HL2 Survey plus more this wednesday!

i know that this will never happen because valve dosnt really owe us anything, but wouldnt it be cool if after we complete this survey it says, "btw, for helping us out with this hardware survey, heres some new screenshots." i just think that would be swell.
ray_MAN said:
It's only a hardware survey! C'mon people! Meh. My hype moved .01 centimeters. I am waiting for the SDK.

It's not so much what it is, it's what it signifies.
mortiz said:
It's not so much what it is, it's what it signifies.

damn right. this means the "HL2 aint out yet cos steam dont work" reasoning is over. one step closer to playing HL2.
moppe said:
Steam is updating right now.
It isn't updating. They've offlined Steam in preperation for the update.

Steam will come back up at approximately 9am PST which is in about an hour and a half.
Why would they need to take steam offline in preperation? I can still login and so.

every site and so tells that they are updating.
moppe said:
Why would they need to take steam offline in preperation? I can still login and so.

every site and so tells that they are updating.

have you tried restarting Steam?
Steam is currently down for maintenance while we get the next release ready.

No. They're not updating yet.
His point is that updating or being offline is the same for him, i think...but don't listen to me i'm just a belgian 14 y/o guy :farmer:
He hadn't restarted Steam :rolleyes:
so, like most everything released by valve, the update is late.

/me gets a drink and sits down to wait.
Atleast they made an atempt by taking it down and working on it :)
Still offline... meh... my clan has a 2 on 2 today at 21:00 cet +2, that is in 1 and a half hours.
it's gotten to the point where i'm thinking "yes! the steam network is down!"

like WhiteBoy said, at least it means they are working on it.
was 9 pst.. what time is that in GMT?
It'd be nice to be see some new HL2 videos on steam when it comes back up, but then again that goes against what they said about keeping quiet until e3, so I guess not. :)

fishmumma: www.time.gov :thumbs:

OH OH and atleast they told us that they are doing something, instead of leaving us in the dark
my updating process keeps stopping half way through.

k, nm seems to work to keep trying.
just keep trying - i got my update going, but i'm getting some errors... we'll see.
I keep hearing that people are getting videos off of steam. Where do you do that. I really havn't look around much but I never saw a place to download videos off of steam. LIL help would be nice.
They aren't available throught steam anymore.
yah after a few tries I got to 99%, then it stopped again :)
im at 14% now....

EDIT: 25%!!

EDIT2: BAH failed....
well, i got the update ok... installed, the said "launching steam" and waited a bit. then an error message. tried launching again, and it's hanging.

looks like everyone else is having similar problems...no responses on the hl2 survey yet.

i'm going to reboot.

EDIT - what do you mean the survey isn't working?
I think that they are under tremendous lodes. The forums at steam are offline. And of course we are all failing to download properly. I thought this used the bittorrent system. Shouldn't there be no strain on their servers after a certain amount of time?

As far as I know the whole concept of BIT was that you acted as a server for other people while you downloaded from other people acting as servers.
Lol, this thread reminds me of the good ol days of 1 page per min... heh

EDIT: YEAH WORKED! im online! w00tt
i think there are just so many people so many people downloading it at the same time its just spacking out