How Half-Life is really played

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Again, I'm not advocating against HLDM bunny hopping, but, if it was deemed a bug in CS, as was the quickswitch, shouldn't BH be deemed a bug in HLDM?

Than again, I'm being a stickler -- I hate some changes they've put forth in CS, so I'm all for them leaving HLDM the way it is if all the HLDM players are satisfied with it :)
Shuzer said:
But bunnyhopping in PK isn't a trick.. it's just timed jumps

If it was intended in HL, they'd list it in the manual, and you wouldn't have to bob your view back and forth while using momentum to gain speed

Yeah, that's what I intended to communicate.
SMT said:
Yeah, that's what I intended to communicate.

I can't remember what you said, but I was either replying to emphasize your point, or argue with you because I misunderstood :D
Shuzer said:
I can't remember what you said, but I was either replying to emphasize your point, or argue with you because I misunderstood :D

Meh, doesn't matter. Who's hungry?
Fishlore said:
LOL. I just remembered all the kids are out of school for the summer so these attitudes aren't surprising.

I'm not a kid, sorry to disappoint you.

I compete in real sports in real life.

Yes, me too.

I mean there has to be a forum somewhere filled with pimply, 300 lb adolescent kids that might actually care about your skills.

Not every gamer is 300 lb pimply face. I know many intelligent beautiful and adult persons that can appreciate skill in multiplayer games. And last but not least some people make lots of money from e-games.

And yes I'm sorry if I was too rough, but I have to release some steam here sometimes or I end up wrestling with my dog ;) .
Ive played HL online since it was first released (never did finish the single player after I discovered online gaming) and played in all the HLCCL leagues that have been run since the first one at the start of 1999 and can honestly say that the way the game plays now is nothing like it was played back then ........ people perfecting gauss skim, air movement and bunny hopping has made the game play very very fast. ....... but the fact that it takes quite some time to perfect these skills is one of the reasons why people are still playing it nearly 6 years after it was first released.
Warbie said:
Good point.

If ppl don't like bunny hoping then they shouldn't play games that have it as a feature (that's what I do) It's different to trick jumping, but the principle is the same. If it's part of the game then embrace it or bugger off :)

wich is why i play BF1942+mods and BF:V+mods.

*plus soldner at the moment*

you will notice a complete lack of "I R teh elee7 fuxorz wi my ub3r buI\Iny h0pP3r!ng!1!!!!1!one!!1!11!two!!!!!" in those games.

*thats not directed towards the the person i quoted*
I like the DoD "Stamina" system, that pretty much eradicates all bunnyhopping.
I would prefer a system that prevents jumping for say, 0.5 of a second after you last jump. Makes a whole lot more sense than the ridiculous CS system, and the "200kg man" system that DoD has.
The Dod system can be aggrivating, it sort of overcompensates at times. I would like to try a system like you described, and see how it works.
Frosty207 said:
The Dod system can be aggrivating, it sort of overcompensates at times. I would like to try a system like you described, and see how it works.

There is a UT2004 mod called Red Orchestra that has a 1 second delay in between jumping. It is a realism WWII mod and you walk extremely slow, and you breathe really hard after running for a short time. The battles can sometimes be slowly paced because of this, but there is nothing like sitting prone in a 5 story building across the map and having a German soldier run out into the open while you snipe him and he ragdolls. Man that mod rules.
12 pages of HL2 fans getting rid of pressure, wow I wish the time for the game came already :)
RO does indeed own, one of the best mods to come out this year.
Dilbert said:
Ive played HL online since it was first released (never did finish the single player after I discovered online gaming) and played in all the HLCCL leagues that have been run since the first one at the start of 1999 and can honestly say that the way the game plays now is nothing like it was played back then ........ people perfecting gauss skim, air movement and bunny hopping has made the game play very very fast. ....... but the fact that it takes quite some time to perfect these skills is one of the reasons why people are still playing it nearly 6 years after it was first released.


That's what makes online gaming great. The experience evolves as players become more familiar with the engine, and there's always more to learn and improve upon.

Not being a HL DM fan, it sounds like it has progressed passed what the developers originally intended (just as it did in Q3 and , to a lesser extent, ET and RTCW), which is great. I'm sure HL DM was fine back in 1999 ......... but had nothing changed the exierience/challenge would have probably become very stale and boring by now.

People who moan about these 'exploits' really don't have a clue. They're certainly not cheats, and can add years of entertainment to a title.
ScopeD said:
I'm not a kid, sorry to disappoint you.

Yes, me too.

Not every gamer is 300 lb pimply face. I know many intelligent beautiful and adult persons that can appreciate skill in multiplayer games. And last but not least some people make lots of money from e-games.

And yes I'm sorry if I was too rough, but I have to release some steam here sometimes or I end up wrestling with my dog ;) .

I wouldn't call that rough at all.

I never said all gamers are pimply and 300 Lbs. I never said most were, I never said some were. I said that there might be a forum of them somewhere that might actually care about the amazing skills you guys have. I'd imagine you'd have to be a pretty sheltered person to care about MP stats. Call me crazy but this Half Life 2 community, the community that is interested in Half Life 2, doesn't seem overly interested in HLDM. Maybe another community does care.

The school comment was more directed at the mature young lad that started this thread. I accidentally placed that comment after the quote. Your response wasn't childish like some of his were. Having said that, and not directing this comment towards you, I'd rather listen to a child acting like a child than an adult acting like a child.
to be fair fishlore I think that Stig of the dump who started this thread is a least mentally!
Is any moderator going to lock this thread or not?

The thing is, Stig, nobody here likes a bragger/boaster/whatchamacallit.
As for the rest of it, the MP player games are what they are. I know that sounds stupid but what I mean is; whatever abilities/exploits (all comes down to perspective, for instance I've been accused of cheating at CS because of walking and listening!) are available, are there, and no end of bitchin and whining will get them changed (unless they're blatant cheats-old CS shield bug etc.). So ANY gamers can use them or LEARN to use them.
It's then just a matter of choice as to whether or not you use them. And lets face it, if you just use the one tactic over and over, then unless you're up against morons you're gonna get killed a lot :sniper:
this is the kinda shit that makes the HL.exe community look like CRAP...
if i didn't enjoy the games so much i would hack and cheat just to piss off ppl that act so high and mighty cuz they get a flying headshot or what-the-f-ever.... seriously... GET A CLUE... NO ONE CARES BUT YOU (and maybe your brother)
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