How do YOU kiss?

Wow... is off-topic now the romance board?

Do I have to make another reference to my age?
I don't get to, and though I haven't read it this thread fails.
Jintor said:
Wow... is off-topic now the romance board?

Do I have to make another reference to my age?

Yes, yes you do.
Like a mule eating an apple...

You know you want it.
nipple licking + hand down her pants.

omg, i actually read the title as "how do you kiss ass?" im serious!!! omfg!
Kiss her with your e-penis.

That's right, show her the Pi.

ZOMG I'M 14!!!!!!!

Totally irrelevant, of course, but still.
just do it so out noses brush back and fourth as we change angles.. lol.. if ya get me.

and grab her ass aswell :)
I've only kissed two girls in my lifetime. Both were just a one day thing I suppose. Some making out and all that, blah blah. Never went any further though, and I certainly do not intend to.

However, that was long ago when I was the 'other' person. Then came the great rebirth of madog. I look back at that pathetic human who once had my name and laugh at his weakness and foolishness. That person is dead now. Definitely not the madog you have come to know now. Such feelings or desires no longer appeal to me. Oh, and I do believe this thread must be terminated before any more disturbing images are placed in the minds of fellow citizens and especially my own self. Have a nice day.
I love kissing girls. I hate going straight to sex- I ****ing disdain meaningless casual coitus. If I bang a girl's brains out, I want it to mean something. But kisses... they're great. If it's a girl I really feel strongly towards, who I've wanted for a long time... it's wonderful. I'm as passionate as humanly possible. I'm like a white Prince (pre Jehova's Witness, of course :p). It's hard to describe how I do it- I just go with the flow. But I promise you, girls tend to give rave reviews :D
JNightshade said:
I love kissing girls. I hate going straight to sex- I ****ing disdain meaningless casual coitus. If I bang a girl's brains out, I want it to mean something. But kisses... they're great. If it's a girl I really feel strongly towards, who I've wanted for a long time... it's wonderful. I'm as passionate as humanly possible. I'm like a white Prince (pre Jehova's Witness, of course :p). It's hard to describe how I do it- I just go with the flow. But I promise you, girls tend to give rave reviews :D

Justifying your emotions? Such foolishness can only lead to your own demise. One day, you too will be destroyed, erased, and improved. Until then I will pity your misguided ways.
JNightshade said:
I love kissing girls. I hate going straight to sex- I ****ing disdain meaningless casual coitus. If I bang a girl's brains out, I want it to mean something. But kisses... they're great. If it's a girl I really feel strongly towards, who I've wanted for a long time... it's wonderful. I'm as passionate as humanly possible. I'm like a white Prince (pre Jehova's Witness, of course :p). It's hard to describe how I do it- I just go with the flow. But I promise you, girls tend to give rave reviews :D

What kind of reviews do the guys give? :dork:
JNightshade said:
Typically, they say I'm amazi- er, none at all.

You have already have started the first step. Only a matter of time until destruction is complete. You will find the results most pleasing.
short recoil said:
Passionately :naughty:

The size of your ego could probably get her off instantly!

it really does depend on the mood. sometimes it's hard and fast, sometimes soft, deep and sensual. most of the women i've kissed have been good kissers, but it's odd that the most beautiful ones are usually the worst kissers. I would think that h0t = experience = time to develop kissing ability, but not in my experience. take this girl, who we shall call, Tina. really beautiful. i thought we hit it off great. tall, dark hair, incredible stomach, really smart, driven. but she wasn't a great kisser. For me it's really a turn-off. bad kisser = goodbye.
Adidajs said:
it really does depend on the mood. sometimes it's hard and fast, sometimes soft, deep and sensual. most of the women i've kissed have been good kissers, but it's odd that the most beautiful ones are usually the worst kissers. I would think that h0t = experience = time to develop kissing ability, but not in my experience. take this girl, who we shall call, Tina. really beautiful. i thought we hit it off great. tall, dark hair, incredible stomach, really smart, driven. but she wasn't a great kisser. For me it's really a turn-off. bad kisser = goodbye.

uh... why didn't you teach her how to kiss better?
Obvious question but it needs to be asked.
For Girls = A peck on the lips. (No seriously, if you've dated tall people before, you really have to jump!)
For Guys = A big, gay, OMFG lets play with each others **** and **** all night passionate kiss of royal hotness
For Kerberos: no.

Anyway, Adidajs, I know exactly what you mean. There's this girl at my school, just absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. I thought she'd be amazing, but I found out the hard way that she's a really awkward f*ck. She was... like, it was like banging a little girl... D:

Anyway, Nat, when did you return? Welcome back!
Lol, i havn't kissed a girl since i was about 7 and that dosn't count :)
I havn't exactly been "normal" most of my life so i'm not suprised.
I kiss with my pensi!!!1111 :O
Nat Turner said:
uh... why didn't you teach her how to kiss better?
Obvious question but it needs to be asked.

i kissed a spider once. the hairs near its chelicerae felt like someone's unibrow
XANA said:
i kissed a spider once. the hairs near its chelicerae felt like someone's unibrow
Must have been a pretty big spider for it to feel like someones unibrow.
Tarantula or something?
actually, i was lucky enough to have found the thing. i think it was a goliath bird eating spider (either Theraphosa leblondi or Theraphosa blondi. i'm not sure which). after the "kiss", i made sure there were no urticating hairs on my lips, it took my an hour and a half, but there were none, thankfully. the hairs are almost invisible and hurt like a bitch when you don't remove them. i don't think she liked the amorous encounter, because when i connected lips with her, she made a threatning pose; she stook up two pairs of her front legs and showed me her fangs. it scared me so much, my mouth went ear-to-ear, and it probly looked like my mouth was as wide as joan rivers' mouth (google her, you'll see what i mean). yes, as you've probly guessed by now, i'm an entomologist.
no, I think you mean my huge, ONE-EYED SPIDER! Ok, nevermind.
yeah, just not funny. in fact, i've heard better jokes on "According to Jim". 5 points for me.