How Half-Life is really played

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Liam said:
UT04 can also be played very fast if played "properly" as you keep calling.

Agreed. UT04 is probably the "fastest" game today.
Actually, I;m the type of player who uses gauss very little.

Most good player uses every weapon.

Handgun kills in 3 shots at any range, pretty good gun if you ask me.

Magnum kills in one shot at any range.

MP5, 3 bullets or one nade.

and so on.

You don't think I know what skill is?

One of the best HLDM players in the world can't even bunnyhop.

Valve turned down the gauss long ago. They could have easily disabled gauss jumping if they wanted to.

But anyway, still yet to see anyone posting a server to play on. Any weapon you like :)
Shuzer said:
Certain guns (ie. the biggest, deagle and AWP) could be called from gun to gun using lastinv, and it'd bypass the entire readying animation, allowing weapons to be switched in a quarter of a second and fired immediately
Ok I thought thats what it was just wasn't sure. Lots of people used it with the DE-AWP and make multiple shots with the AWP really fast.
Who cares? You're all losers for trying to argue street cred on being 'good' at playing a game -- if you actually practice playing an entertainment product, you're pathetic and can't play sports in real life, in my opinion.

Geeks should stay geeks, not try to actually convince people they have talent pointing a mouse.
outpost233 said:
Ok I thought thats what it was just wasn't sure. Lots of people used it with the DE-AWP and make multiple shots with the AWP really fast.

Yep.. that was really the last straw for me when they "fixed it." I haven't played daily since that update.. but CS is still fun once in awhile
handgun in three shots? what, are they all headshots and the guy has 2 health or something?
Shuzer said:
Yep.. that was really the last straw for me when they "fixed it." I haven't played daily since that update.. but CS is still fun once in awhile
I stopped playing after 1.3. It just didn't feel the same and was more boring and less fun.
Eternity said:
Who cares? You're all losers for trying to argue street cred on being 'good' at playing a game -- if you actually practice playing an entertainment product, you're pathetic and can't play sports in real life, in my opinion.

Geeks should stay geeks, not try to actually convince people they have talent pointing a mouse.

This is the stupidest post in this whole thread. Complete flame bait.

The same could be said for "real" sports (and, while we're at it, could you define "real sports" for me? :)). What, people can't have hobbies and be proud of being good at them?

Are professional race car drivers "geeks" because they're only "good" at moving a wheel and pushing pedals? no? I didn't think so.
[KIA]Stig said:
But anyway, still yet to see anyone posting a server to play on. Any weapon you like :)

Stig, I don't think you understand that no one here is doubting your ability in HLDM, it's just that your attitude is horrible.
theotherguy said:
handgun in three shots? what, are they all headshots and the guy has 2 health or something?

standard bullet does 12 dammage

headshot does tripple that which makes 36

3 x 36 = 108

= dead person
[KIA]Stig said:
still slow compared to HLDM

Then you haven’t played it at a competitive level.

Basically there isn't any point in you being here apart from to brag about being (apparently) good at a game.

I'm leaving the thread now because it's pointless.

Let's just agree that you would beat me in HLDM because I don't play it, and I would beat you in UT04 because, (apparently) you don't play it.
[KIA]Stig said:
standard bullet does 12 dammage

headshot does tripple that which makes 36

3 x 36 = 108

= dead person
Where did you get this info? Last i knew it all depended where you shot them, and I think its two head shots with the magnum to kill them.
Six Three said:
Stig, I don't think you understand that no one here is doubting your ability in HLDM, it's just that your attitude is horrible.

I don't give a shit about my attitude.

This is the internet, I don't give a shit about what people think of me on the net, won't ever meet you, so makes no difference.

Just wanted to show you all how HL CAN be since you're all so kean on HL2, I thought you'd at least like to see how interesting HL1 CAN be
outpost233 said:
Where did you get this info? Last i knew it all depended where you shot them, and I think its two head shots with the magnum to kill them.

I haven't played HLDM in a coon's age, but I know for a fact that one magnum shot to the head kills an enemy
[KIA]Stig said:
Just wanted to show you all how HL CAN be since you're all so kean on HL2, I thought you'd at least like to see how interesting HL1 CAN be

But, you're arguing oranges vs apples here.

Most people I've ever talk to don't herald HL as the best FPS ever because of the MP. Infact, most people I know don't play HLDM, and if they have, find it too much of the same as other games.

HL gained fame because of its SP, and the mods. Most people didn't really care about HLDM
outpost233 said:
Where did you get this info? Last i knew it all depended where you shot them, and I think its two head shots with the magnum to kill them.

get this info???

play the game!

one body shot from 9mm brings you to 88 hp, which is 12 dammage

Magnum kills in one headshot so long as enemy doesn't have armour
Shuzer said:
I haven't played HLDM in a coon's age, but I know for a fact that one magnum shot to the head kills an enemy
Maybe your right. I played it a couple of days ago and I thought i hit them in the head with it, but maybe it hit their neck or chest.
Shuzer said:
But, you're arguing oranges vs apples here.

Most people I've ever talk to don't herald HL as the best FPS ever because of the MP. Infact, most people I know don't play HLDM, and if they have, find it too much of the same as other games.

HL gained fame because of its SP, and the mods. Most people didn't really care about HLDM

Which is the point, it's nothing like any other game ever made if you see how it CAN be played

Jeeze, like talking to brick walls in ere
outpost233 said:
Maybe your right. I played it a couple of days ago and I thought i hit them in the head with it, but maybe it hit their neck or chest.

Stig's stats are for enemies without armor, so..
[KIA]Stig said:
Which is the point, it's nothing like any other game ever made if you see how it CAN be played

Jeeze, like talking to brick walls in ere

But, you're missing the point. No one cares about HLDM here. And those that do, are in the minority. No one wants to play through HL SP with gauss jumping and bunny hopping, that'd be no fun

Edit: I really should edit posts and add my replies, being lazy.. my bad
Shuzer said:
Stig's stats are for enemies without armor, so..
Thats probably why then. Also this is my last post for this topic because it seems like its just going to turn into one long flame war. Also stig I private messaged you.
[KIA]Stig said:
Anyone actually download one of those movies yet lol?

No one cares enough about HLDM to do so (in this thread)

Which is again my point.. people are looking forward to HL2 because of it's SP, not MP. No one even knows what HL2's MP is at this point.
Can a mod close this thread now? Its run its course and this is only going to turn into a bigger flame war.

P.S: Can someone make Shuzer a mod? He's on this forum more then any other mod?
[KIA]Stig said:
Anyone actually download one of those movies yet lol?

nah, fileplanet sucks. And I didn't bother to look at the others cause I don't like being screamed at in German :(
Shuzer said:
But, you're missing the point. No one cares about HLDM here. And those that do, are in the minority. No one wants to play through HL SP with gauss jumping and bunny hopping, that'd be no fun

Edit: I really should edit posts and add my replies, being lazy.. my bad

Sure it would :E

Would be rape :D

Yes I do see your point, which is why I'm not discussing single player but mp.

And yes, I completed HL single player on hard, with no cheats, no gaussjumping in a couple of hours.

Anyway, the AVI links are there for people who might be interested.

I'll just go back to the stone I crawled from under if no1 cares ;)
Fair enough. You're not a bad guy, people just tend to overreact to certain types of threads.

I'm sure there are some here who care, but as far as I can tell, people that have posted thus far aren't really into HLDM. It's cool that you are, though.
[KIA]Stig said:
Anyone actually download one of those movies yet lol?
Too big of a file to download just for the sake of a bad experience. Im am not even remotely interested and if I am going to use my time downloading a large video I will download one I will enjoy. Im sure its cool and all if you are interested in HLDM, but I just never got into it. Maybe I will try it like you suggest sometime, but not today.
also, people take you more seriously when you arent a jerk to them
Six Three said:
nah, fileplanet sucks. And I didn't bother to look at the others cause I don't like being screamed at in German :(

rofl, spend all this time calling me a noob and acting like you know more about the game and won't even download the movie or play.

Don't bother posting if you're just a moron
[KIA]Stig said:
rofl, spend all this time calling me a noob and acting like you know more about the game and won't even download the movie or play.

Don't bother posting if you're just a moron

Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. :D
Calling people names isn't appreciated here.. if you want people to take you seriously, don't do so :cheers:
slicktick said:
Too big of a file to download just for the sake of a bad experience. Im am not even remotely interested and if I am going to use my time downloading a large video I will download one I will enjoy. Im sure its cool and all if you are interested in HLDM, but I just never got into it. Maybe I will try it like you suggest sometime, but not today.
also, people take you more seriously when you arent a jerk to them

Fair enough.

I've played every good FPS game ever released, bar UT2004 which i'm buying on friday and no game has ever come close to how HLDM is played at a high level.

Just wanted to show people why I thought about the game as I thought a "HL community" might have had an interest.

If not, nevermind, as I said, I'll go back to the stone a crawled from under and might see you in HL2 MP ;)
Six Three said:
Stig, I don't think you understand that no one here is doubting your ability in HLDM, it's just that your attitude is horrible.'r being very annoying and I find it very stupid that you've come on to just to bost about how awsome you are. You really have a bad attitude about the whole thing. You don't need to prove how good you are to us. Just prove it too the people you play against, thats all you need to do.
Not trying to prove anything about myself, trying to prove something about the game.
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