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Well, looks like I'm going to have to eat my words about this being "dead"... but hey, if I didn't have to eat plenty of humble pie I'd start to lose weight.

*crosses fingers and waits*
Bah, Harryz, you made me think they'd updated it! :(

I think "time" was their only intended informative update- it's just that yet again we've nosed in and prolonged everything... ;)
Meh, no harm done... we'll wait until the second offence before sacrificing you to Valve* :D

*Note that Valve doesn't actually maintain a sacrificial altar. Yeah, those stupid FBI types found out about the first one...
Edcrab said:
Meh, no harm done... we'll wait until the second offence before sacrificing you to Valve* :D

*Note that Valve doesn't actually maintain a sacrificial altar. Yeah, those stupid FBI types found out about the first one...

lol, ill be the first sacrifice :|
hah, thats hilarious. yombi should be closed. lol. too bad we cant get some news about the RC status.
I see the Yombi reference on "truth", but nothing for "Yombi" itself. It should be that way, right?
RRRRRGGGGGGGGhhhhhhhhh..... close? So by close, you mean what? Five, six minutes? Please?
were back in buisness, people! ALL RIGHT!!!!!
And for the love of my sanity Valve, put in a crowbar command, I beg of you... (again)
I'm telling ya..t hey are messing with our heads.. they don't like us (especially me... cause well I dunno). I already have a headache... and I don't want a bigger one
dude (soccerdude), stop talkin like that or they might leave
So Valve, any clue as to what you mean by "time"? Time to start this conversation again; Time for the third test; Time of release date?
*brain explodes* (eat that headcrab)
does anyone know what yombi is? maybe its some refence to the doom 3 forums? i dont know because i didnt play doom 3.
You know what? I feel kind of inconsiderate calling you Valve...
You have a name, wonderboy of valvy wisdom?
sorry MFL... also wasn't "intellegent" and "path" italizied on the old version? now they arn't... think that has to do with anything?
Yombi is a guy here, he posted that he thinks this thread should be closed, and Valve replied with "We think Yombi should be closed"
"Crowbar" still hasn't shown up yet, but the little glimmer of hope in my
heart still burns on... *cries*
in an effort to smite down Yombi, Valve misses and makes him a superstar!
u guys think the game has started up again?

move=time still says the time draws close .... gold reference? or maybe it means until the game is starting again, or maybe the 3rd test. or maybe when the cookies are baked.
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