HL2 Theories

Lull2001 you're right, this thread is dragging on.

But until someone unveils the identity of Gordon's & the G-man's
.... erm.. employer, this speculation will not be put to rest.
Whew, quite a lengthy topic. I've read up to page 14 or so and I think I'm ready to post my opinion. If anyone cares.

What I feel is certain:

1. The Xen aliens were victims. They were defending themselves with great prejudice. Someone or something was taking advantage of their world being a sort of nexus for teleportation. I don't think any of the xen aliens were greatly intelligent save the nihilanth. The one's controlling both the nihilanth and the alien slaves were NOT from Xen, but rather somewhere else.

2. The combine foot soldiers were/are human. They've either joined the combine under they're own free will or against, but were/are human.

3. The G-Man is an unpleasent fellow. I like to lean towards the fact that he's alien because he always seemed to show up in the middle of the fray. I think he is just a henchman for some much greater power, but contains great power himself.

4. The nihilanth quote "I am the last" I feel means exactly that. He's the last of his race. "You are the last." most likely means that you are the last threat. Although I find this pretty cryptic.

I don't like the thoughts of gordon being genetically altered. I think he was a gifted individual who lived because he had the last hev suit. Although I have not played thorugh opposing force, this other alien Race X that is fighting the Xen aliens, I would guess is the same enemy faced in HL2.

On the striders - They seem very organic. I think these are creatures.
The flying creatures - seem more mechanical to me. These are more likely to have pilots than the striders.

As for the name "City 17" to me it sounds like an experiment. Like "experiment 626" :P

I hate to speculate further because I'll feel like a ninny when the game comes out.
the fleying thing is a pilotless creature. I am almost 99% sure off that (The same with the Striders) I dont believe that they have pilot's.

Biomechanical creatures. I think this race has managed to controll the sitizent's off city 17 (arresting peeps) and I believe g-man isnt as dark as we all claim him to be.

anyay. I think the story will be very complicated and will have more then 1 plot.

I cant wait!


Dah strider
These definately seem to be bio-mechs, it is a phat concept.

The g-man seems to be less of a dark figure in HL2, or maybe we're just more familiar with him.

In any case g-man and Gordon now have the sssame ... er... employer, and we all know who that is.:borg:
Like elephants and horses do, they sleep while standing.
One thing is for sure: when (and if) we find out who the G-Man is, it's gona be a total surprise. If you read other stuff by Laidlaw, you'll know what I mean.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
One thing is for sure: when (and if) we find out who the G-Man is, it's gona be a total surprise. If you read other stuff by Laidlaw, you'll know what I mean.

What is the genre in which he write, SciFi? I'd like to look into some of his other writings.

Stephen King's 'The Mist' has a similar theme as HL.
Uh huh, the striders even have screws on their "feet", just above the black suspension thingies

Although it sort of looks kinda meaty up where its legs connect to its body
good point and in their joints you can notice that they are machine inside hmm
in their body there also seems to be 2 large exhaust pipes
Originally posted by FireBall
Uh huh, the striders even have screws on their "feet", just above the black suspension thingies

Although it sort of looks kinda meaty up where its legs connect to its body

What if the pointy ends of their legs serve as 'horseshoes' allowing the strider to walk over hard terrain without risking injury.

As far as the sleeping part, if they sleep upright like equines,
can you go Strider tipping?

Talk about Extreme Sports.
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
What is the genre in which he write, SciFi? I'd like to look into some of his other writings.

Yeah .. I haven't read any of his novels, but I read some short stories in SciFi magazines.
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
What if the pointy ends of their legs serve as 'horseshoes' allowing the strider to walk over hard terrain without risking injury.

As far as the sleeping part, if they sleep upright like equines,
can you go Strider tipping?

Talk about Extreme Sports.

Hmm ... yeah. I wonder how it manages to impale someone on those things, i mean they dont exactly look very pointy. Perhaps the strider can shape them somewhat, so it can walk on terrain more easily or impale dudes.

They are also not the same length, so they probably act as some sort of dampener or suspension

edit: 333rd reply, I r0x0r! :E
Originally posted by FireBall
Hmm ... yeah. I wonder how it manages to impale someone on those things, i mean they dont exactly look very pointy. Perhaps the strider can shape them somewhat, so it can walk on terrain more easily or impale dudes.

They are also not the same length, so they probably act as some sort of dampener or suspension

edit: 333rd reply, I r0x0r! :E

With enough force it wouldn't have to be sharp. Although the strider is probably not a heavy.... um.... thing. So it could walk on realtively narrow 'soles'.
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
With enough force it wouldn't have to be sharp. Although the strider is probably not a heavy.... um.... thing. So it could walk on realtively narrow 'soles'.
it can be the perfect alyx killing machine :bounce:
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
it can be the perfect alyx killing machine :bounce:

You make me think of one of those people out of a horror film where theres some twisted guy out to kill a poor defenceless gormless woman.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
You make me think of one of those people out of a horror film where theres some twisted guy out to kill a poor defenceless gormless woman.

We don't know how annoying she'll be, but as I said I hope valve doesn't pull a JarJar.
here's my take on the whole thing after watching the 25 minute video.

In city 17 the humans are being kept in a ghetto. The combine is keeping them there by blocking intersections with the red laser forcefield/walls we see them hiding behind, as well as the air/hover whatever it is flying ships. presumably they also have the sewers trapped and etc.

Im going to say that alyx's father is the leader of an underground resistance movement fighting to get out from under the control of the combine. Alyx is one of the freedom fighters, but she disagrees with some of her fathers ideas. the scientist we saw is working on a secret weapon that will quickly put an end to the struggle. I get this idea because i read somewhere that alyx is a child of the new world, which reminds me alot of the Terminator movies somehow.

Gordan Freeman works for the G-man but doesnt like him/thinks that somethings up. He has been inserted into city 17 along with Barney (his bodyguard) for some unspecified mission for G-man.

Now heres an interesting twist. The Xen aliens are trying to enslave earth. They have already enslaved the Ant's homeworld along with who knows how many other planets. The combine is a combination of Xen biotech/crazy alien coolness with human technology. For whatever reason they are keeping the people of city 17, and presumably city 1-16 also alive.

Freeman quickly realizes that he cannot complete G-man's mission because it is more important to help the people suffering in city 17's ghetto. Along the way he discovers that not all aliens are that bad (the ants) and that G-man is actually part of some huge government conspiracy and is helping the combine to control these cities.

what does this theory explain?
1/ the men who are helping gordan when he and barney try and get past that barrier with the forcefield and the combine soldiers.

These people are underground freedom fighters who are following orders from alyx's dad

2/the wastelands outside the cities

The combine keeps all people contained in the cities, so has destroyed the countryside

Why would the G-man help the combine?

Because he is american, he's cut a deal where the aliens can have europe if they leave america alone, and give him supercool alien techs

Why were the fighters who come off the bus and are chased by those striders wearing uniforms?

They are forced to wear uniforms because the xen combine makes them work in their factories/hatcheries/whatever they have.
Well, Rob. You've made a long ass thread about HL theory. I agree most of them with you , for them we already know of.
The Xen aliens are not enslaving anyone.
They are the ones that are bullied by everyone... :)
Originally posted by henrik
The Xen aliens are not enslaving anyone.
They are the ones that are bullied by everyone... :)

Yes, judging from what's said in the HL1 prologue, and Nihilanth's quotes, I tend to stick with the idea that the Xenians were wedged into their actions by circumstance.

There was definately a third power in the wings waiting for the opportunity to strike. The Combine? Race X?
nah i disagree with Alyx's father being the "underground resistance leader" becase with the fact that he dies in around the begining of HL2, or at least thats wat the magazine article tells us. And that he was also a former scientist of HL, so thats basically impossible because he would be in the same position as Gordon and Barney.
Ok, I haven't been here in a while, and I dont feel like reading the second half of this, so could someone sum it up as best as possible?
uhhh... Im not even gonna look back to even try to sum up this monster of a thread.
Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but Alyx clearly has the Lamda (or is it the Black Mesa symbol, I can never remember) symbol on her shirt, suggesting that the lamda team that helped clear up the BM incident have been deployed to City 17. This suggests that they are all working for the G-Man in some capacity. Also judging by the videos, they have been in City 17 for a while and haven't been to successful in stopping the Combine, so G-man brings Gordon in as his 'back up' so to speak.

New theory...

City 17 is simply the ruins of Black Mesa, this is the future, or maybe a parralel universe?

I know a parralel universe can sound pretty odd, but city 17, bm logos, the same structure (human against alien), considering the small thinks, such as you get help from aliens is not included... What i am thinking here is the basic line...
Originally posted by scrayN

New theory...

City 17 is simply the ruins of Black Mesa, this is the future, or maybe a parralel universe?

I know a parralel universe can sound pretty odd, but city 17, bm logos, the same structure (human against alien), considering the small thinks, such as you get help from aliens is not included... What i am thinking here is the basic line...

I dont know if this has already been mentioned, but arn't we forgetting Half-Life 3 is to be released...? That makes the possiblity of quite a few races/sides bowing out and new ones coming in before we see what finally happens.

My bet is the G-man or one of his superiors is gonna be the final final boss.

So far, to my knowledge, the sides (from HL1 and HL2) are as follows:

1)Gorden and friends (new and old)
2)Human grunts
3)Black Ops
7)New aliens (Ant lions etc)

And the G-man could be allied to any one of them, as could Gorden.

Sorry for typos, im knackered.
That is all....

:afro: :D
ok i know im a little late in this thred, and i am sorry if some one has already said this, (i just dont want to read the whole damn thing) but i want to bring it back to an old qoute...
Originally posted by Calm_Blue_Ocean
Because of the dried up sea-floor setting, I assume something has gone wrong with the Earth's climate. Global warming is the most likely culprit.....however that should raise the sea level rather than lower it (due to the melting of the ice caps).

mabey the aliens have been sucking up earths resources causeing ecological problems, low water, lack of vegitation, weird sky color. (though i dont know how any of this would happen)
just speculation.
spamboo, I would like say (again) that it does not look at all like a Russian city.

And you also stole my idea about aliens stealing resources, but thats OK. Listen to Nihilath's quotes to find more clues on this theory :)