hl2 Pushed back..

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Originally posted by Marine436
i repeat, PM the number back to me i Dialed the wrong ONE and then Deleted the PM

damit im so nervers for im being a jerk

ok, I think I was right about Vivendi asking for a christmas holiday release. They fear Steam. And I think ATI also wants to postpone so they can have thier HL2+RadeonXT bundles ready to ship in stores around the same time. I think Gabe realized this was going to happen a long time ago, but the specifics weren't nailed down till probably after STEAM hit the scene.
Originally posted by Yodareturn
you have no idea how incredibly nervous i sounded in that message..... i had lots of uhhhhs and stuff... i was like "You don't know who this is but uhhhh I guess i'm just a Half-life fan.. uhhh"

better than some asshole sputtering insults at the message recorder
Hi Mom!

(Cuz I know people are gonna read this later and laugh at ourselves being crazy)
guys, there is one weird thing about this.. every one of those web sites said "THEY" were the ones to talk to valve and get the info, and everyone of them's quote's is EXACTLY the same..

granted, there may be a delay, but at least 90% of those site are full of shit..
This e-mail has actually caused mass uprising in the HL2 community. Scary.
offtopic: I'm really impressed by this server... must be a powerhouse.. most servers would have pooped by now
I don't know why VALVe insists on not doing things like having press releases and news sections on their main site... it's not hard and it would make situations like this a lot easier to handle.
If this is true, Gabe-boy is gonna be pissed off at Lomardi for releasing the info so late. He's got to know angry fans are gonna be calling him.
yah i guess.. hehehe i just really wanna know if he's gonna call me back and be kewl or call me back and be like "who the hell are you" or just not call....
Originally posted by garg
offtopic: I'm really impressed by this server... must be a powerhouse.. most servers would have pooped by now

Its a sexy power server :D
Originally posted by garg
offtopic: I'm really impressed by this server... must be a powerhouse.. most servers would have pooped by now

TRUE DAT! I must have hit F5 about 8345983746 times already
Originally posted by MadsMan
ok, I think I was right about Vivendi asking for a christmas holiday release. They fear Steam. And I think ATI also wants to postpone so they can have thier HL2+RadeonXT bundles ready to ship in stores around the same time. I think Gabe realized this was going to happen a long time ago, but the specifics weren't nailed down till probably after STEAM hit the scene.

If thats true screw them and Gabe needs a smack. IF!! they do get it out the door the 30th, good for them, if they dont, why didn't they tell us back in July or August. ;(
And if STEAM is the problem im going to snap, because thats the stupidest peice of sh*t ive ever seen, do it Old School way damn it :P
lol yeah this server is holding quite well even with all my continuous F5s.


D. Ludary or whatever right ?

well DIANIA lives at her HOUSE ALONE

luckly...she was expecting a work releated call

thats it, im done calling half way across country to get a wrong number, GOOD NIGHT
this is nuts. a New posts every 2 secs. Bwahahaha. NO HL2 FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by nostgard
I don't know why VALVe insists on not doing things like having press releases and news sections on their main site... it's not hard and it would make situations like this a lot easier to handle.

aye, if they dont, there will always be some people(like me) that will not be convinced. its not a lot to ask
Did you ask her if the delay was false, though? WE NEED ANSWERS DAMNIT! TELL US DIANA OR WE'LL RIOT!
Originally posted by Marine436


D. Ludary or whatever right ?

well DIANIA lives at her HOUSE ALONE

luckly...she was expecting a work releated call

thats it, im done calling half way across country to get a wrong number, GOOD NIGHT

Hmm...now that I think about it...I wondered why the operator didn't ask to confirm the spelling. Sorry bout that
haha Diana Ludary.. whoops

hey.. maybe it was dougs sister.. or mom.. call again! ask for the correct phone number haha

Originally posted by DaveKap
Hi Mom!

(Cuz I know people are gonna read this later and laugh at ourselves being crazy)

Your avatar is so great for this situation! I can just imagine Gabe at the end of that guy's fist.
This is a good laugh this thread

Yeah, even as disappointed as I am I've been laughing a lot at the stuff here. :) That Batman dog was hilarious.
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
I would have to agree, but then, how are we going to get HL2?

Hmm, right before it goes off ill run in naked and they will be so jelous of my sexy body they will run away ill grab the only copy of hl2 and sell it on black market to the highest bidder.
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