HL2 Theories

Do you understand more if you play all tree of them?

Assuming Adrian Shephard IS in HL2 (big assumption) I would assume he plays a pivitol role... this is b/c Valve hgas said NOTHING about him... if he wasnt all that important, Valve woulda said he's in the game like they did with Barney... but I could definately see him as a 'bad guy' even if he is a human who cares... he may be misinformed by Gman (refering to the adrian being sent to assinate shephard theory) ... it doesnt matter how nie u are if someone fills your head full of lies... which sets him up to join with freeman possibly in HL3
Ok so i stopped reading at about page 13 so i dont know if this has been said.

Anyway i was wondering about the black mesa incident. Even in Half-Life 2 was it just limited to Black mesa or had it spread to other places in the world. Like for instance when you first see the icky the scientist says it was 'hauled up in the chalenger deep' and that he was certain it hadnt swam in terrestrial waters until a week ago (does this mean that aliens could have been teleporting in even while freeman was on the train in the intro?) Then theres also the fact that the military pull out. But apart from the Freeman factor they seemed to be doing well. Perhaps Black mesa was moved down to a lower priority because other parts of the world were being invaded. I mean in Op4 the whole place gets nuked but im sure G-man wouldnt have minded killing off the grunts with a nuke so im not sure if that is the reason they pulled out.

Anyway this is just an idea that I had to add to the stack.

There is one thing im curious about. The huge tower 'eating' its way through city 17. Is it really human? or is it alien. Alot of people say that the combine are part alien part human hence 'combine' but i wondering if its a combination of earthly forces such as the worlds armys coming together to fight off the threat.

Well thats all i have to say right now.
Does anyone know what happens in Half-Life: Decay on the PS2? Does it add anything to the story?
At the end of OpFor, doesn't the G-Man say something about Black Mesa being the "biggest embarrasment"? What else could have happened? I think you're right, Farrowlesparrow, I think other parts of the world were being invaded the same time as Black Mesa.

Lull2001: Nope, but you do get to see who put the satellite in orbit or whatever happened. It's been a while since I've played Decay or HL :dozey:

Edit: Freeman put the rocket in orbit, didn't he? Aww well, I can't remember. In Decay you... do something to do with satellites and rifts.

But, it's not essential to the story.
Ok, but i would appreciate if you will tell us everything you can on decay, like who are those gals, for who they work, what they do with satellites and rifts, how it ends etc
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow

Like for instance when you first see the icky the scientist says it was 'hauled up in the chalenger deep' and that he was certain it hadnt swam in terrestrial waters until a week ago (does this mean that aliens could have been teleporting in even while freeman was on the train in the intro?)

Didnt he say something like "They said it was hauled up from the chalenger deep, but im sure it didnt swim in terrestrial waters a week ago"

I think the personel in black mesa just brought it there from xen to experiment on it. There where probably already aliens in black mesa before the incident.
Originally posted by Rascall
Didnt he say something like "They said it was hauled up from the chalenger deep, but im sure it didnt swim in terrestrial waters a week ago"

I think the personel in black mesa just brought it there from xen to experiment on it. There where probably already aliens in black mesa before the incident.
ofcourse there were.. don't you guys remember the houndeye cages?
ofcourse im a lazy git but I really cba to read 7 pages of the crap you posted..so some1 be nice and make me a little report and post it and a forum mod lock it..thank you.
ofcourse im a lazy git but I really cba to read 7 pages of the crap you posted..so some1 be nice and make me a little report and post it and a forum mod lock it..thank you.

Can you get it to say "Originally posted by.." automatically somehow?
Originally posted by ShadowJustice
Shephard doesnt know that Freeman has killed some marines (they never mention it in opfor).

Man, he doesnt EVEN KNOW WHO THE **** IS GORDON FREEMAN, he just hears people talking about him and such, and when he saw a guy in an orange suit didnt even realize that he was freeman.

And also, the marines killed by Gordon could not be friends of Shephard.

For trivia fans, you may be interested to learn in a scene in Blue Shift, the marines talk about how they must survive with the loss of Shepards unit.

As for Challenger Deep, I don't honestly know. It could have come from Xen and blatant mis-information is in effect, or it could be since the invasion is already underway it could have surfaced in the Earth waters and picked up by the ship. And we do have an ice-breaker in HL2 anyway...

As for Decay - I have completed it and the end twister is actually quite integral to HL. It turns out that the demensional rift that almost destroyed the Earth was being controlled by someone on the other side...
You see the Ichtyosaur (or whatever it's called), on Xen - if Nihilanth teleports you three times, you can find one in the water.
god that boss was so easy....1 crossbow shot to the brain takes him out.
For those people who said "whos says the combine speak english," they do in one of the videos!

(sry if someone else mentioned this, i didnt feel like reading the whole thing)
:borg: :borg:
In relation to all the theories and speculation to the G-Man. I was browsing all the Source Code for Half-Life and came across the Code for the G-Man and one of the titles within the code has this:

// GMan - misunderstood servant of the people
let me tell u my theory which makes most sense.

at the end of hl1 gordon is teleported to hl2, 15 years future city 17. He hits the ground running having no clue wtf just happened. This is why he doesnt look aged/ is still waring suit.
It even has the double slash comments! It must be true! Heh, anyway...that's a fairly interesting find if that's true there, Dux...though it really doesn't tell us too much, other than he MAY be a good guy after all.

btw i dont get all this "the combine are eating the city"
Yes i heard the man in the vid talkin and i cant tell if he said "they are eating the city" or "eating in the city". Big difference.
I say this cos u know the vid where u fight with barny and those other friends against the combine. Well at the end when ur behind the combine that thing looks like a baricade/Gate.
I was thinkin *maybe* just maybe the combine building at the start of the strider video is not eatin or no shi* like that, but actualy its just a giant door closing. Maybe i am horibly wrong but i seems more viable to me despite the rest.

Sum1 prove me right or wrong either.

+ Dux how do u find that source code where is it. I have C/C++ so just tell me please :) cheers
ahhhh that would make alot of sence m8 cheers for that

"DUH" *hits self on head with keybord* ;)
No. GMan stands for government man, a term commonly used among people who don't hold the government in very high regards. It's as simple as that. Valve didn't 'invent' the term Gman, they just deemed it appropriate. I strongly doubt it has any other meaning.

sorry Dux but even now i dont have a clue where to start lookin for the bit for the G-man or neone else for taht matter. :( Can u lend u a hand and tell me where to look exactly

Sorry again
HEY i got it sos dux again. I got it its true. thats interesting, i allways thought that the G_man was a good person ;) nooooooot.

That is interesting, Let the Theorys on good old G-man commence. I am sure u will all think of wumthin
...about to be 19. In any case, what's wrong with that? Unlike many threads, this isn't filled with spam. There's many well thought out (and thought provoking) theories written in here, and would be interesting if any of them turned out to be the actual storyline (though I doubt it).

I didn't mean there was anything wrong with it, heck its a good sign that it is this long. I was just emphasizing how long it is.
only 7 pages for me =\

and i'd suggest people take the time and actually read through all the pages and check out the more in-depth posts. i hate seein everything getting repeated.
The hell, Dux? As far as we know, the SDK hasn't even come out yet...
I'm pretty sure he's talking about the SDK for Half-Life 1.

Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE

also did anybody stop to think about the possibility that G-man might actually be one of the good guys?

sure he's doing shady buisness in HL1, at the cost of civilian scientist etc.

but it is said that Gordon Works for G-man...now I realise that in HL1 he wasn't given much of a choice...but it has been fifthteen years, and I doubt that Gordon is the kind of guy that would work for G-man if it wasn't the right thing to do(he would rebel at some point during the 15 years)...not for fifthteen years...what if the black Mesa incident was for a greater good...not only for g-man, but also mankind....

another big question is what has happended during the 15 years...what have Gordon and "G" been up too, what kind of work have Gordon been performing for "G"?

with the excellent discovery Dux made...it seems that I might not have been that wrong after all....
Originally posted by Rossell

As for Decay - I have completed it and the end twister is actually quite integral to HL. It turns out that the demensional rift that almost destroyed the Earth was being controlled by someone on the other side...

Uhm, we already know that from hl2.
There isnt something else you found out (not necessary in the end)??
And in what decay consist^?? in what parts of black mesa does it take place? There are some npc? who are those gals?

if you dont have time to answer it's ok anyway.

nobody said that there is 15 years between part 1 and 2.

quoted from the gamespy preview:
How much time has passed since the events at Black Mesa? Valve wouldn't tell us for sure, explaining that figuring out what's happened to Earth in the past few years (and what Freeman's been up to) is something you'll learn over the course of the game. True to the game's lineage, you know no more or less than Gordon Freeman: he's just as lost as you, and you'll discover the history of this brave new world