Homosexual families

Stigmata is just before your nose claiming that was the reason, and you still demand evidence. Are you just sitting your whole life there in front of your pc to not know such things? Because i sure did ask a lot of people why don't they believe in God, and cases like Stigmata's are one of the main reasons.

ummm I dont think stigmata was being serious

so ask me why I dont believe in god ..I'm certainly an average non believer

I'' just tell you: when I was eleven I started questioning why the bible made no sense ..it's almost as if god had completely ignored history/science and pretty much wrote whatever the hell he wanted to ..I mean come on it doesnt take a genius to recognise that the bible isnt exactly factual ..I mean there's a whole passage that talks about the evil of lobsters

Leviticus 11:11: And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you. They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.

11:12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you

or to beware of women who sew pillows:

And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you? - Ezekiel1 3:18

or that as a father I'm allowed to stone my kids to death should they disobey me:

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother ... Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city ... And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die. Deuteronomy 21:18-21
hehe, metaphorics. Apocalypse of St John is even more metaphorical :D.
oh yes I forgot ..christians conviently reinterpret passage out of the bible so they wont so sound so hopelessly retarded ..but not so when it comes to homosexuals ..then it's always "the bible is quite clear on gays .."

it's either or, there is no in between ..either you take everything literally or you dont, you cant opick and choose just because it suits you

and no none of my passages were metaphorical (ok maybe the sewing pillows) but the lobsters and the stoning is quite clear in it's interpretation ..dont eat crusteaceans for they are they are unclean, and if your kids talk back to you bring him to the village elder so that the men of the village can stone him to death ..there is no other interpretation than the obvious one
All prayers are answered. Some answers are simply not liked.

He's right you know.

I prayed that Saddam's bacon would be saved.

All I got in response was a booming "Que pasa?"

Trust me to get the Spanish speaking God, bloody rip off, that's what it is.

looky here. But it's not what i've previously wanted to give, though still good.

A link.
A link to a link.
A link to a link on a forum to another forum.
A link to a link on a forum to another forum containing a debate of said link.
A link to a link on a forum to another forum containing a debate of said link to provide evidence in the debate on the latter forum.
A link to a link on a forum to another forum containing a debate of said link to provide evidence in the debate on the latter forum about the link.

Congratulations. You just broke the internet.

poppycock bullshit reinterpreted to suit the times ..all that just for such a small passage? and it does nothing to disprove my point: that a father can kill his child for simple disobedience ..from your link:

It is a case of habitual contempt of parental authority characterized by a young adult living a life without moral restraint who lashes out verbally and/or physically against his mother and father. It is a case where the evil character of the son is apparently set, and there is no reasonable hope of his ever changing.

simple "contempt gives me the right to throw rocks at my son till he is dead ..supreme justice my ****ing ass

oh and that's not the only case of stoning in the bible:

They found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. ... And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones.... And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses. Numbers 15:32-56

Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. And then carry him out, and stone him, that he may die. 1 Kings 21:10

If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers ... thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die. Deuteronomy 13:5-10

it's not even exclusive to humans:

If an ox gore a man or a woman, that they die: then the ox shall be surely stoned. Exodus 21:28

if anything this proves god is completely intolerant and has no patience ..doesnt sound the least bit merciful to me ..if you ask me god sounds like a prick

lol kirovman @ que pasa! ..although you forgot the "holmes" or "chivato"
A link.
A link to a link.
A link to a link on a forum to another forum.
A link to a link on a forum to another forum containing a debate of said link.
A link to a link on a forum to another forum containing a debate of said link to provide evidence in the debate on the latter forum.
A link to a link on a forum to another forum containing a debate of said link to provide evidence in the debate on the latter forum about the link.

Congratulations. You just broke the internet.

Too much to write for myself, and i wouldn't like to copy paste, smarty.
Actually i've wanted you to ask those questions on THAT forum.

And as for homosexuals. Why aren't they allowed to build clubs to close to schools, hmm? Why do they make such big gay parades where it takes a lot of public space just for themselves as you claim, even though they'll surely provoke scandals? Where should others go then, hide in their basements?!
This is what demoralises people, the continuing removal of moral norms. Isn't 15 pages about it not enough to understand?
Actually i've wanted you to ask those questions on THAT forum.

And as for homosexuals. Why aren't they allowed to build clubs to close to schools, hmm? Why do they make such big gay parades where it takes a lot of public space just for themselves as you claim, even though they'll surely provoke scandals? Where should others go then, hide in their basements?!
This is what demoralises people, the continuing removal of moral norms. Isn't 15 pages about it not enough to understand?

If I write 15 pages containing all the different ways of saying "Walter is an idiot", will you finally understand?
Too much to write for myself, and i wouldn't like to copy paste, smarty.

Or maybe because you lack the mental capacity to form your own arguments and address points directly.

Nice try ****stick!
Or maybe because you lack the mental capacity to form your own arguments and address points directly.

Nice try ****stick!

Hi gick. Don't see you around much these days.
And as for homosexuals. Why aren't they allowed to build clubs to close to schools, hmm?
Because there would be a public outcry due to people like you screaming and bitching about how it'll suddenly turn the children into bisexual underage deviants. Which does NOT happen.
Why do they make such big gay parades where it takes a lot of public space just for themselves as you claim, even though they'll surely provoke scandals?
They're standing up for their rights. But in addition, the parades are partly out of spite - spite for everyone who thinks they should hide their sexuality from everyone else.
Where should others go then, hide in their basements?!
No, they want everyone to see that there are in fact homosexual people, and then to accept it and go on about their daily business. Gay people aren't saying "Hey look, we're homosexual and out on the street, we demand straight people be repressed!". That would be downright stupid.
This is what demoralises people, the continuing removal of moral norms. Isn't 15 pages about it not enough to understand?
You have yet to give any evidence towards this.

For the love of God (meaningless exclamation in this case), try and comprehend the idea that if you don't have evidence. your argument is worthless.
And as for homosexuals. Why aren't they allowed to build clubs to close to schools, hmm?

No-one is allowed to build clubs close to schools, you retard. Not nightclubs, assuming that's what you mean.
Actually i've wanted you to ask those questions on THAT forum.

And as for homosexuals. Why aren't they allowed to build clubs to close to schools, hmm? Why do they make such big gay parades where it takes a lot of public space just for themselves as you claim, even though they'll surely provoke scandals? Where should others go then, hide in their basements?!
This is what demoralises people, the continuing removal of moral norms. Isn't 15 pages about it not enough to understand?

Why? Because whatever neocon passed that law is afraid that the impressionable young children in his district are an episode of will and grace away from switching sides. He, like you, has absolutely no evidence to support his position as well.

Well, we mis well get rid of the Irish, New Years, Professional Sports Championships, Proud Black People etc because they take up public space just for themselves as well...... DOUBLE STANDARD ANYONE!

Don't you find it immoral that you are actively going out of your way to ensure the unhappiness of millions of innocent people?
Because there would be a public outcry due to people like you screaming and bitching about how it'll suddenly turn the children into bisexual underage deviants. Which does NOT happen.They're standing up for their rights. But in addition, the parades are partly out of spite - spite for everyone who thinks they should hide their sexuality from everyone else.No, they want everyone to see that there are in fact homosexual people, and then to accept it and go on about their daily business. Gay people aren't saying "Hey look, we're homosexual and out on the street, we demand straight people be repressed!". That would be downright stupid.You have yet to give any evidence towards this.

For the love of God (meaningless exclamation in this case), try and comprehend the idea that if you don't have evidence. your argument is worthless.

But the above statements ARE that evidence! Perhaps if they wouldn't make those gay parades or demand change of laws in such a rude manner, we wouldn't be talking about it now.
Walter, stating something over and over again doesn't make it evidence.

See look

Gays lower greenhouse gas emissions
Gays lower greenhouse gas emissions
Gays lower greenhouse gas emissions
Gays lower greenhouse gas emissions
Gays lower greenhouse gas emissions
Gays lower greenhouse gas emissions
Gays lower greenhouse gas emissions
Gays lower greenhouse gas emissions
Gays lower greenhouse gas emissions

Holy shit, look at how many times i said it, no way in hell that isn't true.

Rude manner? Elaborate.

Judging from the last 15 pages of your comments, their mere existence is rude.
Hmm...Perhaps if we even go deeper, to first existing sin.

You know this is more of a side note but Shaitan isn't always an evil guy. In fact he does a lot of his work FOR God. He's done some good too. Read the book of Numbers if you've got some time, specifically 22:22.

Also Ha-Satan's like eight different dudes, man, so...read some of the apocrypha and talmudic texts.

You know what's funny is that if you know it's fiction and you're reading it as fiction, it's actually kinda good. Absolutely bonkers thing to believe in but as a fictitious work, kinda good stuff. The character drama between God and Satan!

That's a good deal. I worship a being in return for...absolutely nothing. I may get murdered or in an accident or something but he can't do anything about it, so the only payoff is after I'm dead!

It's also very convenient, you know. "God can't help you because of free will," which is a great way to explain God not doing anything. I mean he very well can't do anything will all that power if it'd compromise free will, would it? So either he's not around, or he's just a terrible being. He watches. He sits and watches. Can you imagine anyone you know, or anyone you'd even meet on the street, NOT helping when they could? People murdered and you could help, but don't. A woman gets raped and you could help, but don't. Diseases ravage the planet and you could help, but don't. You just sit...and WATCH.


looky here. But it's not what i've previously wanted to give, though still good.
You know I just wanted to point out something, hee hee, this is funny. From one of those people in that discussion:

"Jesus did not say that we would get anything that we asked for as the site implies. He said for us to pray that God's will be done."

Not true. Totally untrue. Check it, Matthew 17:20, these are Jesus' own words: ""I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ?Move from here to there? and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

And again in Mark 9:23 "everything is possible for him who believes."

You ever seen a mustard seed? If you hollowed out the human body you could fill it will a million mustard seeds. So if you have even that much faith in God, even THAT tiny little bit, ONE mustard seed...dude, where're all the amputees' arms and legs? Keep in mind Jesus doesn't say, "You could move that mountain if you pray like this but only on Tuesday and only for a certain period of time between 10:10 and 10:24am, and it cannot be prayers to regrow any lost limbs." No he says you can do whatever as long as you ask in his name. WHERE ARE PEOPLES' ARMS, JESUS?

And as for homosexuals. Why aren't they allowed to build clubs to close to schools, hmm? Why do they make such big gay parades where it takes a lot of public space just for themselves as you claim, even though they'll surely provoke scandals? Where should others go then, hide in their basements?!
This is what demoralises people, the continuing removal of moral norms. Isn't 15 pages about it not enough to understand?
Morality, first off, is an ever-shifting thing. Someone brought up stoning; we now believe that to be morally reprehensible in this country yet the bible says you should do it. The bible says you should do it. Followers of the bible in this country who are not stoning people are WILLFULLY disobeying God. Why? Because we understand that, as people, stones should not be hurled at people. This is MORALLY WRONG. But in the past it was not.

So even laws set down in the bible are temporary and mutable based on the society. It just so happened to be that the bible was written in an area where blundgeoning people with stones was OK. So there goes your moral norms argument.

As for gay parades and people hiding...first of all let's address, "Why should they have parades just for themselves?" Taking up public space and all that. Ok, well, why should veterans have parades? Why should Mexicans get parades on May 5? Why should the Irish get a parade on March 17? Why should Americans get a parade on the 4th of July? Why should Thanksgiving get a parade (omg should the natives run and hide? SCANDALOUS!)? Why should any one group get a parade? What if I don't like Thanksgiving (seriously I hate friggin' Thanksgiving; shit sux)? Why do I gotta put up with these goddamned pilgrims and their turkey-stuffing? What if I didn't like veterans, or Mexicans, or the Irish (lol self-hate), or I hated America?

Walter you're being ridiculous here dude, and I think you know it. Come on. Come on. Now you're just getting crazy. When was the last time anyone raised a fuss about a gay pride parade outside of a few religious picketers? Even straight people go to gay pride parades, man. It's a parade. Everybody friggin' loves parades. And they should be able to take up "public space" with a parade "just for themselves" because *GASP* they're part of the public--and thus entitled to it like everyone else--and also because other groups get parades. Equal rights man, that's what you're not seeming to grasp.

Alright, let's continue.
Let's assume gays don't intend to harm anyone morally, they want to live for themselves.
Then can't they just demand to change this stupid law now, instead of bringing the gayness to everyone like that?
Do they think how people will react before making such tv shows, or parades? Instead of demanding a peaceful law that helps for those basically suffering of homosexuality so that they can have sex in their bedrooms as husbands, they seem to be making an impression that they want more people to become homosexual. "DON'T"
Let's assume gays don't intend to harm anyone morally, they want to live for themselves.
Then can't they just demand to change this stupid law now, instead of bringing the gayness to everyone like that?
Do they think how people will react before making such tv shows, or parades? Instead of demanding a peaceful law that helps for those basically suffering of homosexuality so that they can have sex in their bedrooms as husbands, they seem to be making an impression that they want more people to become homosexual. "DON'T"
Oh for the love of christ.

I post in huge letters because I'm an attention seeker.
Let's assume gays don't intend to harm anyone morally, they want to live for themselves.
Then can't they just demand to change this stupid law now, instead of bringing the gayness to everyone like that?
Do they think how people will react before making such tv shows, or parades? Instead of demanding a peaceful law that helps for those basically suffering of homosexuality so that they can have sex in their bedrooms as husbands, they seem to be making an impression that they want more people to become homosexual. "DON'T"

Let's assume? You haven't provided any evidence to suggest otherwise. You're the only one making assumptions here.
That's wrong. They're not trying to convert anyone, Walter. They've tried putting the laws through and have received heavy opposition because people who aren't used to it (and have prejudices against it) don't want to pass these laws.

But gays are out now and they're not going to be shoved back into a closet like what happened after Greece. There are gay people out there, and they represent a good amount of people. Why should they not be on TV? Why should they not have a parade? They DO want peace. They're not out to get you in the night, Walter. The homosexual agenda isn't to sublimely sneak its way into the hearts of people and then say, "GOTCHA!" and reach out and put a penis in our collective butts. One of the reasons that gays want to be on TV is to show people that they're out there, and how they live and what they do and what they want. To get people ACCLIMATED.

Let me ask you a question. Think about a fear you've had. It can be any kind of fear...fear of spiders, fear of the dark, fear of heights, anything like that. Coincidently I had all of those, but let me tell you how I got over them. I accustomed myself to them. I walked over high overpasses to get over my fear of heights. I slowly went from having a light on as a kid, leaving the door open, to closing it inch by inch until I could close the door and was no longer afraid of the dark. I read up on spiders and learned about them so I wouldn't be afraid, even though they still kinda bug me (no lame pun intended). But they don't bother me and I don't bother them and at times I'll even leave a spider be and let it hang around me because it doesn't intend me any harm. Do you see where I'm going with this?

So if people become accustomed to gay people they won't fear them. They won't hate them. They won't wonder what's "wrong" with them or be afraid that gay people are trying to impose their sexuality on the heterosexual world. They don't want that. They just want the same thing everyone else wants.

But gays are out now and they're not going to be shoved back into a closet like what happened after Greece. There are gay people out there, and they represent a good amount of people. Why should they not be on TV? Why should they not have a parade? They DO want peace. They're not out to get you in the night, Walter. The homosexual agenda isn't to sublimely sneak its way into the hearts of people and then say, "GOTCHA!" and reach out and put a penis in our collective butts. One of the reasons that gays want to be on TV is to show people that they're out there, and how they live and what they do and what they want. To get people ACCLIMATED.
The very fact that this needs to be explained is laughable.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Morality, first off, is an ever-shifting thing.

Well...i guess you're right. This fact i never had the strength to swallow. We are a changing community, some things are to be tolerated.
Guess my homophobia was blinding me to the core... :(

But as for arms and legs, i guess your faith isn't that large :) . We can say as much about satan "helping" God as we can say that Judah helped in freeing us from sin, which he didn't.
Well congratulations, folks. At least you got him to stop posting ****tard links.
Well ill be, it took 20 pages but we're making progress.
can we stop talking about gays already? please...people have their own opinions about it and there are other things to talk about besides this.

One - Gays are key to the topic.

Two - I really think opinions like yours are detestable, ignorant, and should be radically marginalized in any civilized society. There are many topics that can be settled with accepting a difference of opinion, but any matter involving the welfare and equality of people needs to be scrutinized to the extreme.
can we stop talking about gays already? please...people have their own opinions about it and there are other things to talk about besides this.
