move=intelligent, when the gold announcement is made (time), it will be on that page hidden (clear)?
"But how will you know when there's new stuff here? Hmm.

You seem like intelligent people... I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right.

Play again?"

They should have a sound playing of Gman saying that.
can someone tell me what has happened in the passed 2 hour concerning the test

edit like an overview of whats going on
incorrigible said:
Based on the output of move=truth:

You seem like intelligent people... I think you'll find the path is... clear... when the time is right. (intelligent, clear, and time are in italics)

Maybe if we go with move=intelligent, when the gold announcement is made (time), it will be on that page hidden (clear)?

But if they make the announcement whats the point of going to the page? Other than that it sounds plausible.
Death.Trap said:
But if they make the announcement whats the point of going to the page?

Perhaps before the initial announcement, they'll post it there first?
merc said:
my gosh you people are insane, you spend all afternoon playing with some webpages? .... no offense but hl2 is just a game ...


But you have played it we havent. :dozey:
vALVE is the only company that would mess with it's fans just before a game went gold. Typical, but good.
damn these vague italic hints!
give us a good solid solvable hint when you get back valve.
till then... watch out for wolverines in your underwear *heads off to bed*
italics phrase

is there a possibility the italic highlighted words could spell something out when compiled into one paragraph?
I have another thought, what if "right" doesn't mean correct, but rather the direction. Maybe something at 3:15?
I thought the italics were just emphasizing the words like they normally mean... you know how the G-man talks? He emphasizes like that...
Letters said:
I thought the italics were just emphasizing the words like they normally mean... you know how the G-man talks? He emphasizes like that...

In anycase, here are a list of all the ones I found so far:

another time
just told you about
your (this one was taken from the gman pic under the word "milk")

As someone pointed out, if you take the first letter of each word you can get:

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