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Originally posted by crabcakes66
who thinks homos should be dragged out into the street and shot?(no offense, some people think this way)

maybe not that extreme, but maybe just one swing to the back of the head with a bat.
I certainly don't want to promote violence, but in addition to outright saying homosexuality is wrong, the Bible does say that homosexuals should be stoned to death. Kind of extreme, but it does say that in the Old Testament. If you don't believe me, then go read it; I just did about a month ago and I was surprised that it was that explicit about it myself. I certainly don't want to stone someone for being gay - I tolerate homosexuality, but toleration by definition doesn't mean that I like or approve of it. Personally, sex should just be a private and not public thing anyway. There's too much sex in the media these days, but whatever. If you're not a Christian/Jew, then I guess what the Bible says doesn't really matter, but I find it highly hypocritical and sacrilegous that the Episcopal Church now has a gay Bishop - what a load of crap. It says sepcifically in the Bible in the old testament that homosexuality is wrong and unholy at least twice and in a third place that homosexuals should be killed by stoning.

And just because someone can't help their behavior because it's genetic doesn't necessarily make it ok.
Didn't Dr. Laura get in trouble because she said homosexuality was genetic? Like a defect or something?

I can't remember, it was a while back.
Yay quick reply!!
I find Gay men to be quite funny, the decoration shows they have a great fun to watch! hahahhaha, And the lisps!! O man they are Hellafunny They always talk like, "Hey thsillys, I'm thuper thanks for athking!!"
Gay women OMG I could die watching to lesbians go at it (As in having sex and I starve to death). So yeah, they are cool in my book

P.S. Man on man is Yucky.
The .... "fabulous" ones annoy me. I mean nothing against them, a lot of things annoy me. But I can't sit still and watch them parade around and talk about shoes for an entire show, makes my skin kinda crawl. Rosie O' Donnel, Oprah, that bitch with all the plasitc surgery (Joan something) and Dr. Phil annoy me just as much. The actual act of homo sex is disturbing though.

A quick joke (no offense intended, I got plenty of white people jokes too):

What's the difference between a gay guy and a refridgerator?

The fridge doesn't fart when you pull the meat out.
As long as they respect my boundaries, i don't give a damn about what they do, and who they do it with.
If homosexuality was genetic, then how could it not have existed back in time to the extent it does now-a-days? I'm inclined to believe homosexuality is related to being sexually/mentally abused as a child.
Originally posted by coolio2man
Yay quick reply!!
I find Gay men to be quite funny, the decoration shows they have a great fun to watch! hahahhaha, And the lisps!! O man they are Hellafunny They always talk like, "Hey thsillys, I'm thuper thanks for athking!!"
Gay women OMG I could die watching to lesbians go at it (As in having sex and I starve to death). So yeah, they are cool in my book

P.S. Man on man is Yucky.

Hate to burst your bubble, but, most lesbians aren't attractive in reality. There's a difference between porn star lesbians and real life lesbians.
Homosexuality is of all times, Shuzer.
Prejudice against it, is too.

I dunno if that's proper English, because i put my brain on stand-by a couple of hours ago.
Drr!! I am not talking about Butch lesbians, I am talking about Jenna Jameson etc.
my God, do you guys listen. Here I am, I'm a homosexual and I'm telling you that it is genetics!!! I was never sexually or mentally abused either.
I've been this way for ever, as far back as I can remember.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
Homosexuality is of all times, Shuzer.
Prejudice against it, is too.

I dunno if that's proper English, because i put my brain on stand-by a couple of hours ago.

I never said it wasn't of all times, however, I said it wasn't anywhere nearly as widespread as it is now. I strongly believe people get screwed up by abusive adults and that can result in homosexuality.

Further back in time = less abuse from adults = less homosexuals

Current times = more abuse by adults = more homosexuals

Originally posted by coolio2man
Drr!! I am not talking about Butch lesbians, I am talking about Jenna Jameson etc.

They're actors, if you can call them that
blaming homosexuality on anything is pure stupidity at this point because like it was said before, there is no proof. it could be genetics, but technically, the true gay people would kill themselfs off due to lack of passing on the genes. it could be subliminal messages youve picked up out of nowhere over the period of time. you could choose to be gay, or maybe you had a very bad experience with women. who knows. who cares.

me myself belive that to each their own. and as for gays started aids.

and truely no-one knows where aids came from truely, but here is alot of theories of it.


anyways thats my bit
To Shuzer:

I dunno man, but i don't think that's a healthy look on homosexuality.

Ofcourse, there are people out there that "turned" gay because of abuse in their childhood.
I think most of these people aren't even "really" gay, more of a cry for help thing, or attention if u will.

I mean, there's a LOTS of other gay people out there that'll spit in your face if you'd mention something like that to them.
I know and get on pretty well with quite a few homosexuals, as people they're generally nice, but I dont agree with the 'lifestyle choice', know full well in myself it's morally wrong and all the people in the world pretending they're enlightened and telling me 'im ignorant' wont change that.

It's been proven ginetically that homosexuals have a slightly different brain to a hetrosexual making them attracted to the same sex... often makes me wonder if in a few years scientists can 'cure' homosexuality if there will be a massive outcry ordering the procedure to be made illegal... probably.
OKAY, I will tell u What I think it means to be a Homo. 6 billion people exist on this earth, near capacity for comfortable living. So, when people become homosexual this is our genetics telling us that, there are to many people on this earth. But wtf, we still wanna have sex, so as a backup plan our minds focus on the same sex to stop reproducing.

If I am right then that may mean we all intuned to each other thus part of our genetics Makes us minorly physic and this is just evidence of that.
Getting complicated, but if u are still interested keep reading. We may all be sending out minor waves of energy and in areas of high brain wave output, people are randomly chosen to take on the gay responsibility, to keep the population in check.

Or, Its just to much pollution.
Jenna Jameson is HOT!!!!!
:naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

: on topic, on topic :

and it is a pyschologic fact that most male homosexuality is based on abuse from the father.... if they never had a relationship with a male role model, in future life they seek out a relation ship with other males and soon realize that they like men in "that" sort of way... but nothing against it! :D
Originally posted by qckbeam
my God, do you guys listen. Here I am, I'm a homosexual and I'm telling you that it is genetics!!! I was never sexually or mentally abused either.
I've been this way for ever, as far back as I can remember.

well, its not like someone can feel or sense their genes. and as far as I know they haevn't found a "gay gene" yet. And then theres the whole nature vs. nurture stuff. People suspect there may be a gene for alcoholism, but that doesn't necessarily make you an alcoholic. You can't be addicted to alcohol by never drinking it, though you may be far more inclined to.

Eh, anyhow, yeah. A person can't just tell you something is genetic unless they are a geneticist. If I became an alcoholic I couldn't tell you if it was genetic. I couldn't tell yo umuch of anything, actually, because I'm dead drunk.

but enough rambling. the point stands, you can't prove its genetic just because you are homosexual, it could be proven if a gene was found.
I agree that homesexuality can be genetic, but not in all cases. I mean, if you put a guy in a room and have him watch gay pr0n for 24 hours straight, chances are that he'll turn gay. Or maybe in like wrestling or other sports where you have to touch other guys in unual ways it could happen.
yeah, I think a logical guess could be a gene which influences the probability of someone being homosexual, but doesn't make it definite or keep others without the gene from that.

and I find the "born that way" argument kind of strange, though, because I don't think children who don't even know what it is or have any sexual motivation at alll yet can be very gay.
I dont care... Unless some Gay guy started hitting on me.... I might consider beating the shit out of him...
Women have a vaginas, not men. I think there are two genders for a very good reason, other than reproduction. But, I'm just a Conservative biggot, I don't know anything.
As far as it being "wrong," I don't care to get into that argument. I just don't see why a lot of them think people are supposed to be gay, when two same-gender bodies are obviously incompatible. No, I'm not saying they all think that way. Just about 100 % of the 20 gays I've met do.
And a lot of their friends, and gays on television. Sure, there are some who don't think that way...and there are even some "Conservative" gays...

Bah! I'm going too much into this. To answer your question, see the above answer.

I can say that being hit on is very offensive. An action in which the only answer is an affirmative punch in the face. Sorry, but that's what happens. It bothers me enough to get hit on by women.(I have a girlfriend)
LoneDeranger wrote:

"if you put a guy in a room and have him watch gay pr0n for 24 hours straight, chances are that he'll turn gay"

roffle - that cheered me up :)
let me explain the "born that way" argument for you. I was born this way, that's it really, quite simple isn't it? Human beings are sexual creatures by nature, and sexual exploration begins at a very young age (an example would be games kids will somtimes play, like doctor). It's not uncommon at all for a five year old boy and girl to explore each others bodies out of curiostiy. The children do not know what they are doing is heterosexual sexual activity, they just do it because that's what they felt like doing, it was natural to them. Homosexuals are exactly the same, exactly, except for the fact that instead of exploring the body (or wanting to explore the body) of a member of the opposite sex, they want to explore the body of a member from the same sex. Again, they don't understand these feelings to be homosexual, just natural. The feelings continue to grow stronger and stronger until one day it just clicks (I know that sounds nut's, but that's exactly what happens) and the little homosexual boy/girl suddenly realize that they are in fact gay. You can trust me on this stuff since I went through it. I never wanted to play doctor with the little girl across the street when I was a young pre-schooler (she actually asked me to play it when I was around four or five, but I denied her), but rather with my male friend who lived down the road. It has nothing to do with my father abusing me since he NEVER has. In fact it has nothing to do with abuse at all since I have never been abused by anyone, EVER. It's just, quite simply, the way I was born.

LoneDeranger, what you said is wrong. No one can be turned gay, and no one can be turned straight. I believe experiments like this were performed on individuals, but failed to change their sexuality.I for one have actually tried this (as has a friend of mine although his case was MUCH more extreme, more like torture), and it just doesn't work.
wow. no offense to people in general, but jesus christ, read a ****ing book! i'm straight, so certainly everything i have to say comes from that pov. however, it's abundantly clear that there is no hard evidence linking sexuality to genetics, nor is there evidence to the contrary. a few studies have been done, but the results are always inconclusive. as some have mentioned, this is most likely b/c there are a variety of reasons why people are homosexual.

it's probably a falacy to believe that homosexuality is more prevalent today than 'earlier' times. a popular example is ancient greece, where homosexuality was neither rare, nor taboo. one can't measure the amount of homosexuality in modern societies (much less earlier ones), b/c there is no way to determine if someone really is gay. is it just behavioral? if you've had voluntary sex with a person of the same gender then you're gay? how do you define a homosexual? if someone calls themself gay, is that good enough? what if they're "in the closet"? can anyone give me good statistics on homosexuality in victorian england?

i'm an agnostic, so i don't have any moral preconceptions about homosexuality. in the same way though, i'm not going to act like it's wrong to use whatever transliteration of the bible you read to base a moral stance againt homosexuality. i'm not a christian/jew/muslim/.. so i can't speak to that, imo. at the same time, i certainly don't enjoy thinking about two men having sex, but i can usually say the same of a man and a woman. generally having sex is like picking your nose; it's fine when you're doing it, but i wouldn't care to watch others going at it.

tbph, this is pretty much a dead-end issue until more progress is made in the genetic aspect of it. there's plenty of literature on the subject, go read some books. i've purposefully left the psychological discussion alone b/c i'm not familiar enough with it beyond the pop-psych stuff you read in a magazine or something.
qckbeam, i appreciate that you speak from experience, but i hope you can appreciate that it's still only your experience, and it's dubious that there are definite rules about being 'born that way', sexual abuse, changing sexuality, etc. to be applied in all cases.
Originally posted by qckbeam
LoneDeranger, what you said is wrong. No one can be turned gay, and no one can be turned straight. I believe experiments like this were performed on individuals, but failed to change their sexuality.I for one have actually tried this (as has a friend of mine although his case was MUCH more extreme, more like torture), and it just doesn't work. [/B]

I read an article recently that showed examples of women in their late 40's leaving their families to become lesbians. At first they were heterosexual, had husbands and children, but then they gradually turned gay. It does happen and there is plenty of evidence.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I read an article recently that showed examples of women in their late 40's leaving their families to become lesbians. At first they were heterosexual, had husbands and children, but then they gradually turned gay. It does happen and there is plenty of evidence.
lone, what's to say that these women weren't always gay, and slowly over time came to realize this? where exactly did you read this anyway? was the tone of the reading such that it indicated that these were 'normal' straight women that gradually became gay?
Originally posted by bastard_loud
Where'd you find that "fact"?

my mom is a psycologist.... she has an entire book on how to deal with homosexual patients :|

and qckbeam.... I respect you and ur... gayness.. but i do have a question for you and i don't want to be offensive... but do you have a "gaydar"? as in you can spot if guys are gay or not? i'm sorry if this is offensive and if it is, i withdraw the question and apologize
Originally posted by crabcakes66
who here has no problem with it? who here fears it? who here thinks gay people should be forced to not be gay..

who thinks homos should be dragged out into the street and shot?(no offense, some people think this way)

Don't have a problem w/ it at all, nor do I fear it. You can't force someone to be a heterosexual, that's dumb. For a thought experiment, try it the other way around.

And for the people that favor the execution of gay people: you should be put away for ever (I'm against the death penalty).
I don't believe in the conceit of sexual preferences. Notions of heterosexuality or homosexuality are just merely convient social labels. At it root core, sex is an act that leads to procreation. Anything else is simply stimulation, whether that be blowing your load in your girlfriends mouth, or your boyfriends ass. What you do in this life and with whomever with really doesn't matter as long as you take precautions against STD's and both parties are consenting.

With that statement in mind, I would like to add that I have little time for people who conform and adhere to social labels in any form. To my mind there is nothing more wasteful in this life than to be a walking stereotype of conceits in thought and gesture.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
...i knew someone would say that.

my brother is dead. he commited suicide two years ago.


You should of clarified the situation when you wrote the post. Someone was bound to ask by the way you deliberately worded it, so there is no point getting all rightous on on their ass when they ask. :dozey:
theres also no point in making assumptions when you read something. Although I actually did assume the worst. guess that says something about my view on life.

and my condolences go out to you, crabcakes :(
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
generally having sex is like picking your nose; it's fine when you're doing it, but i wouldn't care to watch others going at it.

LOL, Great line timmy :cool:
I don't believe in the conceit of sexual preferences. Notions of heterosexuality or homosexuality are just merely convient social labels. At it root core, sex is an act that leads to procreation. Anything else is simply stimulation, whether that be blowing your load in your girlfriends mouth, or your boyfriends ass. What you do in this life and with whomever with really doesn't matter as long as you take precautions against STD's and both parties are consenting. With that statement in mind, I would like to add that I have little time for people who conform and adhere to social labels in any form. To my mind there is nothing more wasteful in this life than to be a walking stereotype of conceits in thought and gesture.

Sex can be much more than just stimulation and procreation. Sex is one way which people may use to show their love for one another.

do you have a "gaydar"? as in you can spot if guys are gay or not? i'm sorry if this is offensive and if it is, i withdraw the question and apologize

not offensive at all, don't worry about it :)

There is a sort of "gaydar". It's really only exists because I know exactly what signs to look for in other people. When I meet someone they may say or do something that I pick up on that others won't notice. If those signals are given off then there are a few certain things I will look for, if I find them I look for a couple of other things, and if I find those I can be pretty much certain that the person is gay or bi. It takes a while though, it's not some instant thing where I can walk into a room and instantly tell who's gay and who's not. I also hate to make it sound like some kind of gay guy superpower, it's not. I just know what to look for.
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