hl2 Pushed back..

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holy shit, where'd you get his number since you aren't gonna post it?
Originally posted by Gordon'sFreeman
lmao! what sorta gun :P
poor spit :(


I told you to change your signature yesterday
i told you
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Okay I'm royally pissed at Valve now...why the hell all the friggin silence??! They could've informed us about this a while back for cryin' out loud!

EDIT: Why would Lombardi let a little known website know about this...rather than waiting to make an official statement to the press?

That is what I thought doesn't make sense. Why would Doug Lombardi give out information so earth shattering to one website instead of making a public announcement?
I'm with those who believe this is fake. It just seems so strange that they'd delay it for a further 3 months, when they seemed so close. What could seriously need 3 months to fix/change?
Originally posted by garg
wow.. would have been nice if you could have talked to him. I bet they are all hiding somewhere in the basement

It is now 10:14pm PST. Chances are that Gabe is NOT at his desk.
Il PM select people his Home phone Number, and no indy, your not a select person...

i didnt leave a voice mail...but was temepted to
Originally posted by DrEvil
That is what I thought doesn't make sense. Why would Doug Lombardi give out information so earth shattering to one website instead of making a public announcement?

Yer and why wouldnt gabe say it?
While most signs were pointing to a delay.... this email seems to be a bit fishy.. never seen this happen before with any game..
Game companies suck man
Look at the quality of recent games?
Nobody cares about quality anymore

Mr. Juarez has the best games at the best prices
The good news is that we can expect a great world release at the same time for steam/boxes/9800XT :)
Originally posted by bslinger
I'm with those who believe this is fake. It just seems so strange that they'd delay it for a further 3 months, when they seemed so close. What could seriously need 3 months to fix/change?

I don't understand why everyone is believing this so....easily. If I had known a simple e-mail with no proof could be forged to cause so much chaos, I might have done it myself to have some fun ^_^
hmm...*thinks of callign Doug*

No way, my dad is already going to bitch at me going

"why are you callign washington"

"just stalking a game creator dad"
I'm not a select person?

Man thats two bits of bad news I received today.

Eff yo Seff
[[LuCkY]] maybe valve get owned by vivendi ;(
I'm still thinking it may be a fake, VU does NOT want HL2 to release late, nor Vavle. They will have too much compitition to worry about with sales, Far Cry and Doom 3 are being released within 2 months of the Holiday season, HL2 sales would suffer big time if they release later than oct 15
thats almost good enough for me. but i need something more official
Originally posted by bslinger
I'm with those who believe this is fake. It just seems so strange that they'd delay it for a further 3 months, when they seemed so close. What could seriously need 3 months to fix/change?

My, how fast this thread as grown.. someone mentions delay and it just sparks up a huge fuss over a little email someone got and posted with no direct proof from Valve themselves. The email also states it has no 'in-store' release date set, and notice that they are in quotation marks, could signal that Valve is going to try and get the game sold over Steam first. Hmm.. maybe.

There is no reason to believe anything anyone says until Valve makes a direct comment themselves, and considering we all have been prepared for such a delay why do you all rant on about it? Games delayed, so what, it will be out soon enough, maybe after nVidia and Ati have better driver support for DX9 features, or after DX 9.1 is released... Half Life 2 is done, but would you really want to play it if you can't experience it the way it's 'meant to be played'. I for one hope that it's not delayed to long, but until it's out I have many other games (not as good probably) to play and enjoy.. For now, I am outta here and will return when confirmation of a release date is set. This forum is too crowded with whiners and complainers who can't see that there is more too life and video games then one measely freaking delay.
Originally posted by -Yo-
[[LuCkY]] maybe valve get owned by vivendi ;(

Remember my post regarding Vivendi deciding on the release date? Erik told me Valve decides, not Vivendi.
Originally posted by Hyped
Worthless fanboys like you shouldn't have access to a computer. You people REFUSE to blame valve for anything. You need to bash them when they deserve it, and right now, they deserve ALL THE BASHING THEY GET. They knowingly deceived their loyal fan base.

Please refer to this thread, fanboy, and maybe you can learn something.


Oh, don't take this as a defense of Valve. This is an offense against all the people who've been spending 12 hours a day, every day, for the past 3 months on HL2 messageboards, talking about their HL2 clans, or what their favorite HL2 gun is (yes, that one was rather amusing), or things equally as pointless. Then, as SOON as they find out it's not coming out on time, it's I HATE HL2 IM GOING TO BUY DOOM 3. Which is another stunning show of intellect, seeing as how Doom 3 is stilll coming out later than HL2.

All the people who are complaining about how Valve is such a horrible company and how they've lost another customer - mark my words, all of them - are going to buy HL2, and are going to become a part of the hype whenever HL2 actually does come out (probably November.) I'm not the fanboy here, you are. :)

Just as suspected, people are making Gabe fat jokes. Yeah guys, real mature.
this is like the fastest thread ever... i hope that valve blows up... actually i live near them so im just going to go tour it and hopefully see some half life 2
Originally posted by .5c0ut-WHoR3.
Can headcrabs (zombies) even type without bashing the screen/keyboard?

obviously.. the doug zombie did it..

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