HL2 Source Code

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The pure advancedness of the grafix engine on this game:

CUtlVector<CSimplePhysics::CNode> m_Nodes; // This is m_nHairs * m_nNodesPerHair large.
CUtlVector<Vector> m_HairPositions; // Untransformed base hair positions, distributed on the sphere.
CUtlVector<Vector> m_TransformedHairPositions; // Transformed base hair positions, distributed on the sphere.
Yeah you cant play or even start it.
But i think the guys who made the cheats for HL1 / CS will look at it attentively
ATi, nvidia have never leaked anything and ATi are slopy as shit. Plus i don't think valve would give NV the source code.
Notice the copyright, the build source is about 3 years old now :)
Originally posted by Wilson502
Since it is just code, i would have nothing to worry about. There really isnt much use for it because they are no textures, models, or any game data at all.

GAH! read some of the posts!

With that code they can create hax before hl2 comes out, valve WILL delay the game to rewirite all that stuff! it could turn hl2 into dnf!
anyone who knows C++ please tell us wether if this could actually be a legit source code of a game!!
Yeah, it seems like since it was not released on 9/30, that all Hell broke loose...
Originally posted by thop
The readme.txt has instructions on how to compile the code. Which means that this build was also sent out to IHVs to test it on their graphics card. So it is possible that ATI or nVidia leaked it.

I can see it now. NVidia leaks the code as payback to Valve for writing a game that was too advanced for their video cards.
Originally posted by Wilson502
Since it is just code, i would have nothing to worry about. There really isnt much use for it because they are no textures, models, or any game data at all.

For the last time, the REAL issue is companies/people leeching off of VALVe's work, the same goes for cheat makers making cheats for HL2 BEFORE HL2 is out..
Originally posted by ferd
anyone who knows C++ please tell us wether if this could actually be a legit source code of a game!!

yes, its legit.
Originally posted by Wilson502
Since it is just code, i would have nothing to worry about. There really isnt much use for it because they are no textures, models, or any game data at all.

what you dont realize is, this is a HUGE BLOW both to valve, and to ipion, they make a lot of their money selling this code to other companys, especially ipion, they make all of their money from selling their physics code. This will severly damage both companys. And im also putting my money on the sever delaying of HL2 because of this.
My take on it.

First, you can compile what's in the 'engine' directory. It produces a dll that's a little bit over 2 megs. I'm not a modder, so I don't really know what the deal is with that.

I'm still having mixed feelings on the validity of it, specifically with the programs listed in the 'util' directory - a bunch of them don't really make sense to be there.. like bsp utils from '97, qmap (from '96) .. but there are some other directories that seem interesting, one being the phenome extractor for the lipsyncing, complete with documentation. Also, there are some vmf/vtf folders that I haven't looked at (but the initials alone are things that VALVe said were going to be proprietary format for HL2), so granted those things work, it's perfectly feasible that this was unintentional leakage.

There's more, but I'm too tired to write and analyze it all. You'll deal :)
Originally posted by BWMASTER
Notice the copyright, the build source is about 3 years old now :)
Hopefully it really IS three-year-old code...
VALVe probably leaked it on purpose so people can start learning to mod and so they can say it was beta.
Originally posted by Letters
Hopefully it really IS three-year-old code...


I must no paste excerpts from the code
I must no paste excerpts from the code
I must no paste excerpts from the code
Originally posted by stresscrash
what you dont realize is, this is a HUGE BLOW both to valve, and to ipion, they make a lot of their money selling this code to other companys, especially ipion, they make all of their money from selling their physics code. This will severly damage both companys. And im also putting my money on the sever delaying of HL2 because of this.
It's not like anyone could legally sell anything made with stolen code, though...

so it is called a flaregun afterall!!!

this just made my day.....and the descriptions on each of the NPC's

Originally posted by Throatwobbler
VALVe probably leaked it on purpose so people can start learning to mod and so they can say it was beta.

They would have just released the SDK for modders. This source is not the SDK this is the tuff you never want to let out.
A lot of the files are from 9/19/2003 someone in another forum said. Sad tht anyone would steal this. Poor VALVe
I think this is FAR from any final code. I've just done a quick search on BUGBUG and got 126 hits. And some are pretty severe ones completely breaking the code.

dlls\physics_prop_ragdoll.cpp(105): // BUGBUG: This doesn't work because the sequence doesn't necessarily include
dlls\physics_prop_ragdoll.cpp(578): // BUGBUG: This will hit the same bone twice if it has two hitboxes!!!!
dlls\physobj.cpp(1092): // BUGBUG: This won't work! Right now you can't save physics pointers inside an embedded type!
G0rgon stop posting crap please.
Originally posted by Wilson502
Since it is just code, i would have nothing to worry about. There really isnt much use for it because they are no textures, models, or any game data at all.

Please take the time to read at least PART of the thread. It's no use to people who just want to play the game early, but that's hardly the big problem here. The problem is cheaters, hackers, etc having a HUGE advantage that they didn't have before. Not just wallhacks and aimbots but crashing your computer, installing trojans through buffer overflows, etc.

This isn't an "oh well" kind of thing like a leaked Doom3 demo from E3. This is much, much worse. This could very likely delay the game significantly.
Originally posted by G0rgon
Here is Pic number one:

That's from Quake4.

Regardless, you have no right to post copyrighted images here.
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