How Half-Life is really played

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[KIA]Stig said:
Not trying to prove anything about myself, trying to prove something about the game.

No one asked you to.
No1 asked anyone to post the threads they do on forums. They do it because they want to.

Got anymore silly posts?
Anyway, I'm outta here. Have fun with HL2 everyone!

Please watch at least one AVI ;)

[KIA]Stig said:
No1 asked anyone to post the threads they do on forums. They do it because they want to.

Got anymore silly posts?

Okay, here's one:


You say your interest is in promoting Half-Life deathmatch, but your first thread is called "How many of you can actually play Half-Life properly?" Sorry, that's bullshit. Your interest is in promoting videos of yourself showing off and nothing more. And don't talk like you care about the community here, either; have you commented on any threads other than the two you started? Have you contributed any ideas, valid or invalid, other than "the proper way to play Half-Life is bunny hopping, gauss jumping, and acting bellicose on internet forums"? No, I submit you have not. You get zero points with me, and the more you post the less I care. Three eye rolls for you. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Thank god he finally left. That was like trying to explain to a 3 year old why he can't go outside and play naked in front of the old man in the raincoat...
Could say the same about the people here ;)

Funny thing is, I understand everything perfectly, now shush :)

My initials are SMT :E

btw, only one out of about 50 AVIs on that page actually has me in it for about 10 seconds. So err, good argument!!!
Stig pull the stick out of your ass, you are no better than the rest of us. People like you piss me off.
Jeez - you've been here for 5 minutes and you're acting like you own the place.

And you wonder why people are put off by your attitude...

That was to Stig - not the above poster :)
theotherguy said:
dude, you are really starting to piss me off. bunny hopping and guass hopping are NOT THE WAY HLDM IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED.

I seriously hope that the gauss jumping is taken out of HL2DM, because frankly, it's just dumb. please, please don't come here and tell us we all suck because we don't exploit the game engine using far outbalanced crap like that.

HLDM is meant to be played running around, using multiple weapons, and jumping only to get to higher ledges and such (gauss recoil should only be used to stop yourself from dying from a fall) this is how valve INTENDED the game to be played, as you can see, the way valve INTENDED is the right way, not the crap you are doing. you are NOT skilled at HLDM if you do this, you are a disgrace to the game itself and are nothing more than an exploiter.

Guass jumping will be taken out of the HL2...
read one of my earlier posts:

I don't give a shit about what people think.

This is the internet, it isn't real, I don't know you and never will!
PatPwnt said:
Guass jumping will be taken out of the HL2...

Says.. who?

[KIA]Stig said:
read one of my earlier posts:

I don't give a shit about what people think.

This is the internet, it isn't real, I don't know you and never will!

Right. The internet is fake. You're not conversing with people at all in any which way. Next thing I know, you'll be saying the telephone is fake, so is writing normal letters, any forms of communication other than face to face are fake?
Shuzer said:
Says.. who?

Right. The internet is fake. You're not conversing with people at all in any which way. Next thing I know, you'll be saying the telephone is fake, so is writing normal letters, any forms of communication other than face to face are fake?

just trust me :D
PatPwnt said:
Guass jumping will be taken out of the HL2...

How you know this for sure?

The gauss in the AVIs certainly to seem to act in the same way as current gauss.

Anyway, a MOD can alwyas be created to put it back in :)

And if not, wouldn't bother me. Quite happy to mp5/nade, snap shot bow and RPG just as well as I do now.

Longjump is another interest though. Would be a shame for them to remove that :(

Anyone know anything about Longjump in HL2?
PatPwnt said:
just trust me :D

Uhm, there's only one possible thing you COULD be referring to. And, I know from first hand experience that you are wrong.

Anyhow, don't bring stolen build information into this thread :|

[KIA]Stig said:
Anyone know anything about Longjump in HL2?

That's a good question.. time to e-mail Rick! :D
[KIA]Stig said:
Anyone know anything about Longjump in HL2?

There have been a couple threads discussing this. Use the search function, like other participating forum members, community man. Three more eye rolls! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Shuzer said:
Says.. who?

Right. The internet is fake. You're not conversing with people at all in any which way. Next thing I know, you'll be saying the telephone is fake, so is writing normal letters, any forms of communication other than face to face are fake?

Lol are you american or something?

Don't understand english?

Saying it's not real meaning, my 'relationship' whatever you'd like to call it isn't real. You know nothing about me.

But if the internet is the only way you actually talk to people and make "friends" well then thats your choice
[KIA]Stig said:
Lol are you american or something?

Don't understand english?

Saying it's not real meaning, my 'relationship' whatever you'd like to call it isn't real. You know nothing about me.

But if the internet is the only way you actually talk to people and make "friends" well then thats your choice

*Sniff, sniff*

What's that smell? Oh yeah, its arrogance...
[KIA]Stig said:
read one of my earlier posts:

I don't give a shit about what people think.

This is the internet, it isn't real, I don't know you and never will!

It's called respecting the community must get picked last for sport at school and this is way you think you get revenge.
[KIA]Stig said:
Lol are you american or something?

Don't understand english?

Saying it's not real meaning, my 'relationship' whatever you'd like to call it isn't real. You know nothing about me.

But if the internet is the only way you actually talk to people and make "friends" well then thats your choice

I understand English. I also understand that your definition of real is improper. This is really no different than conversing with someone at say, a bar, for a short period of time. The communication/relationship is real, but it is short lived and the chances of a friendship forming are pretty low.

So, if you're implying that a friendship between myself and you is unlikely to occur, than I would agree. Highly.
[KIA]Stig said:
Anyway, I'm outta here. Have fun with HL2 everyone!

Please watch at least one AVI ;)


You posted this an hour ago. Honour your word. Please.
[KIA]Stig said:
read one of my earlier posts:

I don't give a shit about what people think.

This is the internet, it isn't real, I don't know you and never will!

If you dont give a shit what people think, then why post a topic on a forum in which people voice their opinions and thoughts? If you truly did not care, then you would not have bothered to post. Your contradictions and half-witted attempts to downplay your arrogance are amazing.
I suggest a crowbar duel.... crowbars at 200 paces - saves alot of time.
Stig... ty for showing us how the better players play. But just don't think you are far more superior than us because you are a "better" player. All men are created equal! PWNT
I hardly ever post here, but felt the need to do so now. From my experience with HLDM, I find it very annoying when the Gauss gun is used in conjunction with the Crossbow. I played a map about a month ago and became extremely bored and amused at the ignorance of the players. Every time I would respawn the following would occur:

1.) Instantly die from a sniping/camping/exploiter.
2.) Remarkably survive and confront the aformentioned, but end up losing due to the player Gauss jumping and then picking me off with the Crossbow.

This is not skill. I do not give a damn if you can currently do it or whether or not VALVe has/has not decided to patch it. The majority of the community dictates(or should) the style for which the game is played. And when I state style, I am referring to the absolute primitive method of weapon utilization. It should be noted that the Gauss effect that VALVe instuted in the game was not only expected, but unscripted as well. For example, the player can instantly annihilate an opponent with the Gauss if a func_wall(or any other brush-based entity) seperates the two. VALVe knew this when they released the game, but decided not to acknowlede it. Perhaps they were brash in doing so, but unfortunetely the community didn't help. Both sides have the rather dubious task of cordinating the needs of the players that reside on any given server. Don't try to generalize or enclose the two concepts into one.

Back to my story...I asked the server admin. to temporarily delay the time between weapon/ammo respawn. I found the game to be much more enjoyable and balanced. Not only did players focus on conserving ammo, they realized that constantly guarding a particular weapon location would just result in death. With this action instituted, I firmly believe everyone had a much more positive experience. I know some of you will take the stance or perhaps reflect my view as being inexperienced, but that is not the case. Believe you me, I am not jaded and understand both sides of the delema...but most of you cannot comprehend the complexity of the situation. Many factors contribute and your play style should coinside to the basic values of the game or the community you cooperate with. If you use exploits, then don't ***** at the players who don't...or vice a versa.

The bottom line should be rather obvious. Half-Life Deathmatch is loaded with flaws, most of which were left to be exploited. VALVe Software put faith in the community to work out the problems(purposely or unintentionally is not up for debate). With time, as represented in todays community, two factions exist(anything goes/specified gameplay). Whatever the side you reside on makes no difference in regard to your skill or ability to hone. The fact remains: a thin wall seperates fun from hardcore competition. Until both sides can understand this, we will never see the end of the rivarly that plagues multi-player.

If it's any consolation, I am downloading the video(only to further understand your point of view).
xrdanielalan, welcome to the forums, nice to see not all new peeps are morons:)
Can a moderator or one of the more experience members show me how to delete post #106? For some reason it was submitted before I was finished! I don't want to confuse anyone. Thanks in advance.
xrdanielalan said:
Can a moderator or one of the more experience members show me how to delete post #106? For some reason it was submitted before I was finished! I don't want to confuse anyone. Thanks in advance.

You can't delete posts. Only moderators/administrators can :(
This has got to be one of the stupidest threads I've ever read. I mean, seriously, why would you come to a HL2 Forum to brag about your skill in HLDM.

I mean, most people here don't play HLDM anymore, and those that do don't brag about it every ten seconds. I got a laugh out of this guy trying to 'explain' why he was god and we all are total noobs who can't even beat a bot in multiplayer.

I got a kick out of the guy saying something about being good with a mouse and keyboard are nothing compared to 'real sports'..

I think the world keeps increasing production of stupid people..
The 10 of you playing HLDM can enjoy it any way you wish. The rest of us will play one of the many quality mods that are more fun (realizing that is and opion, but statistically a majority opinion).
Interesting to see a hardcore HLDM player piping up, in this manor. A little too much pride, and ego are gonna give the rest of us a bad image, Stig :p I've been a hardcore hldm player since the beginning, and currently play at the top level of competition in this game (not saying I can actually compete). I love this game, and try to turn as many people as I can onto, what I think, makes it stand apart from other DM games.

At the core, I think, Is the sheer brutality and off kilter weapon balance, combined with the movement abilities, that make the game special. Yes, you can utterly destroy anything opposite a wall, with the gauss canon. Yes, you can sit back and pick people off with the crossbow, then quickly retreat from any offense, with gauss jump/bunnyhop. But, there is also a defensive strategy, for every powerful attack/tactic in the game. That is what has kept me interested for so long. The challenge of becoming more efficient, fluid, crafty, and alert to other players tactics.
Now I know these ingredients aren't exclusive to HLDM; but it seems to have the flavor I like.

For a new player, coming into the game, facing people like me and Stig, who have played for 5-6 years, there is no real chance of competing. I have seen so many people pop in, get anniahlated, and say "screw this..back to cs". I understand that. The gap between a novice player and a skilled player is pretty huge in this game, because of the power that a skilled player can control. Only the people who really get hooked stick around long enough to start holding their own. It would be the same, if somone like me tried to go out and play football with players from the NFL.

I see where Stig is coming from. I too have wanted, many times, to post here and try to discuss what makes HLDM so special to me. I haven't though, because I know that the people here, who haven't invested the time I have into the game, probably wont get it. Not saying they won't understand, but rather wont 'feel' the thing I do, unless they actually experience it. So, I just enjoy the game for what it is, and appreciate the fact that their is still a crowd to play it with. Approaching this group like Stig did, is a little brash, ballsy, and inconsiderate of the fact that most people here probably don't give a shit about hardcore HLDM. If they did, they would be playing it.
Very nice post Finger, I understand what you are saying. Thanks for making a mature decision and not walking in like you own the place.
[KIA]Stig said:
Anyone actually want a game of Half-Life Deathmatch

Or you all just going to sit here and claim you know more about a game than someone whos played it for 6 years? Wow, we're dealing with a veteran here guys. Watch out. Not trying to be a jerk here, but when you consider it an accomplishment that you have been playing a game for 6's time to find a healthier hobby.

No offense to you though, Stig. You got mad skillz dawg. I won't play with you 'cause I'd get served, pwned, owned, and other crap too.

I'd be like "OMG WTF pwnt?" and you'd be all like "You got served, bitch."
Then I'd cry and say "No, WTF?? No!!!1."

'foshizzle Stig, 'foshizzle.

EDIT: Wow, I didn't realize how much of a hard ass you are. You know, girls like tough guys like you. You're so tough, nobody can take you on. You're like the Italian Stallion...only HLDM. You are so brave, I bet all 'da gurlz is lookin'! All 'da gurlz want to date you now. They like cocky, tough video game players that kick ass like you. I bet you kick so much ass! Gurlz like ass kicking video game players. Aww, I bet I got you all red in the face now.
You know what, I'll play you dude. I will even let you make the server so that you have lower ping. I will pwn your ass so hard that you'll cry like a little girl. I'll even do it with one arm tied behind my back. I take this sh1t seriously. I'm currently ranked #5 in the universe at HLDM.

I get so many chicks because of my l33tness at HL1. More than you get, n3wb. Bring it on man. I got the skillz 2 pay 'da billz. I'll even post the results on this site so everyone can't point and laugh at your puny score.

You're going down.

Just look at how badly I owned all's members.
are the moderators sleeping or something?

i mean this guy is quite obviously a troll that probably isnt even who he claims to be, and has even posted he only signed up to annoy people (1st page)

and if he even bothers quoting me he should know that i dont play crappy 6 year old games such as HLDM becuase there are far better MP games that actualy involve skill rather than how fast you can hit spacebar.
Looks a bit like [KIA]Stig, sounds a bit like [KIA]Stig ....... me wonders if it really is [KIA]Stig though. :)

Are most of his posts from an NTL ip forum admins ?

Hi Stig if it is you, nice to see you making new friends :upstare:
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