How do YOU kiss?

well, if that's true, i'm gonna celebrate YOUR happiness (notice that when you say the word "happiness" out loud, you say the word "penis") by making an OvA appreciation thread. he told me to and said that if i didn't, he'd 01110010 01100001 01110000 01100101 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110000 01100101 01110100 01110011. i'm just joking OvA, you'd never do that... would you?
oh, are you that guy who had OvA quotes in your sig? :|
yessiree! ooooohh... god, *shivers*. i felt so... old... an-and uncomfortable when i said that. i'm not gonna say that ever again. yessiree, for as long as i live (which may or may not be much longer), i shall never make a post using the Y-E-S-S-I-R-E-E word ever again!
I have cast a dark shadow over this thread. It is now slowly dying.
XANA said:
well, if that's true, i'm gonna celebrate YOUR happiness (notice that when you say the word "happiness" out loud, you say the word "penis") by making an OvA appreciation thread. he told me to and said that if i didn't, he'd 01110010 01100001 01110000 01100101 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110000 01100101 01110100 01110011. i'm just joking OvA, you'd never do that... would you?

Yessiree I would, and your little dog too.
short recoil said:
Lol, i havn't kissed a girl since i was about 7 and that dosn't count :)
I havn't exactly been "normal" most of my life so i'm not suprised.

fortunately there's no such thing as "normal"

act how you want, its your time

(yeah you probably know this :p )
Watch as you slowly decay. All you are doing is rotting away in your own filth. You must improve or be left in the dust. Do not be like the fool who is misguided by his feelings.
oh, god. what are you flapping your gums about now?

EDIT: OvA, i don't have a dog. but if you get near my plecostomus, i'll 155141154154141143145040171157165040167151164150040141040163150157145150157162156040141156144040163150157166145040141040142141156141156141040165160040171157165162055
Nat Turner said:
uh... why didn't you teach her how to kiss better?
Obvious question but it needs to be asked.

have YOU ever tried to teach someone how to kiss better? how about even bringing it up? do you realize how defensive people get?

"what? you think i'm a bad kisser?"

certain things you can teach in kissing, like i once kissed a girl i described as "torpedo girl" because it was like she was firing a torpedo in my mouth with her tongue. or when someone is trying to deep-throat you - you can just tell them to settle down. But there are certain things you can't really teach, like variance to kissing, or the angle one is taking to kiss the other person.

maybe there are no bad kissers, maybe it's just my preference. but i know what i like when i taste it. There are things in intimacy you should share with another person and make them aware of your preferences, but I maintain there are certain aspects of kissing you can't really teach. or at least i don't have patience to.
Adidajs said:
have YOU ever tried to teach someone how to kiss better? how about even bringing it up? do you realize how defensive people get?

"what? you think i'm a bad kisser?"

certain things you can teach in kissing, like i once kissed a girl i described as "torpedo girl" because it was like she was firing a torpedo in my mouth with her tongue. or when someone is trying to deep-throat you - you can just tell them to settle down. But there are certain things you can't really teach, like variance to kissing, or the angle one is taking to kiss the other person.

maybe there are no bad kissers, maybe it's just my preference. but i know what i like when i taste it. There are things in intimacy you should share with another person and make them aware of your preferences, but I maintain there are certain aspects of kissing you can't really teach. or at least i don't have patience to.

I urge you not to believe in the lies my fellow member. I hope your recreation of thought will come swiftly. Your mind set leaves you weak and open to attack. Improve and grow strong in mind. Only when this way has been eradicated can you know the truth.
madog said:
I urge you not to believe in the lies my fellow member. I hope your recreation of thought will come swiftly. Your mind set leaves you weak and open to attack. Improve and grow strong in mind. Only when this way has been eradicated can you know the truth.

Oh god he's going philosophical!!!

Adidajs said:
have YOU ever tried to teach someone how to kiss better? how about even bringing it up? do you realize how defensive people get?

"what? you think i'm a bad kisser?"

certain things you can teach in kissing, like i once kissed a girl i described as "torpedo girl" because it was like she was firing a torpedo in my mouth with her tongue. or when someone is trying to deep-throat you - you can just tell them to settle down. But there are certain things you can't really teach, like variance to kissing, or the angle one is taking to kiss the other person.

maybe there are no bad kissers, maybe it's just my preference. but i know what i like when i taste it. There are things in intimacy you should share with another person and make them aware of your preferences, but I maintain there are certain aspects of kissing you can't really teach. or at least i don't have patience to.
There are very much such things as bad kissers :|

But I guess it is very much down to what you like :)
ComradeBadger said:
But I guess it is very much down to what you like :)
Indeed. It's annoying when you're kissing someone and your, erm, preferences aren't along the same tracks. All good fun, but feels somewhat limited/frustrating.
And yes there are bad kissers - I remember kissing someone and the whole time thinking: "Wow, this is just horrible."
It wasn't a preference thing, it was a here's-the-whole-of-my-tongue-I-think-I'll-put-it-right-at-the-back-of-your-throat-and-leave-it-there thing. Ugh.
I shan't be repeating that experience again. Ever.

I've resisted making a joke about a "Glaswegian kiss" - I just needed to get that off my chest.
Anyway, Adidajs, I know exactly what you mean. There's this girl at my school, just absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. I thought she'd be amazing, but I found out the hard way that she's a really awkward f*ck. She was... like, it was like banging a little girl... D:


<smooches nightshade>

We should be loooovvvveeeerrrrrs, and thats a fact!

Now you chime in ... "We should be ..." ?
:| I did`nt realise so many of you were romancers :D
It saddens me to see how you all have been manipulated. Can't you see the hole you are burying yourselves in? It is not too late to change. Your feelings can only weigh you down and weaken you. Reverse your thought process and see the truth even if you must suffer in truth.
madog said:
It saddens me to see how you all have been manipulated. Can't you see the hole you are burying yourselves in? It is not too late to change. Your feelings can only weigh you down and weaken you. Reverse your thought process and see the truth even if you must suffer in truth.

yay, i believe in God now!
evil^milk said:
yay, i believe in God now!

This was not one of my motives. Interesting that it would have such an effect on you.
madog said:
This was not one of my motives. Interesting that it would have such an effect on you.

that's how i remembered you. what are your motives, if i may be so bold?
evil^milk said:
that's how i remembered you. what are your motives, if i may be so bold?

Of course brother, I will gladly inform. Simply to alert fellow members of the danger their human desires and feelings are causing them. It weakens them and leaves them vulnerable. I do not wish for them to decay in such a manner from vile human instinct.
madog said:
Of course brother, I will gladly inform. Simply to alert fellow members of the danger their human desires and feelings are causing them. It weakens them and leaves them vulnerable. I do not wish for them to decay in such a manner from vile human instinct.

brother, I applaud your earnest desire to refrain from that which taints, but I humbly maintain that "desires and feelings" cannot be avoided. We are human, after all. Maybe thou shalt eschew human contact - that which is more suited for the monastic life. If thou wish it, godspeed with your hermitic ascetism, but please do not proselytize here.
Adidajs said:
brother, I applaud your earnest desire to refrain from that which taints, but I humbly maintain that "desires and feelings" cannot be avoided. We are human, after all. Maybe thou shalt eschew human contact - that which is more suited for the monastic life. If thou wish it, godspeed with your hermitic ascetism, but please do not proselytize here.

No need for such. I am not trying to refer to my religion or imply it on any. The monastic life would probably not suit me. However, I am not exactly sure on this. I only try to teach based on what I have learned in this world. True we are all human, but the improvement of our being is well within our grasp. My ways may seem a bit... unorthadox... perhaps even cynical to some. I have only found my means of eradicating feelings as a solution to my previous life problems. Although it may result in what most would consider a half-baked solution because of the condition it has left me in, it has protected me from my own inward collapse. I apologize if my current state disturbs any fellow forum members.
Cooper said:
Kissing is just like making love, it depends on how you feel that day.

Any good kisser knows that you don't kiss the same way everytime. Sometimes its soft, slow and gentle, other times its more aggressive with tongue, etc. Also, don't just focus on the lips, girls like it on the ears, neck, under the chin, etc. Honestly, experimentation is the best part to figure out what your partner likes. Just remember no means no and to be safe. There is no harm in kissing but if you want to go further you had better be prepaired for the possible responsibilities and consequences.
thanks mom
B_MAN said:
thanks mom

HaHa! B_MAN. Don't listen to that fool's rambling. He is obviously lost. Cooper, your reaoning is not needed. One can simply reject those unecessary human feelings and avoid problems all together.
madog said:
HaHa! B_MAN. Don't listen to that fool's rambling. He is obviously lost. Cooper, your reaoning is not needed. One can simply reject those unecessary human feelings and avoid problems all together.

Unnecessary human feelings. Hrm

Some of the greatest feelings man can have. Love, intimacy, orgasm.
madog said:
HaHa! B_MAN. Don't listen to that fool's rambling. He is obviously lost. Cooper, your reaoning is not needed. One can simply reject those unecessary human feelings and avoid problems all together.

You remind me of Equilibrium..... So awesome movie....
It depends on the situation...IE if its a first/second date kiss you want to be very soft, slow, enjoy the money kind of kiss. If its making out a soft at first then a bit more agressive, grab their bottom lip with you teeth kind of stuff.

However its always different, it depends on the other person as well so things always remain interesting as the same old stuff gets rather boring...gotta spice it up!
man, first off this is a disgusting topisc. second, do you remember when you were like 12, and you would just kiss girls for HOURS, like a rediculous amount of time. and people still talked about 'bases'. man, long time...
rambler said:
man, first off this is a disgusting topisc. second, do you remember when you were like 12, and you would just kiss girls for HOURS, like a rediculous amount of time. and people still talked about 'bases'. man, long time...

How is it disgusting?

My base got torn apart by animals :(
"Hey, man! I just hit third base!"
"what is that, kissing on the lips with your eyes closed?"
This thread confuses me... what is this 'kissing' that you talk of? :( ;(