Holy ****ing Shit, I'd beat his ass!

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The Terminator said:
He went for the head with skateboard trucks. The metal part that holds the wheels n stuff for you not skateboarding 1337's. Its like being hit with a small solid metal baseball bat.

I know , thats what I was talking about. Thats not a fistfight. Thats deadly force. Respond in kind.
Well then that sucks. 6'3 and 270? I wouldnt want to get you mad. Only 5'10 140 here.
aight then. Im out yall. PEACE. and Dimitri, dont you be poppin no caps in som foo wit yo glock while im gone. Ya heard?
DimitriPopov said:
Also why I plan to carry a Glock 26 , 2 shots to the kneecaps

How about a Glock18 with extended magazine and full auto turned on, heh :D

But seriously, that guy is a ****er, I hope the cops catch him and then put him in a box, mail him to the guy in the white shirt's house and make sure he has a bunch of friends with skateboards pointed at the openening.
nw909 said:
How about a Glock18 with extended magazine and full auto turned on, heh :D
There is no such thing. Only Glock 23 and 22 can shoot automatic fire.

I would very much enjoy shooting him with rubber bullets.:E I know, I'm sadistic...
Yeah, i didnt think he would hit that guy, if he did that to me, i woulda dropped him on the spot.
Loshadka said:
There is no such thing. Only Glock 23 and 22 can shoot automatic fire.

I would very much enjoy shooting him with rubber bullets.:E I know, I'm sadistic...

Meh, oh well, then just shoot him in the face normally.

edit: wait wait wait, lots of websites seem to have quotes close to this:

"The Glock 18 is made by Glock Firearms, Austria. As one in a large family of over 15 guns, the Glock 18 is the most extraordinary. It is capable of either Fully Automatic, or Semi auto fire."

such as this: http://www.glock.com/g18.htm

""Safe Action" fullautomatic pistol"
What an asshole.
Oh, and if its on tape like that with his face, I assume he was captured.
Wow, that skaterboarder was a serious asshole. I agree, if I was in the crowd I'd of definitely attempted to tackle him and beat the crap out of him. He looked like a wimp, had to use a skateboard, especially when the guy didn't even do anything =/

Although I begin to wonder if that video might've been staged, seems a little weird to me that it was being taped
Oh, Sh**. This video got me so f***ing mad. It's reason like this that I am glad I always carry a knife with me. Seriosuly, if this guy even threatend to hit me with the board, I would have stabed him in the stomach, seriously. Thats another one of my policies, however. I only take out the knife when the other person uses a weapon too. I learned that after I fought this guy who was using a screwdriver, and I was bare fisted in the 8th grade. Fortunately, he didn't use it. He just held it, as to scare me. Fu**. Still though, the best thing to do is just back away. That's what my Hapkido master taught me.
It says "connection cannot be established". Can anyone mirror it for me?
Can someone just tell me what happened in the movie? It doesn't work for me, and it sounds bad, so I would prefer not to see it...

Fender: I think the 10 char is with the new version of the forums.
James Isaac said:
Can someone just tell me what happened in the movie? It doesn't work for me, and it sounds bad, so I would prefer not to see it....

Skateboard dude harassing people by inviting them to skate on his board and then stepping on the back while they're on it causing most of them to fall. Skates over a car as well. One guy isn't amused and pulls off the skateboarder's cap. He's not amused either and hits the guy 4 times on the head with the board and rides the board into his side while he's down. A lot of bystanders, but noone does anything. It gave me a sick to my stomach feeling and I doubt anyone watching this will enjoy it.

We'd be better off discussing why bystanders don't act in these situations...
Seen this ages ago, that guy needs his face skated on.
How big is this guy anyway?

If it was a big guy and he had skateboard I wouldn't try and take him without a weapon... I'v been in a similiar situation where one of my friends got smacked up the side of the head so I punched the guy who did it who's mate then punched me so kicked him untill he was down, I then got smacked by someone twice my size with a knuckle duster...

So I geuss the moto of the story is, if your going to do anything, do it then get out of there.

I havn't seen the video but I bet most of you are talking big, as for the thing about shooting him that's pure stupidity. The police will arrest you if you do that.
DeusEx2 said:
Skateboard dude harassing people by inviting them to skate on his board and then stepping on the back while they're on it causing most of them to fall. Skates over a car as well. One guy isn't amused and pulls off the skateboarder's cap. He's not amused either and hits the guy 4 times on the head with the board and rides the board into his side while he's down. A lot of bystanders, but noone does anything. It gave me a sick to my stomach feeling and I doubt anyone watching this will enjoy it.

We'd be better off discussing why bystanders don't act in these situations...

OMG this guy needs to die, I just hope to dear ****ing god he messes with the wrong ****ing people one day.
OMG this guy needs to die, I just hope to dear ****ing god he messes with the wrong ****ing people one day.

That dude remaind me of W.Bush
Hot damn. I wouldn't have shot him or anything, but I would have kicked the smegger in the Fun Factory.
i think he was just a bit disorientated... i mean he must be kind of strong when he doesnt pas out in the begining when Retarded MOTHER****ER beats him up... but anway.. who taped it?
Ouch, that's gotta hurt. That first one hit him HARD.
He could've seen it coming though, but instead he's standing around like a moron while the other dude is holding a skateboard in both hands.

I would've backed off already.
Well as stated before I woulda shot him in his ass.. literally.. Muhahaha.. Then bash his cranium into the hood of those two drunken girls' car.. And then get him with a tranquilizer and throw him in a crackhouse with two guys named Fred and Bubba..
lol. I have this little problem called rage, not a mean rage, but a protective rage. That means that i wont ever start a fight but if someone starts one with me i pretty much go crazy and **** them up. I can take on ...3, 4 guys at a time if i wanted to. If that guy pushed me off a skateboard like that...i would kill him. End of story.
Part of the reason the internet can be a bitch. No one knows who anyone is in their true sence. Same in real life to an extent but you know what i mean.

I have been in interesting situations like that one. With people causeing trouble and i steped in. (Stupid thing to do if you arnt sure you can handle two people at once. If there is a fight going on be carefull if you intend to break it appart. People tend to go for the guy thats helping!)

However some things just need sorting out:

walking home from my school while i lived in nottingham. A bitch of a little asshole is starting on people. He is one year younger than me but about half a foot taller. The people he is picking on are much smaller than me. I get annoyed. I tell him to stop...

He and his little possy of rude boys start on me instead. First pushing shoveing etc. Then one of them tried to wind me. I then get pissed off. I totally wind the biggest guy there so he goes down and out. The rest get shit scared and leave. I was lucky to be honest. But they didnt do anything at all ever again while i was watching. Quite satisfying really.

Those of you that think you are hard. Take up muay thai with a proper trainer from thai land. You will soon learn that you aint all that. Even if you do karate or tai kwon do or somthing.
Shooting this guy is a little extreme, as well as all of you that are talking about carrying weapons whereever you go, thats just moronic.

I can't say for sure what I would have done in the position of the person getting hit by the skateboard, most likely I would cover my head and wait till he stopped, people saying they would shoot him, Okay one, after the first blow you would be disorented, what happens if you accidently shoot a bystander, two, until the end of the beating, you wouldn't have had a chance to do anything, and no matter who you are I garuntee you would be feeling it after a few shots from a steel skateboard truck.

Even if the guy that was hit with the skateboard tried to hit him first, he most likely would have gotten clocked anyway because the other guy already had the skateboard up over his head. Best thing he could've done in that situation is walk away, But he didn't.

As for nobody in the crowd helping, I agree with you guys on that one.
That drunken fag deserved what he got, I would of joined in. He just some dirty white trash fag, you would risk a few years in prison if you shot him. Who the **** uses "dawg" anyway? I would of hit him just for saying that..
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Part of the reason the internet can be a bitch. No one knows who anyone is in their true sence. Same in real life to an extent but you know what i mean.

I have been in interesting situations like that one. With people causeing trouble and i steped in. (Stupid thing to do if you arnt sure you can handle two people at once. If there is a fight going on be carefull if you intend to break it appart. People tend to go for the guy thats helping!)

However some things just need sorting out:

walking home from my school while i lived in nottingham. A bitch of a little asshole is starting on people. He is one year younger than me but about half a foot taller. The people he is picking on are much smaller than me. I get annoyed. I tell him to stop...

He and his little possy of rude boys start on me instead. First pushing shoveing etc. Then one of them tried to wind me. I then get pissed off. I totally wind the biggest guy there so he goes down and out. The rest get shit scared and leave. I was lucky to be honest. But they didnt do anything at all ever again while i was watching. Quite satisfying really.

Those of you that think you are hard. Take up muay thai with a proper trainer from thai land. You will soon learn that you aint all that. Even if you do karate or tai kwon do or somthing.

heh I'm liveing in Nottingham , it's getting worse... the problem with this area is it doesn't matter how hard you are it only matters how hard your friends are and I don't have very hard friends (not entirely true but meh), whenever I start a fight, it's just me Vs the guy I'm fighting and all his friends. I'v had upto 50 people come after me before, I'v had people try to stab me before, I'v had a group of people try to block the road I have to cycle down to try and get me. Personally most of the fights I'v started I have regreted, the only compensation I get for these things is the knowledge I'v seriously embarrised a rude boy.

Ridic: I'v done kick boxing and now I do normal boxing training (don't actually fight becuase I'm ugly enough as it is) and i can tell you now that people who can take on 4 guys are very rare indeed, unless by saying 4 guys you mean 4 guys who are weaker than you because I think most people could do that, but if your saying that you could take on 4 guys just the same size and strength as you but win through pure "rage" as you so adequatley put it, I think your bullshitting.
mrchimp said:
I havn't seen the video but I bet most of you are talking big, as for the thing about shooting him that's pure stupidity. The police will arrest you if you do that.

If a guy hits you over the head with his skateboard for NO reason 3 times and you shoot him, you're not going to get arrested. Ever hear of self defense? Infact, you could kill someone in self-defense if they were beating you with an object and not be arrested (well, you might be arrested for questioning and to get it straightened out.. past that nothing bad would happen to you). Unless you were talking about people saying they'd shoot him while being a bystander, in which case you probably would be arrested.

G0rgon said:
That dude remaind me of W.Bush

What kind of idiotic comment is that?
That clip made my heart beat unnaturally. When I was in grade school and high school, kids always bullied me because I was smaller. I know have what called "social anxiety disorder". Think of it as acute shyness- to the point of passing out if I have to talk to a stranger to much. All those ****ing bullies ruined my life. If someone like that did that to me, I wouldn't just beat his ass. I'd take that ****ing board from him and break it on his face. And if he still tried to hurt me, I'd thumb his eyes out. Then I'd pick him up and play "hammer and nail" with his face and my car.

sooo much anger . i'm shuddering
Shuzer said:
If a guy hits you over the head with his skateboard for NO reason 3 times and you shoot him, you're not going to get arrested. Ever hear of self defense? Infact, you could kill someone in self-defense if they were beating you with an object and not be arrested (well, you might be arrested for questioning and to get it straightened out.. past that nothing bad would happen to you). Unless you were talking about people saying they'd shoot him while being a bystander, in which case you probably would be arrested.

What kind of idiotic comment is that?

Yes I was refering to a bystander shooting him, I don't know what would happen to you if you were being attacked and were liveing in America but in England you would be arrested for owning a firearm not to mention carrying it around with you.
mrchimp said:
Yes I was refering to a bystander shooting him, I don't know what would happen to you if you were being attacked and were liveing in America but in England you would be arrested for owning a firearm not to mention carrying it around with you.
Well, I was going on the assumption that if the person had a gun, they had a license for it
The worst thing is thats no where near how low people can get.
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