hl2 Pushed back..

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I don't see how it can be fake. Unless of course it is.
Originally posted by .5c0ut-WHoR3.
Hmm, yer i suppose. But im trying to keep it alive :)

Imagion if this happened after you installed hl2 though D:

rofl hey moron u misspelled hl2 hahaahhaha :)
Hey how do you get in the IRC thing? I got MIRC but I haven't used it much...

Assuming you have your nick and everything setup, startup mIRC and type "/server irc.quakenet.org" into the server window. Wait for it to connect, and then type "/join #halflife2".
oh yah did i meantion D. Lombardi is Diane Lombardi?? she sounded kinda concerned when i called... like other ppl had been calling for doug.......... *ahem*
he said "in-store" date in qoutes...that means steam is on for the 30th
Whoa, this thread is massive, I'll read it later when I have time.

But first, I shall cry.
lol, well lets all just *PRAY* it wont be a big delay :/

I got through to Gabe on the phone, and he was nice enough to talk to me about the release. He sounded a bit annoyed, but he was a good sport. He even sent me this, and asked me to share it with you guys. We love you Gabe!
Originally posted by poseyjmac
i want gabe to get on cnn and tell the world that hl2 is either delayed or on track. and i want him to take his shirt off and do a dance for me

Man....if only the game industry were as big as the music or movie industry. We could just turn on the tele right now and they would be interviewing Gabe....
Originally posted by WaSwAt
lol, well lets all just *PRAY* it wont be a big delay :/

ITs going to be a HUGE delay, November or December MUAHAH!! <- as Gabe would say
one week big deal... it'll give me more time to setup my new rig and get everything going smooth
By the time its released, I'll have programmed my own Half-life 2 and beaten it. :cool:
Originally posted by indyjones
Link didn't work posey

yeah u have to copya nd paste in browser cause forumisdown.com is gay and knows im linking from a forum
how old is doug??? anyone know?? and does anyone know his middle name?? hahahhaah
So no one thinks the use of qoutes around "in-store" date is significant?
I think it's pretty much because everyone has accepted the delay. I expect an official announcement tomorrow.
So, anyone have any theories WHY it is delayed? *me points angry at nvidia* of course, it could be anything.. hmm
"We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time." Come on, those qoutes were intentional...you know it bitches, it wont be in stores the 30th, but it best be on Steam...
Originally posted by Legend
I think it's pretty much because everyone has accepted the delay. I expect an official announcement tomorrow.

If not tomorrow, then definitely on the 26th (This Friday) in Tokyo.
yah almost def on on the 26... damn you gabe for not answering when i called.. well... not really. just pls pls pls call me back!!
Originally posted by Jasco
So, anyone have any theories WHY it is delayed? *me points angry at nvidia* of course, it could be anything.. hmm

I think its because of Steam.
Originally posted by Sh0t

When have bugs ever slowed down a games release?

hmm, when they dont rush fixing the bugs 1 day before it has to be gold?
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