How Half-Life is really played

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"Team Fortress Done Extreme 2" was a good video to watch. I think it will pwn j00r s0x, and once you phw33l d4 phw4c3 you will be bored of hldm.
TF as in quake TF by the way.
The statement about the internet "not being real" is probably the most ignorant statement I have ever heard.

Seriousely though, where are the mods? Are you guys enjoying this flamefest :p?

Anyways, it's a nice site, with a lot of good movies.
Btw, check out the TFC section, if you like fast paced action :D
Stig, having a small penis is ok, really, it's nothing to be ashamed of. When you're grown up you can have surgery or something.
What's the point of this thread? What are those files, videos of HL pwnage?
Seppo said:
What's the point of this thread? What are those files, videos of HL pwnage?

They're just some dude jumping around sniping people that he hired to be in his video...
Strange huh...bhop should only be possible on Q1/Q2 engine's, unless it's implemented...and since the Source engine is totally different... :eek: :eek:
Six Three said:
They're just some dude jumping around sniping people that he hired to be in his video...
Whatever you say/think, the guy has superb aim and reflexes, so no need to minimise his efforts, no matter how you feel about it.
Uhh, are you supposed to be posting things like that?
Ok, I think the guy finally left (only took hime 3 or 4 tries), so this thread should be closed now.

Talk about an ego freak.
Okay I think I got little pissed off here. Is this forum only for noobs? Are there only noobs in here cause it seems like it when you're all judging Stig, stop, right now. He knows better than you ( a wild guess, haven't seen the video yet) but I too consider myself hardboiled gamer just like he and it pisses me off every time when I see bunch of noobs telling some pro-gamer how to play. They play the freaking game better than you, is it so hard to accept? Train six years and then speak. Thanks.
ScopeD said:
Okay I think I got little pissed off here. Is this forum only for noobs? Are there only noobs in here cause it seems like it when you're all judging Stig, stop, right now. He knows better than you ( a wild guess, haven't seen the video yet) but I too consider myself hardboiled gamer just like he and it pisses me off every time when I see bunch of noobs telling some pro-gamer how to play. They play the freaking game better than you, is it so hard to accept? Train six years and then speak. Thanks.

The issue here is that Stig (and now you) are taking a subjective assessment and treating it as a fact. He will very likely end up with a higher number of kills (or a better kill/death ratio) than me on a Half-Life deathmatch server, but I'm not sure how one can make the leap from that to saying that he plays the game better. Making that leap, and treating those who refuse to make it as inferior, is not a very good way to make one's point.

For example, I'm a very good engineer in TFC. I keep my team's armor in excellent repair. I can build a sentry gun at the beginning of the round and maintain it until the end. It's not uncommon for me to get three frags at once with an EMP grenade. Anyone who manages to kill me usually gets killed themselves within a few seconds, either by my sentry gun or by an EMP. I can infiltrate bases with ease and, even when I die, I manage to move the flag closer to capture for a more capable medic or scout teammate.

Even though I've been playing TFC for four years, and even though I'm a good competitive player (with no clan affiliation), I don't flaunt it, and I humbly recognize that this does not make my opinion any more right or valid than that of another gamer. Far from being aloof, I participate in discussions, play cooperatively, and generally endeavor to be a nice guy. That's something that nobody needs six years of experience to do. That's something you can't learn like gauss jumping or bunny hopping. And that's something that Stig has not exhibited here.
I can bet he is from another forum that doesn't like this community and he decided to come here to get everyone riled up so he can have some fun with his internet buddies, of course seeing as how the internet isn't real its obviously a stupid thing to do.

I also think this forum needs a moderator from North America to ensure its covered when the rest of the moderators are asleep. Shuzer anyone? :D
ScopeD said:
Okay I think I got little pissed off here. Is this forum only for noobs? Are there only noobs in here cause it seems like it when you're all judging Stig, stop, right now. He knows better than you ( a wild guess, haven't seen the video yet) but I too consider myself hardboiled gamer just like he and it pisses me off every time when I see bunch of noobs telling some pro-gamer how to play. They play the freaking game better than you, is it so hard to accept? Train six years and then speak. Thanks.

LOL. I just remembered all the kids are out of school for the summer so these attitudes aren't surprising.

I'm a noob, I'll embrace that moniker with open arms. I bet everyone here can beat me in HLDM. I've never played it and never plan to. I'm here for HL2 SP and that's it. I can't stand MP games. I compete in real sports in real life. You could be the #1 video game player in the world and that would mean absolutely nothing to me. In fact I'd laugh at you.

I haven't "trained" for six years. Haha train, that's a good one. If that makes me a noob, excellent. I mean there has to be a forum somewhere filled with pimply, 300 lb adolescent kids that might actually care about your skills.
The Mullinator said:
I can bet he is from another forum that doesn't like this community and he decided to come here to get everyone riled up so he can have some fun with his internet buddies, of course seeing as how the internet isn't real its obviously a stupid thing to do.

Yes he is from another forum, but it certainly aint a community that dislikes this place, theres many people (me included) that are members of the HLCCL community where we play the original HL that are also members here.
Dilbert said:
Yes he is from another forum, but it certainly aint a community that dislikes this place, theres many people (me included) that are members of the HLCCL community where we play the original HL that are also members here.
I hadn't read the whole thread, I was just going by his attitude and by my own personal experience with people acting like him. Usually they are part of another community that doesn't like us so they come over here trying to make us look bad.

Its good to know thats not the case though, sorry if I offended anyone from hlccl. :eek: :cheers:
Gauss jumping is an exploit and should be taken out?
It's a skill, something that you have to practice to get good at. It's not just something you script and bam you've mastered it.

Oh, and if gauss jumping is an exploit then I guess rocket jumping back in the early days of quake was an exploit too? Give me a break...

Bunnyhopping imo isn't an exploit, at least not anymore. When you could go through an entire level at the speed of light, yea I guess that was unbalanced (even though it was fun), but when Valve limited it to 169% normal speed that made it perfectly fair game. It's there so the people skilled enough to do it (it's not that hard either...) CAN do it, but at a reasonable speed. If Valve didn't "intend" on having bhop around, then why didn't they just remove like CS had done?

Remember people, just because you can't do something doesn't mean it's a cheat.

And Stig, just because you whore a game and got some skill in it doesn't mean you should go out challenging random people like an ego-inflated idiot. Honestly, nobody cares.
The Mullinator said:
I hadn't read the whole thread, I was just going by his attitude and by my own personal experience with people acting like him. Usually they are part of another community that doesn't like us so they come over here trying to make us look bad.

Its good to know thats not the case though, sorry if I offended anyone from hlccl. :eek: :cheers:

No offence taken, we have had to give stiglet a slap every now and again over at HLCCL when he gets a bit carried away but he is quite young (was very young when the game came out) and feels passionately about the game so some of its understandable.

One of the main monkees who run this site is ex HLCCL btw, although he may not wish to admit to it :)
SilentDark said:
Bunnyhopping imo isn't an exploit, at least not anymore. When you could go through an entire level at the speed of light, yea I guess that was unbalanced (even though it was fun), but when Valve limited it to 169% normal speed that made it perfectly fair game. It's there so the people skilled enough to do it (it's not that hard either...) CAN do it, but at a reasonable speed. If Valve didn't "intend" on having bhop around, then why didn't they just remove like CS had done?

VALVe never successfully removed bunny hopping from CS, even when they supposedely patched it out in 1.3, people were still able to do it.

I subscribe to the theory that VALVe put the pause after jumping in because they were unable to completely remove bunny hopping.. of course, I have no evidence to back this up, but I do know they were unsuccessful in stopping BHing, even after they claimed it was removed.
Well then, if Valve didn't "intend" the game to be played the way it is now (talking HLDM, TFC, etc...) then why isn't there a pause after jumping? And why isn't the speed cap at something along the lines of 101%?
SilentDark said:
Well then, if Valve didn't "intend" the game to be played the way it is now (talking HLDM, TFC, etc...) then why isn't there a pause after jumping? And why isn't the speed cap at something along the lines of 101%?

If they really intended to put bunny hopping in the damn game, they'd tell you how to do it in the manual. PWNT.
Bhop wasn't around back then. It was something that was discovered later on, just like rocketjumping, concjumping (TFC), skiing (Tribes) etc...

Was rocketjumping in the quake manuals? No. PWNT.

And you're missing the point. The spec hack, the script that gave you other class's weapons in TFC, various other engine bugs, these were all REMOVED from the game. Bhop WASN'T REMOVED. It's still around but with a limit. It's like your parents telling you it's okay to go out partying at night, but you gotta be home by 1.

*sigh* There's always going to be some group that argue against something just because they don't like it. Like the KKK.
SilentDark said:
Bhop wasn't around back then. It was something that was discovered later on, just like rocketjumping, concjumping (TFC), skiing (Tribes) etc...

Was rocketjumping in the quake manuals? No. PWNT.

Bunny hopping has been around since the beginning of HL.. it was a bug in the Quake engine, and it carried over to HL when they rewrote large portions for HL
[KIA]Stig said:
I don't give a shit about my attitude.

This is the internet, I don't give a shit about what people think of me on the net, won't ever meet you, so makes no difference.

This should have been closed right after that post. Clearly this guy has no respect for this (or any) forum, or any of the people on it. Someone who believes that can only be expected to flame and be flamed.

As far as the "skill vs exploit" debate goes, I see no harm in people playing the way this guy does, so long as it's with other people who want to play the same way. Clearly there is no honor in picking someone off, who has no clue why or how people are flying around all over the place, in a fraction of a second, no matter how much skill or practice the method required. So if you're a bunny hopper, a gauss jumper, or uber-skilled-whatever, by all means enjoy your method of gaming among others who play similarly, but don't come looking for praise outside that group, or you will likely be met with hostility. ESPECIALLY if you have an attitude about as nice as a donkey's butt hole. By all means play a game for six years straight and master every possible maneuver and tactic, but don't think it makes you any more important than anyone else.
It wasn't nearly as popular as it is now. Don't tell me that the first day HL was released you went on a server and saw people bunnyhopping and gauss jumping around the map... This was discovered and implemented gradually.

Tell me, have you ever heard of chophopping?
SilentDark said:
It wasn't nearly as popular as it is now. Don't tell me that the first day HL was released you went on a server and saw people bunnyhopping and gauss jumping around the map... This was discovered and implemented gradually.

Tell me, have you ever heard of chophopping?

I never said it was there on day one.

As for chophopping, I've never heard that specific term. A quick google search, and I knew what it was and have heard of it. I'd just never heard of the nickname
Rupertvdb said:
what was that map Moto? It looked a bit like Mario Bros!

It's called Mario_air. It's great fun to play on except for the crossbow people.
It's not removed from HLDM/TFC because people are used to it. It is a bug, but it's become an accepted part of the game. If they removed, it, the 10 people still playing HLDM would complain and there's really no harm in leaving it in.

Now, if it's in HL2, you'll know they like it and want it in. But IIRC, the Valve thread indicates that it will NOT be in.
Can I just say that I am fairly disgusted at the way you people are treating the new member!! :(

I mean ffs, what has he done to annoy you now!?!?!

Calm the **** down ok!?

I mean, he might have posted some silly things, but not before you lot jumped down his throat tbh
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Can I just say that I am fairly disgusted at the way you people are treating the new member!! :(

I mean ffs, what has he done to annoy you now!?!?!

Calm the **** down ok!?

I direct your attention to this thread. He posted that about an hour before this one, as that other one railroaded and closed fairly fast.
But HL dm sux ;)

I've got no problem with 'exploits' tho. The beauty of online games is that it's us, the players, who determine how games are played. It has nothing to do with how the developers intended us to behave - and thank god for that.

Q3, RTCW, ET all benefit greatly from trickjumping :) ........ to take it away would detract from the experience greatly. (not too mention reducing the tactical options available in clan matches. Without trickjumping the game just be more boring)
Warbie said:
But HL dm sux ;)

I've got no problem with 'exploits' tho. The beauty of online games is that it's us, the players, who determine how games are played. It has nothing to do with how the developers intended us to behave - and thank god for that.

Q3, RTCW, ET all benefit greatly from trickjumping :) ........ to take it away would detract from the experience greatly. (not too mention reducing the tactical options available in clan matches. Without trickjumping the game just be more boring)

On a similar note, while bunnyhopping is generally considered taboo in some games, in others it's a documented feature. Bunnyhopping is mentioned in the manual for Painkiller as a feature of the game, and it's absolutely necessary to bunnyhop to get all the secrets in certain levels. Not to mention to evade the hordes and hordes of enemies chasing you constantly. :)
Good point.

If ppl don't like bunny hoping then they shouldn't play games that have it as a feature (that's what I do) It's different to trick jumping, but the principle is the same. If it's part of the game then embrace it or bugger off :)
SMT said:
On a similar note, while bunnyhopping is generally considered taboo in some games, in others it's a documented feature. Bunnyhopping is mentioned in the manual for Painkiller as a feature of the game, and it's absolutely necessary to bunnyhop to get all the secrets in certain levels. Not to mention to evade the hordes and hordes of enemies chasing you constantly. :)

But bunnyhopping in PK isn't a trick.. it's just timed jumps

If it was intended in HL, they'd list it in the manual, and you wouldn't have to bob your view back and forth while using momentum to gain speed
Heh.. the whole evolution of modern man is based upon stumbling upon 'exploits' in nature, science, math..etc. These happy accidents and bugs that people run across, find fun, and push into a whole new style of gameplay are just the sort of things developers should pay attention to. A smart developer creates the ingredients for interesting scenarios, and fun gameplay, but once it gets into the hands of the players, it becomes something they somewhat lose control of. A dictator attitude toward 'how the game should be played' has the potential to kill it's full ability to evolve. Basically, there should be a good balance between controll, and freedom, when trying to 'grow' a good game. I, personally, would hate to see HLDM lose the special 'exploits' that have made it unique. Then again, who knows what HL2 has instore for us. Maybe the game of HLDM as I know it, would be best advanced in mod form, like AG or HLE. It depends on how the old style of HLDM clashes or melds with the new HL2DM.
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