hl2 Pushed back..

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Originally posted by garg
the time for the annoucement is too weird..
the source isn't all too reliable
the media that the source got it through it unreliable (email that can easily be faked)
its very very very close to the 30th
why bump it all the way to end of 2003

Agreed, the time that this happend is off the wall, business hours are LONG over even for the gaming indsutry to announce something.
One of the weirdest things that strikes me is that they announce this so late in the evening...it was like 9:30PM PDT when I saw it. When was it first posted on City-17?
I may call him once it's confirmed and tell him we're disappointed about how they handled it, but I won't do that till we know it's for sure and even then I'm sure they'll see these boards or others one way or the other.
its only 10:30pm, i know valve is still working. not sure about doug though
*covers marine436*

good luck! I'm very sure you'll get the machine
Gabe will either confirm on debunk this tonight. Watch.
I thought you already called and got their machine, Marine ??
Originally posted by [[LuCkY]]
Two days ago, I got a call for Valve lol, I work for AT&T Directory Assistance.

Heh. "The people you're trying to step on, we're everyone you depend on. We're the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you sleep. Don't **** with us." ;)
I am just as pissed as everybody else, but if you do call him, dont be an asshole please.
i did call his home number.. i don't know if anyone else did tho. i sounded really really nervous.. but i got a machine.. it was a chic's voice that said "Hi this is Gabe and Laura and we can't come to the phone right now blah blah blah" but then again it coulda been some OTHER gabe and laura in bellevue, washington... i just left my name and number and asked if the e-mail was real or not.. and apologized for calling his house.... i wonder if he'll call me back
Originally posted by Legend
Gabe will either confirm on debunk this tonight. Watch.

It's 10:30pm PST. Do you really think he's at his desk? Or if you have his home number, that he'll pick up at this time of night?
Originally posted by crumbles
Heh. "The people you're trying to step on, we're everyone you depend on. We're the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you sleep. Don't **** with us." ;)

lmfao, that is so true, where did you get that from?!
oh shit, lol, did you get the number from directory assistance?
OK, i deleted the damn thing, after i called the WRONG NUmber

im nervous as hell its 1030 im such a fooking jerk

PM it back to me
I'm not reading 27 pages but it's official.


We've managed to get an official statement from Valve Software on the release date of Half-Life 2 being pushed back. Here is word that I got directly from Doug Lombardi of Valve Software. Valve seems to have been having some mail issues so you may not see this on other sites, however we can confirm with absolute certainty that this is valid:

The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date.

As more information becomes available from Valve we'll have it here for you.
Originally posted by Legend
Gabe will either confirm on debunk this tonight. Watch.

hopefully. i just want it cleared up so i can go back to the real world(until hl2 comes out)
Originally posted by Yodareturn
i did call his home number.. i don't know if anyone else did tho. i sounded really really nervous.. but i got a machine.. it was a chic's voice that said "Hi this is Gabe and Laura and we can't come to the phone right now blah blah blah" but then again it coulda been some OTHER gabe and laura in bellevue, washington... i just left my name and number and asked if the e-mail was real or not.. and apologized for calling his house.... i wonder if he'll call me back

You handled it in the most mature, respectful manner dude. Kudos to you :cheers:
Originally posted by Yodareturn
i did call his home number.. i don't know if anyone else did tho. i sounded really really nervous.. but i got a machine.. it was a chic's voice that said "Hi this is Gabe and Laura and we can't come to the phone right now blah blah blah" but then again it coulda been some OTHER gabe and laura in bellevue, washington... i just left my name and number and asked if the e-mail was real or not.. and apologized for calling his house.... i wonder if he'll call me back

It's called e-mail.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
can you prove this? im not in denial. im just a logical man i need proof so i can rest easy

Webmasters at halflife2files.com, shacknews.com, and city-17.net are claiming to have each received the same email
I'll call Doug. I have no problem calling him up, telling him who I am, and asking him a few questions. Granted, I might not tonight, because it seems a bit late... But I'd do it tomorrow (but by then it'd already be confirmed/denied).
ok that about does it for me. i dont think a ring of websites are making this up
So it may be an anonymous fake emailer who only had the email addresses of halflife2files.com, shacknews.com, and city-17.net
All I know Is I didn’t see a delay thread as of about 5:00 pm mountain time, and I went your and bought a radeon 9800 pro KNOWING that valve would never **** over loyal fans like this. KNOWING that it was to late in the game to delay it now.

But goddamnit, they ****ed me over. And I am not at ALL happy about this. I have a feeling a lot of people who were going to buy it on the 30th may just take a little trip over to share reactor.

My problem is not with the delay at all; it’s with the fact that they waited until the last goddamned minute to tell us. Games get delayed, I understand that, but this is just bullshit.
i repeat, PM the number back to me i Dialed the wrong ONE and then Deleted the PM

damit im so nervers for im being a jerk
Or hell, maybe someone spoofed this email, just to get Gabe or Doug pissed off enough to confirm the release date?
Originally posted by mosquave
Valve seems to have been having some mail issues so you may not see this on other sites, however we can confirm with absolute certainty that this is valid:

Hmm, LIES!!!#!#@! ALL LIES!@#!@

Why does VALVe choose to reveal their shit this way? So unprofessional and stupid.
you have no idea how incredibly nervous i sounded in that message..... i had lots of uhhhhs and stuff... i was like "You don't know who this is but uhhhh I guess i'm just a Half-life fan.. uhhh"
Someone please post the PROPERTIES / DATA of a Doug e-mail. I am comparing the data with these so called e-mails to those webmasters.
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