How many of you would actually wear a hl2 shirt?

Would you wear a Half-Life 2 t-shirt?

  • Yes, I will proudly wear my Half-Life 2 shirt.

    Votes: 196 62.4%
  • No, I want to keep it in its pristine condition.

    Votes: 23 7.3%
  • No way, I'm too 'hip' to be seen in a video game shirt.

    Votes: 95 30.3%

  • Total voters


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
If and when we all get shirts, how many of you will actually slap that cloth on?
Hell yeah i wuld, shows gaming taste to all that sees it :) lol, hell i even carry the beanbag headcrab under my arms, BE PROUD!!
I dont think i would, but i do have the poster on my wall. My girl friend thinks thats geeky enough.
Maybe if it was just a big orange logo on a black shirt, that would have some style, and it'd look cool. But I'll never ever wear something with like a head of Gordon or Alyx on it or something, that's just way too geeky for my taste. I'm not the comic book store guy from the simpsons :p
PvtRyan said:
Maybe if it was just a big orange logo on a black shirt, that would have some style, and it'd look cool. But I'll never ever wear something with like a head of Gordon or Alyx on it or something, that's just way too geeky for my taste. I'm not the comic book store guy from the simpsons :p

thats funny
I would never do that since the Lamdba symbol means homosexual in greek. :)
I have the poster and I would still wear the t shirt, I bought a far cry tshirt from ebay and I dont even have the game (yet) "too geeky" is not in my vocabulary.
I might draw the line if it had Gordons or Alyx's face on it, but a HL2 logo in top left corner or middle wuldnt look bad at all :)
i know a lot of people will say its too dorky, and thats their opinion. i never let the opinions of others affect the clothes i wear, and id be proud to wear a HL t-shirt. so what if a few people think its a nerd thing to do. you know youd be walking around random places in the shirt and strangers would come up to you and tell you they were a fan too.
That's the lamest thing I have ever heard. What kind of a loser wears a half life 2 shirt with pride. That's like all those hicks who wear the free shirts they get out of case of 24 like their real cool. I hope you all do wear them.

It's not like it's a retro trend like atari shirts.
^hahaha wanker:p.
Id wear it if it looked good, simple as that. If the logo was centred, on the front and large it would be good. I hate logos on the back of tshirts. Anyway you get the idea
SHIPPI said:
I'd wear one...

What's wrong with wearing a HL2 shirt? I wear DYE paintball shirts all the time.. is that wrong too? Or should we all just wear plain black t-shirts so everyone's the same? :rolleyes:
nooooooo people aren't allowed to wear black. If everyone started doing that then I'd have to wear white suits instead, and I don't want that to happen *cries and takes it out on badger*
Can't say I'd wear it with pride...but I'm poor and need shirts ;) so I would gladly wear it.
If it looked good, I'd wear it often. If it looked bad, I'd still wear it once or twice, then it would be assimilated into the pile of t-shirts I don't wear in my closet.
*Pries Fenric off Badger with his crowbar* How is it geeky? I would wear it if it had the Lamba symbol on the front and the G-Man's 'naughty' face on the back.
I got a Deus Ex: Invisible War t-shirt when I pre-ordered that game (go ahead and laugh, I deserve it), but I never wear it except to do housework sometimes. However, if I could get my hands on a black shirt with a simple orange HL2 logo right in the middle of the chest, I'd definitely wear that.
I shed a single tear for all of you. Some day you will learn style and respect.

Some day
ray_MAN said:
*Pries Fenric off Badger with his crowbar* How is it geeky? I would wear it if it had the Lamba symbol on the front and the G-Man's 'naughty' face on the back.

the gman's gay! I was always wondering what the g stood for, thank you:)
I dont think i would, considering the HL2 symbol is also a logo of a momosexual rights group...

Not that I have anything wrong with homosexuality... but it just wouldnt bode well for me.... :imu:

Plus not enough people are gamers for me to wear one in public yet. I dont want people thinking I am weird or somthing.... (Even if they would be idiots)
wonkers said:
I shed a single tear for all of you. Some day you will learn style and respect.

Some day

Maybe you could teach me, oh worthy master.
Maybe I could. Depends on your opinions. If you would wear a style that has a seriously short shelf life then your lost.

Those are called fads, like all the girls who started wearing ties becasue Avril did. If you want to cop out origenality for short term popularity and marketed recognition go right ahead.

Good luck
wonkers said:
Maybe I could. Depends on your opinions. If you would wear a style that has a seriously short shelf life then your lost.

Those are called fads, like all the girls who started wearing ties becasue Avril did. If you want to cop out origenality for short term popularity and marketed recognition go right ahead.

Good luck

So, I'd love to know what your daily ensemble is comprised of.
wonkers said:
Maybe I could. Depends on your opinions. If you would wear a style that has a seriously short shelf life then your lost.

Those are called fads, like all the girls who started wearing ties becasue Avril did. If you want to cop out origenality for short term popularity and marketed recognition go right ahead.

Good luck

"I don't know what the f@#$ you just said little kid but your special, you reached out and touched a brothers heart"
wonkers said:
I shed a single tear for all of you. Some day you will learn style and respect.

Some day

You're a Chav, right?
Heh its not just to do with the fact that it has the hl2 logo its also because it would be a cool tshirt.

edit- oh yeah and why are you posting on a hl2 site if its not "cool"?
Lamda symbol on the back and a small one at the sleeve would be cool to wear.
I have my shirt from last year's E3 and this years E3. I wear them both. I had an extra from this year and sold it on ebay for 32 bucks. So there is someone out there more desperate than me to wear one.
I have a HalfLife 1 t-shirt I wear but then again I am a tosser. Hey maybe I should take a photo of me in it and send it to :D After all I have got a saxo :x
I would definatly wear it...

Im proud to be a HL addict!!!

unless of course the t shirt was sh!tty looking... and pink... then I wouldn't wear it, but if it looks sweet I would wear constantly!!!
I wouldn't wear it, I seriously doubt they'd have any my stlye even if you ignore the fact that it'd be a public admission of geekiness.
Hell. Yes. I've been trying to figure out how to get one, hell, I even asked Yahn if he'd send me one. :D He said, "They're coming soon." :(
I want to keep my lunch no I wouldnt wear the HL2 t-shirt in might as well just wear a bullseye t-shirt with the words "l never get any"