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I wish I had the exact source. It was talked about in my developmental psychology class (3 years ago). Im pretty sure the textbook we used had the study in it and that was called "Developmental Psychology".
logical only in the context of your belief system littleB. there's nothing particularly logical about reincarnation in the first place (empirically speaking); the rest of the premise, de facto, can be no more logical.

SIG, nevermind on my request, i went and found some stuff on my own. i found out about three studies, one was published in the american sociological review, the other two were conducted by/published in christian, 'family-values' publications, and i will therefore disregard them. the ASR study takes issue with the AAP study specifically, however, from what i can tell, it doesn't seem to actually indicate that same-sex parents are more likely to have homosexual children, but 'less-confidently' heterosexual children (something to the effect that the children are more apt to experiment sexually and have less well defined gender-roles). looks like both studies were done in california, and at different times with different subjects. there's probably more out there on both sides, though.
As homosexuals like to say “The first step is admittance”. As I like to say “The first step is a psychologist.” I don’t know why people try so hard now days to convince others that they are gay. I think they don’t get enough action and try to broaden the market.

Homosexuality IS a choice. Regardless of genetics or what your brain thinks your sexual preference is, the act itself is a choice. Since non-gays have the capacity for abstinence, I’d think gay people would to.

I discriminate against stupidity. Homosexuality is an extremely stupid choice. Therefore I discriminate against homosexuals.

I don’t believe anything like we should kill homosexuals, but I do think that they deserve a swift kick in the balls to remind them what is there.

Side note
Since ROD brought it up… For Christians out there, the Bible does speak extremely strongly against homosexuality, and in the old testament, lets just say it would be better to cut off your pe*is.
Homosexuality is a crude perversion of God's design, perpetrated only by degenerates of the lowest and most corrupt morality. It is truly disgusting that these degenerates are now Hell bent on infesting our sacred and holy instituation of Marriage.
Originally posted by Melchizedek
Homosexuality is a crude perversion of God's design, perpetrated only by degenerates of the lowest and most corrupt morality. It is truly disgusting that these degenerates are now Hell bent on infesting our sacred and holy instituation of Marriage.

Applies profylactic

Sneaks up on Melchizedek

Proceeds to pound him furiously in the dirtbox

Now tell me you didn't like that

EDIT: who are you Melchizedek? It's obvious that you're a regular who didn't want to use his "real" name. I'm so curious :)
Originally posted by phantomdesign
As homosexuals like to say “The first step is admittance”. As I like to say “The first step is a psychologist.” I don’t know why people try so hard now days to convince others that they are gay. I think they don’t get enough action and try to broaden the market.

Homosexuality IS a choice. Regardless of genetics or what your brain thinks your sexual preference is, the act itself is a choice. Since non-gays have the capacity for abstinence, I’d think gay people would to.

I discriminate against stupidity. Homosexuality is an extremely stupid choice. Therefore I discriminate against homosexuals.

I don’t believe anything like we should kill homosexuals, but I do think that they deserve a swift kick in the balls to remind them what is there.

Side note
Since ROD brought it up… For Christians out there, the Bible does speak extremely strongly against homosexuality, and in the old testament, lets just say it would be better to cut off your pe*is.

And I think you deserve a swift kick in the balls. Until you can form a semi-coherent argument using things like facts, logic and similar adult forms of communication you should just give up spouting your ignorant opinion.

You are obviously incredibly biased on a subject you know little about, so I know I have very little chance reasoning with you. But perhaps you should try thinking a little before typing. I doubt you have ever known a gay peson personally. If you ever did I bet you just might realize this is just another human being like the rest of us, who deserves just as much respect as anyone else. You know there is a reason that we live in a free country. It's to save us from people like you, who would give equal rights to everyone except the people who don't fit their own little view of how the world should be.

Now I'm not attacking your right to have your own opinion. If you don't like a certain group of people that is your right. But I can't stand it when someone creates some stereotype such as "ALL HOMOSEXUALS ARE EVIL AND STUPID, THEREFORE I HAVE A RIGHT TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THEM." People used disturbingly similar thinking to justify the slavery of black people. So if we take you argument that homosexuals are somehow less of a human being than the rest of us or atleast have sub-human intelligence do you then think they should be given less rights as others or treated as something less than a human? Now that is scary thinking. Did you know we fought an entire world war to stop a dictator who was trying to take over the world on a platform of discrimination?

Oh, and if you want to bring the bible into it then by all means lets. Now, I don't wish to offend anyone else with this, but if your going to use the Bible to back up your arguments against gay people, then don't just pick and choose what to believe from it. If your going to embrace the word of the bible literally then what gives you the ability to say that "this" passage is true while "that" passage is false? There are many things in the Bible which can be used to support many horrible ways of thinking. An example is that in many places the Bible practically advocates slavery, not to mention rape, torture, and mass killing. Are you all for those too, since you read them in the Bible?

Like I said above I don't wish to offend others with this nor do am I trying to attack the Bible. But I'm just pointing out that there are many thing written in it which cannot be taken literally. It's just my opinion that you can't just use one passage from the Bible to back up your argument while completely ignoring other parts.
Originally posted by Melchizedek
Homosexuality is a crude perversion of God's design, perpetrated only by degenerates of the lowest and most corrupt morality. It is truly disgusting that these degenerates are now Hell bent on infesting our sacred and holy instituation of Marriage.

sounds like someone hasn't been practicing their melchizedek method... i hope you make a stronger connection with your "body elemental" and "higher self". become aware of "the journey". don't let your kamadon love levels dominate your sri yantra spherical flow. :|
After I showed him how, I think he's now busy practising the MrMethane method :)
I have no problem with homosexuel people, just as long as straight people could mind their own business...
i dont see anything inherently wrong with homosexuality. its not the norm, but neither is someone who was born with one blue eye and one green eye. whatever floats your boat i say
lol I guess
nude chest=gay man
It's Edward Norton from American History X

edit: (OT) definitely not gay in that movie, neo-nazi and very good acting.
No worries, I wasn't offended. Although when I made the Avatar at first I kinda hesitated to use it. People could interpret it the wrong way (gay/neo nazi). I just think the tattoo is cool and he's an awesome actor...

On topic:

I have no problems with gay people. I believe that it is NOT a choice, you either are or are not gay or in you are in denial.
I DO believe that it's genetically predetermined. The animal world has gays, too, and don't tell me that those animals have had the wrong upbringing.
I agree with you on the "extravert" gays. They can make me laugh in movies or on TV but I wouldn't like them too close to me in real life. But that goes for a lot of straight people as well. Some of the thoughts and opinions ventilated here makes me never want to meet those people, either.
It seems to me that the people wih little knowledge of homosexuality seem to be the most agressive anti-gays. Or maybe they base their beliefs on the stereotype gays like in "priscilla, queen of the desert"
But as long as there's ignorance to the unknown, this kind of behaviour will stay. Not only towards gays, but towards all things that are not mainstream.

I don't want to sound like a teacher, but watch the movie Boys don't Cry and maybe you'll think different.
Originally posted by DeusEx2
lIt's Edward Norton from American History X
definitely not gay in that movie, neo-nazi and very good acting.
... is there anyting gayer than neo-nazis? :dozey:

(it's a joke, no offense to my gay brothers n sistas!) :cheers:

Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
You should of clarified the situation when you wrote the post. Someone was bound to ask by the way you deliberately worded it, so there is no point getting all rightous on on their ass when they ask. :dozey:

...wow...an insensative prick....what a suprise.

.....becuase i dont like to think about to much..... you must have never lost someone so close to you.

do you have any brothers? do you love them? are they your one of your best freinds?

did you have some police come to your door at 10pm telling you your brother who had been missing for a month had been found rotting in the woods?

did your whole family go into shock and into a deep depression from wich they are just now starting to recover from?

you would never say something like that to my face.......so why say it here?

im not asking you to feel sorry for me....im just asking you to stfu.

use your anonymity wisley.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
Yadda Yadda Yadda 'rightous fire' oh woe is me

LOL, don't bother trying to rope me into a 'my dick is bigger than yours' sympathy contest. There is nothing more of an affront to the human spirit than the Oprah style snivellings of the 'emotional' victim, crying out at the extent of their 'pain'. I wouldn't cheapen the memories of any people I've lost in order to garner sympathy on a forum, let alone use their passing as an 'excuse' to beat out at people.
Originally posted by MrMethane
EDIT: who are you Melchizedek? It's obvious that you're a regular who didn't want to use his "real" name. I'm so curious :)

He's Pseudonym_ .
Originally posted by Neutrino
Oh, and if you want to bring the bible into it then by all means lets. Now, I don't wish to offend anyone else with this, but if your going to use the Bible to back up your arguments against gay people, then don't just pick and choose what to believe from it. If your going to embrace the word of the bible literally then what gives you the ability to say that "this" passage is true while "that" passage is false? There are many things in the Bible which can be used to support many horrible ways of thinking. An example is that in many places the Bible practically advocates slavery, not to mention rape, torture, and mass killing. Are you all for those too, since you read them in the Bible?

Like I said above I don't wish to offend others with this nor do am I trying to attack the Bible. But I'm just pointing out that there are many thing written in it which cannot be taken literally. It's just my opinion that you can't just use one passage from the Bible to back up your argument while completely ignoring other parts.

I love you.
kadayi, i'm sorry but stfu. learn when to leave enough alone you ass. he's not trying to "garner sympathy", he's in a lot of pain about this obviously. if you're offended by his pain, just ignore him, there's no need to be an asshole b/c his brother is dead. it's understandable if he's sensative about it, just go away if you don't like it.
Originally posted by D33
I love you.


Just tellin it how I see it.

(Your parents are going to have to pay for the wedding though.)

Edit: Oh and the cake has to be chocolate or it's a no go...
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
kadayi, i'm sorry but stfu. learn when to leave enough alone you ass. he's not trying to "garner sympathy", he's in a lot of pain about this obviously. if you're offended by his pain, just ignore him, there's no need to be an asshole b/c his brother is dead. it's understandable if he's sensative about it, just go away if you don't like it.

I completely agree. I mean come on. If someone uses the past tense when refering to a person it's pretty damn obvious what probably happened. This should be your first clue to not bring it up.
I don't understand homosexuality and I might not ever understand it, but I will always treat gay people as what they are... people.

I have several lesbian friends, a couple of bisexual female friends (they'll sometimes joke about having a threesome, or at least I think they're joking. I said "Yeah, sure. What time?" in a voice like Pablo Francisco does when making fun of his male stripper roommate and one of them hit me in the arm), one known gay male friend, and one or two more that I'm not quite sure about.

I don't treat them any worse than I treated them before I knew. :D
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
... is there anyting gayer than neo-nazis? :dozey:

You have a point there, Herr Oberstuermfuehrer :cheese:

Damn gotta look for a new avatar :eek:
Originally posted by D33
He's Pseudonym_ .

Damn D33, beat me too it ;(

I'd like to say that not all guys who are effeminate are gay.. I'm not macho at all, and I'm not gay :p
Originally posted by thenerdguy
I dont like Homos, Man or woman. I wont bash them but I dont like them.
Me either, my last g/f was bi, it's not cool.. I hate that bitch and I hate any bisexual bitches, it causes alot of problems.
Originally posted by nsxownzme
Me either, my last g/f was bi, it's not cool.. I hate that bitch and I hate any bisexual bitches, it causes alot of problems.

I would be willing to bet that your hate causes more problems.
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
LOL, don't bother trying to rope me into a 'my dick is bigger than yours' sympathy contest. There is nothing more of an affront to the human spirit than the Oprah style snivellings of the 'emotional' victim, crying out at the extent of their 'pain'. I wouldn't cheapen the memories of any people I've lost in order to garner sympathy on a forum, let alone use their passing as an 'excuse' to beat out at people.

Thankyou for proving my point.

Again...you would never say this to my face.

...this may be a forum...and these may be just words to you. But i am a real person..... not some magical being in that plastic box in front of you.

empathy is a virtue.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
Yadda Yadda Yadda I'm a sucker

So it's ok to act like an ass as long as your grieving? Right......that makes perfect sense.
*Nods head sagely

Read up on transaction analysis, specifically 'Now I've got you, you Son of a bitch' in 'games people play' by Eric Berne.
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
So it's ok to act like an ass as long as your grieving? Right......that makes perfect sense.
*Nods head sagely

Read up on transaction analysis, specifically 'Now I've got you, you Son of a bitch' in 'games people play' by Eric Berne.

only one being an ass is you bro....

your to childish to even quote me properly
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