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Originally posted by CyberSh33p
theres also no point in making assumptions when you read something.

In order to not assume, you would have to know. In which case you would neither need something explained, or indeed ask the question in the first place. :dozey:
let me rephrase that then, theres no point in sating assumptions when you read something.

especially when its not pertinent to the topic. The point was his brother was gay so he understands or dealt with it more than some, not the condition of his brother at the current time.
Some (but not all!) gay people can also be easily identified by the way they dress, walk, etc.
Originally posted by G0rgon
who thinks homos should be dragged out into the street and shot.

I think they have to be excuted.

lol, I swear to god, I predicted your respond :bounce:

I think all stupid teenagers who cant spell should also be dragged into the street and 'excuted' :dork:
I really could care less if a person is gay, however, what really pisses me off is how gay people flaunt their sexual prefference and their lifestyle in present society. You see gay shows and girly guys... why exactly can't they just act normal and be gay at the same time?

You may flame me for this but those kind of gays i DO hate. I would not have friends who are loud and girly, even if they were straight i wouldn't want it. Just like people can't tolerate loud, annoying people, i can't tolerate that type of gay.

I believe that your prefference should be kept to you and you alone, otherwise you are merely trying to get attention and you will either make me walk away or punch you in the face. Be gay for all i care just don't force yourself on me.

BTW: Not all people who dislike hanging around gay people are homophobic. Yet another stereotype set by gay people... who's the one making a bigger fuss, the gay guy or the straight guy who simply doesn't care for homosexuals?
Originally posted by Rico
I really could care less if a person is gay, however, what really pisses me off is how gay people flaunt their sexual prefference and their lifestyle in present society. You see gay shows and girly guys... why exactly can't they just act normal and be gay at the same time?

You may flame me for this but those kind of gays i DO hate. I would not have friends who are loud and girly, even if they were straight i wouldn't want it. Just like people can't tolerate loud, annoying people, i can't tolerate that type of gay.

I believe that your prefference should be kept to you and you alone, otherwise you are merely trying to get attention and you will either make me walk away or punch you in the face. Be gay for all i care just don't force yourself on me.

BTW: Not all people who dislike hanging around gay people are homophobic. Yet another stereotype set by gay people... who's the one making a bigger fuss, the gay guy or the straight guy who simply doesn't care for homosexuals?

I agree completely, the stereotype gay people are annoying and portay a bad image to straight people.

As a gay guy I personally hate camp people and find the idea of sex with a guy disgusting but when your in the right situation its all about attraction and a connection and all that crap in your head goes away.
Originally posted by qckbeam
Sex can be much more than just stimulation and procreation. Sex is one way which people may use to show their love for one another.

I'll clarify here, because you didn't understand what I was saying:-

Sex = the act of procreation
(Sexual) Stimulation = anything else involving stimulating genitals mutually or solely in company or not.
Love = an emotional bond between parties reinforced through cultural and behavioural patterns and mutual (sexual) stimulation.
One thing I should mention, not all gay guys are flamers. In fact, every single gay guy I know is totally normal in every respect except for the fact that they are gay. One thing I HATE (lot's of people probably agree with me on this) are the gay pride marches. I really hate those, and the people that go to them are usually the overacting drama queen flamer type. I don't have a problem with effeminate guys, it's just the ones who are acting effeminate for attention. I am a normal guy, not effeminate but then again not overly masculine.

I do understand exactly why people would want to avoid the camp gay guys. I just don't undersand why you wouldn't want to hang around with a gay guy if his personality was nice, and you got along well.

edit: thanks Kadayi Polokov, for clarifying that :)
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
let me rephrase that then, theres no point in sating assumptions when you read something

Sating or stating? Or am I breaking the rules by making an assumption about the meaning of your sentence? :rolling:

Sure he could of said 'what do you mean by 'was'?' but I hardly think that's an excuse to get 'rightous' on the guy. Whose to say English is his first language? isn't that in itself an assumption?
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
Sating or stating? Or am I breaking the rules by making an assumption about the meaning of your sentence? :rolling:

Sure he could of said 'what do you mean by 'was'?' but I hardly think that's an excuse to get 'rightous' on the guy. Whose to say English is his first language? isn't that in itself an assumption?

you're breaking the rules for not assuming it is a typo and keeping quiet about it :)

and as for the righteousness, yes, the assumer's smart-alecky response perhaps didn't merit the "righteous" response, but then again I'd respond the same way if my brother died. I think the response is understandable completely.
Originally posted by qckbeam
I do understand exactly why people would want to avoid the camp gay guys. I just don't undersand why you wouldn't want to hang around with a gay guy if his personality was nice, and you got along well.

Friendships are generally based upon points of mutual interest, personality has little to do with it if you have little common ground to discuss.
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
you're breaking the rules for not assuming it is a typo and keeping quiet about it :)

Heh, my evil is always the strongest at the centre of the night:eek:
I have no problem hanging around with gay people. As long as they don't do any "gay stuff". For example I had a gay professor in college. He was the best professor ever. He had a really great sense of humor and would always flirt with girls and stuff.

Nobody had a clue he was gay (I think I was the only one who googled him).
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
Heh, my evil is always the strongest at the centre of the night:eek:
that's the extent of your strongest evil? you must be down-right cuddly.:imu:
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
that's the extent of your strongest evil? you must be down-right cuddly.:imu:

LOL, are you coming onto me timmy? :dozey:
well, that depends on if you're 'down-right' cuddly or not..

edit: i noticed you're giving me those 'dozey' eyes, now i don't exactly have "gay-dar", but i can smell trees for the forest, or whatever the saying is.
i think that it is a mental disease......and they need to make medicene... :dork:
but i will never go to a "gay" wedding
I like ga guys - the more of them, the more girls are for me.:D
off topic: pauly, you have a stray pixel in your avatar and its really annoying.

and loshadka, I don't think more gay guys would help you ;)
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
off topic: pauly, you have a stray pixel in your avatar and its really annoying.

and loshadka, I don't think more gay guys would help you ;)
I made him one without that GODDAM DOT, but he refuses to use it for some reason.
Wow. Congradulations folks! This thread has not been closed! :)

My Opinion on Homosexuality:

Wether we decide by choice, or our cells decide for us by precognition of our future walks in life, lets just say that whoever suffers/chooses to be homosexual should not be ridiculed for his own way of life.

Suicide is a tragic thing--and its no sign of weakness in my eyes, but a last call for help before wrists are slit red and eyes are cut black from vision. Its emotional for some, to have or to know how this world progresses in such a violent manner, and that society as a whole is preparing to work together to rid "themselves" of those such filth through the slow process of reeducation and excused genocide, but one should never loose hope. One should never loose touch with life.

I know some of you have gaven up on the Human Race, and some of you have gaven up trying to fit-in. Other's, have gaven up trying anything completely, and instead, choose to lock themselves away in their dark bedrooms contemplating all their wrongs in life while trying to escape emotional pains by playing games.

Its all normal--we know it happens. We tolerate ourselves, the most impatient of anyone else, yet we cannot learn to tolerate others?

Homosexuality is not a disease, and im not making it out to be this way. In my opinion, you make the choice somewhere--somehow. For my friends, they said they had this wierd feeling in their stomache when they saw men getting blow jobs on pornography; but they could'nt explain the feeling except for this one statement, "they wanted it".

They wanted it. They wanted more. They wanted it to happen. Whatever pron it was that day they watched--I saw a huge undertake for some of my friends that even affected me. But I chose to let it affect me--I wanted in, I wanted to see what they had known. Curiosity killed the cat--curiosity is of our own free will, and yes, is naturally defined in our cells to develop a learning process of our environments, but is most definately, a choice in our own to do with what we want.

I wont debate genetic fate either--I dont think homosexuality has a direct link with this yet.

Being a homosexual is in my opinion, better then being straight--I'm not going to say for any reason your more enlightened for being one, but because I have been a homosexual, a whole new door has been opened to society and heck, even straight people and lesbians I did'nt even know. And hell, not everything is always gay or flaming either. I've learned so much in only a matter of days of being around these people, I felt accepted for life. Yea, of course I'm your dumb moron who looks for social title as a an ego boost to his overall confidence and will to exist, but what the hell are we supposed to do in the meantime? Stare down and murmur we are doomed race and contemplate suicide and a pointless fate that is our lifes? No. Not me--I'm going to live while I can, and maybe one day I'll be immortal.

I'm shocked--what I wanted that day a few years back has brought me more then just sex, and has'nt brought me hardly a pain in my life.

Its brought me to here. I'm proud of what I'am and how I'am going to be. Never loose hope, no matter who you are. Its easy to assume the worst, because its so simple to do. But to assume the best, and at least carry a light on your shoulder, that for some reason, you'll find your mark in life, is the best candle to let shine.

Sex with guys maybe disgusting, and I will not ridicule this, but whats even more digusting is how people restrain themselves to such a tight little knit and lash out at others for being different.

You tolerate your girlfriends acting like spacey fairies, yet you cannot wield the confidence or mind power to basically put it off in your head, that a guy is talking with a lisp?

Yes, even I get uncomfortable around the loud flammer types--but if its anything that can be learned from those people is; THEY JUST DONT GIVE A FLYING ****. Exactly that point--they enjoy life because they can enjoy themselves in any given form they choose to be. So can anybody and it doe'snt matter who you are--but how many of you are willing to make the choice to, not be gay, but to tolerate yourselves a little more?

Some of your issue's are'nt even your own--but your friends insecure murmurs as he creeps into bed after having watched queer eye for the straight guy, or the whispers we here in the classroom about other people who might be gay. We react negatively to it because its a word we never fully understand until we experience it first hand, or hear the mentionings of it. Our impulsive responses are just there to make our friends happy--we all want friends, so we dedicate ourselves to not being tolerant of gays. Its how I programmed myself to homosexual in the first place--I wanted to try it, was accepting of it, and bam! Here I'am!

Its called developing a conscious of what kind of person you are, and what kind of choices you choose to make depending upon YOU!

Seperate from this, you end up being a machine--if you cant tolerate yourself, then in the most likely situation, you have a hard time tolerating the rest of the world.
An edited version of the one above--makes more sense and is a lot clearer on my point

Wow. Congradulations folks! This thread has not been closed! :)

My Opinion on Homosexuality:

Wether we decide by choice, or, our cells decide for us by precognition of our future walks in life, lets just say that whoever suffers/chooses to be homosexual should not be ridiculed for his own way of life.

You'll find out that more people of different culture and sexuality are more likely to commit suicide if their surrounding environments advocate their hate or destruction.

Suicide is a tragic thing--and its no sign of weakness in my eyes, but merely a last call for help into the dark abyss of the society they tried to escape from--there mind tries to tend the pain by telling them someone will here and rescue them, but before a hand can reach out, wrists are slit red and eyes are cut black from vision.

Its emotional for some, to have or to know how this world seemingly progresses in such violent manner's, and that society as a whole is preparing to work together to rid "themselves" of those such filth through the slow process of reeducation and excused genocide of people, but one should never loose hope. One should never loose touch with life.

I know some of you have gaven up on the Human Race, and some of you have gaven up trying to fit-in. Other's, have gaven up trying anything completely, and instead, choose to lock themselves away in their dark bedrooms contemplating all their wrongs in life while trying to escape emotional pains by playing games.

Its all normal--we know it happens. We half tolerate ourselves, the most impatient of anyone else, yet we cannot learn to tolerate others?

Homosexuality is not a disease, and im not making it out to be this way. In my opinion, you make the choice somewhere--somehow. For my friends, they said they had this wierd feeling in their stomache when they saw men getting blow jobs on pornography; but they could'nt explain the feeling except for this one statement, "they wanted it".

They wanted it. They wanted more. They wanted it to happen. Whatever pron it was that day they watched--I saw a huge undertake for some of my friends. I wanted to know what they would do late at night, I wanted to see and hear with them. They finally let me in--and despite the first bump in the door was a bit odd, once I had reached for the gate brass and pushed open this, door to a whole new stowaway of life, I can say easily I chose to be changed. I chose to continue forward, and I slammed that damn gate behind me. Curiosity killed the cat--curiosity is of our own free will, and yes, is naturally defined in our cells to develop a learning process of our environments, but is most definately, a choice in our own to do with what we want.

I wont debate genetic fate either--I dont think homosexuality has a direct link with this yet.

Being a homosexual is in my opinion, more then okay. Its awesome. Not all gays are flammers, and not all flammers are gays. Since most of your statements come up with, "I hate how", let me tell you what I hate.

Homophobes that cant get over the fact they are not as gregarious or accepting of others. Don't lecture me on the few exceptions--these people are the ones who hung Matthew Shepard off a barbed wire fence and cracked his head against blunt objects then left him there to die. If you feel for some reason, a leaning of support for those that murdered him, you have my sympathies. I pity you for being so simple, confused, and derogatorily choice bent ignorant.

Since I made my choice, I've discovered a whole new world no ordinary person could lead me too--since I was gay, I met more then fifty different people in the span of a week and no sexual tags included. Since I chose this path in my life, I've learned so much about life and actually living--its come to a point I dont want to go back.

I've learned so much in only a matter of days of being around these people, I felt accepted finally, not for who I dreamt I should be, but of who I made the choice to become.

Yea, of course, I'm your dumb moron who looks for social titles as a an ego boost to his overall confidence and will to exist, but what the hell are we supposed to do in the meantime? Stare down at our shoes and murmur we are a doomed race and contemplate suicide and a pointless fate that is our lifes? No. Not me--I'm going to live while I can, and maybe one day I'll be immortal. Nothing will stand in my way about that.

I'm shocked--what I wanted that day a few years back has brought me more then just ''gay disgusting sex'', what its truely brought me is less pain in my life. Its not an easy way out to become a homosexual, but because of this choice, I dont feel like I have to say impulsive lies to my friends to keep them from harassing me. Once I declared I was what I was--some of my friends stated it with me, they too were closet monkehs. True friends stay with you, not true will leave you. And only three chose to leave our group--and not on bad terms either.

Being a homosexual...well, it's brought me to this point, here. I'm proud of what I'am and how I'am going to be. Never loose hope, no matter who you are. Its easy to assume the worst, because its so simple to do. But to assume the best, and at least carry a light on your shoulder, that for some reason, you'll find your mark in life, is the best candle to let shine.

Sex with guys maybe disgusting, and I will not ridicule this, but whats even more digusting is how people restrain themselves to such a tight little knit and lash out at others for being different. I dont mind if you dont like or get uncomfortable--I surely would'nt pressure you into it or try to convince you otherwise; BUT JUST BECAUSE I DO IT LEAVES NO MANNER OR GESTURE OF YOURS JUSTIFIED TO SAY IM DISGUSTING OR EVIL BECAUSE I CHOOSE NOT TO LIVE BY YOUR MANNER OR MORALE.

You tolerate your girlfriends acting like spacey fairies, yet you cannot wield the confidence or mind power to basically put it off in your head, that a guy is talking with a lisp?

Yes, even I get uncomfortable around those loud flammer types--but if its anything that can be learned from those people is; THEY JUST DONT GIVE A FLYING ****. Exactly that point--they enjoy life because they can enjoy themselves in any given form they choose to be. So can anybody and it doe'snt matter who you are--but how many of you are willing to make the choice to, not be gay, but to tolerate yourselves a little more?

Some of your issue's are'nt even your own--but your friends insecure murmurs as he creeps into bed after having watched queer eye for the straight guy, or the whispers we here in the classroom about other people who might be gay. We react negatively to it because its a word we never fully understand until we experience it first hand, or hear the mentionings of it. Our impulsive responses are just there to make our friends happy--we all want friends, so we dedicate ourselves to not being tolerant of gays. Its how I programmed myself to homosexual in the first place--I wanted to try it, was accepting of it, and bam! Here I'am!

Its called developing a conscious of what kind of person you are, and what kind of choices you choose to make depending upon YOU!

Seperate from this, you end up being a machine--if you cant tolerate yourself, then in the most likely situation, you have a hard time tolerating the rest of the world.


Ooops! Double Posted! Sorry folks!

Originally posted by not28
Don't care.

best reply ever, you dont need to say much about it, and this sums it up, I dont care what other people do, they can have sex with there sisters for all I care.
K e r b e r o s, is it just me, or did you just reply with two identical 5-page essays?
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
best reply ever, you dont need to say much about it, and this sums it up, I dont care what other people do, they can have sex with there sisters for all I care.

i think ill agree with this, and raise it one "mother".
Lone, their not five page essays--they only span so far. Did you care to read the message on the bottom of the second one? If I had a choice to delete one, I could, and I would do the first one on the previous page to this one.


K e r b e r o s, is it just me, or did you just reply with two identical 5-page essays?

Also, your sarcastic passive-aggressiveness in reguards to maybe my ten paragraph, not even one whole thread worths of taking up a page, postings are getting a little annoying...

Do me a favor, and stop doing that. It gets old really fast--especially when you end-up trolling threads that are constructive with your little retorts of which have no basis for their behavior or meaning.

Oh one thing annoys me that other people brought up, is "girly gays" people who go out of there way to flant there gay, specking in a false high voice and going basicly being a girly...girl
hey ghostvalkyrie, your looking nice today....
wanna grab a cup of coffee or something?
/me winks
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
K e r b e r o s, is it just me, or did you just reply with two identical 5-page essays?


Was it really that funny I made a boo-boo? :) Anyway. Yea--those were points above! Whoops for posting em twice! But I'm glad this thread rolled out to be constructive--I'm going back to the porn one now...:cheese:
I don't like when they try to hit me! FFS, that's annoying, even when I'm drunk like a pig. Otherwise I don't care, as long as they don't make it too public.
Originally posted by Faravid
I don't like when they try to hit me! FFS, that's annoying, even when I'm drunk like a pig. Otherwise I don't care, as long as they don't make it too public.

erm, you did mean hit *on* you, right?
i read like the first 4 pages of this... and it's lots.. so i stopped. but as far as i can tell most people are pretty tolerant of gays. the general consensus seems to be "don't care"

i think people should embrace their sexuality, because that's how god created them.

i'm not really gay (i absolutely LOVE girls), but i do find some men attractive. i would never sleep with them though. so am i bi? or what? hehe. and i find some gay men attractive only because they are so feminine and they remind me of the girls i like so much. that's confusing, isn't it?
Since it is genetically based, that means it cannot possibly be wrong or sinful, since a sin has to be something one chooses to do freely.

Once again there is no proof that gayness is determined by genetics. There has been no gay gene discovered. Saying "since gayness is genetically based" even though there's a lack of evidence only makes you look ignorant. It has been also shown that adopted kids raised by gay parents are much more likely to become (and thus choose to be) gay. This is strong support showing that gayness is probably more of a product of nurture than nature.
Originally posted by SIGbastard
It has been also shown that adopted kids raised by gay parents are much more likely to become (and thus choose to be) gay. This is strong support showing that gayness is probably more of a product of nurture than nature.
where did you get this notion?? i've never heard of that, can you link me some of these studies? the american psychological association and american academy of pediatrics have published numerous reports to the contrary. according to these studies, there appears to be no correlation between the sexual orientation of gay or lesbian parents and their children. if you could tell me what source you have that is at odds with the APA and AAP, i'd be much obliged.
BTW my religion (spirituality) teaches that gayness usually happens when you're a women in one life, and when you reincarnate you go in a man's body. (Yes I believe in reincarnation) Seems pretty logical considering how some (most?) gay men are feminine. Right?
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