hl2 Pushed back..

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i won't believe a delay till gabe calls me back and tells me himself... *gulp* knock on wood
Cookie monster is the best.

To keep on topic: It aint delayed!! Think positive they are not to be trusted, only the cookie monster is to be trusted.
Originally posted by TheWall421
I won't believe a delay till I get something truly official, like on gamespy, gamespot, etc.....


however, for hl2 to not be delayed it shouldve started preloading today
Originally posted by TheWall421
I won't believe a delay till I get something truly official, like on gamespy, gamespot, etc.....

planethalflife of gamespy has already copied and pasted word by word the news posted at shacknews
Another fishy thing is the "in-store" quote thing. There is no reason to put that in there if the game is delayed it's delayed on all platforms of release they wouldn't post a delay if they are planning on releasing via steam sometime soon.
I think this picture lets us all know what Doug would look like if he did indeed make this announcement so late at night without allowing replies through e-mail.

Otherwise, it's just cookie monster! :dork:
Originally posted by .5c0ut-WHoR3.
Cookie monster is the best.

To keep on topic: It aint delayed!! Think positive they are not to be trusted, only the cookie monster is to be trusted.

Well then has anyone called up cookie monster yet?
im going to go kill some people, when this havok ends, we will tally up the deaths, and have some beers.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
where in the blue hell are the mods? i haven't seen one response from them

recs keeping busy deleting nonsense threads.
Originally posted by .5c0ut-WHoR3.
oh thats my clan for ns.

We dont cheat though, we are just that good at it.

yes, of course.... ha :)
Originally posted by .5c0ut-WHoR3.
oh thats my clan for ns.

We dont cheat though, we are just that good at it.

Ah, ok, I was afraid you meant the other OGC.
Originally posted by Hyped
"I know you are but what am I."

I've been bashing valve ever since they ****ed up Counter-strike (read: a long time). I said in the beginning that valve has an awful track record when it comes to release dates, and I wouldn't get all hyped up about Sept. 30th. This merely confirms it, and comes as no surprise to me.

You're right, I'm a valve fanboy. :rolleyes:

Did I say Valve fanboy? Nope, I don't recall that I did. You just said it yourself, you've been complaining to Valve about CS for "a long time." Fanboys can exist in two forms: people who love something way too much, or people who hate something way too much. The point of fanboyism is taking something to an extreme, because the people who are fanboys tend to be the 14 and 15 year olds who spend all day lauding / bashing what they do or don't like, because they tend to be the excitable type, and they tend to have had entirely too many caffeinated products. Hopefully that clears things up for you. :)
OMG I can't believe you people are calling him AT HOME in the middle of the night!! You guys are fricken stalkers! Get a life. Wait til morning when it'll be confirmed or denied. It's just a fricken game.
Dude, it was just like 10pm when they called, anyway. He's on the west side. Chill.
Originally posted by jasonh1234
OMG I can't believe you people are calling him AT HOME in the middle of the night!! You guys are fricken stalkers! Get a life. Wait til morning when it'll be confirmed or denied. It's just a fricken game.

WTF!!! **** OFF its more than a game.

Thats like saying to a mass footy fan its just a game, they would smash the c*** through you.
doug lombardi doesn't come up on whitepages.com who said that he did?? i know someone did!!
Correction. It is one of the biggest game launches in history. Fans have a right to ****in' know.
Originally posted by Yodareturn
doug lombardi doesn't come up on whitepages.com who said that he did?? i know someone did!!

He does. Its under "D. Lombardi" and listed in Bellevue, WA.
Originally posted by nostgard
I believe they said D. Lombardi comes up, not Doug Lombardi.

I found three Douglas Lombardis in Seattle...you have to pay to view the numbers though
valve night shift is working on hl2 this very moment, why dont someone call valve until they get someone
Originally posted by Yodareturn
pay to view the numbers?? wtf??

lemme find the link...hold on

EDIT: That didn't work...just search for his name in Seattle, and then click the names of any of the results...you'll see
if it was delayed y do they have a night shift working....that doesn't make sense...
Originally posted by Yodareturn
doug lombardi doesn't come up on whitepages.com who said that he did?? i know someone did!!

I did. If you search "correctly" a D. Lombardi comes up in Bellevue WA. I still have the webpage up if you want the number.
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