Hostile Freedom

That sounds great. Thanks for your interest in the Hostile Freedom project.
{WIP} Spitfire 7.62mm Assault Rifle

New IRC network. We can now be found on in #hostile-freedom - this change was made for more security and control over our channel.
no offence, but that gun could have some more detail. it looks kinda... Q3ish

and do you guys have your own forums? cause it just seems like your using for dev updates and new news ;x
Motherfucking Kinko's motherfucking scanners motherfucking broke. :( But it's okay, because it gave me time to work on some Stygnians, and an Onapara boat. :)

You're a talented modeler, Stitch. Before going into the 3D art, though, I think you should outline the main gameplay points and features of HF. Is it class-based, do people respawn right away, is there a buy system...

Even if you've answered these before, it's important to have them summarized in one place.
Don't worry about that alco, I'm a game designer by heart. A design document has been started and many things have been added. In fact, starting out on paper first, is where my design philosophy starts. I'm working on models now because we need content and our weapons list is complete.
Sent you an email, Stitch.

Dropship level idea:

The setting is a in a middle-eastern style urban town. Narrow, unpaved roads. Lots of small, 2-storey buildings with balconeys and access to roofs. Stygians spawn in the middle of town, in one of the buildings. Onapara spawn in a seperated area, unreachable by foot. This forces the team to use the 2 dropships contained in the area to get to the town.
They will then have air-ground gunfights. Marines shoot out of the back of the dropship, Stygians attack from balconeys and rooftops. Onapara team can also land and deploy the marines, hopefully catching the enemy by surprise.
I'm thinking plain team deathmatch for the map. A problem does arise, though. Because if you plan to have destructible vehicles, the dropships will be taken down in a matter of seconds if being shot by 5 Stygians at a time.

If it's to your liking, I can work on a rough map design of the level.
Sounds good. I was thinking earliar about a defense system that would be controlled by the player. For example, if the protective armor gets damaged, a player can switch on energy shields, which would enable them to take more damage until finally the energy shields die out. That way, if a player forgets to iniate the shields, he goes down, which would give the enemy a kill. That might clear up the problem of the ship getting shot down quickly. If the player is smart he'd use the shield system accordingly to protect his men from ground fire. Also, instead of the ship or vehicle blowing up entirely (actually depends on type of damage) the players can exit. For example, a dropship gets shot down; the players can jump out the back and parachute into the battlefield. Go for it alco, draw up the design. I'd like to see it.
Heya Stitch, I like thos models. Nice work! I think I'm going to get back to work on the dropship, and I was working on Murrays shotgun idea but then when I came and re-read his post I realized I'd gotten the idea all wrong =P

One level I continually picture is a large open rocky beach leading into a destroyed city. (It may have been from one of your earlier stories, I don't remember) I can just picture the dropships swooping in from the ocean, battles raging on the rocks below. Sniper and RPG fire from the broken down buildings in the city. And in my mind it's the coolest thing ever.

Edit: A quick question too, how many people can the dropship carry? When I started on the other version of it I ran into this problem. In Murray's sketch the cab looks pretty small, so I just made it bigger. But since I'm starting over I Figured I'd ask. Maybe it'd be cool to have a few different versions, version 1 carries 6 units (4 in the rear, pilot and co-pilot/gunner) and another carries 14 or something. (12 in rear)
There are three classes of drop ship. Nova, Delta and Shield. Nova is the supply/equipment drop ship which also carries 7 fully armed marines. The Delta is the combat-main entry drop ship. It is equipped with two 3HD MG's (your futuristic gatling gun) and can carry 15 fully armed marines. The Shield is a big mother, it can go from the surface to space easily and has enough space to carry 20+ people depending on how much they carry.
Wow, that's a lot of people. We may want to play with the design then simply because a rotor in that position wouldn't be able to support the weight hanging off the back of it. It may work great for quick backward bursts but there would need to be another propulsion system in place to keep the back end off the ground. (We could have the rotar, the two forward moving jets in the back and then two more jets on the bottom in the back but that would just seem sort of useless) Thanks for the link, I'll stop on by =)
BTW, for my dropship concept:

Replace where the door is with just an empty space. That way, marines can shoot out of the back with their rifles. They can also jump out whenever they want. So say you're in that dropship level, shooting it out with a Stygian who's hiding in a building. One of the marines onboard can just jump out to the roof, go in, and take the Stygian inside by surprise.

What do you think of my other concepts? Are they in line with what you had in mind?
Originally posted by Stitch
The classes part; sounds splendid; I was always a fan of classes, but the game doesn't require them as players can basically make thier own classes with the variety of equipment and weapons that will be included as the game [development wise] progresses. Example: equipment to fix damaged vehicles will be available for players wanting to be an engineer or portable medic-kits for your medic type player. It all boils down to the development philosophy of giving players [users] the "freedom" to play how they wish without any restrictions.

The issue with this is: will people really buy that equipment? Just because you give the player that choice doesn't mean he'll take it. Most people will want some gun action. I think they'd find the choices of vehicle repair kits, or medkits, unappealling. This is just my opinion, of course. But you could try this alternative:

The players don't have to buy the equipment. If a player gets killed and decides to wait for help, a meter will show up. The meter slowly goes down if the wounded player goes unattended. Any teammate can just come up to him and hold the use key. The teammate can't move or shoot while healing, so he's open to attack. It's exactly like diffusing bombs in CS. The same goes for damaged vehicles.

Anyways, I would like to see the current design document for HF. :)
It all comes down to choice. Essentially, it is a class-less game. No one has to buy the kits or the equipment, it's there if they want it. Once again, choice. If a team doesn't have any engineering kits, then their vehicles will remain where they fall. The document isn't ready. I will refrain from showing anyone an unfinished design document. It's just how I work, sorry. After it is completed, I'm going to hand it off to everyone on the team and they can make changes and whatever else they feel needs to e done. Oh and another thing, are you officially signed on with us?
Am I? What exactly is 'officially signed on'?
Like have you come out and said "I want to join the team?" or something similiar? Or have you just kinda slid along?
Yeah, I said I can join the team as a concept artist, and possible level design. I guess that's 'officially signed on', mate.
Alright great. Stop by the IRC channel once and awhile. Gamesnet #hostile-freedom
Alive. Are we alive? Yes! We are alive. Development has been going rather slowly. But don't fret yet, we have had some changes in our development cycle and are now on track. Stay tuned.